describe('@api original-cli-table index tests',function(){ var Table = require('../src/table'); var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; it('test complete table', function (){ var table = new Table({ head: ['Rel', 'Change', 'By', 'When'] , style: { 'padding-left': 1 , 'padding-right': 1 , head: [] , border: [] } , colWidths: [6, 21, 25, 17] }); table.push( ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', '', '7 minutes ago'] , ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool', '', '8 minutes ago'] ); var expected = [ '┌──────┬─────────────────────┬─────────────────────────┬─────────────────┐' , '│ Rel │ Change │ By │ When │' , '├──────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤' , '│ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ │ 7 minutes ago │' , '├──────┼─────────────────────┼─────────────────────────┼─────────────────┤' , '│ v0.1 │ Testing something … │ │ 8 minutes ago │' , '└──────┴─────────────────────┴─────────────────────────┴─────────────────┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); //expect(table.render()).should.eql(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test width property', function (){ var table = new Table({ head: ['Cool'], style: { head: [], border: [] } }); expect(table.width).to.equal(8); }); it('test vertical table output', function() { var table = new Table({ style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} }); // clear styles to prevent color output table.push( {'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'} , {'v0.1': 'Testing something cool'} ); var expected = [ '┌────┬──────────────────────┐' , '│v0.1│Testing something cool│' , '├────┼──────────────────────┤' , '│v0.1│Testing something cool│' , '└────┴──────────────────────┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test cross table output', function() { var table = new Table({ head: ["", "Header 1", "Header 2"], style: {'padding-left':0, 'padding-right':0, head:[], border:[]} }); // clear styles to prevent color output table.push( {"Header 3": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] } , {"Header 4": ['v0.1', 'Testing something cool'] } ); var expected = [ '┌────────┬────────┬──────────────────────┐' , '│ │Header 1│Header 2 │' , '├────────┼────────┼──────────────────────┤' , '│Header 3│v0.1 │Testing something cool│' , '├────────┼────────┼──────────────────────┤' , '│Header 4│v0.1 │Testing something cool│' , '└────────┴────────┴──────────────────────┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test table colors', function(){ var table = new Table({ head: ['Rel', 'By'], style: {head: ['red'], border: ['grey']} }); /*var off = '' , red = '' , orange = '' , grey = ''*/ var off = '\u001b[39m' , red = '\u001b[31m' , orange = '\u001b[38;5;221m' , grey = '\u001b[90m' , c256s = orange + 'v0.1' + off; table.push( [c256s, ''] ); // The expectation from the original cli-table is commented out below. // The output from cli-table2 will still look the same, but the border color is // toggled off and back on at the border of each cell. /*var expected = [ grey + '┌──────┬──────────────────┐' + off , grey + '│' + off + red + ' Rel ' + off + grey + '│' + off + red + ' By ' + off + grey + '│' + off , grey + '├──────┼──────────────────┤' + off , grey + '│' + off + ' ' + c256s + ' ' + grey + '│' + off + ' ' + grey + '│' + off , grey + '└──────┴──────────────────┘' + off ];*/ var expected = [ grey + '┌──────'+off+grey+'┬──────────────────┐' + off , grey + '│' + off + red + ' Rel ' + off + grey + '│' + off + red + ' By ' + off + grey + '│' + off , grey + '├──────'+off+grey+'┼──────────────────┤' + off , grey + '│' + off + ' ' + c256s + ' ' + grey + '│' + off + ' ' + grey + '│' + off , grey + '└──────'+off+grey+'┴──────────────────┘' + off ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test custom chars', function (){ var table = new Table({ chars: { 'top': '═' , 'top-mid': '╤' , 'top-left': '╔' , 'top-right': '╗' , 'bottom': '═' , 'bottom-mid': '╧' , 'bottom-left': '╚' , 'bottom-right': '╝' , 'left': '║' , 'left-mid': '╟' , 'right': '║' , 'right-mid': '╢' }, style: { head: [] , border: [] } }); table.push( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] , ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz'] ); var expected = [ '╔══════╤═════╤══════╗' , '║ foo │ bar │ baz ║' , '╟──────┼─────┼──────╢' , '║ frob │ bar │ quuz ║' , '╚══════╧═════╧══════╝' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test compact shortand', function (){ var table = new Table({ style: { head: [] , border: [] , compact : true } }); table.push( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] , ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz'] ); var expected = [ '┌──────┬─────┬──────┐' , '│ foo │ bar │ baz │' , '│ frob │ bar │ quuz │' , '└──────┴─────┴──────┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test compact empty mid line', function (){ var table = new Table({ chars: { 'mid': '' , 'left-mid': '' , 'mid-mid': '' , 'right-mid': '' }, style: { head: [] , border: [] } }); table.push( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] , ['frob', 'bar', 'quuz'] ); var expected = [ '┌──────┬─────┬──────┐' , '│ foo │ bar │ baz │' , '│ frob │ bar │ quuz │' , '└──────┴─────┴──────┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test decoration lines disabled', function (){ var table = new Table({ chars: { 'top': '' , 'top-mid': '' , 'top-left': '' , 'top-right': '' , 'bottom': '' , 'bottom-mid': '' , 'bottom-left': '' , 'bottom-right': '' , 'left': '' , 'left-mid': '' , 'mid': '' , 'mid-mid': '' , 'right': '' , 'right-mid': '' , 'middle': ' ' // a single space }, style: { head: [] , border: [] , 'padding-left': 0 , 'padding-right': 0 } }); table.push( ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] , ['frobnicate', 'bar', 'quuz'] ); var expected = [ 'foo bar baz ' , 'frobnicate bar quuz' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); it('test with null/undefined as values or column names', function (){ var table = new Table({ style: { head: [] , border: [] } }); table.push( [null, undefined, 0] ); // This is the expectation from the original cli-table. // The empty columns have widths based on the strings `null` and `undefined` // That does not make sense to me, so I am deviating from the original behavior here. /*var expected = [ '┌──────┬───────────┬───┐' , '│ │ │ 0 │' , '└──────┴───────────┴───┘' ]; */ var expected = [ '┌──┬──┬───┐' , '│ │ │ 0 │' , '└──┴──┴───┘' ]; expect(table.toString()).to.equal(expected.join("\n")); }); });