[{"name": "adapters", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#property_adapters", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "WiringEditor Adapters"}, {"name": "addAllContainers", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_addAllContainers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "The <WireIt.Group> group to get the containers from, The <Array> array to add all the containers to", "type": "method", "description": "Adds all(recurses down) the containers in a group to the given array"}, {"name": "addContainer", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_addContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "containerConfig <Object> Container configuration object (see WireIt.Container class for details)", "type": "method", "description": "Instanciate a container given its \"xtype\": WireIt.Container (default) or a subclass of it."}, {"name": "addContainer", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_addContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "addContainer"}, {"name": "_addElement", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#property__addElement", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "setContainer must be called on each new element"}, {"name": "addGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_addGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "addGroup"}, {"name": "addModule", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_addModule", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "add a module at the given pos"}, {"name": "addModuleToList", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_addModuleToList", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add a module definition to the left list"}, {"name": "addTerminal", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_addTerminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Instanciate the terminal from the class pointer \"xtype\" (default WireIt.Terminal)"}, {"name": "addWire", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_addWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "wireConfig <Object> Wire configuration object (see WireIt.Wire class for details)", "type": "method", "description": "Instanciate a wire given its \"xtype\" (default to WireIt.Wire)"}, {"name": "addWire", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_addWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "wire <WireIt.Wire> Wire instance to add", "type": "method", "description": "Add a wire to this terminal."}, {"name": "alert", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_alert", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Displays a message"}, {"name": "alertPanel", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_alertPanel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "alwaysSrc", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_alwaysSrc", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "forces this terminal to be the src terminal in the wire config"}, {"name": "alwaysSrc", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.html#property_alwaysSrc", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "forces this terminal to be the src terminal in the wire config"}, {"name": "applyToContainers", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_applyToContainers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "group <WireIt.Group> The group object to work with, deep <boolean> Whether to recurse down into sub groups applying to their containers as well, func <Function> The function to apply (takes 1 arg, the container), context <Object> The context to call the function with", "type": "method", "description": "Applys the given function to all containers in the group."}, {"name": "bodyEl", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_bodyEl", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Body element"}, {"name": "bordercap", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_bordercap", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "bordercolor", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_bordercolor", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Border color"}, {"name": "borderwidth", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_borderwidth", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Border width"}, {"name": "buildModulesList", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_buildModulesList", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Build the left menu on the left"}, {"name": "cap", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_cap", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "checkAutoLoad", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_checkAutoLoad", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "checkAutoLoad looks for the \"autoload\" URL parameter and open the pipe.\nreturns true if it loads a Pipe"}, {"name": "classFromXtype", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_classFromXtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "default"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the layer element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the layer map element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the terminal element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the wire element"}, {"name": "className", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_className", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the container element"}, {"name": "clear", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_clear", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove all the containers in this layer (and the associated terminals and wires)"}, {"name": "clearExplode", "url": "WireIt.util.Anim.html#method_clearExplode", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.Anim", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Layer explosing animation"}, {"name": "close", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_close", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "display a button to close the container"}, {"name": "closeButtonClassName", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_closeButtonClassName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the close button"}, {"name": "cn", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_cn", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "tag <String> The tagName to create (ex: 'div', 'a', ...), [domAttributes] <Object> see inputEx.sn, [styleAttributes] <Object> see inputEx.sn, [innerHTML] <String> The html string to append into the created element", "type": "method", "description": "Helper function to create a DOM node. (wrapps the document.createElement tag and the inputEx.sn functions)"}, {"name": "coeffMulDirection", "url": "WireIt.BezierWire.html#property_coeffMulDirection", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BezierWire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Norm of the tangent vector at the terminals"}, {"name": "collapsible", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#property_collapsible", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Collapsible"}, {"name": "color", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_color", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Wire color"}, {"name": "compact", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_compact", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "arr <Array> Array to compact", "type": "method", "description": "compact replace Array.compact for cases where it isn't available"}, {"name": "composedCategory", "url": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor.html#property_composedCategory", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "config", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#property_config", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "You can configure this adapter to different schemas.\nTIP: \"url\" can be a function !"