BBI-1 | Add support for Streams. The BBI config file will need to support a STREAM en...try, with a format something like this: STREAM|<Stream>|<Type>|<Owner>|<Parent>|<Description>|[|<StreamOptions>] Like: STREAM|//fgs/main|mainline|p4import|none|FGS mainline STREAM|//fgs/R2.1|release|p4import|//fgs/main|FGS R2.1|ownersubmit unlocked toparent nofromparent This can be used to create a new stream spec, or reparent an existing one. In addition to providing stream spec manipulation, the stream workspace will need to be adjusted between each basline import, and the worspace reset. The BBI config file will need to support a POPULATE entry, with a format something like this: POPULATE|<Stream>|<OptionFlags> « | |
BBI-2 | Retool to use 'p4 reconcile'. Prior to 'p4 reconcile', the BBI used a series... of commands to figure out what changed in a workspace. Commands searched for newly added files, newly added symlinks, deleted files, and modified files. Now 'p4 reconcile' does that more efficiently, and all in one step. As a bonus, this will add automatic detection to P4BBI, as 'p4 reconcile' detects renames. (It uses a heuristic which amounts to a guess, rather than being truly deterministic, but it's proven to be good enough to be helpful -- so far perfect in my experience). This will also fix a problem encountered when files with '@' in the filename are deleted between baseline updates. The older method of using 'p4 diff -sd ... | p4 -x - delete' failed with such files, but 'p4 reconcile' handles that case just fine. « | |
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