// // PSBrowser.m // Perforce // // Created by Adam Czubernat on 18.06.2013. // Copyright (c) 2013 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. // #import "PSBrowser.h" @interface PSBrowser () { CGFloat detailViewWidth; } - (void)layoutDetailViewAnimated:(BOOL)animated; - (void)detailViewFrameChange:(NSNotification *)notification; - (void)lastColumnFrameChange:(NSNotification *)notification; - (NSTableView *)browserTableViewForColumn:(NSInteger)column; @end @implementation PSBrowser @synthesize detailViewController, columnBackgroundColor; // Dirty hack typedef struct __BrcvFlags { unsigned int isEmptyColumn:1; unsigned int hasMarkedWidth:1; unsigned int tileDisabled:1; unsigned int drawsColumnDividerLine:1; unsigned int reserved:28; } __BrcvFlags; - (BOOL)sendAction { // Remove details pane if ([self selectedRowInColumn:[self lastColumn]] == -1 || // When deselected row [self selectionIndexPaths].count > 1) // or multiple selection [self setDetailViewController:nil]; return [super sendAction]; } - (void)loadColumnZero { [super loadColumnZero]; [self setDetailViewController:nil]; } - (void)addColumn { [super addColumn]; // Hack to get column view NSTableView *tableView = [self browserTableViewForColumn:self.lastColumn]; NSClipView *clipView = (id)tableView.superview; NSView *columnView = clipView.superview; // Hack to disable divider line in _NSBrowserColumnView from private api __BrcvFlags *flags = PSRuntimeAddressOfInstanceVariable(columnView, "_brcvFlags"); flags->drawsColumnDividerLine = 0; // Set background color if (columnBackgroundColor) [tableView setBackgroundColor:columnBackgroundColor]; // Remove tableColumn with default indicators if ([tableView isKindOfClass:[NSTableView class]] && tableView.tableColumns.count) [tableView removeTableColumn:tableView.tableColumns.lastObject]; // Insert separator at the end of columnTableView static NSImage *image; if (!image) { image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"SeparatorVerticalDark.png"]; image = [image resizableImageWithTopCap:10.0f bottomCap:10.0f]; } CGRect frame = columnView.bounds; frame.origin.x = frame.size.width - image.size.width + 2.0f; frame.size.width = image.size.width; frame.origin.y = -200.0f; // Size it bigger than scroll frame.size.height += 400.0f; PSView *separator = [[PSView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; [separator setAutoresizing:NSViewAutoresizingRightEdge | NSViewAutoresizingVertical]; [separator setImage:image]; [clipView addSubview:separator]; } - (NSRect)frameOfColumn:(NSInteger)column { CGRect frame = [super frameOfColumn:column]; if (column) frame.origin.x -= 1.0f; // Remove divider width return frame; } - (void)setFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { [super setFrame:frameRect]; [self layoutDetailViewAnimated:NO]; } - (BOOL)ignoreModifierKeysForDraggingSession:(NSDraggingSession *)session { return NO; } - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event { unichar keyChar = [[event charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0]; NSUInteger flags = [event modifierFlags] & NSDeviceIndependentModifierFlagsMask; if (keyChar == ' ' && flags == 0) { // Send space bar notification [self.nextResponder doCommandBySelector:@selector(toggleQuickLookPreviewPanel:)]; } else if (keyChar == NSUpArrowFunctionKey || keyChar == NSDownArrowFunctionKey) { // Relay Up and Down arrow keys from other views (QuickLook) NSView *tableView = [self browserTableViewForColumn:self.selectedColumn]; [tableView keyDown:event]; } else { [super keyDown:event]; } } - (BOOL)performKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent *)theEvent { unichar keyChar = [[theEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers] characterAtIndex:0]; if (keyChar == 27) { [self abortEditing]; [[self window] makeFirstResponder:self]; return YES; } return NO; } #pragma mark - Public - (void)setDetailViewController:(NSViewController *)aDetailViewController { if (detailViewController == aDetailViewController) return; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:nil]; [detailViewController.view removeFromSuperview]; detailViewController = aDetailViewController; detailViewWidth = detailViewController.view.frame.size.width; if (detailViewController) { NSArray *columns = [self valueForKey:@"_columns"]; NSView *lastColumn = [columns objectAtIndex:self.lastColumn]; NSView *view = detailViewController.view; [view setAutoresizing:NSViewAutoresizingLeftEdge | NSViewAutoresizingVertical]; [lastColumn.superview addSubview:view]; [self layoutDetailViewAnimated:YES]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(detailViewFrameChange:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:view]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(lastColumnFrameChange:) name:NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification object:lastColumn]; } } - (NSInteger)columnOfItem:(id)item { NSAssert(![self isLeafItem:item], @"Getting column for leaf item"); for (NSInteger column = 0; column <= [self lastColumn]; column++) if ([self parentForItemsInColumn:column] == item) return column; return -1; } #pragma mark - Private - (void)layoutDetailViewAnimated:(BOOL)animated { if (!detailViewController) return; NSView *detailView = detailViewController.view; NSArray *columns = [self valueForKey:@"_columns"]; NSView *lastColumn = [columns objectAtIndex:self.lastColumn]; NSView *columnContainer = [lastColumn superview]; NSScrollView *scrollView = self.subviews.firstObject; NSClipView *contentView = [scrollView contentView]; CGRect frame = lastColumn.frame; frame.origin.x += frame.size.width; frame.size.width = detailView.bounds.size.width; detailView.frame = frame; if ([self inLiveResize]) { frame = columnContainer.frame; frame.size.width = CGRectGetMaxX(detailView.frame); columnContainer.frame = frame; return; } frame = columnContainer.frame; CGFloat oldWidth = frame.size.width; CGFloat newWidth = CGRectGetMaxX(detailView.frame); if (oldWidth == newWidth) return; void (^animation)() = ^{ }; frame.size.width = newWidth; if (oldWidth < newWidth) { CGPoint boundsOrigin = contentView.bounds.origin; columnContainer.frame = frame; CGRect bounds = contentView.bounds; bounds.origin = boundsOrigin; [contentView setBounds:bounds]; CGPoint point = detailView.frame.origin; point.x -= self.bounds.size.width - detailView.bounds.size.width; point.x = fmax(point.x, 0.0f); animation = ^{ [(animated ? [contentView animator] : contentView) setBoundsOrigin:point]; [scrollView reflectScrolledClipView:contentView]; }; } if (animated) [NSView animateWithDuration:0.1f animations:animation]; else animation(); } - (void)detailViewFrameChange:(NSNotification *)notification { CGFloat newDetailViewWidth = detailViewController.view.frame.size.width; if (detailViewWidth != newDetailViewWidth) { [self layoutDetailViewAnimated:YES]; detailViewWidth = newDetailViewWidth; } } - (void)lastColumnFrameChange:(NSNotification *)notification { [self layoutDetailViewAnimated:NO]; [self performSelector:@selector(layoutDetailViewAnimated:) withObject:@(YES) afterDelay:0]; } - (NSTableView *)browserTableViewForColumn:(NSInteger)column { if (column < 0) return nil; // Hack to get column views NSArray *columns = [self valueForKey:@"_columns"]; NSView *columnView = [columns objectAtIndex:column]; // Retrieve NSBrowserTableView from subviews NSClipView *clipView = nil; NSTableView *tableView = nil; for (NSView *subview in columnView.subviews) { if ([subview isKindOfClass:[NSClipView class]]) clipView = (id)subview; } for (NSView *subview in clipView.subviews) { if ([subview isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(@"NSBrowserTableView")]) tableView = (id)subview; } return tableView; } @end