# Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Project
# Nick Barnes, Ravenbrook Limited, 2000-11-21
# This Python module implements an interface between the P4DTI
# replicator and the Bugzilla defect tracker [Requirements, 18], by
# defining the classes listed in [GDR 2000-10-16, 7]. In particular, it
# defines the following classes:
# [3] bugzilla_bug(dt_interface.defect_tracker_issue) [GDR 2000-10-16,
# 7.2]
# [4] bugzilla_fix(dt_interface.defect_tracker_fix) [GDR 2000-10-16,
# 7.3]
# [5] bugzilla_filespec(dt_interface.defect_tracker_filespec) [GDR
# 2000-10-16, 7.4].
# [6] dt_bugzilla(dt_interface.defect_tracker) [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.1].
# [7] Translators [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5] for dates [GDR 2000-10-16,
# 7.5.1], elapsed times, foreign keys, single select fields, states [GDR
# 2000-10-16, 7.5.2], multi-line text fields [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.3] and
# users [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.4].
# This module accesses the Bugzilla database using the Python interface
# to Bugzilla [NB 2000-11-14c] and accesses and stores data according to
# the Bugzilla database schema [NB 2000-11-14a] and the Bugzilla schema
# extensions [NB 2000-11-14b].
# The intended readership of this document is project developers.
# This document is not confidential.
import catalog
import dt_interface
import message
import re
import string
import translator
import types
import time
# 2.1. Error object
# All exceptions raised by this module use 'error' as the exception
# object.
error = 'Bugzilla module error'
# This class implements the replicator's interface to the bugs in
# Bugzilla [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.2].
class bugzilla_bug(dt_interface.defect_tracker_issue):
dt = None # The defect tracker this bug belongs to.
bug = None # The dictionary representing the bugzilla bug.
p4dti_bug = None # Dictionary representing the p4dti_bugs record.
def __init__(self, bug, dt):
# the set of keys which we explictly use in this class.
for key in ['bug_id',
assert bug.has_key(key)
assert isinstance(dt, dt_bugzilla)
self.dt = dt
self.bug = bug
self.p4dti_bug = self.dt.bugzilla.bug_p4dti_bug(bug)
def __getitem__(self, key):
assert isinstance(key, types.StringType)
if self.bug.has_key(key):
return self.bug[key]
return self.p4dti_bug[key]
def __repr__(self):
return repr({'bug':self.bug,
def has_key(self, key):
return self.bug.has_key(key) or self.p4dti_bug.has_key(key)
def add_filespec(self, filespec):
filespec_record = {}
filespec_record['filespec'] = filespec
filespec_record['bug_id'] = self.bug['bug_id']
filespec = bugzilla_filespec(self, filespec_record)
def add_fix(self, change, client, date, status, user):
fix_record = {}
fix_record['bug_id'] = self.bug['bug_id']
fix_record['changelist'] = change
fix_record['client'] = client
fix_record['p4date'] = date
fix_record['status'] = status
fix_record['user'] = user
fix = bugzilla_fix(self, fix_record)
def corresponding_id(self):
if (self.p4dti_bug != None
and self.p4dti_bug.has_key('jobname')):
return self.p4dti_bug['jobname']
return self.dt.config.jobname_function(self.bug)
def id(self):
return str(self.bug['bug_id'])
def filespecs(self):
filespecs = self.dt.bugzilla.filespecs_from_bug_id(
return map(lambda f, self=self: bugzilla_filespec(self, f),
def fixes(self):
fixes = self.dt.bugzilla.fixes_from_bug_id(self.bug['bug_id'])
return map(lambda f, self=self: bugzilla_fix(self, f), fixes)
def readable_name(self):
return str(self.bug['bug_id'])
def rid(self):
if self.p4dti_bug == None: # not yet replicated
return ""
return self.p4dti_bug['rid']
def make_p4dti_bug(self, jobname, created=0):
assert self.p4dti_bug == None
self.p4dti_bug = {}
self.p4dti_bug['bug_id'] = self.bug['bug_id']
self.p4dti_bug['jobname'] = jobname
self.dt.bugzilla.add_p4dti_bug(self.p4dti_bug, created)
def setup_for_replication(self, jobname):
self.make_p4dti_bug(jobname, created=0)
# Check Bugzilla permissions.
# In Bugzilla 2.10 to 2.16.4, permissions are checked in
# CheckCanChangeField() in process_bug.cgi. This is the test:
# 0. disabled users can't make any change;
# (this is not in CheckCanChangeField():
# disabled users can't even log in)
# 1. anyone can make a null change;
# 2. anyone can make a change which just adds or removes
# whitespace at the beginning or end of a value;
# 3. anyone can add a description record;
# 4. anyone in the "editbugs" group can make any change;
# 5. the bug's reporter can always change the bug status;
# 6. anyone in the "canconfirm" group can change the status to any
# opened status.
# 7. anyone can change the status to any opened status if the bug has
# 'everconfirmed' set.
# 8. The reporter, or assigned_to, or qa_contact of a bug can make
# any change to the bug other than a change to an opened status.
# 9. Nobody else can make a change.
# An opened status is NEW, REOPENED, or ASSIGNED.
# Note that there is not a check made of whether the user is in
# the bug group of the bug. There is an implicit check of this in
# buglist.pl and bug_form.pl; if the user is not in the bug group,
# the bug is not displayed.
def opened_status(self, status):
assert isinstance(status, types.StringType)
return status in ['NEW', 'REOPENED', 'ASSIGNED']
def can_change_field(self, user, canconfirm, key, old, new):
assert isinstance(key, types.StringType)
assert type(old) == type(new)
# 0. disabled users handled by check_permissions().
# 1. null changes are eliminated by the replicator.
assert (old != new)
# 2. whitespace changes.
if (isinstance(old, types.StringType)
and isinstance(new, types.StringType)
and string.strip(old) == string.strip(new)):
return 1
# 3. anyone can add a description record.
if key == 'longdesc':
