# We're having a lot of files added to the wrong directories,
# accidently, because the files are named things like:
# //depot/DiReCtOrYnAMe/file1
# //depot/DirectoryName/file2
# //depot/DIRECTORYNAME/file3
# //depot/directoryname/file4
# This script will do the following:
# 1. Return "success" (exit code 0) if the change has
# no adds/branches in the changelist;
# 2. Otherwise, it gets the list of *all* directories
# from "p4 files //..." and looks for any files that
# are being added to a directory that already exists,
# but is of a different case. (That's an error.)
# Unix usage:
# perl /whatever/CheckC.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%
# NT usage:
# c:/perl/bin/perl c:/whatever/checkc.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%
# (Note that the name of this script might need to be an "8.3" filename,
# depending on the version of Perl you're running.)
# Example 'triggers' section:
# Triggers:
# exCheckC //... "c:/perl/bin/perl c:/whatever/checkc.pl %changelist% %serverport% %client%"
# Tested on Platforms: FreeBSD, NT (as program, not service).
# Known bugs:
# 1. Perforce triggers have problems [at the moment] running when the
# Perforce server is running as an NT server.
# 2. If you submit the four files in the above example into a *new*
# directory, this script won't catch that case at the moment.
$ChangeNum = $ARGV[0];
$ServerPort = $ARGV[1];
$ClientName = $ARGV[2];
$p4 = "p4 -p $ServerPort -c $ClientName";
$MaxErrs = 10;
$OptimizeErrorOutput = "yes";
Fatal("Changelist $ChangeNum (1st arg) needs to be numeric!\n") unless ($ChangeNum =~ /^\d+$/);
Fatal("\%serverport\% (2nd arg) wasn't specified.\n") if ($ServerPort eq "");
Fatal("\%clientname\% (3rd arg) wasn't specified.\n") if ($ClientName eq "");
@OpenedList = `$p4 opened`; # cannot use 'p4 describe -s changenum', so we
# get a list of open files this way...
foreach (@OpenedList) {
next unless /^\/\/([^\/]+)\/(.*)#1 - .*\s$ChangeNum\s.*/;
push(@FilesToAdd, "//$1/$2"); # create list of files being added
$DepotsToCheck{$1}++; # and what 'depot they're from...
if ($#FilesToAdd == -1) {
Inform("No changes add/branch files - nothing to do!\n");
# Everything to this point needed to be very inexpensive. (Most cases
# should hit the "exit(0);" two lines up, minimizing the overhead for
# more typical submissions.)
# If we've reached this point, there are files being added/branched, and
# we need to construct a "current directory list" of directories in the
# depots....
# We use 'p4 files //depot/...' (for each depot) to get the directory list.
# It's necessary to use 'p4 files' instead of 'p4 dirs' since '...' doesn't
# work for 'p4 dirs'.
foreach $d (sort keys %DepotsToCheck) {
$depotlist .= " //$d/...";
@AllFilesList = `$p4 files $depotlist`;
foreach $f (@AllFilesList) { # for each file....
my($dirname) = $f;
$dirname =~ s/\/[^\/]+#.*//; # pry out the directory name
next if ($DepotDirProcessed{$dirname}++); # skip duplicate directories...
push(@DirList, $dirname); # make the list of all depot directories
foreach $d (@DirList) { # make associative array of their lower-case counterparts
my($tmp) = $d;
$tmp =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$LowerCaseDirectoryName{$tmp} = "$d";
# Now we're ready to look at the new files and see whether they belong
# in poorly-named directories. (Compare the lower-cased name of the destination
# directory against the lower-cased name of the depot directories, and if
# we find a match, make sure that the non-mapped directory names match up.)
$nerrs = 0;
foreach $f (@FilesToAdd) {
my($dirname, $lcdirname) = ($f,);
$dirname =~ s/\/[^\/]+$//;
($lcdirname = $dirname) =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
next unless defined($LowerCaseDirectoryName{$lcdirname});
next if ($LowerCaseDirectoryName{$lcdirname} eq "");
next if ($OptimizeErrorOutput eq "yes" && $Seen{"$lcdirname"} > 0);
if ($LowerCaseDirectoryName{"$lcdirname"} ne $dirname) {
# print to STDOUT that there was an error. (On Unix, it doesn't
# matter; on NT, only STDOUT is copied back to the user.)
Warn("$f is being added to a directory that has different case\n");
if ($nerrs >= $MaxErrs) {
Fatal("*** Only first $MaxErrs errors shown\n");
if ($nerrs > 0) {
Fatal("Errors found, submission refused\n"); # Note, this prints to STDOUT. See above.
# Note that all messages (warning/fatal/info) go to STDOUT, not STDERR. Trigger
# output to standard output is sent to the user; standard error isn't.
sub TellUser {
my($str, $msgtype) = @_;
print "$str";
print "\n" unless ($str =~ /\n$/);
exit(1) if ($msgtype eq fatal);
sub Warn {
TellUser(@_, warning);
sub Fatal {
TellUser(@_, fatal);
sub Inform {
TellUser(@_, inform);