}, {"name": "connectedClassName", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_connectedClassName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class added to the terminal when it is connected"}, {"name": "container", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_container", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Container (optional). Parent container of this terminal"}, {"name": "containers", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_containers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of all the WireIt.Container (or subclass) instances in this layer"}, {"name": "createFrame", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_createFrame", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Took this method from the YAHOO.util.DDProxy class\nto overwrite the creation of the proxy Element with our custom size"}, {"name": "ddConfig", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_ddConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "configuration of the WireIt.TerminalProxy object"}, {"name": "ddConfig", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput.html#property_ddConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "configuration of the WireIt.TerminalProxy object"}, {"name": "ddConfig", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.html#property_ddConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "configuration of the WireIt.TerminalProxy object"}, {"name": "ddHandle", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#property_ddHandle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "(only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop"}, {"name": "ddHandle", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_ddHandle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "(only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop"}, {"name": "ddHandle", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#property_ddHandle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "(only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop"}, {"name": "ddHandle", "url": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer.html#property_ddHandle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "(only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop"}, {"name": "ddHandle", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_ddHandle", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "(only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop"}, {"name": "ddHandleClassName", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_ddHandleClassName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the drag'n drop handle"}, {"name": "defaultDelay", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#property_defaultDelay", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Delay in ms between two points of the RubberBand when drawing"}, {"name": "defaultOptions", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_defaultOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Default options for the BaseEditor"}, {"name": "defaultWireClass", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#property_defaultWireClass", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "dehighlight", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_dehighlight", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "deleteWiring", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#method_deleteWiring", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "called when deleted"}, {"name": "deselectGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_deselectGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "deselectGroup"}, {"name": "destroy", "url": "WireIt.CanvasElement.html#method_destroy", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasElement", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Purge all event listeners and remove the component from the dom"}, {"name": "direction", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_direction", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the wires when connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "direction", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput.html#property_direction", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the wires when connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "direction", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.html#property_direction", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the wires when connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "draggable", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_draggable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "boolean that enables drag'n drop on this container"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.ArrowWire.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.ArrowWire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Drawing methods for arrows"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.BezierArrowWire.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BezierArrowWire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Attempted bezier drawing method for arrows"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.BezierWire.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BezierWire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw the Wire"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw the layer map"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.LeftSquareArrow.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LeftSquareArrow", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Drawing method"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.RightSquareArrow.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RightSquareArrow", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Drawing method"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.StepWire.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.StepWire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Drawing methods for arrows"}, {"name": "draw", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_draw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Drawing method"}, {"name": "drawCanvas", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#method_drawCanvas", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Draw the canvas"}, {"name": "drawContainers", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_drawContainers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Subroutine to draw the containers"}, {"name": "drawWires", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_drawWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Subroutine to draw the wires"}, {"name": "dropinviteClassName", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_dropinviteClassName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class added for drop invitation"}, {"name": "editable", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_editable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "boolean that makes the terminal editable"}, {"name": "editingWireConfig", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_editingWireConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Options for the wires connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "el", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_el", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Container DOM element"}, {"name": "el", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_el", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Layer DOM element"}, {"name": "el", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_el", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "DIV dom element that will display the Terminal"}, {"name": "el", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_el", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Container DOM element"}, {"name": "element", "url": "WireIt.CanvasElement.html#property_element", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasElement", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "The canvas element"}, {"name": "enableMouseEvents", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_enableMouseEvents", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Enable the mouse events"}, {"name": "endDrag", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_endDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "endDrag", "url": "WireIt.ModuleProxy.html#method_endDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.ModuleProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Override default behavior of DDProxy"}, {"name": "eventAddContainer", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventAddContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a container is added\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventAddContainer.subscribe(function(e,params) { var container=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventAddWire", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#event_eventAddWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is added\nYou can register this event with myContainer.eventAddWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventAddWire", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventAddWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is added\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventAddWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventAddWire", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#event_eventAddWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is added\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventAddWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventBlur", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#event_eventBlur", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the container loses focus\nYou can register this event with myContainer.eventBlur.subscribe(function(e,params) { }, scope);"}, {"name": "eventChanged", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventChanged", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the layer has been changed\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventChanged.subscribe(function(e,params) { }, scope);"}, {"name": "eventContainerDragged", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventContainerDragged", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a container has been moved\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventContainerDragged.subscribe(function(e,params) { var container=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventContainerResized", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventContainerResized", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a container has been resized\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventContainerResized.subscribe(function(e,params) { var container=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventFocus", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#event_eventFocus", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the container is focused\nYou can register this event with myContainer.eventFocus.subscribe(function(e,params) { }, scope);"}, {"name": "eventMouseClick", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#event_eventMouseClick", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is clicked (on the wire, not the canvas)\nYou can register this event with myWire.eventWireClick.