return 1
# 4. editbugs handled by check_permissions().
# 5, 6, 7:
if key == 'bug_status':
# 5: reporter can change status
if user == self.bug['reporter']:
return 1
if self.opened_status(new):
# 6. canconfirm
if canconfirm:
return 1
# 7. everconfirmed
if self.bug['everconfirmed'] == 1:
return 1
if (key != 'bug_status') or not self.opened_status(new):
# 8. reporter/assigned_to/qa_contact
if (user == self.bug['reporter']
or user == self.bug['assigned_to']
or user == self.bug['qa_contact']):
return 1
# 9. nobody else
return 0
def check_permissions(self, user, changes):
# user 0 can't do anything.
if user == 0:
# "User 0 cannot edit bug %d."
raise error, catalog.msg(538, (self.bug['bug_id']))
# 0. disabled users can't do anything.
if self.dt.bugzilla.user_is_disabled(user):
# "User %d is disabled, so cannot edit bug %d."
raise error, catalog.msg(537, (user, self.bug['bug_id']))
user_groupset = self.dt.user_groupset(user)
bug_groupset = self.bug['groupset']
assert (bug_groupset == 0
or self.dt.singleton_groupset(bug_groupset))
# 4. user in editbugs can make any change.
if self.dt.groupset_has_named_group(user_groupset, 'editbugs'):
# Are we in the bug's groupset?
# Bugzilla doesn't check this, but there is an implicit
# check because Bugzilla won't show this bug to this user.
if ((bug_groupset != 0)
and (user_groupset & bug_groupset) != bug_groupset):
# "User %d isn't in the right bug group to edit bug %d."
raise error, catalog.msg(500, (user, self.bug['bug_id']))
canconfirm = self.dt.groupset_has_named_group(user_groupset,
for key, newvalue in changes.items():
if not self.can_change_field(user, canconfirm,
key, self.bug[key], newvalue):
# "User %d doesn't have permission to change field '%s'
# of bug %d to %s."
raise error, catalog.msg(501, (user, key,
# Enforce Bugzilla's transition invariants:
# 1. bugs in 'RESOLVED', 'VERIFIED', and 'CLOSED' states must have
# a valid 'resolution' field, whereas bugs in other states must
# have an empty 'resolution' field.
# 2. only certain transitions are allowable.
allowable_transitions = {
'UNCONFIRMED': ['NEW', # confirm
'ASSIGNED', # assign
'RESOLVED'], # resolve
'NEW': ['ASSIGNED', # accept
'RESOLVED'], # resolve
'ASSIGNED': ['NEW', # reassign
'RESOLVED'], # resolve
'RESOLVED': ['VERIFIED', # verify
'CLOSED', # close
'REOPENED'], # reopen
'VERIFIED': ['CLOSED', # close
'REOPENED'], # reopen
'CLOSED': ['REOPENED'], # reopen
'REOPENED': ['NEW', # reassign
'ASSIGNED', # accept
'RESOLVED'] # resolve
def transition_allowed(self, old_status, new_status):
return new_status in self.allowable_transitions[old_status]
def status_needs_resolution(self, status):
return status in ['RESOLVED', 'VERIFIED', 'CLOSED']
def enforce_invariants(self, changes):
if (changes.has_key('resolution')
and changes['resolution'] == 'DUPLICATE'):
# "The P4DTI does not support marking bugs as DUPLICATE from
# Perforce."
raise error, catalog.msg(502)
if changes.has_key('bug_status'):
# We are making a transition.
if not self.transition_allowed(self.bug['bug_status'],
# "Bugzilla does not allow a transition from status '%s'
# to '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(503, (self.bug['bug_status'],
# Changing from 'UNCONFIRMED' sets everconfirmed.
if (self.bug['bug_status'] == 'UNCONFIRMED'
and self.bug['everconfirmed'] != 1):
changes['everconfirmed'] = 1
if (self.status_needs_resolution(changes['bug_status'])
and not self.status_needs_resolution(
# We are transitioning to a status which requires a
# resolution from one which does not.
if (changes.has_key('resolution')
and changes['resolution'] == ''):
# We are also clearing the resolution. This may
# happen due to a timing problem; if one p4 user
# correctly transitions a bug to REOPENED and
# clears the resolution field, and then another p4
# user transitions the bug to RESOLVED without
# setting the resolution, without an intervening
# replication, we may end up here.
changes['resolution'] = 'FIXED'
if (self.bug['resolution'] == ''
and not changes.has_key('resolution')):
# We are not setting the resolution field. We
# can't force Perforce users to set the resolution
# field, and even if procedures require it we can
# still get here due to a race problem. If it
# does happen, we set the resolution to FIXED.
changes['resolution'] = 'FIXED'
if not self.status_needs_resolution(changes['bug_status']):
# We are transitioning to a status which requires
# an empty resolution. If we don't have an empty
# resolution, put one in.
if changes.has_key('resolution'):
if changes['resolution'] != '':
changes['resolution'] = ''
if self.bug['resolution'] != '':
changes['resolution'] = ''
# Some Bugzilla fields can not be updated from Perforce, or can
# only be updated by appending.
def restrict_fields(self, changes):
for key in changes.keys():
if key in self.dt.config.read_only_fields:
# "Cannot change Bugzilla field '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(504, key)
if key in self.dt.config.append_only_fields:
new = changes[key]
old = self.bug[key]
if (len(new) < len(old)
or new[:len(old)] != old):
# "Can only append to Bugzilla field '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(505, key)
if (key in ['reporter', 'assigned_to'] and
changes[key] == 0):
# "Can't change Bugzilla field '%s' to 0."
raise error, catalog.msg(540, key)
def update(self, user, changes):
changes_bug = {}
changes_p4dti_bug = {}
assert isinstance(user, types.IntType)
for key, value in changes.items():
assert isinstance(key, types.StringType)
if self.bug.has_key(key):
changes_bug[key] = value
elif self.p4dti_bug.has_key(key):
changes_p4dti_bug[key] = value
# "Updating non-existent Bugzilla field '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(506, key)
self.check_permissions(user, changes_bug)
self.dt.bugzilla.update_bug(changes_bug, self.bug, user)
# Add processmail script to pending queue.
self.dt.bugzilla.processmail(self.bug['bug_id'], user)
# Now the bug is updated in the database, update our copy.
for key, value in changes_bug.items():
self.bug[key] = value
# Now the p4dti_bug is updated in the database, update our copy.
for key, value in changes_p4dti_bug.items():
self.p4dti_bug[key] = value
# Delete this bug.
def delete(self):
bug_id = self.bug['bug_id']
if self.p4dti_bug:
# This class implements the replicator's interface to a fix record in
# Bugzilla [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.3].
class bugzilla_fix(dt_interface.defect_tracker_fix):
bug = None # The Bugzilla bug to which the fix refers.
