----- PerforceOT Developer Information ----- JBuilder 4 or above is required to extend the PerfroceOT library. Import the Borland Opentools SDK library into the project. Package Structure: com.dafreels.images p4win2.gif Icons for the menu items com.dafreels.opentools Main.java Starting point for the opentool PerforceActionProvider.java Used by JBuilder to register the PerforceMenu in the ProjectView com.dafreels.opentools.actions ActionImages.java Class that creates and holds the Icons from p4win2.fig AddAction.java Opens selected file(s) for add DeleteAction.java Opens selected file(s) for delete DescribeAction.java Describes the selected file(s) DiffAction.java Diffs the selected file(s). EditAction.java Opens selected file(s) for edit FileHistoryAction.java Displays the FileHistory (Properties) for the selected file(s) LockAction.java Opens for Edit and locks the selected file(s) PerforceMenu.java The context menu PreviewAction.java Executes a sync preview RevertAction.java Reverts the selected file(s) ProjectStatusAction.java Displays the status of all the files in the JBuilder project. (Not working) RevertAction.java Reverts a file StatusAction.java Displays the status of selected file(s) SubmitAction.java Displays a submit dialog box with the files from the default changelist. SyncAction.java Executes a sync on the selected file(s) or directory UnlockAction.java Unlocks the selected file(s) com.dafreels.opentolls.actions.ui DescribeDialog.java Used by the DescribeAction to display information from the describe command FileModel.java Used by the SubmitDialog for the file table. HistoryDialog.java Used by the FileHistoryAction to display a history list of the files. StatusDialog.java Used by the StatusAction to display the Status of the file(s) SubmitDialog.java Similar to the submit dialog used by P4Win, but only works for the default changelist. com.dafreels.opentools.command CommandTool.java Executes p4 commands from the action classes ProcessReader.java Thread used to read data from the p4 command com.dafreels.opentools.properties JBuilderProperties.java The class that holds the Perforce properties for JBuilder PerforceGroup.java Contains the properties used by the Perforce properties page. PerforcePage.java The property page used in the project properties dialog to register Perforce specific properties. PerforcePageFactory.java Used to generate the PerforcePage Adding a new property 1) Add the property to the PerforceGroup class 2) Create a UI component to the PerforcePage class to allow the property to be edited. Adding a new Perforce menu option 1) Create a new class that extends com.borland.primetime.ide.BrowserAction 2) Add the new class to the PerforceMenu class