var Plugin = require('broccoli-plugin'); var FSTree = require('fs-tree-diff'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var merge = require('lodash.merge'); var omit = require('lodash.omit'); var uniq = require('lodash.uniq'); var walkSync = require('walk-sync'); var ensurePosix = require('ensure-posix-path'); var ensureNoGlob = require('./lib/utils/ensure-no-glob'); var isDirectory = require('./lib/utils/is-directory'); var makeIndex = require('./lib/utils/make-index'); module.exports = Concat; Concat.prototype = Object.create(Plugin.prototype); Concat.prototype.constructor = Concat; var id = 0; function Concat(inputNode, options, Strategy) { if (!(this instanceof Concat)) { return new Concat(inputNode, options, Strategy); } if (!options || !options.outputFile) { throw new Error('the outputFile option is required'); } var inputNodes; id++; if (process.env.CONCAT_STATS) { inputNodes = Concat.inputNodesForConcatStats(inputNode, id, options.outputFile); } else { inputNodes = [inputNode]; }, inputNodes, { annotation: options.annotation, name: ( || 'Unknown') + 'Concat', persistentOutput: true }); = id; if (Strategy === undefined) { throw new TypeError('Concat requires a concat Strategy'); } this.Strategy = Strategy; this.sourceMapConfig = omit(options.sourceMapConfig || {}, 'enabled'); this.allInputFiles = uniq([].concat(options.headerFiles || [], options.inputFiles || [], options.footerFiles || [])); this.inputFiles = options.inputFiles; this.outputFile = options.outputFile; this.allowNone = options.allowNone; this.header = options.header; this.headerFiles = options.headerFiles; this._headerFooterFilesIndex = makeIndex(options.headerFiles, options.footerFiles); this.footer = options.footer; this.footerFiles = options.footerFiles; this.separator = (options.separator != null) ? options.separator : '\n'; ensureNoGlob('headerFiles', this.headerFiles); ensureNoGlob('footerFiles', this.footerFiles); this._lastTree = FSTree.fromEntries([]); this._hasBuilt = false; this.encoderCache = {}; } Concat.inputNodesForConcatStats = function(inputNode, id, outputFile) { var dir = process.cwd() + '/concat-stats-for'; fs.mkdirpSync(dir); return [ require('broccoli-stew').debug(inputNode, { dir: dir, name: id + '-' + path.basename(outputFile) }) ]; }; Concat.prototype.calculatePatch = function() { var currentTree = this.getCurrentFSTree(); var patch = this._lastTree.calculatePatch(currentTree); this._lastTree = currentTree; return patch; }; = function() { var patch = this.calculatePatch(); // We skip building if this is a rebuild with a zero-length patch if (patch.length === 0 && this._hasBuilt) { return; } this._hasBuilt = true; if (this.Strategy.isPatchBased) { return this._doPatchBasedBuild(patch); } else { return this._doLegacyBuild(); } }; Concat.prototype._doPatchBasedBuild = function(patch) { if (!this.concat) { this.concat = new this.Strategy(merge(this.sourceMapConfig, { separator: this.separator, header: this.header, headerFiles: this.headerFiles, footerFiles: this.footerFiles, footer: this.footer })); } for (var i = 0; i < patch.length; i++) { var operation = patch[i]; var method = operation[0]; var file = operation[1]; switch (method) { case 'create': this.concat.addFile(file, this._readFile(file)); break; case 'change': this.concat.updateFile(file, this._readFile(file)); break; case 'unlink': this.concat.removeFile(file); break; } } var outputFile = path.join(this.outputPath, this.outputFile); var content = this.concat.result(); // If content is undefined, then we the concat had no input files if (content === undefined) { if (!this.allowNone) { throw new Error('Concat: nothing matched [' + this.inputFiles + ']'); } else { content = ''; } } if (process.env.CONCAT_STATS) { var fileSizes = this.concat.fileSizes(); var outputPath = process.cwd() + '/concat-stats-for/' + + '-' + path.basename(this.outputFile) + '.json'; fs.mkdirpSync(path.dirname(outputPath)); fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, JSON.stringify({ outputFile: this.outputFile, sizes: fileSizes }, null, 2)); } fs.outputFileSync(outputFile, content); }; Concat.prototype._readFile = function(file) { return fs.readFileSync(path.join(this.inputPaths[0], file), 'UTF-8'); }; Concat.prototype._doLegacyBuild = function() { var separator = this.separator; var firstSection = true; var outputFile = path.join(this.outputPath, this.outputFile); fs.mkdirpSync(path.dirname(outputFile)); this.concat = new this.Strategy(merge(this.sourceMapConfig, { outputFile: outputFile, baseDir: this.inputPaths[0], cache: this.encoderCache, pluginId: })); return this.concat.end(function(concat) { function beginSection() { if (firstSection) { firstSection = false; } else { concat.addSpace(separator); } } if (this.header) { beginSection(); concat.addSpace(this.header); } if (this.headerFiles) { this.headerFiles.forEach(function(file) { beginSection(); concat.addFile(file); }); } this.addFiles(beginSection); if (this.footerFiles) { this.footerFiles.forEach(function(file) { beginSection(); concat.addFile(file); }); } if (this.footer) { beginSection(); concat.addSpace(this.footer + '\n'); } }, this); }; Concat.prototype.getCurrentFSTree = function() { return FSTree.fromEntries(this.listEntries()); } Concat.prototype.listEntries = function() { // If we have no inputFiles at all, use undefined as the filter to return // all files in the inputDir. var filter = this.allInputFiles.length ? this.allInputFiles : undefined; var inputDir = this.inputPaths[0]; return walkSync.entries(inputDir, filter); }; /** * Returns the full paths for any matching inputFiles. */ Concat.prototype.listFiles = function() { var inputDir = this.inputPaths[0]; return this.listEntries().map(function(entry) { return ensurePosix(path.join(inputDir, entry.relativePath)); }); }; Concat.prototype.addFiles = function(beginSection) { var headerFooterFileOverlap = false; var posixInputPath = ensurePosix(this.inputPaths[0]); var files = this.listFiles().filter(function(file) { var relativePath = file.replace(posixInputPath + '/', ''); // * remove inputFiles that are already contained within headerFiles and footerFiles // * allow duplicates between headerFiles and footerFiles if (this._headerFooterFilesIndex[relativePath] === true) { headerFooterFileOverlap = true; return false; } return !isDirectory(file); }, this); // raise IFF: // * headerFiles or footerFiles overlapped with inputFiles // * nothing matched inputFiles if (headerFooterFileOverlap === false && files.length === 0 && !this.allowNone) { throw new Error('Concat: nothing matched [' + this.inputFiles + ']'); } files.forEach(function(file) { beginSection(); this.concat.addFile(file.replace(posixInputPath + '/', '')); }, this); };