###################################################################### # Copyright (c)2011-2012, David L. Armstrong. # # P4OO._Connection.py # # See COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE section below for usage # and distribution rights. # ###################################################################### #NAME / DESCRIPTION ''' Abstract P4OO Connection interface P4OO._Connection provides the translation from P4OO data-object calls into P4 subcommands, and translation of p4 subcommand output back into P4OO data-objects. ''' ###################################################################### # Includes # # P4OO._Base brings in our Exception hierarchy #import P4OO._Base # P4OO._Base is also our parent class from P4OO._Base import _P4OOBase ###################################################################### # P4Python Class Initialization # class _P4OOConnection(_P4OOBase): ''' Empty class, just providing the inheritance path for now. ''' pass ###################################################################### # Standard authorship and copyright for documentation # # AUTHOR # # David L. Armstrong # # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE # # Copyright (c)2011-2012, David L. Armstrong. # # This module is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License # 2.0. For more details, see the full text of the license in the file # LICENSE. # # SUPPORT AND WARRANTY # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any expressed # or implied warranties. #