- Closed
- perforce-software-p4convert
- B
Reported By
- Norman Morse
Reported Date
- 10 years ago
Modified By
- swarm-user
Modified Date
- 10 years ago
Dev Notes
- Customer Says:
I have found a discrepancy between the CVS repository and the resulting Perforce depot. Hopefully I can get a quick response on this and we can determine how to handle it.
I’m going to assume you still have access to my test CVS repository. This is regarding file “files.f”.
On the “TSMC40LP” branch, I have the following history:
% p4 -p 2001 filelog //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/TSMC40LP/rtl/rtl/files.f
... #5 change 242549 edit on 2013/04/15 by shg@p4-client (ltext) 'added DW02_mult to files.f '
... #4 change 242543 edit on 2013/04/13 by shg@p4-client (ltext) 'fied the USB2.0 BERT test issu'
... #3 change 242525 edit on 2013/04/07 by shg@p4-client (ltext) ' added all chnage after design '
... #2 change 242519 branch on 2013/04/05 by sharathk@p4-client (ltext) 'fixed the CDC issue '
... ... branch from //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/files.f#1,#12
... #1 change 242518 delete on 2013/04/05 by shg@p4-client (ltext) 'file files.f was added on branc'
Notice the first change is a delete. This doesn’t make sense and probably shouldn’t even be listed.
Here is the pertinent data from the CVSdump. Note the dates and the extra delete.
('2013/04/05:20:00:34', 'shg', 'CVSrepo/usb30_phy/rtl/files.f,v', '')
('2013/04/07:16:48:05', 'shg', 'CVSrepo/usb30_phy/rtl/files.f,v', '')
('2013/04/13:15:27:46', 'shg', 'CVSrepo/usb30_phy/rtl/files.f,v', '')
('2013/04/15:18:05:25', 'shg', 'CVSrepo/usb30_phy/rtl/files.f,v', '')
Customer also says:
Because of how we’re integrating from the new depot to our existing depot (change-by-change, label-by-label) it does cause a problem. Since the first version (the “delete” version) can’t be imported, all subsequent version have an incorrect version number. This throws off labeling since that tries to match version to version across depots.
- Bug