This is the readme file for the VMS Perforce client acceptance (or regression) tests. In order to run these tests copy them (if necessary) to a directory writable by you (since temporary files will be created). Be sure to have an old client set up as follows: 1. A symbol "perforce" that can be used to invoke the old client. Please note that these tests are written in DCL and cannot invoke a client via a "p4" symbol. (See also the "Note below") 2. A "newperf" symbol is correctly specified in 3. As many P4* logical names as necessary to connect to a valid p4 server (in particular P4PORT). 4. A P4USER logical name that is embedded in one or more client specs (see test 5. A suitable client_file is specified in In order to set up the running of the tests be sure to edit the procedure so that the "newperf" foreign command symbol assignment points to the new locaton of the Perforce client executable image (you will likely have to specifiy a disk and a directory). Note that the leading dollar sign belongs there since it is used as a foreign command. Other comments lie with the various *.COM files and are worth a read through to become familiar with what is being tested and how or why. Most of the tests in this collection were put together to demonstrate the unnacceptability of perforce release 2002.2 for OpenVMS Alpha 7.1. (I do hope that by the time you read this message that perforce on VMS has had all of its problems fixed.) After modifying all tests can be run by "set default" to the test directroy and issuing: @run_all at the VMS prompt. Peter Prymmer Note below: For quite some time the public documentation for running a perforce client on VMS has issued incorrect instructions for using a foreign command symbol such as: p4 == "$disk:[dir]p4.exe" which will set up a global P4 symbol that will usually be overridden by the local P4 parameter in most DCL procedures. What we do instead is set up an abbreviatable symbol such as: perf*orce == "$disk:[dir]p4.exe" and use "perf sync" instead of "p4 sync" from the interactive command line and from batch job procedures.