fix = None # The dictionary representing the bugzilla fix record.
def __init__(self, bug, dict):
assert isinstance(bug, bugzilla_bug)
assert isinstance(dict, types.DictType)
for key in ['changelist',
assert dict.has_key(key)
self.bug = bug
self.fix = dict
def __getitem__(self, key):
assert isinstance(key, types.StringType)
return self.fix[key]
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.fix)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
assert isinstance(key, types.StringType)
self.fix[key] = value
def add(self):
def change(self):
return self.fix['changelist']
def delete(self):
def status(self):
return self.fix['status']
def update(self, change, client, date, status, user):
changes = {}
if self.fix['changelist'] != change:
changes['changelist'] = change
if self.fix['client'] != client:
changes['client'] = client
if self.fix['p4date'] != date:
changes['p4date'] = date
if self.fix['status'] != status:
changes['status'] = status
if self.fix['user'] != user:
changes['user'] = user
if len(changes) != 0:
# This class implements the replicator's interface to a filespec record
# in Bugzilla [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.4].
class bugzilla_filespec(dt_interface.defect_tracker_filespec):
bug = None # The Bugzilla bug to which the filespec refers.
filespec = None # The dictionary representing the filespec record.
def __init__(self, bug, dict):
self.bug = bug
self.filespec = dict
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.filespec[key]
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.filespec)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.filespec[key] = value
def add(self):
def delete(self):
def name(self):
return self.filespec['filespec']
# The dt_bugzilla class implements a generic interface between the
# replicator and the Bugzilla defect tracker [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.1].
# Some configuration can be done by passing a configuration hash to the
# constructor; for more advanced configuration you should subclass this
# and replace some of the methods.
class dt_bugzilla(dt_interface.defect_tracker):
rid = None
sid = None
bugzilla = None
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.rid = config.rid
self.sid = config.sid
self.bugzilla = config.bugzilla
def log(self, msg, args = ()):
if not isinstance(msg, message.message):
msg = catalog.msg(msg, args)
def all_issues(self):
bugs = self.bugzilla.all_bugs_since(self.config.start_date)
return map(lambda bug,dt=self: bugzilla_bug(bug,dt), bugs)
def poll_start(self):
def poll_end(self):
def changed_entities(self):
replication = self.bugzilla.new_replication()
last = self.bugzilla.latest_complete_replication()
bugs = self.bugzilla.changed_bugs_since(last)
return (map(lambda bug,dt=self: bugzilla_bug(bug,dt), bugs),
{}, # changed changelists
def mark_changes_done(self, replication):
def init(self):
# ensure that bugzilla.replication is valid even outside a
# replication cycle, so that all_issues() works. See
# job000221. NB 2001-02-22.
# Supported features; see [GDR 2000-10-16, 3.5].
feature = {
'filespecs': 1,
'fixes': 1,
'migrate_issues': 1,
'new_issues': 1,
'new_users': 1,
def supports(self, feature):
return self.feature.get(feature, 0)
def issue(self, bug_id):
bug = self.bugzilla.bug_from_bug_id(int(bug_id))
return bugzilla_bug(bug, self)
def add_user(self, p4user, email, fullname):
userid = self.bugzilla.userid_from_email(email)
if userid:
# "Perforce user '%s <%s>' already exists in Bugzilla as
# user %d."
self.log(533, (p4user, email, userid))
return userid
dict = {}
dict['login_name'] = email
dict['password'] = self.config.migrated_user_password
dict['realname'] = fullname
groupset = 0L
for group in self.config.migrated_user_groups:
if self.group_by_name.has_key(group):
groupset = (groupset
+ self.group_by_name[group]['bit'])
# "'%s' not a Bugzilla group."
raise error, catalog.msg(535, group)
dict['groupset'] = groupset
userid = self.bugzilla.add_user(dict)
# "Perforce user '%s <%s>' added to Bugzilla as user %d."
self.log(534, (p4user, email, userid))
return userid
def add_replicator_user(self):
email = self.config.replicator_address
userid = self.bugzilla.userid_from_email(email)
if userid:
# "Perforce replicator user <%s> already exists in
# Bugzilla as user %d."
self.log(553, (email, userid))
return userid
dict = {}
dict['login_name'] = email
dict['password'] = self.config.migrated_user_password
dict['realname'] = "Perforce defect tracking integration"
dict['groupset'] = 0L
dict['disabledtext'] = "This user can access Bugzilla only as the P4DTI replicator process"
userid = self.bugzilla.add_user(dict)
# "Perforce replicator user <%s> added to Bugzilla as user %d."
self.log(554, (email, userid))
return userid
def new_issues_start(self):
def new_issues_end(self):
# new_issue_defaults(dict). Supply default values for the product,
# component and version fields where possible (see [AG, 6.2]).
def new_issue_defaults(self, dict):
assert isinstance(dict, types.DictType)
dict['product'] = dict.get('product', '')
dict['component'] = dict.get('component', '')
dict['version'] = dict.get('version', '')
# Infer product if there's only one product in Bugzilla.
products = self.bugzilla.products()
if len(products) == 1 and dict['product'] == '':
dict['product'] = products.keys()[0]
if not dict.has_key('product'):
# No product: can't infer anything else.
product_name = dict['product']
# Infer component if there's only one for this product.
components = self.bugzilla.components_of_product(product_name)
if len(components) == 1 and dict['component'] == '':
dict['component'] = components.keys()[0]
# Infer version if there's only one for this product.
versions = self.bugzilla.versions_of_product(product_name)
if len(versions) == 1 and dict['version'] == '':
dict['version'] = versions[0]
def new_issue(self, dict, jobname):
# Only know how to deal with these fields at bug creation.
for key, value in dict.items():
if (value != '' and
value != 0 and
not key in ['resolution',
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug with field '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(531, key)
# must have non-empty summary
if not dict.has_key('short_desc'):
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug without short_desc field."
