Added, a simple script that creates zip files from depot files without the need
to load the files into the workspace first.
Using 'p4 print', p4zip will store the specified files in a zip file. The files names are mapped to local
names using the workspace view mapping. Note that you do not have to be in the workspace to do so.
The workspace view map is used to transform the depot files into local files. For example, if the workspace
has the following view
//depot/Jam/MAIN/src/... //ws/Jam/MAIN/src/...
then the following command --client ws //depot/Jam/MAIN/src/...
would transform the file '//depot/Jam/MAIN/src/compile.c' into 'Jam/MAIN/src/compile.c' in the zip file.
No local files are created but the zip file. Note that the script could consume a lot of memory if the files
to be loaded into the zip files are very large.