#PIPER Piper is a Perforce desktop client that is designed to be simpler to use than P4V. Note that Piper has nowhere near the functionality of P4V, and probably never will (in fact, the original project has a 2.0 version that has an even *simpler* interface!) ### EXTRAS The Piper project includes two scripts: * SubmitTagger.py - this script adds comma-delimited "tags" to the items in the corresponding changelist. By default, tags are specified in the changelist description using hashtag-style words (e.g. *#funStuff*). * ThumbnailGenerator.py ## Distribution ### MAC ### WINDOWS ## Packaging ### MAC ### WINDOWS ## Documentation __TBC__ The markdown file `README.md` (this document) is located in the project's root directory on the Workshop. ## Requirements ### GENERAL Piper has been tested with Perforce server version 2013.2 and above, although there is no reason that it should not work with an earlier Perforce version. ### P4Search Piper can search the Perforce repository if you have P4Search ### MAC Piper has been tested with Mac OSX 10.9 and above. ### WINDOWS Piper has been tested with Windows 7 and Windows 8. Piper does require .Net 4.5 to function. The Piper installer (msi) makes registry entries and must be run by a user with administrative rights. ## Limitations Currently, Piper only supports classic Perforce depots (i.e. no streams). It wouldn't be too difficult to modify Piper to support using streams (and in fact might make workspace management a lot easier). ## Support Piper is distributed in a *BYOS* model... Bring Your Own Support. ### Issues Issues are tracked on the Workshop under the [Jobs](https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-piper/jobs/) tab. ## Quick Start ### MAC ### WINDOWS ## Source ### Building Piper __TBC__ ### Contributing __TBC__