raise error, catalog.msg(517)
if dict['short_desc'] == '':
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug with empty short_desc field."
raise error, catalog.msg(518)
# must have reporter
if not dict.has_key('reporter'):
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug without reporter field."
raise error, catalog.msg(532)
user = dict['reporter']
# this user has been produced by the lax user translator; it
# could be 0 or the P4DTI user. The P4DTI user is allowed
# here (think about migration, in which case the reporter may
# be ancient history in Perforce).
if user == 0:
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug with reporter 0."
raise error, catalog.msg(539)
# Supply defaults for product, component and version if
# possible.
# Product must exist.
products = self.bugzilla.products()
if dict.get('product', '') == '':
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug without product field."
raise error, catalog.msg(519)
product_name = dict['product']
if not products.has_key(product_name):
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug for non-existent product '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(520, product_name)
# Get product record.
product = products[product_name]
# Component must exist.
components = self.bugzilla.components_of_product(product_name)
if len(components) == 0:
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug for product '%s' with no
# components."
raise error, catalog.msg(521, product_name)
if dict.get('component', '') == '':
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug without component field."
raise error, catalog.msg(522)
if not components.has_key(dict['component']):
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug: product '%s' has no component
# '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(523, (product_name,
component = components[dict['component']]
# Version must exist.
versions = self.bugzilla.versions_of_product(product_name)
if len(versions) == 0:
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug for product '%s' with no
# versions."
raise error, catalog.msg(524, product_name)
if dict.get('version', '') == '':
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug without version field."
raise error, catalog.msg(525)
version = dict['version']
if not version in versions:
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug: product '%s' has no version
# '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(526, (product_name, version))
email = self.bugzilla.email_from_userid(user)
# permissions for the reporter to create the bug.
user_groupset = self.user_groupset(user)
product_group = self.bugzilla.product_group(product_name)
if product_group != None:
if (user_groupset & product_group['bit']) == 0:
# "User '%s' isn't in Bugzilla product group for product
# '%s'; migrating bug anyway."
self.log(527, (email, product_name))
# if groupset, check valid otherwise set to default (0)
if dict.has_key('groupset'):
groupset = dict['groupset']
if (groupset & self.valid_groupset_bits()) != groupset:
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug with invalid groupset
# '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(528, groupset)
if product_group != None:
dict['groupset'] = product_group['bit']
dict['groupset'] = 0
if product['votestoconfirm'] != 0:
default_bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED'
default_bug_status = 'NEW'
if dict.has_key('bug_status'):
bug_status = dict['bug_status']
# if the bug_status is not the default for this product,
# check the user has the permissions.
if (bug_status != default_bug_status
and not self.groupset_has_named_group(user_groupset,
and not self.groupset_has_named_group(user_groupset,
# "User '%s' doesn't have permissions to create Bugzilla
# bug for product '%s' with status '%s'; migrating bug
# anyway."
self.log(529, (email, product_name, bug_status))
bug_status = default_bug_status
dict['bug_status'] = bug_status
if bug_status != 'UNCONFIRMED':
dict['everconfirmed'] = 1
dict['everconfirmed'] = 0
if not dict.has_key('resolution'):
dict['resolution'] = ''
if (dict['resolution'] == ''
and bug_status in ['RESOLVED', 'VERIFIED', 'CLOSED']):
# "Can't create Bugzilla bug with bug_status '%s' and no
# resolution."
raise error, catalog.msg(530, bug_status)
# other defaults
if dict.get('assigned_to', 0) == 0:
dict['assigned_to'] = component['initialowner']
if not dict.has_key('bug_file_loc'):
dict['bug_file_loc'] = ''
if dict.get('bug_severity', '') == '':
dict['bug_severity'] = 'normal'
if dict.get('op_sys', '') == '':
dict['op_sys'] = 'other'
if dict.get('priority', '') == '':
dict['priority'] = 'P2'
if dict.get('rep_platform', '') == '':
dict['rep_platform'] = 'Other'
if dict.get('target_milestone', '') == '':
dict['target_milestone'] = product['defaultmilestone']
if dict.get('qa_contact', 0) == 0:
dict['qa_contact'] = component['initialqacontact']
if not dict.has_key('longdesc'):
dict['longdesc'] = 'No initial comment.'
bug_id = self.bugzilla.add_bug(dict, email)
bug = self.issue(bug_id)
# in future might want another jobname here.
bug.make_p4dti_bug(jobname, created=1)
return bug
def replicate_changelist(self, change, client, date, description,
status, user):
dt_changelists = self.bugzilla.changelists(change)
if len(dt_changelists) == 0:
# no existing changelist; make a new one
self.transform_changelist(dt_changelist, change, client,
date, description, status, user)
return 1
else: # determine the changes
changes = self.transform_changelist(dt_changelists[0],
change, client, date,
description, status,
if changes:
self.bugzilla.update_changelist(changes, change)
return 1
return 0
def transform_changelist(self, dt_changelist,
change, client, date, description,
status, user):
changes = {}
changes['changelist'] = change
changes['client'] = client
changes['p4date'] = date
changes['description'] = description
# "(x and 1) or 0" gives the int value of the boolean x.
changes['flags'] = ((status == 'submitted') and 1) or 0
changes['user'] = user
for key, value in changes.items():
if (not dt_changelist.has_key(key)
or dt_changelist[key] != value):
dt_changelist[key] = value
del changes[key]
return changes
# groups.
group_by_name = {}
group_by_bit = {}
def init_group_tables(self):
groups = self.bugzilla.groups()
for group in groups:
self.group_by_name[group['name']] = group
self.group_by_bit[group['bit']] = group
def groupset_has_named_group(self, groupset, group):
if not self.group_by_name.has_key(group):
if not self.group_by_name.has_key(group):
# "Bugzilla does not have a group called '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(507, group)
groupbit = self.group_by_name[group]['bit']
return (groupset & groupbit) == groupbit
def valid_groupset_bits(self):
valid = 0L
if not self.group_by_bit:
for bit in self.group_by_bit.keys():
valid = valid + bit
return valid
def user_has_named_group(self, user, group):
groupset = self.bugzilla.groupset_from_userid(user)
return self.groupset_has_named_group(groupset, group)
def user_groupset(self, user):
return self.bugzilla.groupset_from_userid(user)
def singleton_groupset(self, groupset):