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire = params[0], xy = params[1];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventMouseIn", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#event_eventMouseIn", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the mouse enter the wire\nYou can register this event with myWire.eventMouseIn.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire = params[0], xy = params[1];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventMouseMove", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#event_eventMouseMove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the mouse moves inside the wire\nYou can register this event with myWire.eventMouseMove.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire = params[0], xy = params[1];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventMouseOut", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#event_eventMouseOut", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when the mouse exits the wire\nYou can register this event with myWire.eventMouseOut.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire = params[0], xy = params[1];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventRemoveContainer", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventRemoveContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a container is removed\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventRemoveContainer.subscribe(function(e,params) { var container=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventRemoveWire", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#event_eventRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is removed\nYou can register this event with myContainer.eventRemoveWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventRemoveWire", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#event_eventRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is removed\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventRemoveWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventRemoveWire", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#event_eventRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "Event that is fired when a wire is removed\nYou can register this event with myTerminal.eventRemoveWire.subscribe(function(e,params) { var wire=params[0];}, scope);"}, {"name": "eventResize", "url": "WireIt.util.DDResize.html#event_eventResize", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DDResize", "params": "", "type": "event", "description": "The event fired when the container is resized"}, {"name": "fakeDirection", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_fakeDirection", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the \"editing\" wire when it started from this terminal"}, {"name": "fakeDirection", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput.html#property_fakeDirection", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the \"editing\" wire when it started from this terminal"}, {"name": "fakeDirection", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.html#property_fakeDirection", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "direction vector of the \"editing\" wire when it started from this terminal"}, {"name": "fakeTerminal", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#property_fakeTerminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Object that emulate a terminal which is following the mouse"}, {"name": "fields", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#property_fields", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of inputEx field definitions"}, {"name": "finish", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_finish", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "End the drawing mode"}, {"name": "getCollapsedConfig", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_getCollapsedConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "group <WireIt.Group> The group to get the config for, map <object> Optional The group's map (obtained by WireIt.GroupUtils.getMap(group))", "type": "method", "description": "Get the configuration to pass to a group container"}, {"name": "getConfig", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_getConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Return the config of this container."}, {"name": "getConfig", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_getConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Return the config of this Wire"}, {"name": "getConnectedTerminals", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_getConnectedTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Returns a list of all the terminals connecter to this terminal through its wires."}, {"name": "getContainerCorners", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_getContainerCorners", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "getContainerCorners"}, {"name": "getContext", "url": "WireIt.CanvasElement.html#method_getContext", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasElement", "params": "[mode] <String> Context mode (default \"2d\")", "type": "method", "description": "Get a drawing context"}, {"name": "getIntStyle", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_getIntStyle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "el <HTMLElement> The element, style <String> css-property to get", "type": "method", "description": "Get a css property in pixels and convert it to an integer"}, {"name": "_getMouseEvtPos", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method__getMouseEvtPos", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "e <Event> Mouse event", "type": "method", "description": "Returns a position relative to the layer from a mouse event"}, {"name": "getOtherTerminal", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_getOtherTerminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "terminal <WireIt.Terminal> ", "type": "method", "description": "This function returns terminal1 if the first argument is terminal2 and vice-versa"}, {"name": "getOuterGroup", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_getOuterGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "The <WireIt.Group> group to get the outer group for, Optional <Function> callback function for each group found (including the given one)", "type": "method", "description": "Gets the outer most group (e.g. if this group is inside another one it gives you that one (or its parent group if it has one etc etc))"}, {"name": "getOverridesFromUI", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_getOverridesFromUI", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the override options for the group (e.g. rename fields)\nCurrently sets all overrides not just the ones that are actually changed by the user"}, {"name": "getPipeByName", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_getPipeByName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "name <String> Pipe's name", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "getTerminal", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_getTerminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "getValue", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_getValue", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Subclasses should override this method."