job000104 | x64 Support, to work with the next Major version of Unity | |
job000109 | - DllNotFoundException:p4bridge followed by P4Connect not working. Happens most... of the time when there are native plugins in the project. « | |
job000112 | - Lost connection in P4Connect, could not recover connection, had to restart Uni...ty. « | |
job000122 | P4Connect confused with multiple projects - ... I have two projects on the one PC connected to different servers and workspaces, yet P4Connect only ever remembers the last one I used, meaning I have to reconfigure and reconnect every time I launch the other project. Reported in Case 00111650 « | |
job000134 | P4Connect does not work with Unity5 beta It looks like Unity 5 is now a 64-bi...t application, and our plug-in is a 32-bit lib. We will need to provide both a 32 and 64 bit build. « | |
job000146 | Per-project Perforce settings "It would be useful if you could have per-proje...ct perforce settings, if you have a different workspace for each project, or if you connect to different servers." Request from a reviewer/user from the Unity Asset Store « | |
job000165 | P4Connect doesn't allow you to specify a server in Unity 5, it's always "Invalid... Server URI". « | |
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