return groupset != 0 and (groupset & (groupset - 1)) == 0
# These classes translate values of particular types between Bugzilla
# and Perforce [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5].
# 7.1. State translator
# This class translates bug statuses [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.2].
class status_translator(translator.translator):
# A map from Bugzilla status name to Perforce status name.
status_bz_to_p4 = {}
# A map from Perforce status name to Bugzilla status name (the
# reverse of the above map).
status_p4_to_bz = {}
def __init__(self, statuses):
# Compute the maps.
for bz_status, p4_status in statuses:
assert isinstance(bz_status, types.StringType)
assert isinstance(p4_status, types.StringType)
self.status_bz_to_p4[bz_status] = p4_status
self.status_p4_to_bz[p4_status] = bz_status
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_status, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(bz_status, types.StringType)
if self.status_bz_to_p4.has_key(bz_status):
return self.status_bz_to_p4[bz_status]
# "No Perforce status corresponding to Bugzilla status
# '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(509, bz_status)
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_status, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(p4_status, types.StringType)
if self.status_p4_to_bz.has_key(p4_status):
return self.status_p4_to_bz[p4_status]
# "No Bugzilla status corresponding to Perforce status
# '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(510, p4_status)
# 7.2. Enumerated field translator
# This class translates values in enumerated fields. Because enumerated
# fields in Bugzilla are mapped to select fields in Perforce, we have to
# translate the value using the keyword translator [GDR 2000-10-16,
# 7.5.2] so that it is valid in Perforce.
class enum_translator(translator.translator):
keyword_translator = None
def __init__(self, keyword_translator):
self.keyword_translator = keyword_translator
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_enum,
bz = None, p4 = None,
issue = None, job = None):
assert isinstance(bz_enum, types.StringType)
if bz_enum == '':
return 'NONE'
return self.keyword_translator.translate_dt_to_p4(bz_enum)
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_enum,
bz = None, p4 = None,
issue = None, job = None):
if p4_enum == 'NONE':
return ''
return self.keyword_translator.translate_p4_to_dt(p4_enum)
# 7.3. Date translator
# The date_translator class translates date fields between defect
# trackers Bugzilla (0) and Perforce (1) [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.1].
# Some Perforce dates are reported in the form 2000/01/01 00:00:00
# (e.g., dates in changeslists) and others are reported as seconds since
# 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (e.g., dates in fixes). I don't know why this is,
# but I have to deal with it by checking for both formats.
# MySQL datetime values are in the form 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'.
# Note that we deliberately prevent MySQLdb from using DateTime types
# for datetime values (see job000193, configure_bugzilla.py). Maybe one
# day that will change.
class date_translator(translator.translator):
p4_date_regexps = [
re.compile("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9]) "
bz_date_regexp = re.compile(
"^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9])-([0-9][0-9]) "
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_date, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(bz_date, types.StringType)
assert isinstance(bz, dt_bugzilla)
assert isinstance(p4, dt_interface.defect_tracker)
assert issue == None or isinstance(issue, bugzilla_bug)
match = self.bz_date_regexp.match(bz_date)
if match:
return ('%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s' %
(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3),
match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)))
return ''
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_date, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(p4_date, types.StringType)
assert isinstance(bz, dt_bugzilla)
assert isinstance(p4, dt_interface.defect_tracker)
assert issue == None or isinstance(issue, bugzilla_bug)
match = self.p4_date_regexps[0].match(p4_date)
if match:
return ('%s-%s-%s %s:%s:%s' %
(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3),
match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)))
elif self.p4_date_regexps[1].match(p4_date):
return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
return '' # becomes 0000-00-00 00:00:00 on insertion
# 7.4. Timestamp translator
# The timestamp_translator class translates timestamp fields between
# defect trackers Bugzilla (0) and Perforce (1).
# Some Perforce dates are reported in the form 2000/01/01 00:00:00
# (e.g., dates in changeslists) and others are reported as seconds since
# 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (e.g., dates in fixes). I don't know why this is,
# but I have to deal with it by checking for both formats.
# MySQL timestamps are YYYYMMDDhhmmss.
# If there's nothing in Perforce, translate to '', which will get set
# to now() in MySQL.
class timestamp_translator(translator.translator):
p4_date_regexps = [
re.compile("^([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9])/([0-9][0-9]) "
bz_timestamp_regexp = re.compile(
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_date, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(bz_date, types.StringType)
assert isinstance(bz, dt_bugzilla)
assert isinstance(p4, dt_interface.defect_tracker)
assert issue == None or isinstance(issue, bugzilla_bug)
match = self.bz_timestamp_regexp.match(bz_date)
if match:
return ('%s/%s/%s %s:%s:%s' %
(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3),
match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)))
return ''
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_date, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(p4_date, types.StringType)
assert isinstance(bz, dt_bugzilla)
assert isinstance(p4, dt_interface.defect_tracker)
assert issue == None or isinstance(issue, bugzilla_bug)
match = self.p4_date_regexps[0].match(p4_date)
if match:
return ('%s%s%s%s%s%s' %
(match.group(1), match.group(2), match.group(3),
match.group(4), match.group(5), match.group(6)))
elif self.p4_date_regexps[1].match(p4_date):
return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S",
return ''
# 7.6. Text translator
# The text_translator class translates multi-line text fields between
# defect trackers Bugzilla (0) and Perforce (1) [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.3].
class text_translator(translator.translator):
# Transform Bugzilla text field contents to Perforce text field
# contents by adding a newline.
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_string, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(bz_string, types.StringType)
# Add final newline, unless the string is empty.
if bz_string:
bz_string = bz_string + '\n'