}, {"name": "getValue", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#method_getValue", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "getValue", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_getValue", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "This method return a wiring within the given vocabulary described by the modules list"}, {"name": "getWiring", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_getWiring", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Return an object that represent the state of the layer including the containers and the wires"}, {"name": "getXY", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_getXY", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Get the position relative to the layer (if any)"}, {"name": "getXY", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_getXY", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "This function is a temporary test. I added the border width while traversing the DOM and\nI calculated the offset to center the wire in the terminal just after its creation"}, {"name": "groupable", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_groupable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "option to add the grouping button"}, {"name": "groupCollapse", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_groupCollapse", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "groupCollapse"}, {"name": "grouper", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_grouper", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "groups", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_groups", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "height", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#property_height", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial height of the container"}, {"name": "height", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_height", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial height of the container"}, {"name": "height", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_height", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial height of the container"}, {"name": "helpPanel", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_helpPanel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "hide", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_hide", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "hide", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_hide", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Hide the RubberBand"}, {"name": "hideGroupConfigure", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_hideGroupConfigure", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "hideGroupConfigure"}, {"name": "hideNow", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_hideNow", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "highlight", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_highlight", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "icon", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_icon", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "image url to be displayed in the module header"}, {"name": "image", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#property_image", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "image url"}, {"name": "indexOf", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_indexOf", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "el <Any> element to search for, arr <Array> Array to search into", "type": "method", "description": "indexOf replace Array.indexOf for cases where it isn't available (IE6 only ?)"}, {"name": "init", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#method_init", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "init the adapter"}, {"name": "init", "url": "inputEx.WireIt.Layout.Spring.html#method_init", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.WireIt.Layout.Spring", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Init the default structure"}, {"name": "initContainers", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_initContainers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Create all the containers passed as options"}, {"name": "initEvents", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_initEvents", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Listen for various events that should redraw the layer map"}, {"name": "initScissors", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_initScissors", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Init the scissors"}, {"name": "initTerminals", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_initTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Call the addTerminal method for each terminal configuration."}, {"name": "initWires", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_initWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Create all the wires passed in the config"}, {"name": "inputFilterTimer", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_inputFilterTimer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Method called from each keyup on the search filter in load panel.\nThe real filtering occurs only after 500ms so that the filter process isn't called too often"}, {"name": "inputs", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#property_inputs", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Array of strings for which an Input terminal will be created."}, {"name": "isSaved", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_isSaved", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Is saved ?"}, {"name": "isValidWireTerminal", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_isValidWireTerminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "label", "url": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer.html#property_label", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Label String"}, {"name": "label", "url": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer.html#property_label", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Label String"}, {"name": "label", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_label", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Wire label"}, {"name": "labelEditor", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_labelEditor", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "inputEx field definition for the label editor"}, {"name": "labelStyle", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_labelStyle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Wire label style"}, {"name": "layer", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_layer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "the WireIt.Layer object that schould contain this container"}, {"name": "layer", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#property_layer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "layer", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#property_layer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "layerMap", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_layerMap", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Display the layer map"}, {"name": "layerMapOptions", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_layerMapOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Options for the layer map"}, {"name": "layerMouseDown", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_layerMouseDown", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Check if clicked in the layer and start the drawing mode"}, {"name": "Layout", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_Layout", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "layout", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_layout", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "layoutAnim", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_layoutAnim", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Calculate the new position for the given layout and animate the layer to this position"}, {"name": "legend", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#property_legend", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Legend"}, {"name": "lineWidth", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#property_lineWidth", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Line width"}, {"name": "listWirings", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#method_listWirings", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "called to load the wirings"}, {"name": "load", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_load", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Start the loading of the pipes using the adapter"}, {"name": "loadPipe", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_loadPipe", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "name <String> Pipe name", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "makeDraggable", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_makeDraggable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Use the DD utility to make container draggable while redrawing the connected wires"}, {"name": "makeGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_makeGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "makeGroup"}, {"name": "makeResizable", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_makeResizable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Use the DDResize utility to make container resizable while redrawing the connected wires"}, {"name": "markSaved", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_markSaved", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Hide the save indicator"}, {"name": "markUnsaved", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_markUnsaved", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Show the save indicator"}, {"name": "modules", "url": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor.html#property_modules", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Default \"input\" and \"output\" modules"}, {"name": "modulesByName", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#property_modulesByName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Hash object to reference module definitions by their name"}, {"name": "mouseOver", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_mouseOver", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "moveWireItWires", "url": "WireIt.util.Anim.html#method_moveWireItWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.Anim", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Listen YAHOO.util.Anim.onTween events to redraw the wires"}, {"name": "myConf", "url": "WireIt.util.DDResize.html#property_myConf", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DDResize", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Configuration object\n<ul>\n<li>minWidth: minimum width (default 50)</li>\n<li>minHeight: minimum height (default 50)</li>\n</ul>"}, {"name": "name", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_name", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Name of the terminal"}, {"name": "nextPoint", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_nextPoint", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add a point to the RubberBand"}, {"name": "nMaxWires", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_nMaxWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "maximum number of wires for this terminal"}, {"name": "nMaxWires", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput.html#property_nMaxWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "maximum number of wires for this terminal"}, {"name": "offsetPosition", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_offsetPosition", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "offset position from the parentEl position. Can be an array [top,left] or an object {left: 100, bottom: 20} or {right: 10, top: 5} etc..."