Part 0: What we've got P4/ - a P4 module the reads an equivalent to the cvs-modules file for mapping depot directories into client directories or other branch directories. And vice versa. It's for writing scripts. The public interface is pretty simple right now. bin/ - a script to convert cvs-modules to p4-modules bin/ - a sample script for generating branch specs bin/ - a sample script for generating client specs bin/ - a sample script for mapping CVS directories back into the depot. Only useful for reference. bin/ - a script to map all of the branches for all of the modules into a client spec. Now that cvs2p4 supports P4::Modules, this isn't really needed (and it makes for really slow 'p4 where' commands). Using the p4-modules file from is the recommended practice. Part 1: Getting ready to use P4::Modules CREATING A P4 MODULES FILE To create a p4 modules file, use the mkmodules script. This takes a CVS modules file and creates an equivalent one that can be used by the P4::Modules Perl module. Obtain the use info with: -h For an example of a mapfile, see sample.depotmap. For an example of a CVS files regexp file, see sample.cvs-files. The output of mkmodules can be saved and used as the modules definitions for the other scripts. CREATING A CONVERSION CLIENT To create a Perforce client spec which can be used to map all of the modules and any branches desired into a Perforce client workspace. You can import the client spec into perforce with a command like: mkconvclient [ options ] | p4 client -i Obtain the use info with: -h For an example of a branches file, see sample.branches. For an example of a modules file, see sample.modules. Part 2: Using P4::Modules CREATING A CLIENT SPEC Use the script to generate a Perforce client spec with the P4 modules and branches that you desire. This script will only give you one version of each module but you can mix and match which versions of each module are mapped out of the Perforce depot. You can import the client spec into perforce with a command like: mkclient [ options ] | p4 client -i Obtain the use info with: -h For an example of a config file, see sample.mkclient. For an example of a modules file, see sample.modules. CREATING A BRANCH SPEC Use the script to generate a Perforce branch spec with the P4 modules and branches that you desire. This script will only give you one version of each module but you can mix and match which versions of each module are branched to the new branch location. You can import the branch spec into perforce with a command like: mkbranch [ options ] | p4 branch -i Obtain the use info with: -h For an example of a config file, see sample.mkbranch. For an example of a modules file, see sample.modules. DETERMINING WHERE A CVS FILE IS IN THE DEPOT and FINDING DUPLICATELY MAPPED DIRECTORIES Use the script for this. Given a path (and branch) under CVSROOT, it will return the location in the depot. As a side effect, also warns of conflicting file mappings. Obtain the use info with: -h Example: ./bin/c2pwhere -b 0.5 -f atg.modules /atg/atginstall/lib/... or ./bin/c2pwhere -b 0.5 -f atg.modules /atg/atginstall/lib/somefile example output is: //products/DAS/0.5/atg/atginstall/lib/... or //products/DAS/0.5/atg/atginstall/lib/somefile NOTE: The path argument isn't the full path. It's relative to CVSROOT.