return bz_string
# Transform Perforce text field contents to Bugzilla text field
# contents by removing a line ending.
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_string, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(p4_string, types.StringType)
# Remove final newline (if any).
if p4_string and p4_string[-1] == '\n':
p4_string = p4_string[:-1]
return p4_string
# 7.7. Integer translator
# The int_translator class translates integer fields between defect
# trackers Bugzilla (0) and Perforce (1).
class int_translator(translator.translator):
# Transform Bugzilla integer field contents to Perforce word field
# contents by converting line endings.
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_int, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert (isinstance(bz_int, types.IntType)
or isinstance(bz_int, types.LongType))
s = str(bz_int)
# Note that there's a difference between Python 1.5.2 and Python
# 1.6 here, in whether str of a long ends in an L.
if s[-1:] == 'L':
s = s[:-1]
return s
# Transform Perforce word field contents to Bugzilla integer field
# contents.
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_string, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
assert isinstance(p4_string, types.StringType)
if p4_string == '':
return 0L
return long(p4_string)
# "Perforce field value '%s' could not be translated to a
# number for replication to Bugzilla."
raise error, catalog.msg(511, p4_string)
# 7.7. User translator
# The user_translator class translates user fields between defect
# trackers Bugzilla (0) and Perforce (1) [GDR 2000-10-16, 7.5.3].
# A Perforce user field contains a Perforce user name (for example,
# "nb"). The Perforce user record contains an e-mail address (for
# example, "nb@ravenbrook.com").
# A Bugzilla user field contains an integer (MySQL type 'mediumint'),
# (for example, 3). The Bugzilla user record (MySQL table 'profiles')
# contains an e-mail address (MySQL column 'login_name') (for example,
# "nb@ravenbrook.com"). For some Bugzilla user fields
# (e.g. qa_contact), the integer may be 0, meaning "None".
# To translate a user field, we find an identical e-mail address.
# If there is no such Perforce user, we just use the e-mail address,
# because we can (in fact) put any string into a Perforce user field.
# If there is no such Bugzilla user, we check whether the Perforce user
# field is in fact the e-mail address of a Bugzilla user (for example,
# one that we put there because there wasn't a matching Perforce user).
# If so, we use that Bugzilla user.
# Sometimes, a Perforce user field which cannot be translated into
# Bugzilla is an error. For instance, if a Perforce user sets the
# qa_contact field of a job to a nonsense value, we should catch that
# and report it as an error.
# Sometimes, however, we should allow such values. For instance, when
# translating the user field of a fix record or changelist: we should
# not require _all_ past and present Perforce users to have Bugzilla
# user records. In that case, we should translate to a default value.
# For this purpose, the replicator has a Bugzilla user of its own.
# To distinguish between these two cases, we have a switch
# 'allow_unknown'. If allow_unknown is 1, we use the default
# translation. If allow_unknown is 0, we report an error.
class user_translator(translator.user_translator):
# A map from Bugzilla user ids to Perforce user names
user_bz_to_p4 = {}
# A map from Perforce user names to Bugzilla user ids
user_p4_to_bz = {}
# A map from Bugzilla user ids to (downcased) email addresses
bz_id_to_email = None
# A map from (downcased) email addresses to Bugzilla user ids
bz_email_to_id = None
# A map from (downcased) email addresses to Perforce user names
p4_email_to_user = None
# A map from Perforce user names to (downcased) email addresses
p4_user_to_email = None
# A map from Perforce user names to Perforce full names.
p4_user_to_fullname = None
# A map from Perforce user name to email address for users with
# duplicate email addresses in Perforce.
p4_duplicates = None
# A map from Bugzilla user id to email address for users with
# duplicate (downcased) email addresses in Bugzilla.
bz_duplicates = None
# A map from Perforce user name to email address for Perforce
# users that can't be matched with users in Bugzilla.
p4_unmatched = None
# A map from Bugzilla user real name to email address for Bugzilla
# users that can't be matched with users in Perforce.
bz_unmatched = None
# The Bugzilla P4DTI user email address (config.replicator_address)
bugzilla_user = None
# The Bugzilla P4DTI user id
bugzilla_id = None
# The Perforce P4DTI user name (config.p4_user)
p4_user = None
# A switch controlling whether this translator will translate
# Perforce users without corresponding Bugzilla users into
# the Bugzilla P4DTI user id.
allow_unknown = 0
def __init__(self, bugzilla_user, p4_user,
allow_unknown = 0):
self.bugzilla_user = string.lower(bugzilla_user)
self.p4_user = p4_user
self.allow_unknown = allow_unknown
# Deduce and record the mapping between Bugzilla userid and
# Perforce username.
def init_users(self, bz, p4):
# Clear the maps.
self.user_bz_to_p4 = {}
self.user_p4_to_bz = {}
self.bz_email_to_id = {}
self.bz_id_to_email = {}
self.p4_email_to_user = {}
self.p4_user_to_email = {}
self.p4_duplicates = {}
self.bz_duplicates = {}
self.p4_unmatched = {}
self.bz_unmatched = {}
self.p4_user_to_fullname = {}
# Populate the Perforce-side maps.
p4_users = p4.p4.run("users")
for u in p4_users:
email = string.lower(u['Email'])
user = u['User']
self.p4_user_to_fullname[user] = u['FullName']
self.p4_user_to_email[user] = email
if self.p4_email_to_user.has_key(email):
matching_user = self.p4_email_to_user[email]
# "Perforce users '%s' and '%s' both have email address
# '%s' (when converted to lower case)."
bz.log(541, (user, matching_user, email))
self.p4_duplicates[matching_user] = email
self.p4_duplicates[user] = email
self.p4_email_to_user[email] = user
# Check the Perforce P4DTI user exists:
if not self.p4_user_to_email.has_key(self.p4_user):
# "Perforce P4DTI user '%s' is not a known Perforce user."
raise error, catalog.msg(542, self.p4_user)
p4_email = self.p4_user_to_email[self.p4_user]
# Check that the Perforce P4DTI user has a unique email address:
if self.p4_duplicates.has_key(self.p4_user):
duplicate_users = []
for (user, email) in self.p4_duplicates.items():
if email == p4_email and user != self.p4_user:
