#!/usr/bin/perl -w # -*- perl -*- use P4CGI ; use strict ; ################################################################# # # # The great # # P 4 S U B M I T R A C E # # contest # # # # This is unpublished and unofficial and unsupported and untrusted # and unbelivable non-proprietary source code of MYDATA automation AB # Do whatever you want with it. We don't care. # # Send your comments, flames, fan email, threats, email bombs, spam etc to: # fredric@mydata.se # # Troubleshooting guide: # Apart from the usual problems with cgi's you might get in touble # with the P4 protection system. I think you must have at least "list" # access to the depot, but I have not tested this so..... # # Other than that: You're on your own buddy! # ################################################################# # my $DEFAULT_LENGTH = 499 ; # Set default number of changes # my $changes = $DEFAULT_LENGTH ; my %subsByUsr; # Contains number of submits by user my %userpoints; # Contains "points" per user (actually, used to compute the # "mean position" of all the submits found by user). This is used to # evaluate users "speed". my %ptsInLast10; # Contains number of submits in the oldest ten percent. A little "extra" # feature to make comments more interesting. # # Find out if mozilla (an evil plot to make the user feel he is always wrong) # my $browser = $ENV{"HTTP_USER_AGENT"} ; my $bestViewed = "Netscape Navigator "; my $blink="B" ; if(($browser =~ /mozilla/i) and not ($browser =~ /msie/i)) { $bestViewed = "Microsoft Explorer " ; $blink="BLINK" ; } my $replay = &P4CGI::cgi()->param("REPLAY") ; $replay = undef unless defined $replay and $replay =~ /^\d+$/ ; $replay = 0 unless defined $replay ; # # Read p4 repository # local *CHANGES ; my $skip = $replay ; my $ch = $changes + $replay ; &P4CGI::p4call(*CHANGES,"changes -m $ch -s submitted") ; my $tenPercent = $changes/10 ; my $pos = 0 ; my $lastUsr ; my $firstUsr ; my $leadChange ; my $tmpch = $changes ; while () { unless(defined $leadChange) { /^Change (\d+).*/ ; $leadChange = $1 ; }; next if $skip-- > 0 ; $tmpch-- || do { last ; } ; /(\w+)@/ || do { next ; } ; $pos++ ; $lastUsr = $1 ; $firstUsr = $1 unless defined $firstUsr ; if(!$subsByUsr{$1}) { $subsByUsr{$1} = 1 ; $userpoints{$1} = $pos ; } else { $userpoints{$1} += $pos ; $subsByUsr{$1}++ ; } if($tmpch < $tenPercent) { if(defined $ptsInLast10{$1}) { $ptsInLast10{$1} += 1 ; } else { $ptsInLast10{$1} = 1 ; } ; } } my $total = $pos ; close CHANGES; my %userToName ; &P4CGI::p4user2name(\%userToName) ; ## ## Write html code ## # # Get date and time # my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time()); my $date = sprintf("%d/%d-%4.4d %2.2d:%2.2d", $mday,$mon+1,$year+1900, $hour,$min) ; my @buttons ; my $d = &P4CGI::CURR_DEPOT_NO() ; if($replay > 0) { my $r = $replay-1 ; &P4CGI::EXTRAHEADER(-Refresh => "4; URL=p4race.cgi?DP=$d;REPLAY=$r") ; push @buttons, &P4CGI::buttonCell("p4race.cgi", "Abort replay", "Abort Replay") ; } else { &P4CGI::EXTRAHEADER(-Refresh => "30; URL=p4race.cgi?DP=$d") ; push @buttons, &P4CGI::buttonCell("p4race.cgi", "Replay the last 30 submits", "REPLAY=30", "Replay") ; } print &P4CGI::start_page("",@buttons); print &P4CGI::start_framedTable("P4 submit race $date