}, {"name": "onAddWire", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_onAddWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "event <Event> The eventAddWire event fired by the terminal, args <Array> This array contains a single element args[0] which is the added Wire instance", "type": "method", "description": "This method is called when a wire is added to one of the terminals"}, {"name": "onAddWire", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_onAddWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "event <Event> The eventAddWire event fired by the container, args <Array> This array contains a single element args[0] which is the added Wire instance", "type": "method", "description": "Update the wire list when any of the containers fired the eventAddWire"}, {"name": "onAddWire", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_onAddWire", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove the input wired state on the"}, {"name": "onClick", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onClick", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "When the mouse clicked on the canvas\nNote: this will only work within a layer"}, {"name": "onCloseButton", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_onCloseButton", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Called when the user clicked on the close button"}, {"name": "onDelete", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_onDelete", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onDrag", "url": "WireIt.util.DD.html#method_onDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DD", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Override YAHOO.util.DD.prototype.onDrag to redraw the wires"}, {"name": "onDrag", "url": "WireIt.util.DDResize.html#method_onDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DDResize", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onDrag", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_onDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onDrag", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_onDrag", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Override YAHOO.util.DD.prototype.onDrag to redraw the wires"}, {"name": "onDragDrop", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_onDragDrop", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onDragDrop", "url": "WireIt.ModuleProxy.html#method_onDragDrop", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.ModuleProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add the module to the WiringEditor on drop on layer"}, {"name": "onDragEnter", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_onDragEnter", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onDragOut", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_onDragOut", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onHelp", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_onHelp", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Create a help panel"}, {"name": "onLayerScroll", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_onLayerScroll", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw after a timeout"}, {"name": "onLoadSuccess", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_onLoadSuccess", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onLoadSuccess", "url": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor.html#method_onLoadSuccess", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Customize the load success handler for the composed module list"}, {"name": "onMouseDown", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_onMouseDown", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Called when the user made a mouse down on the container and sets the focus to this container (only if within a Layer)"}, {"name": "onMouseDown", "url": "WireIt.util.DDResize.html#method_onMouseDown", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DDResize", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onMouseDown", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_onMouseDown", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "e <Event> Original event, args <Array> event parameters", "type": "method", "description": "When a mouse down is received"}, {"name": "onMouseMove", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_onMouseMove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "e <Event> Original event, args <Array> event parameters", "type": "method", "description": "When a mouse move is received"}, {"name": "onMouseMove", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onMouseMove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "Called by the Layer when the mouse moves over the canvas element.\nNote: the event is not listened directly, to receive the event event if the wire is behind another wire"}, {"name": "onMouseUp", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_onMouseUp", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "e <Event> Original event, args <Array> event parameters", "type": "method", "description": "When a mouseup or mouseout is received"}, {"name": "onNew", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_onNew", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onRemoveWire", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_onRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "event <Event> The eventRemoveWire event fired by the terminal, args <Array> This array contains a single element args[0] which is the removed Wire instance", "type": "method", "description": "This method is called when a wire is removed from one of the terminals"}, {"name": "onRemoveWire", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_onRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "event <Event> The eventRemoveWire event fired by the container, args <Array> This array contains a single element args[0] which is the removed Wire instance", "type": "method", "description": "Update the wire list when a wire is removed"}, {"name": "onRemoveWire", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_onRemoveWire", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove the input wired state on the"}, {"name": "onResize", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#method_onResize", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "On resize, resize the canvas element and redraw it"}, {"name": "onResize", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_onResize", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Function called when the container is being resized.\nIt sets the size of the body element of the container"}, {"name": "onSave", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_onSave", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "onWireClick", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_onWireClick", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "e <Event> Mouse click event", "type": "method", "description": "Handles click on any wire canvas\nNote: we treat mouse events globally so that wires behind others can still receive the events"}, {"name": "onWireClick", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onWireClick", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "When the mouse clicked on the wire\nNote: this will only work within a layer"}, {"name": "onWireIn", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onWireIn", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "When the mouse comes into the wire\nNote: this will only work within a layer"}, {"name": "onWireMouseMove", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_onWireMouseMove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "e <Event> Mouse click event", "type": "method", "description": "Handles mousemove events on any wire canvas\nNote: we treat mouse events globally so that wires behind others can still receive the events"}, {"name": "onWireMove", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onWireMove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "When the mouse moves over a wire\nNote: this will only work within a layer"}, {"name": "onWireOut", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_onWireOut", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "x <Integer> left position of the mouse (relative to the canvas), y <Integer> top position of the mouse (relative to the canvas)", "type": "method", "description": "When the mouse comes out of the wire\nNote: this will only work within a layer"}, {"name": "options", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#property_options", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": ""}, {"name": "outputs", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#property_outputs", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Array of strings for which an Output terminal will be created."