use Test::More tests => 9;
BEGIN { use_ok('P4'); } ## test 1
# Load test utils
unshift( @INC, "." );
unshift( @INC, "t" );
require_ok("p4test"); ## test 2
my $test = new P4::Test;
my $p4 = $test->InitClient();
ok( defined($p4) ); ## test 3
ok( $p4->Connect() ); ## test 4
# Create an unload depot
my $depot = $p4->FetchDepot("unload_depot");
$depot->{Type} = "unload";
# Create a client workspace, which we'll unload as part of the test
my $client = $p4->FetchClient("unload_client");
# Ensure that the client is created
my @clients = $p4->RunClients( "-e", "unload_client" );
ok( scalar(@clients) == 1 ); ## test 5
# Sync -k some files to the client workspace
my @sync = $p4->RunSync( "-f", "-k", "//..." );
ok( scalar(@sync) == 111 ); ## test 6
# Unload the client workspace and check it was successful
$p4->RunUnload( "-c", "unload_client" );
@clients = $p4->RunClients( "-U", "-e", "unload_client" );
ok( scalar(@clients) == 1 ); ## test 7
# Reload the client workspace
$p4->RunReload( "-c", "unload_client" );
@clients = $p4->RunClients( "-U", "-e", "unload_client" );
ok( scalar(@clients) == 0 ); ## test 8
my @have = $p4->RunHave();
ok( scalar(@have) == scalar(@sync) ); ## test 9