Distance: $changes changes") ; # # Compute a background color # srand($leadChange) ; my $bc=(((((rand(0x10)*5)+0xB0) & 0xf0)*0x10000)+ ((((rand(0x10)*5)+0xB0) & 0xf0)*0x100) + (( (rand(0x10)*5)+0xB0) & 0xf0)) ; my $lcolor=sprintf("%6.6X",$bc & 0xf0f0f0) ; # # Start building table # my $posInRace = 0; my $prevUserPoints = 0; my $usersAtSamePos = 1; my $usr ; my $table="first" ; print "

", &P4CGI::start_table("BORDER=10 ALIGN=CENTER BGCOLOR=$lcolor"), &P4CGI::table_row(-type=>"th", "Position", "User", "# of submits", "Comment") ; foreach $usr (sort { $subsByUsr{$b} <=> $subsByUsr{$a} } (keys %subsByUsr)){ # # Compute weighted mean position for users submits # my $meanPos = 100*(1-($userpoints{$usr}/($subsByUsr{$usr}*$total))) ; # # Set a status message depending on mean pos # my $status ; $status = "A LOSER" ; $status = "Losing position fast" if $meanPos > 10 ; $status = "Losing" if $meanPos > 25 ; $status = "Losing slowly" if $meanPos > 33 ; $status = "Almost keeping pace" if $meanPos > 43 ; $status = "Hanging in there" if $meanPos > 47 ; $status = "Almost advancing" if $meanPos > 53 ; $status = "Advancing slowly" if $meanPos > 57 ; $status = "Advancing" if $meanPos > 70 ; $status = "Advancing fast" if $meanPos > 80 ; $status = "A ROCKET!" if $meanPos > 90 ; # # Compute how many of users submits that are in the last 10% # (== he will soon lose the points) # my $troublePts = 0 ; # Contains percentage of points in last 10% of submits if(defined $ptsInLast10{$usr}) { $troublePts = ($ptsInLast10{$usr}*100)/$subsByUsr{$usr} ; } ; # # Add an extra text if user has a lot of points in last 10% # my $and = " and" ; $and = " but" if $meanPos > 43 ; my $tmp = "" ; $tmp = "$and in some trouble" if ($troublePts > 12) ; $tmp = "$and in trouble" if ($troublePts > 15); $tmp = "$and in big trouble" if ($troublePts > 20); $tmp = "$and in huge trouble" if ($troublePts > 30); $status .=$tmp ; if($subsByUsr{$usr} != $prevUserPoints){ $posInRace = $posInRace + $usersAtSamePos; $prevUserPoints = $subsByUsr{$usr}; $usersAtSamePos = 1; $pos = $posInRace ; } else { $usersAtSamePos = $usersAtSamePos + 1; $pos =" " ; } ; # # Treat the first three special # $pos eq "1" && do { $pos="<$blink>First" ; }; $pos eq "2" && do { $pos="Second"; }; $pos eq "3" && do { $pos="Third" ; }; # # End first table and start second if position is greater than 3 # $posInRace ge "4" && ($table eq "first") && do { print &P4CGI::end_table(), "\nFollowed by:\n", &P4CGI::start_table("BORDER=3 BGCOLOR=\"#E0E0E0\""), &P4CGI::table_row(-type=>"th", "Position", "User", "# of submits", "Comment") ; $table="second" ; } ; # # Translate user to "real name", if available # my $user = $usr ; if($userToName{$usr} && ($userToName{$usr} ne $usr)) { $user = "$userToName{$usr}" ; }; # # Print table entry # my @bgcolor = () ; push @bgcolor,("-bgcolor","\"#99ff99\"") if $usr eq $firstUsr; $subsByUsr{$usr} = "$subsByUsr{$usr}" if $usr eq $lastUsr; print &P4CGI::table_row({-align=>"center", -text=>$pos}, $user, {-align=>"center", @bgcolor, -text=>$subsByUsr{$usr}}, $status) ; }; # # Print page end # print &P4CGI::end_table(), "\n

This page is best viewed with $bestViewed", &P4CGI::end_framedTable(), &P4CGI::end_page();