describe('Cell',function(){ var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; var sinon = require('sinon'); var sinonChai = require("sinon-chai"); chai.use(sinonChai); var colors = require('colors'); var Cell = require('../src/cell'); var RowSpanCell = Cell.RowSpanCell; var ColSpanCell = Cell.ColSpanCell; var mergeOptions = require('../src/utils').mergeOptions; function defaultOptions(){ //overwrite coloring of head and border by default for easier testing. return mergeOptions({style:{head:[],border:[]}}); } function defaultChars(){ return { 'top': '─' , 'topMid': '┬' , 'topLeft': '┌' , 'topRight': '┐' , 'bottom': '─' , 'bottomMid': '┴' , 'bottomLeft': '└' , 'bottomRight': '┘' , 'left': '│' , 'leftMid': '├' , 'mid': '─' , 'midMid': '┼' , 'right': '│' , 'rightMid': '┤' , 'middle': '│' }; } describe('constructor',function(){ it('colSpan and rowSpan default to 1',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); expect(cell.colSpan).to.equal(1); expect(cell.rowSpan).to.equal(1); }); it('colSpan and rowSpan can be set via constructor',function(){ var cell = new Cell({rowSpan:2,colSpan:3}); expect(cell.rowSpan).to.equal(2); expect(cell.colSpan).to.equal(3); }); it('content can be set as a string',function(){ var cell = new Cell('hello\nworld'); expect(cell.content).to.equal('hello\nworld'); }); it('content can be set as a options property',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content:'hello\nworld'}); expect(cell.content).to.equal('hello\nworld'); }); it('default content is an empty string',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); expect(cell.content).to.equal(''); }); it('new Cell(null) will have empty string content',function(){ var cell = new Cell(null); expect(cell.content).to.equal(''); }); it('new Cell({content: null}) will have empty string content',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content: null}); expect(cell.content).to.equal(''); }); it('new Cell(0) will have "0" as content',function(){ var cell = new Cell(0); expect(cell.content).to.equal('0'); }); it('new Cell({content: 0}) will have "0" as content',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content: 0}); expect(cell.content).to.equal('0'); }); it('new Cell(false) will have "false" as content',function(){ var cell = new Cell(false); expect(cell.content).to.equal('false'); }); it('new Cell({content: false}) will have "false" as content',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content: false}); expect(cell.content).to.equal('false'); }); }); describe('mergeTableOptions',function(){ describe('chars',function(){ it('unset chars take on value of table',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.chars).to.eql(defaultChars()); }); it('set chars override the value of table',function(){ var cell = new Cell({chars:{bottomRight:'='}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); var chars = defaultChars(); chars.bottomRight = '='; expect(cell.chars).to.eql(chars); }); it('hyphenated names will be converted to camel-case',function(){ var cell = new Cell({chars:{'bottom-left':'='}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); var chars = defaultChars(); chars.bottomLeft = '='; expect(cell.chars).to.eql(chars); }); }); describe('truncate',function(){ it('if unset takes on value of table',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.truncate).to.equal('…'); }); it('if set overrides value of table',function(){ var cell = new Cell({truncate:'...'}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.truncate).to.equal('...'); }); }); describe('style.padding-left', function () { it('if unset will be copied from', function () { var cell = new Cell(); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingLeft).to.equal(1); cell = new Cell(); var tableOptions = defaultOptions();['padding-left'] = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.paddingLeft).to.equal(2); cell = new Cell(); tableOptions = defaultOptions(); = 3; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.paddingLeft).to.equal(3); }); it('if set will override', function () { var cell = new Cell({style:{'padding-left':2}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingLeft).to.equal(2); cell = new Cell({style:{paddingLeft:3}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingLeft).to.equal(3); }); }); describe('style.padding-right', function () { it('if unset will be copied from', function () { var cell = new Cell(); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingRight).to.equal(1); cell = new Cell(); var tableOptions = defaultOptions();['padding-right'] = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.paddingRight).to.equal(2); cell = new Cell(); tableOptions = defaultOptions(); = 3; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.paddingRight).to.equal(3); }); it('if set will override', function () { var cell = new Cell({style:{'padding-right':2}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingRight).to.equal(2); cell = new Cell({style:{paddingRight:3}}); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.paddingRight).to.equal(3); }); }); describe('desiredWidth',function(){ it('content(hello) padding(1,1) == 7',function(){ var cell = new Cell('hello'); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.desiredWidth).to.equal(7); }); it('content(hi) padding(1,2) == 5',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content:'hi',style:{paddingRight:2}}); var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.desiredWidth).to.equal(5); }); it('content(hi) padding(3,2) == 