Setting Up SSH For Non-Password Authentication ------------------------------------------------------------------- Definitions: $REMOTE = remote machine to log into $RUSER = remote user on the remote machine to log in as. From the machine that will run ssh: # Create the keys for the local machine $ ssh-keygen -t rsa (use default location, and no passphrase) # Install the ssh keys on the remote machine. $ scp ~/.ssh/ $RUSER@$REMOTE:./pubkey (this will force you to login and authenticate the server, which must be done at least once) $ ssh $RUSER@$REMOTE "mkdir ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh ; cat ~/pubkey >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ; chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ; rm ~/pubkey" (this will force you to login again) $ ssh $RUSER@$REMOTE (you shouldn't need to log in. If you do, check the local and remote security files for instructions) Test: --------------------------------------------------------- jini00: perforce live server userid = perforce houses live versions of all the scripts, which should be rsync'ed over to build00 build00: perforce backup server userid = perforce