}, {"name": "parentEl", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_parentEl", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "DOM element that schould contain the layer"}, {"name": "parentEl", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#property_parentEl", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "DOM element that schould contain the layer"}, {"name": "parentEl", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_parentEl", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "DOM parent element"}, {"name": "parentEl", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_parentEl", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Reference to the parent dom element"}, {"name": "pointIsInside", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_pointIsInside", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Check if the given (x,y) is within the RubberBand path"}, {"name": "position", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_position", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial position of the container"}, {"name": "positionLabel", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_positionLabel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Position the label element to the center"}, {"name": "preventSelfWiring", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_preventSelfWiring", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "option to prevent connections between terminals of this same container"}, {"name": "redraw", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_redraw", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw the wire and label"}, {"name": "redrawAllTerminals", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_redrawAllTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw all the wires connected to the terminals of this container"}, {"name": "redrawAllWires", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_redrawAllWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Redraw all the wires connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "remove", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_remove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove this container from the dom"}, {"name": "remove", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_remove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove the terminal from the DOM"}, {"name": "remove", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_remove", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove a Wire from the Dom"}, {"name": "removeAllContainers", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_removeAllContainers", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "removeAllTerminals", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_removeAllTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove all terminals"}, {"name": "removeAllWires", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_removeAllWires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove all wires"}, {"name": "removeContainer", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_removeContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "container <WireIt.Container> Container instance to remove", "type": "method", "description": "Remove a container"}, {"name": "removeContainer", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_removeContainer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "removeContainer"}, {"name": "removeFocus", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_removeFocus", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Remove the class that shows the container as \"focused\""}, {"name": "removeGroup", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_removeGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "removeGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_removeGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "removeGroup"}, {"name": "removeGroupFromLayer", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_removeGroupFromLayer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "The <WireIt.Group> group to remove, The <WireIt.Layer> layer to remove them from", "type": "method", "description": "Removes the group's containers and sub groups from the layer"}, {"name": "removeWire", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_removeWire", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "wire <WireIt.Wire> Wire instance to remove", "type": "method", "description": "Remove a wire"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add the image property as a background image for the container"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the dom of the container"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add the image property as a background image for the container"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Create the dom of the layer and insert it into the parent element"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the DOM of the terminal"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "The render method is overrided to call renderForm"}, {"name": "render", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Adds a terminal to each field"}, {"name": "render", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render a WireIt.Layer inside !"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the layout & panels"}, {"name": "render", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_render", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Add the rendering of the layer"}, {"name": "renderAlertPanel", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderAlertPanel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the alert panel"}, {"name": "renderButtons", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderButtons", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Toolbar"}, {"name": "renderForm", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#method_renderForm", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the form"}, {"name": "renderHelpPanel", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderHelpPanel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the help dialog"}, {"name": "renderLabel", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_renderLabel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the label container"}, {"name": "renderLoadPanel", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_renderLoadPanel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "renderModulesAccordion", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_renderModulesAccordion", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "render the modules accordion in the left panel"}, {"name": "renderPropertiesAccordion", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderPropertiesAccordion", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the accordion using yui-accordion"}, {"name": "renderPropertiesForm", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderPropertiesForm", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the properties form"}, {"name": "renderSavedStatus", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_renderSavedStatus", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "renderTerminal", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_renderTerminal", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Render the associated input terminal"}, {"name": "resizable", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_resizable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "boolean that makes the container resizable"}, {"name": "resizable", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#property_resizable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "boolean that makes the container resizable"}, {"name": "resizable", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#property_resizable", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "boolean that makes the container resizable"}, {"name": "resizeHandleClassName", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_resizeHandleClassName", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "CSS class name for the resize handle"}, {"name": "RestJSON", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.JsonRpc.html#property_RestJSON", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.JsonRpc", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Ajax Adapter using a REST interface. Expect JSON response for all queries."