SDP-13 | Added support for systemd init mechanism. Red Hat 7 has replaced SysV init sc...ripts with systemd. Seems like systemd is controversial in the Linux community on several levels, but regardless, it's now baked into a popular Linux distro. We should consider supporting it, as the Perforce-related services can't start on RHEL7 unless we do figure out how to convert the init scripts to use systemd. We don't necessarily need to continue supporting automatic restart of the Perforce service on reboot. It is a conveneicne, but some of the most risk-averse sites have explicilty avoided having p4d start automatically on reboot. That is because doing so could potentially make a bad corruption situation worse. For example, if a kernel panic, sudden power loss, or p4d bug results in database corruption, it is be best not to start p4d right away anyway, and instead recover from offline databases and the active journal before restarting. The SDP p4d_N_init script template implements a safety feature to address the specific situation of "sudden death" scenarios. If the fast 'p4d -xvU' check fails, p4d_N_init refuses to restart p4d. That check tests whether any databases were left open, which you would expect after a suddent death scenario, but not after a normal 'p4 admin stop'. « | |
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