7',function(){ var cell = new Cell({content:'hi',style:{paddingLeft:3,paddingRight:2}}); var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); expect(cell.desiredWidth).to.equal(7); }); }); describe('desiredHeight',function(){ it('1 lines of text',function(){ var cell = new Cell('hi'); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.desiredHeight).to.equal(1); }); it('2 lines of text',function(){ var cell = new Cell('hi\nbye'); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.desiredHeight).to.equal(2); }); it('2 lines of text',function(){ var cell = new Cell('hi\nbye\nyo'); cell.mergeTableOptions(defaultOptions()); expect(cell.desiredHeight).to.equal(3); }); }); }); describe('init',function(){ describe('hAlign',function(){ it('if unset takes colAlign value from tableOptions',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.colAligns = ['left','right','both']; var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('left'); cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('right'); cell = new Cell(); cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.x=2; cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('both'); }); it('if set overrides tableOptions',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.colAligns = ['left','right','both']; var cell = new Cell({hAlign:'right'}); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('right'); cell = new Cell({hAlign:'left'}); cell.x = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('left'); cell = new Cell({hAlign:'right'}); cell.x = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.hAlign).to.equal('right'); }); }); describe('vAlign',function(){ it('if unset takes rowAlign value from tableOptions',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.rowAligns = ['top','bottom','center']; var cell = new Cell(); cell.y=0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('top'); cell = new Cell(); cell.y = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('bottom'); cell = new Cell(); cell.y = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('center'); }); it('if set overrides tableOptions',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.rowAligns = ['top','bottom','center']; var cell = new Cell({vAlign:'bottom'}); cell.y = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('bottom'); cell = new Cell({vAlign:'top'}); cell.y = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('top'); cell = new Cell({vAlign:'center'}); cell.y = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.vAlign).to.equal('center'); }); }); describe('width', function(){ it('will match colWidth of x',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.colWidths = [5,10,15]; var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(5); cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(10); cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(15); }); it('will add colWidths if colSpan > 1',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.colWidths = [5,10,15]; var cell = new Cell({colSpan:2}); cell.x=0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(16); cell = new Cell({colSpan:2}); cell.x=1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(26); cell = new Cell({colSpan:3}); cell.x=0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.width).to.equal(32); }); }); describe('height', function(){ it('will match rowHeight of x',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.rowHeights = [5,10,15]; var cell = new Cell(); cell.y=0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(5); cell = new Cell(); cell.y=1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(10); cell = new Cell(); cell.y=2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(15); }); it('will add rowHeights if rowSpan > 1',function(){ var tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.rowHeights = [5,10,15]; var cell = new Cell({rowSpan:2}); cell.y = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(16); cell = new Cell({rowSpan:2}); cell.y = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(26); cell = new Cell({rowSpan:3}); cell.y = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.height).to.equal(32); }); }); describe('drawRight', function(){ var tableOptions; beforeEach(function(){ tableOptions = defaultOptions(); tableOptions.colWidths = [20,20,20]; }); it('col 1 of 3, with default colspan',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(false); }); it('col 2 of 3, with default colspan',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(false); }); it('col 3 of 3, with default colspan',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 2; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(true); }); it('col 3 of 4, with default colspan',function(){ var cell = new Cell(); cell.x = 2; tableOptions.colWidths = [20,20,20,20]; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(false); }); it('col 2 of 3, with colspan of 2',function(){ var cell = new Cell({colSpan:2}); cell.x=1; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(true); }); it('col 1 of 3, with colspan of 3',function(){ var cell = new Cell({colSpan:3}); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(true); }); it('col 1 of 3, with colspan of 2',function(){ var cell = new Cell({colSpan:2}); cell.x = 0; cell.mergeTableOptions(tableOptions); cell.init(tableOptions); expect(cell.drawRight).to.equal(false); }); }); }); describe('drawLine', function(){ var cell; beforeEach(function () { cell = new Cell(); //manually init cell.chars = defaultChars(); cell.paddingLeft = cell.paddingRight = 1; cell.width = 7; cell.height = 3; cell.hAlign = 'center'; cell.vAlign = 'center'; cell.chars.left = 'L'; cell.chars.right = 'R'; cell.chars.middle = 'M'; cell.content = 'hello\nhowdy\ngoodnight'; cell.lines = cell.content.split('\n'); cell.x = cell.y = 0; }); describe('top line',function(){ it('will draw the top left corner when x=0,y=0',function(){ cell.x = cell.y = 0; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┌───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┌───────┐'); }); it('will draw the top mid corner when x=1,y=0',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.y = 0; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┬───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┬───────┐'); }); it('will draw the left mid corner when x=0,y=1',function(){ cell.x = 0; cell.y = 1; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('├───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('├───────┤'); }); it('will draw the mid mid corner when x=1,y=1',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.y = 1; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┼───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal('┼───────┤'); }); it('will draw in the color specified by border style',function(){ cell.border = ['gray']; expect(cell.draw('top')).to.equal(colors.gray('┌───────')) }); }); describe('bottom line',function(){ it('will draw the bottom left corner if x=0',function(){ cell.x = 0; cell.y = 1; expect(cell.draw('bottom')).to.equal('└───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('bottom')).to.equal('└───────┘'); }); it('will draw the bottom left corner if x=1',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.y = 1; expect(cell.draw('bottom')).to.equal('┴───────'); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw('bottom')).to.equal('┴───────┘'); }); it('will draw in the color specified by border style',function(){ cell.border = ['gray']; expect(cell.draw('bottom')).to.equal(colors.gray('└───────')) }); }); describe('drawBottom',function(){ it('draws an empty line',function(){ expect(cell.drawEmpty()).to.equal('L '); expect(cell.drawEmpty(true)).to.equal('L R'); }); it('draws an empty line',function(){ cell.border = ['gray']; cell.head = ['red']; expect(cell.drawEmpty()).to.equal(colors.gray('L') +' ')); expect(cell.drawEmpty(true)).to.equal(colors.gray('L') +' ') + colors.gray('R')); }); }); describe('first line of text',function(){ beforeEach(function () { cell.width = 9; }); it('will draw left side if x=0',function(){ cell.x = 0; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello R'); }); it('will draw mid side if x=1',function(){ cell.x = 1; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello R'); }); it('will align left',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'left'; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello R'); }); it('will align right',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'right'; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello R'); }); it('left and right will be drawn in color of border style',function(){ cell.border = ['gray']; cell.x = 0; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal(colors.gray('L') + ' hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal(colors.gray('L') + ' hello ' + colors.gray('R')); }); it('text will be drawn in color of head style if y == 0',function(){ cell.head = ['red']; cell.x = cell.y = 0; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L' +' hello ')); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L' +' hello ') + 'R'); }); it('text will NOT be drawn in color of head style if y == 1',function(){ cell.head = ['red']; cell.x = cell.y = 1; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello R'); }); it('head and border colors together',function(){ cell.border = ['gray']; cell.head = ['red']; cell.x = cell.y = 0; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal(colors.gray('L') +' hello ')); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal(colors.gray('L') +' hello ') + colors.gray('R')); }); }); describe('second line of text',function(){ beforeEach(function () { cell.width = 9; }); it('will draw left side if x=0',function(){ cell.x = 0; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howdy '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howdy R'); }); it('will draw mid side if x=1',function(){ cell.x = 1; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy R'); }); it('will align left',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'left'; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy R'); }); it('will align right',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'right'; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy R'); }); }); describe('truncated line of text',function(){ beforeEach(function () { cell.width = 9; }); it('will draw left side if x=0',function(){ cell.x = 0; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L goodni… '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L goodni… R'); }); it('will draw mid side if x=1',function(){ cell.x = 1; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… R'); }); it('will not change when aligned left',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'left'; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… R'); }); it('will not change when aligned right',function(){ cell.x = 1; cell.hAlign = 'right'; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M goodni… R'); }); }); describe('vAlign',function(){ beforeEach(function () { cell.height = '5'; }); it('center',function(){ cell.vAlign = 'center'; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L howdy '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L good… '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L R'); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L hello R'); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L howdy R'); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L good… R'); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L R'); cell.x = 1; cell.drawRight = false; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M hello '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M howdy '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('M good… '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('M '); }); it('top',function(){ cell.vAlign = 'top'; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howdy '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L good… '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L '); cell.vAlign = null; //top is the default cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello R'); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howdy R'); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L good… R'); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L R'); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L R'); cell.x = 1; cell.drawRight = false; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M howdy '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M good… '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('M '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('M '); }); it('center',function(){ cell.vAlign = 'bottom'; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L howdy '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L good… '); cell.drawRight = true; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L R'); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L R'); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('L hello R'); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('L howdy R'); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('L good… R'); cell.x = 1; cell.drawRight = false; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('M '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('M '); expect(cell.draw(2)).to.equal('M hello '); expect(cell.draw(3)).to.equal('M howdy '); expect(cell.draw(4)).to.equal('M good… '); }); }); it('vertically truncated will show truncation on last visible line',function(){ cell.height = 2; expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howd… '); }); it("won't vertically truncate if the lines just fit",function(){ cell.height = 2; cell.content = "hello\nhowdy"; cell.lines = cell.content.split("\n"); expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L howdy '); }); it("will vertically truncate even if last line is short",function(){ cell.height = 2; cell.content = "hello\nhi\nhowdy"; cell.lines = cell.content.split("\n"); expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L hi… '); }); it("allows custom truncation",function(){ cell.height = 2; cell.truncate = '...'; cell.content = "hello\nhi\nhowdy"; cell.lines = cell.content.split("\n"); expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L hi... '); cell.content = "hello\nhowdy\nhi"; cell.lines = cell.content.split("\n"); expect(cell.draw(0)).to.equal('L hello '); expect(cell.draw(1)).to.equal('L ho... '); }); }); describe("ColSpanCell",function(){ it('has an init function',function(){ expect(new ColSpanCell()).to.respondTo('init'); new ColSpanCell().init(); // nothing happens. }); it('draw returns an empty string',function(){ expect(new ColSpanCell().draw('top')).to.equal(''); expect(new ColSpanCell().draw('bottom')).to.equal(''); expect(new ColSpanCell().draw(1)).to.equal(''); }); }); describe("RowSpanCell",function(){ var original, tableOptions; beforeEach(function () { original = { rowSpan:3, y:0, draw:sinon.spy() }; tableOptions = { rowHeights:[2,3,4,5] } }); it('drawing top of the next row',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 1; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw('top'); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(2); }); it('drawing line 0 of the next row',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 1; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw(0); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(3); }); it('drawing line 1 of the next row',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 1; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw(1); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(4); }); it('drawing top of two rows below',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 2; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw('top'); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(6); }); it('drawing line 0 of two rows below',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 2; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw(0); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(7); }); it('drawing line 1 of two rows below',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 2; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw(1); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith(8); }); it('drawing bottom',function(){ var spanner = new RowSpanCell(original); spanner.x = 0; spanner.y = 1; spanner.init(tableOptions); spanner.draw('bottom'); expect(original.draw).to.have.been.calledOnce.and.calledWith('bottom'); }); }); });