# include <clientapi.h> # include <mapapi.h> # include <spec.h> # include <strops.h> # include "joincheck.h" JoinCheck::JoinCheck( ClientApi* api, Error* e ) { this->api = api; this->e = e; join = 0; depotPath = 0; clientPath = 0; } JoinCheck::~JoinCheck() { delete join; delete depotPath; delete clientPath; } void JoinCheck::LoadProtect( StrPtr* user ) { state = 'p'; if ( user ) { char *args[2]; args[0] = "-u"; args[1] = user->Text(); api->SetArgv( 2, args ); } api->Run( "protects", this ); if ( !protect.Count() ) // empty? { protect.Insert( StrRef( "//..." ) ); } } void JoinCheck::LoadBranch( StrPtr* branch ) { state = 'b'; if ( branch ) { char *args[2]; args[0] = "-o"; args[1] = branch->Text(); api->SetArgv( 2, args ); api->Run( "branch", this ); } else { this->branch.Insert( StrRef( "//..." ) ); } } void JoinCheck::LoadClient( StrPtr* client ) { state = 'c'; char *args[2]; args[0] = "-o"; args[1] = client ? client->Text() : 0; api->SetArgv( client ? 2 : 1, args ); api->Run( "client", this ); } void JoinCheck::LoadPath( char* path ) { delete depotPath; delete clientPath; if ( !path ) { depotPath = new MapApi(); clientPath = new MapApi(); depotPath->Insert( StrRef( "//..." ) ); clientPath->Insert( StrRef( "//..." ) ); return; } MapApi pTest; pTest.Insert( StrRef( path ) ); MapApi *dTest = MapApi::Join( &pTest, &client ); MapApi *cTest = MapApi::Join( &client, &pTest ); StrBuf trans; if ( dTest->Count() ) { depotPath = new MapApi(); depotPath->Insert( StrRef( path ) ); delete dTest; dTest = MapApi::Join( depotPath, &client ); clientPath = MapApi::Join ( &client, MapRightLeft, dTest, MapLeftRight ); } else if ( cTest->Count() ) { clientPath = new MapApi(); clientPath->Insert( StrRef( path ) ); delete cTest; cTest = MapApi::Join( &client, clientPath ); depotPath = MapApi::Join ( cTest, MapLeftRight, &client, MapRightLeft ); } else { OutputError( "Please give a full //depot or //client path.\n" ); } delete dTest; delete cTest; } void JoinCheck::DoJoins() { delete join; MapApi *j1 = MapApi::Join( &protect, &branch ); MapApi *j2 = MapApi::Join( j1, depotPath ); MapApi *j3 = MapApi::Join( j2, &protect ); MapApi *j4 = MapApi::Join( j3, &client ); join = MapApi::Join( j4, clientPath ); delete j1; delete j2; delete j3; delete j4; } int JoinCheck::MaxWild( MapApi *view ) { int maxWild = 0; int maxThis; StrBuf half; StrRef find; for ( int i = 0 ; i < view->Count() ; i++ ) { maxThis = 0; StrOps::Replace( half, *view->GetLeft( i ), StrRef("..."), StrRef("*") ); find = half; while ( find.Contains( StrRef("*") ) ) { find = find.Contains( StrRef("*") ) + 1; maxThis++; } if ( maxThis > maxWild ) maxWild = maxThis; } return maxWild; } void JoinCheck::OutputStat( StrDict *varList ) { MapApi *ins; switch ( state ) { case 'p': ins = &protect; break; case 'b': ins = &branch; break; case 'c': ins = &client; break; default: return; } if ( state == 'p' ) { ins->Insert( *varList->GetVar( "depotFile" ), varList->GetVar( "unmap" ) ? MapExclude : MapInclude ); return; } const char *left; MapType type; StrPtr *line; SpecWords words; for ( int i = 0 ; line = varList->GetVar( StrRef("View"), i ) ; i++ ) { words.Set( *line ); if ( words.Split() != 2 ) continue; type = MapInclude; left = words.wv[0]; if ( *left == '-' ) { type = MapExclude; left++; } if ( *left == '+' ) { type = MapOverlay; left++; } ins->Insert( StrRef( left ), StrRef( words.wv[1] ), type ); } } void JoinCheck::DumpViews() { printf( "protect:\n" ); DumpView( &protect ); printf( "branch:\n" ); DumpView( &branch ); printf( "client:\n" ); DumpView( &client ); printf( "depot path:\n" ); DumpView( depotPath ); printf( "client path:\n" ); DumpView( clientPath ); printf( "full join:\n" ); DumpView( join ); } void JoinCheck::DumpView( MapApi *view ) { char c = ' '; for ( int i = 0 ; i < view->Count() ; i++ ) { switch( view->GetType( i ) ) { case MapInclude: c = ' '; break; case MapExclude: c = '-'; break; case MapOverlay: c = '+'; break; } printf( "%c%s %s\n", c, view->GetLeft( i )->Text(), view->GetRight( i )->Text() ); } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 8217 | benjamin_ma | Initial Branch from samwise's works | ||
//guest/sam_stafford/joincheck/joincheck.cpp | |||||
#2 | 7728 | Sam Stafford |
Add an option for a file path, and another join of the protect table after the branch map. |
#1 | 7727 | Sam Stafford |
MapApi-based tool for displaying joins of protects, client, and optionally a branch view. |