# "Perforce P4DTI user '%s' has the same e-mail address
# '%s' as these other Perforce users: %s."
raise error, catalog.msg(543,
# Make a list of all the user ids matching the Bugzilla P4DTI user.
bugzilla_ids = []
# Populate the Bugzilla-side maps.
bz_users = bz.bugzilla.user_id_and_email_list()
for (id, email) in bz_users:
email = string.lower(email)
self.bz_id_to_email[id] = email
# Collect ids matching the Bugzilla P4DTI user
if email == self.bugzilla_user:
if self.bz_email_to_id.has_key(email):
matching_id = self.bz_email_to_id[email]
bz_real_name = bz.bugzilla.real_name_from_userid(id)
matching_real_name = bz.bugzilla.real_name_from_userid(matching_id)
# "Bugzilla users '%s' and '%s' both have email address
# '%s' (when converted to lower case)."
bz.log(544, (bz_real_name, matching_real_name, email))
self.bz_duplicates[bz_real_name] = email
self.bz_duplicates[matching_real_name] = email
self.bz_email_to_id[email] = id
# Check that the Bugzilla P4DTI user exists:
if len(bugzilla_ids) == 0:
# "Bugzilla P4DTI user '%s' is not a known Bugzilla user."
raise error, catalog.msg(513, self.bugzilla_user)
# Check that the Bugzilla P4DTI user is unique:
if len(bugzilla_ids) > 1:
# "Bugzilla P4DTI user e-mail address '%s' belongs to
# several Bugzilla users: %s."
raise error, catalog.msg(545, (self.bugzilla_user, bugzilla_ids))
# There can be only one.
self.bugzilla_id = bugzilla_ids[0]
# The Perforce-specific and Bugzilla-specific maps are now
# complete. Note that the p4_user_to_email map and the
# bz_id_to_email map may have duplicate values (in which case
# the keys in the inverse maps are the first-seen
# corresponding keys).
# Populate the translation maps.
# We could do this at the same time as one of the previous phases,
# but IMO it's cleaner to separate it out like this.
for (id, email) in self.bz_id_to_email.items():
if self.p4_email_to_user.has_key(email):
p4_user = self.p4_email_to_user[email]
# Already matched?
if self.user_p4_to_bz.has_key(p4_user):
matching_id = self.user_p4_to_bz[p4_user]
bz_real_name = bz.bugzilla.real_name_from_userid(id)
self.bz_unmatched[bz_real_name] = email
# "Bugzilla user '%s' (e-mail address '%s') not
# matched to any Perforce user, because Perforce
# user '%s' already matched to Bugzilla user %d."
(bz_real_name, email, p4_user, matching_id))
self.user_bz_to_p4[id] = p4_user
self.user_p4_to_bz[p4_user] = id
# "Bugzilla user %d matched to Perforce user '%s' by
# e-mail address '%s'."
bz.log(547, (id, p4_user, email))
bz_real_name = bz.bugzilla.real_name_from_userid(id)
self.bz_unmatched[bz_real_name] = email
# "Bugzilla user '%s' (e-mail address '%s') not matched
# to any Perforce user."
bz.log(548, (bz_real_name, email))
# Identify unmatched Perforce users.
for (user, email) in self.p4_user_to_email.items():
if not self.user_p4_to_bz.has_key(user):
self.p4_unmatched[user] = email
# "Perforce user '%s' (e-mail address '%s') not matched
# to any Bugzilla user."
bz.log(549, (user, email))
# Ensure that Bugzilla P4DTI user and Perforce P4DTI user
# correspond.
if self.user_bz_to_p4.has_key(self.bugzilla_id):
# Bugzilla P4DTI user has P4 counterpart:
p4_bugzilla_user = self.user_bz_to_p4[self.bugzilla_id]
# But is it the p4_user?
if (p4_bugzilla_user != self.p4_user):
# "Bugzilla P4DTI user '%s' has e-mail address
# matching Perforce user '%s', not Perforce P4DTI
# user '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(512,
if self.user_p4_to_bz.has_key(self.p4_user):
bz_user = self.user_p4_to_bz[self.p4_user]
bz_email = self.bz_id_to_email[bz_user]
# "Bugzilla P4DTI user '%s' does not have a matching
# Perforce user. It should match the Perforce user
# '%s' but that matches the Bugzilla user %d (e-mail
# address '%s')."
raise error, catalog.msg(550, (self.bugzilla_user,
# "Bugzilla P4DTI user '%s' does not have a matching
# Perforce user. It should match the Perforce user
# '%s' (which has e-mail address '%s')."
raise error, catalog.msg(551, (self.bugzilla_user,
# always translate 0 to 'None' and back again
self.user_p4_to_bz['None'] = 0
self.user_bz_to_p4[0] = 'None'
def unmatched_users(self, bz, p4):
self.init_users(bz, p4)
# "A user field containing one of these users will be translated
# to the user's e-mail address in the corresponding Perforce job
# field."
bz_user_msg = catalog.msg(515)
# "It will not be possible to use Perforce to assign bugs to
# these users. Changes to jobs made by these users will be
# ascribed in Bugzilla to the replicator user <%s>."
p4_user_msg = catalog.msg(516, self.bugzilla_user)
# "These Perforce users have duplicate e-mail addresses. They
# may have been matched with the wrong Bugzilla user."
duplicate_p4_user_msg = catalog.msg(536)
# "These Bugzilla users have duplicate e-mail addresses (when
# converted to lower case). They may have been matched with
# the wrong Perforce user."
duplicate_bz_user_msg = catalog.msg(552)
return (self.bz_unmatched, self.p4_unmatched,
bz_user_msg, p4_user_msg,
self.bz_duplicates, self.p4_duplicates,
duplicate_bz_user_msg, duplicate_p4_user_msg)
keyword = translator.keyword_translator()
def translate_p4_to_dt(self, p4_user, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
if not self.user_p4_to_bz.has_key(p4_user):
self.init_users(bz, p4)
if self.user_p4_to_bz.has_key(p4_user):
return self.user_p4_to_bz[p4_user]
bz_email = self.keyword.translate_p4_to_dt(p4_user)
if self.bz_email_to_id.has_key(bz_email):
return self.bz_email_to_id[bz_email]
elif self.allow_unknown:
return self.bugzilla_id
# "There is no Bugzilla user corresponding to Perforce
# user '%s'."
raise error, catalog.msg(514, p4_user)
def translate_dt_to_p4(self, bz_user, bz, p4, issue=None, job=None):
if not self.user_bz_to_p4.has_key(bz_user):
self.init_users(bz, p4)
if self.user_bz_to_p4.has_key(bz_user):
return self.user_bz_to_p4[bz_user]
bz_email = self.bz_id_to_email[bz_user]
return self.keyword.translate_dt_to_p4(bz_email)
