#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1997-2007, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE # SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON # ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR # TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF # THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH # DAMAGE. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TC_Resolve < Test::Unit::TestCase include P4RubyTest def name "Test resolve operations" end def test_resolve assert( p4, "Failed to create Perforce client" ) begin test_dir = "test_resolve" Dir.mkdir( test_dir ) file = "foo" bar = "bar" fname = File.join( test_dir, file ) bname = File.join( test_dir, bar ) assert( p4.connect, "Failed to connect to Perforce server" ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Shouldn't have any open files" ) # Create the file to test resolve File.open( fname, 'w' ) { |fd| fd.puts( "First Line!" ) } p4.run_add( fname ) assert_equal( 1, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "First resolve submit" assert_equal( "First resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Create a second revision of the file p4.run_edit( fname ) File.open( fname, "a" ) { |fd| fd.puts( "Second Line." ) } assert_equal( 1, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Second resolve submit" assert_equal( "Second resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) assert_nothing_raised( "Problem scheduling resolve for {#fname}" ) do # Now sync to rev #1 p4.run_sync( fname + "#1" ) # open the file for edit and sync to schedule a resolve p4.run_edit( fname ) p4.run_sync( fname ) end # ...and test a standard resolve p4.run_resolve do |md| client = p4.client assert( md.class == P4::MergeData, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_equal( "//#{client}/#{fname}", md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_equal( "//depot/#{fname}#2", md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_equal( "//depot/#{fname}#1", md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) assert_equal( "at", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) "at" end change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Third resolve submit" assert_equal( "Third resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Test to check that exceptions cause the resolve to stop at # the point that the exception happened. assert_nothing_raised( "Problem scheduling resolve for {#fname}" ) do p4.run_sync( fname + "#1" ) p4.run_edit( fname ) p4.run_sync( fname + "#2" ) p4.run_edit( fname ) p4.run_sync( fname ) end assert_equal( 2, p4.run_resolve( "-n" ).length, "Unexpected number of resolves scheduled" ) assert_raise( RuntimeError ) do count = 0 p4.run_resolve do |md| raise RuntimeError, "Force an exception during a resolve." unless count > 0 count += 1 "at" end end assert_equal( 2, p4.run_resolve( "-n" ).length, "Unexpected number of resolves scheduled" ) p4.run_revert( '//...' ) # # ACTION RESOLVE TEST # # Schedule a branch resolve assert_nothing_raised( "Problem scheduling branch resolve from 'foo' to 'bar'" ) do p4.run_integ( "-Rb", '//depot/test_resolve/foo', '//depot/test_resolve/bar' ) end assert_equal( 1, p4.run_resolve( "-n" ).length, "Unexpected number of resolves scheduled" ) p4.run_resolve do |md| if( md.action_resolve? ) assert_kind_of( P4::MergeData, md, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_nil( md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_nil( md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_nil( md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) info = md.info.shift assert_equal( "//depot/test_resolve/foo", info[ 'fromFile' ], "Unexpected fromFile in info: #{info[ 'fromFile' ]}" ) assert_equal( "branch", info[ 'resolveType' ], "Unexpected resolveType in info: #{info[ 'resolveType' ]}" ) assert_equal( "ignore", md.yours_action, "Unexpected yours_action: #{md.yours_action}" ) assert_equal( "branch", md.their_action, "Unexpected their_action: #{md.their_action}" ) assert_nil( md.merge_action, "Unexpected merge_action: #{md.merge_action}" ) assert_equal( "Branch resolve", md.action_type, "Unexpected type: #{md.action_type}" ) assert_equal( "at", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge_hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) md.merge_hint elsif( md.content_resolve? ) assert( false, "Unexpected content resolve scheduled" ) else assert( false, "Unknown resolve type scheduled" ); end end change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Fourth resolve submit" assert_equal( "Fourth resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Schedule a content and filetype resolve p4.run_edit( "-t+x", fname ) File.open( fname, "a" ) { |fd| fd.puts( "Third Line." ) } p4.run_edit( "-t+w", bname ) assert_equal( 2, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Fifth resolve submit" assert_equal( "Fifth resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) assert_nothing_raised( "Problem scheduling branching resolve from 'foo' to 'bar'" ) do source = "//depot/" + fname target = "//depot/" + bname p4.run_integ( source, target ) end assert_equal( 2, p4.run_resolve( "-n" ).length, "Unexpected number of resolves scheduled" ) p4.run_resolve do |md| if( md.action_resolve? ) assert_kind_of( P4::MergeData, md, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_nil( md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_nil( md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_nil( md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) info = md.info.shift assert_equal( "//depot/test_resolve/foo", info[ 'fromFile' ], "Unexpected fromFile in info: #{info[ 'fromFile' ]}" ) assert_equal( "filetype", info[ 'resolveType' ], "Unexpected resolveType in info: #{info[ 'resolveType' ]}" ) assert_equal( "(text+w)", md.yours_action, "Unexpected yours_action: #{md.yours_action}" ) assert_equal( "(text+x)", md.their_action, "Unexpected