version: "2" # Note that the images depended on here can be built using services: # Testing image # c6test: # image: centos6-base # links: # - c6master # - c6fwd # command: sleep infinity # volumes: # - ${PWD}/../../sdp:/sdp master: image: perforce/centos6-sdp hostname: master ports: - "2167:1667" command: /usr/sbin/sshd -D # links: # - c6fwd:replica1 # - c6test:test volumes: - ${PWD}/../../sdp:/sdp replica1: image: perforce/centos6-sdp hostname: replica1 ports: - "2266:1666" command: /usr/sbin/sshd -D links: - master # - c6test:test volumes: - ${PWD}/../../sdp:/sdp test: image: perforce/centos6-sdp hostname: test command: /usr/sbin/sshd -D links: - master - replica1 volumes: - ${PWD}/../../sdp:/sdp