# [GDR 2000-10-16] "Perforce Defect Tracking Integration Integrator's
# Guide"; Gareth Rees; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-10-16;
# .
# [NB 2000-11-14a] "Bugzilla database schema"; Nick Barnes; Ravenbrook
# Limited; 2000-11-14;
# .
# [NB 2000-11-14b] "Bugzilla database schema extensions for integration
# with Perforce"; Nick Barnes; Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-11-14;
# .
# [NB 2000-11-14c] "Python interface to Bugzilla: design"; Nick Barnes;
# Ravenbrook Limited; 2000-11-14;
# .
# 2000-12-05 NB Fixes for job job000089 and job000118. We update
# bugs_activity and have a new table p4dti_bugs_activity which
# duplicates bugs_activity rows added by this replicator. A complicated
# select then identifies bugs which have been changed other than by the
# replicator. Locking added. Fixes, filespecs, and changelists now
# work.
# 2000-12-07 RB Changed call to create bugzilla object to pass explicit
# parameters (see corresponding change in bugzilla.py there).
# 2000-12-13 NB Enforce allowable transitions. Fix signature of
# bugzilla_fix.update. Pass logger through to SQL interface.
# 2000-12-15 NB Added verbosity control.
# 2001-01-11 NB Added translators for timestamps, enums, and ints.
# Refined the user translator so that we catch more errors. Added a big
# comment explaining the user translator. Changed the initialization
# code, as now we get a DB connection rather than the parameters for
# opening one.
# 2001-01-12 NB Fixed text translator (newlines are just \n). Moved
# configuration of read-only and append-only fields to
# configure_bugzilla.py. Stop added to bugs_activity for some fields.
# 2001-01-23 NB Fix something that changed in python 1.6 (str(long)).
# user translator now has unmatched_users method. Removed duplicate
# call to bugzilla.create_p4dti_tables().
# 2001-01-26 NB Processmail support.
# 2001-02-08 NB Better checking.
# 2001-02-19 NB Moved keyword translation to p4.py, as it is specific to
# Perforce but generic to defect trackers.
# 2002-02-23 NB Made error messages more consistent.
# 2001-03-02 RB Transferred copyright to Perforce under their license.
# 2001-03-12 GDR Use messages for errors and e-mails.
# 2001-03-13 GDR Removed action field from table p4dti_bugs and all
# methods that use it (since conflict resolution is now always
# immediate). Get translator class from translator, not replicator.
# Get defect tracker classes from dt_interface, not replicator.
# 2001-03-15 GDR Get the configuration from the config module.
# 2001-03-21 GDR The setup_for_replication() method takes a jobname
# argument.
# 2001-05-09 NB add_issue() allows us to add bugs to Bugzilla.
# 2001-06-21 NB Treat email addresses case-insensitively. job000337.
# 2001-06-25 NB Added has_key to a bug and fixed date translation of
# empty dates.
# 2001-06-26 NB changed interface to changed_entities.
# 2001-06-26 NB Add bugzilla_bug.delete(), for deleting a bug. Needed
# when creating a bug from a new Perforce job, if replicating fails
# half-way. Also added argument to 'setup_for_replication()', to record
# in the defect tracker that this issue was created by migration from
# Perforce. Also changed changed_entities interface.
# 2001-06-27 NB all_issues and changed_entities can't call the same
# underlying function. See job000340.
# 2001-06-27 NB remove second argument from setup_for_replication by
# making new_issue set the issue up for replication (code moved from
# replicator.py) and extracting the common code.
# 2001-07-03 NB Restored middle result of changed_entities.
# 2001-07-13 NB date translator should return '' if match fails, so we
# can tell that it did. MySQL will then convert that to the zero date
# anyway.
# 2001-07-16 GDR Call first_replication() to ensure there's a record in
# the replications table.
# 2001-09-19 NB Bugzilla 2.14 (job000390): move some functionality to
# bugzilla.py, which knows the Bugzilla version.
# 2001-10-02 GDR Report Perforce users with duplicate e-mail addresses.
# 2001-10-28 GDR Formatted as a document.
# 2001-11-01 NB Add disabled user check (job000124).
# 2001-11-01 NB Add poll_start and poll_end, for job000306.
# 2001-11-05 GDR New method new_issue_defaults.
# 2001-12-04 GDR New method supports.
# 2002-01-29 GDR User translator applies the keyword translator for
# unknown users, in case they have spaces or other forbidden characters.
# 2002-02-01 GDR Setup a new bug for replication without checking
# replicate_p, as specified in the IG.
# 2002-04-03 NB Translate bogus timestamps from Perforce into '',
# which will become now() in the Bugzilla MySQL interface.
# 2002-04-03 NB Added better default behaviour in creating issue.
# Handled user of 0 in qacontact field (and prohibited elsewhere).
# job000494.
# 2002-04-03 NB Handle migration when numeric fields are being
# replicated (the translator needs to handle '' and the new_issue
# script needs to disregard zero fields). job000496.
# 2002-06-14 NB A big rewrite of the user translator, prompted by
# job000533.
# 2003-05-22 NB Add_replicator_user method to add the replicator user.
# Also update the can_change_field() logic and comments.
# This file is copyright (c) 2001 Perforce Software, Inc. All rights
# reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
# the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
# distribution.
# $Id: //info.ravenbrook.com/project/p4dti/version/2.1/code/replicator/dt_bugzilla.py#3 $