their_action: #{md.their_action}" ) assert_equal( "(text+wx)", md.merge_action, "Unexpected merge_action: #{md.merge_action}" ) assert_equal( "Filetype resolve", md.action_type, "Unexpected type: #{md.action_type}" ) assert_equal( "am", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge_hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) md.merge_hint elsif( md.content_resolve? ) client = p4.client assert_kind_of( P4::MergeData, md, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_equal( "//#{client}/#{bname}", md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_equal( "//depot/#{fname}#4", md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_equal( "//depot/#{fname}#3", md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) assert_equal( "at", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge_hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) assert_kind_of( Array, md.info, "Resolve information wasn't an array." ) assert_equal( 2, md.info.length, "Unexpected resolve information: #{md.info.inspect}") assert_nil( md.yours_action, "Unexpected yours_action: #{md.yours_action}" ) assert_nil( md.their_action, "Unexpected their_action: #{md.their_action}" ) assert_nil( md.merge_action, "Unexpected merge_action: #{md.merge_action}" ) assert_nil( md.action_type, "Unexpected type: #{md.action_type}" ) md.merge_hint else assert( false, "Unknown resolve type scheduled" ); end end change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Sixth resolve submit" assert_equal( "Sixth resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # # Test binary resolves # srcbin = "src.bin" tgtbin = "tgt.bin" srcname = File.join( test_dir, srcbin ) tgtname = File.join( test_dir, tgtbin ) File.open( srcname, 'w' ) { |fd| fd.puts( "First line in binary file!" ) } p4.run_add( "-t", "binary", srcname ) change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "First binary resolve submit" assert_equal( "First binary resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Branch assert_nothing_raised( "Problem branching from 'src.bin' to 'tgt.bin'" ) do p4.run_integ( '//depot/test_resolve/src.bin', '//depot/test_resolve/tgt.bin' ) end change = p4.fetch_change assert( change.kind_of?( P4::Spec ), "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Second binary resolve submit" assert( change._description == "Second binary resolve submit", "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Edit p4.run_edit( "-t", "+x", srcname ) File.open( srcname, 'a' ) { |fd| fd.puts( "Second line in binary file!" ) } assert_equal( 1, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) change = p4.fetch_change assert_kind_of( P4::Spec, change, "Change form is not a P4::Spec" ) change._description = "Third binary resolve submit" assert_equal( "Third binary resolve submit", change._description, "Change description not set properly" ) assert_submit( "Failed to add file", change ) assert_equal( 0, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) # Integrate # Branch assert_nothing_raised( "Problem integrating from 'src.bin' to 'tgt.bin'" ) do p4.run_integ( '//depot/test_resolve/src.bin', '//depot/test_resolve/tgt.bin' ) end assert_equal( 1, p4.run_opened.length, "Unexpected number of open files" ) assert_equal( 2, p4.run_resolve( "-n" ).length, "Unexpected number of resolves scheduled" ) p4.run_resolve do |md| if( md.action_resolve? ) assert_kind_of( P4::MergeData, md, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_nil( md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_nil( md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_nil( md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) info = md.info.shift assert_equal( "//depot/test_resolve/src.bin", info[ 'fromFile' ], "Unexpected fromFile in info: #{info[ 'fromFile' ]}" ) assert_equal( "filetype", info[ 'resolveType' ], "Unexpected resolveType in info: #{info[ 'resolveType' ]}" ) assert_equal( "(binary)", md.yours_action, "Unexpected yours_action: #{md.yours_action}" ) assert_equal( "(binary+x)", md.their_action, "Unexpected their_action: #{md.their_action}" ) assert_nil( md.merge_action, "Unexpected merge_action: #{md.merge_action}" ) assert_equal( "Filetype resolve", md.action_type, "Unexpected type: #{md.action_type}" ) assert_equal( "at", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge_hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) md.merge_hint elsif( md.content_resolve? ) client = p4.client assert_kind_of( P4::MergeData, md, "Merge data wasn't a P4::MergeData object" ) assert_nil( md.base_name, "Unexpected Base name: #{md.base_name}" ) assert_nil( md.your_name, "Unexpected Your name: #{md.your_name}" ) assert_nil( md.their_name, "Unexpected Their name: #{md.their_name}" ) assert_nil( md.base_path, "Unexpected base_path: #{md.base_path}" ) assert_equal( File.expand_path( tgtname), md.your_path, "Unexpected your_path: #{md.your_path}" ) assert( md.their_path, "their_path not set correctly" ) assert_equal( "at", md.merge_hint, "Unexpected merge_hint: #{md.merge_hint}" ) assert_kind_of( Array, md.info, "Resolve information wasn't an array." ) assert_equal( 2, md.info.length, "Unexpected resolve information: #{md.info.inspect}") assert_nil( md.yours_action, "Unexpected yours_action: #{md.yours_action}" ) assert_nil( md.their_action, "Unexpected their_action: #{md.their_action}" ) assert_nil( md.merge_action, "Unexpected merge_action: #{md.merge_action}" ) assert_nil( md.action_type, "Unexpected type: #{md.action_type}" ) md.merge_hint else assert( false, "Unknown resolve type scheduled" ); end end ensure p4.run_revert( '//...' ) unless( p4.run_opened.empty? ) p4.disconnect end end # # Local method to help ensure submits are working # def assert_submit( msg, *args ) assert_block( msg ) do begin result = @p4.run_submit( args ) if( result[-1].has_key?( 'submittedChange' ) ) true else false end rescue P4Exception false end end end end