// // P4SearchItem.m // Perforce // // Created by Adam Czubernat on 13/01/2014. // Copyright (c) 2014 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. // #import "P4SearchItem.h" @interface P4SearchItem () { __weak P4NetworkOperation *runningOperation; } - (NSString *)queryForSearchTerms:(NSString *)terms; - (id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary parentItem:(P4Item *)parent; @end @implementation P4SearchItem @synthesize searchQuery; @synthesize searchDirectory, searchWorkspaceOnly; @synthesize searchFilenames, searchContents, searchTags; @synthesize searchResultTags, searchFilteredTags; #pragma mark - Public - (void)setSearchQuery:(NSString *)string { searchQuery = string; self.localPath = [@"search://" stringByAppendingString:searchQuery]; } #pragma mark - P4Item Override - (instancetype)initWithParent:(P4Item *)parentItem { if (self = [super initWithParent:parentItem]) if (!parentItem) { searchFilenames = searchContents = searchTags = YES; name = @"Search"; self.localPath = @"search://"; self.remotePath = nil; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [runningOperation cancel]; runningOperation = nil; } - (BOOL)isEditable { return NO; } - (NSArray *)actions { if (flags.directory) return nil; return [super actions]; } - (void)loadPath:(NSString *)path { [runningOperation cancel]; runningOperation = nil; children = @[]; flags.loading = YES; searchResultTags = nil; if (!searchQuery && path) searchQuery = [path stringByRemovingPrefix:@"search://"]; [self setSearchQuery:searchQuery]; if (!searchQuery.length) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(finishLoading) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; return; } runningOperation = [[P4Workspace sharedInstance] searchFiles:[self queryForSearchTerms:searchQuery] path:searchDirectory response:^(P4Operation *operation, NSArray *response) { if (operation.error) { if (operation.error.code == NSUserCancelledError) [self finishLoading]; else [self failWithError:operation.error]; return; } // find the unique paths in the search results NSMutableArray *uniqueFiles = [NSMutableArray array]; for (id dict in response) { NSString *df = [dict valueForKey:@"depotFile"]; if(![uniqueFiles containsObject:df]) { [uniqueFiles addObject:df]; } } NSArray *files = [NSArray arrayWithArray:uniqueFiles]; // Filter to search directory if (searchDirectory.length) { files = [files filteredArrayUsingBlock:^BOOL(NSString *file, NSUInteger idx) { return [file isSubpath:searchDirectory]; }]; } if (!files.count) { [self finishLoading]; return; } NSString *fileList = [files componentsJoinedByString:@"\" \""]; NSMutableArray *filters = [NSMutableArray array]; [filters addObject:@"headRev"]; [filters addObject:@"^headAction=delete"]; [filters addObject:@"^headAction=move/delete"]; if (searchWorkspaceOnly) [filters addObject:@"isMapped"]; NSString *filterList = [filters componentsJoinedByString:@" & "]; NSString *command = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"fstat -F \"%@\" -A tags -Oah \"%@\"", filterList, fileList]; [[P4Workspace sharedInstance] runCommand:command response:^(P4Operation *operation, NSArray *response) { // Serialize children from response NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:512]; NSMutableSet *tagsSet = [NSMutableSet set]; // Make tags filter NSPredicate *filter = !searchFilteredTags.count ? nil : [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"ANY SELF IN %@", searchFilteredTags]; for (NSDictionary *childDict in response) { P4SearchItem *child = [[P4SearchItem alloc] initWithDictionary:childDict parentItem:self]; NSArray *childTags = [child tags]; if (!filter || [filter evaluateWithObject:childTags]) { [array addObject:child]; [tagsSet addObjectsFromArray:childTags]; } } children = array; searchResultTags = [[tagsSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(localizedStandardCompare:)]; [self finishLoading]; }]; }]; } #pragma mark - Private - (NSString *)queryForSearchTerms:(NSString *)search { // NSArray *words = [search arrayOfArguments]; NSArray *words = [search componentsSeparatedByString:@" "]; NSMutableArray *filenamesEncoded = [NSMutableArray array]; for (NSString *word in words) { if(word.length > 0) { [filenamesEncoded addObject:[word encodeLucene]]; } } NSString *term = nil; NSString *encodedFilenamesTerm = nil; if (filenamesEncoded.count > 1) { term = [filenamesEncoded componentsJoinedByString:@"* OR *"]; term = [NSString stringWithFormat:@" *%@*", term]; encodedFilenamesTerm = [filenamesEncoded componentsJoinedByString:@"*\" OR \"*"]; encodedFilenamesTerm = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(\"*%@*\" OR %@)", encodedFilenamesTerm, term]; } else { term = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"*%@*", [words lastObject]]; encodedFilenamesTerm = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(\"*%@*\" OR %@)", [filenamesEncoded lastObject], term]; } NSMutableArray *components = [NSMutableArray array]; if (searchFilenames) [components addObject:@"filename:%1$@"]; if (searchTags) [components addObject:@"p4attr_tags:%1$@"]; if (searchContents) [components addObject:@"text:%1$@"]; NSString *query = [components componentsJoinedByString:@" OR "]; // Join components query = [NSString stringWithFormat:query, encodedFilenamesTerm]; // Substitute terms query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"l:(%@)", query]; // Wrap into lucene query return query; } - (id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary parentItem:(P4Item *)parentItem { if (self = [super initWithParent:parentItem]) { metadata = dictionary; self.remotePath = [dictionary objectForKey:@"depotFile"]; name = self.remotePath.lastPathComponent; self.localPath = [dictionary objectForKey:@"clientFile"]; if (!self.localPath || [self.localPath hasPrefix:@"//"]) { NSString *relativePath = [self.remotePath substringFromIndex:2]; self.localPath = [[P4Workspace sharedInstance].root stringByAppendingPath:relativePath]; } // Set metadata status = [metadata objectForKey:@"action"]; NSString *user = [metadata objectForKey:@"otherOpen0"]; NSDictionary *info = [[P4Workspace sharedInstance] userInfo:user]; statusOwner = [info objectForKey:@"Email"] ?: user; flags.tracked = [metadata objectForKey:@"isMapped"] != nil; [self refreshTags]; } return self; } @end