}, {"name": "rubberbandSelect", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_rubberbandSelect", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "rubberbandSelect"}, {"name": "run", "url": "inputEx.WireIt.Layout.Spring.html#method_run", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.WireIt.Layout.Spring", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO: split iterations into \"step\" method"}, {"name": "save", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_save", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Save method (empty)"}, {"name": "save", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_save", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "save the current module"}, {"name": "saveModuleFailure", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_saveModuleFailure", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "saveModule failure callback"}, {"name": "saveModuleSuccess", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_saveModuleSuccess", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "saveModule success callback"}, {"name": "saveWiring", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#method_saveWiring", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "called when saved"}, {"name": "scissorClick", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_scissorClick", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "scroll", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_scroll", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Scroll the associated WireIt.Layer"}, {"name": "scrollLayer", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_scrollLayer", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "clientX <Integer> mouse event x coordinate, clientY <Integer> mouse event y coordinate", "type": "method", "description": "Scroll the layer from mousedown/mousemove"}, {"name": "selectGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_selectGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "selectGroup"}, {"name": "_sendRequest", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax.html#method__sendRequest", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor.adapters.Ajax", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "send a request in JSON"}, {"name": "serialiseGroup", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_serialiseGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "group <WiteIt.Group> The group to serialise, containers <Array> The array of containers from the group (for generating indexes)", "type": "method", "description": "Removes direct references to group and container objects (replaces with an index), is applied recursively to sub groups"}, {"name": "setBody", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_setBody", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "content <String or HTMLElement> ", "type": "method", "description": "Sets the content of the body element"}, {"name": "SetCanvasRegion", "url": "WireIt.CanvasElement.html#method_SetCanvasRegion", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasElement", "params": "left <Number> Left position, top <Number> Top position, width <Number> New width, height <Number> New height", "type": "method", "description": "Set the canvas position and size.\n<b>Warning:</b> This method changes the <i>element</i> property under some brother. Don't copy references !"}, {"name": "setContainer", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_setContainer", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the container for this field"}, {"name": "setDisplay", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_setDisplay", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "setDisplay"}, {"name": "setDropInvitation", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_setDropInvitation", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "display <Boolean> Show the invitation if true, hide it otherwise", "type": "method", "description": "Show or hide the drop invitation. (by adding/removing this.options.dropinviteClassName CSS class)"}, {"name": "setFieldName", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_setFieldName", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "also change the terminal name when changing the field name"}, {"name": "setFocus", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_setFocus", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Adds the class that shows the container as \"focused\""}, {"name": "setGroupOptions", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_setGroupOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "setGroupOptions"}, {"name": "setLabel", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_setLabel", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the label"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the options by putting them in this (so it overrides the prototype default)"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the options by putting them in this (so it overrides the prototype default)"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the options by putting them in this (so it overrides the prototype default)"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the options by putting them in this (so it overrides the prototype default)"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Set the options by putting them in this (so it overrides the prototype default)"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "inputEx.Field.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.Field", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Adds a wirable option to every field"}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.BaseEditor.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BaseEditor", "params": "options <Object> ", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "setOptions", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_setOptions", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "options <Object> ", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "setPosition", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_setPosition", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "setPosition", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#method_setPosition", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "setSelectedGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_setSelectedGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "setSelectedGroup"}, {"name": "setSuperHighlighted", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_setSuperHighlighted", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "setTerminals", "url": "WireIt.util.DD.html#method_setTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DD", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "In case you change the terminals since you created the WireIt.util.DD:"}, {"name": "setTerminals", "url": "WireIt.util.Anim.html#method_setTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.Anim", "params": "terminals <Array> ", "type": "method", "description": "In case you change the terminals since you created the WireIt.util.Anim:"}, {"name": "setTerminals", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_setTerminals", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "In case you change the terminals since you created the WireIt.LayerContainer.DD:"}, {"name": "setupSelectedGroups", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_setupSelectedGroups", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "setupSelectedGroups"}, {"name": "setupWidget", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_setupWidget", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "setupWidget"}, {"name": "setValue", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_setValue", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "val <Any> Value", "type": "method", "description": "Subclasses should override this method."}, {"name": "setValue", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#method_setValue", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "setWiring", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_setWiring", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "wiring <Object> layer configuration", "type": "method", "description": "Load a layer configuration object"}, {"name": "show", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#method_show", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "show", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_show", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Show the RubberBand"}, {"name": "showGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_showGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "showGroup"}, {"name": "showGroupConfigure", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_showGroupConfigure", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "showGroupConfigure"}, {"name": "sn", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#method_sn", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "el <HTMLElement> The element to set attributes to, ) <Object} domAttributes An object containing key/value pairs to set as node attributes (ex: {id: 'myElement', className: 'myCssClass', ...> , styleAttributes <Object> Same thing for style attributes. Please use camelCase for style attributes (ex: backgroundColor for 'background-color')", "type": "method", "description": "Helper function to set DOM node attributes and style attributes."}, {"name": "start", "url": "WireIt.RubberBand.html#method_start", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RubberBand", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Start the drawing mode"}, {"name": "startDrag", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#method_startDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "startDrag", "url": "WireIt.ModuleProxy.html#method_startDrag", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.ModuleProxy", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "copy the html and apply selected classes"}, {"name": "startDynamicLayout", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_startDynamicLayout", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Start a dynamic layout"}, {"name": "stopDynamicLayout", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#method_stopDynamicLayout", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Stop the dynamic layout"}, {"name": "style", "url": "WireIt.LayerMap.html#property_style", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LayerMap", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "display style"}, {"name": "superHighlight", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#method_superHighlight", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "termConfig", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#property_termConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Object containing the configuration object\n<ul>\n<li>type: 'type' of this terminal. If no \"allowedTypes\" is specified in the options, the terminal will only connect to the same type of terminal</li>\n<li>allowedTypes: list of all the allowed types that we can connect to.</li>\n<li>{Integer} terminalProxySize: size of the drag drop proxy element. default is 10 for \"10px\"</li>\n</ul>"}, {"name": "_terminal", "url": "WireIt.Scissors.html#property__terminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Scissors", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "The terminal it is associated to"}, {"name": "terminal", "url": "WireIt.TerminalProxy.html#property_terminal", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.TerminalProxy", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Reference to the terminal parent"}, {"name": "terminal1", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_terminal1", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Source terminal"}, {"name": "terminal2", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_terminal2", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Target terminal"}, {"name": "terminals", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_terminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of the terminals"}, {"name": "title", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_title", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "text that will appear in the module header"}, {"name": "toggle", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_toggle", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "toggle"}, {"name": "unGroup", "url": "WireIt.Grouper.html#method_unGroup", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Grouper", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "unGroup"}, {"name": "unsetSuperHighlighted", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#method_unsetSuperHighlighted", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "TODO"}, {"name": "updateComposedModuleList", "url": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor.html#method_updateComposedModuleList", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ComposableWiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "All the saved wirings are reusable modules :"}, {"name": "updateLoadPanelList", "url": "WireIt.WiringEditor.html#method_updateLoadPanelList", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WiringEditor", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": ""}, {"name": "util", "url": "WireIt.WireIt.html#property_util", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.WireIt", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "WireIt.util contains utility classes"}, {"name": "valueOr", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_valueOr", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "The <any> argument to check, The <any> default value", "type": "method", "description": "Gives the argument back or a default if the argument is not a value"}, {"name": "width", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#property_width", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial width of the container"}, {"name": "width", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_width", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial width of the container"}, {"name": "width", "url": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer.html#property_width", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial width of the container"}, {"name": "width", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_width", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Wire width"}, {"name": "width", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_width", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "initial width of the container"}, {"name": "wireConfig", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_wireConfig", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "Options for the wires connected to this terminal"}, {"name": "wireDrawnAt", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#method_wireDrawnAt", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "method", "description": "Determine if the wire is drawn at position (x,y) relative to the canvas element. This is used for mouse events."}, {"name": "_WireItTerminals", "url": "WireIt.util.DD.html#property__WireItTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.DD", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of the contained terminals"}, {"name": "_WireItTerminals", "url": "WireIt.util.Anim.html#property__WireItTerminals", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.Anim", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of the contained terminals"}, {"name": "_WireItTerminals", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property__WireItTerminals", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of the contained terminals"}, {"name": "wires", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_wires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of all the wires connected to this container terminals"}, {"name": "wires", "url": "WireIt.Layer.html#property_wires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Layer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of all the WireIt.Wire (or subclass) instances in this layer"}, {"name": "wires", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_wires", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "List of the associated wires"}, {"name": "workOutCenter", "url": "WireIt.GroupUtils.html#method_workOutCenter", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.GroupUtils", "params": "group <WireIt.Group> The group to get the center of", "type": "method", "description": "Works out the center point of a group"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.ArrowWire.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.ArrowWire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.BezierArrowWire.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BezierArrowWire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.BezierWire.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.BezierWire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.CanvasContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.CanvasContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.Container.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Container", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.EllipseLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.ImageContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.InOutContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.LeftSquareArrow.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.LeftSquareArrow", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RectLabelContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.RightSquareArrow.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.RightSquareArrow", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.StepWire.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.StepWire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.Terminal.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Terminal", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalInput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.util.TerminalOutput", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.Wire.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.Wire", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "WireIt.FormContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "WireIt.FormContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}, {"name": "xtype", "url": "inputEx.LayerContainer.html#property_xtype", "access": "", "host": "inputEx.LayerContainer", "params": "", "type": "property", "description": "String representing this class for exporting as JSON"}]