describe('tableLayout', function () { var Cell = require('../src/cell'); var layoutManager = require('../src/layout-manager'); var layoutTable = layoutManager.layoutTable; var makeTableLayout = layoutManager.makeTableLayout; var addRowSpanCells = layoutManager.addRowSpanCells; var maxWidth = layoutManager.maxWidth; var fillInTable = layoutManager.fillInTable; var computeWidths = layoutManager.computeWidths; var computeHeights = layoutManager.computeHeights; var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; var _ = require('lodash'); it('simple 2x2 layout',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ ['hello','goodbye'], ['hola','adios'] ]); var expected = [ ['hello','goodbye'], ['hola','adios'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('cross table',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ {'1.0':['yes','no']}, {'2.0':['hello','goodbye']} ]); var expected = [ ['1.0','yes','no'], ['2.0','hello','goodbye'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('vertical table',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ {'1.0':'yes'}, {'2.0':'hello'} ]); var expected = [ ['1.0','yes'], ['2.0','hello'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('colSpan adds RowSpanCells to the right',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ [{content:'hello',colSpan:2}], ['hola','adios'] ]); var expected = [ [{content:'hello',colSpan:2},null], ['hola','adios'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('rowSpan adds RowSpanCell below',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ [{content:'hello',rowSpan:2},'goodbye'], ['adios'] ]); var expected = [ ['hello' , 'goodbye'], [{spannerFor:[0,0]} , 'adios'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('rowSpan and cellSpan together',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ [{content:'hello',rowSpan:2,colSpan:2},'goodbye'], ['adios'] ]); var expected = [ ['hello' , null, 'goodbye'], [{spannerFor:[0,0]} , null, 'adios'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('complex layout',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ [{content:'hello',rowSpan:2,colSpan:2},{content:'yo',rowSpan:2,colSpan:2},'goodbye'], ['adios'] ]); var expected = [ ['hello' , null, 'yo' , null, 'goodbye'], [{spannerFor:[0,0]} , null, {spannerFor:[0,2]} , null, 'adios'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('complex layout2',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ ['a','b', {content:'c',rowSpan:3,colSpan:2},'d'], [{content:'e',rowSpan:2,colSpan:2}, 'f'], ['g'] ]); var expected = [ ['a', 'b', 'c', null, 'd'], ['e', null, {spannerFor:[0,2]}, null, 'f'], [{spannerFor:[1,0]}, null, {spannerFor:[0,2]}, null, 'g'] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); it('stairstep spans',function(){ var actual = makeTableLayout([ [{content:'',rowSpan:2},''], [{content:'',rowSpan:2}], [''] ]); var expected = [ [{content:'',rowSpan:2}, ''], [{spannerFor:[0,0]},{content:'',rowSpan:2}], ['',{spannerFor:[1,1]}] ]; checkLayout(actual,expected); }); describe('fillInTable',function(){ function mc(opts,y,x){ var cell = new Cell(opts); cell.x = x; cell.y = y; return cell; } it('will blank out individual cells',function(){ var cells = [ [mc('a',0,1)], [mc('b',1,0)] ]; fillInTable(cells); checkLayout(cells,[ ['', 'a'], ['b', ''] ]); }); it('will autospan to the right',function(){ var cells = [ [], [mc('a',1,1)] ]; fillInTable(cells); checkLayout(cells,[ [{content:'',colSpan:2}, null], ['', 'a'] ]); }); it('will autospan down',function(){ var cells = [ [ mc('a',0,1)], [] ]; fillInTable(cells); addRowSpanCells(cells); checkLayout(cells,[ [{content:'',rowSpan:2}, 'a'], [{spannerFor:[0,0]}, ''] ]); }); it('will autospan right and down',function(){ var cells = [ [ mc('a',0,2)], [], [ mc('b',2,1)] ]; fillInTable(cells); addRowSpanCells(cells); checkLayout(cells,[ [{content:'',colSpan:2, rowSpan:2}, null, 'a'], [{spannerFor:[0,0]}, null, {content:'', colSpan:1, rowSpan:2}], ['','b',{spannerFor:[1,2]}] ]); }); }); describe('computeWidths',function() { function mc(y,x,desiredWidth, colSpan) { return {x:x,y:y,desiredWidth:desiredWidth,colSpan:colSpan}; } it('finds the maximum desired width of each column', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,7), mc(0,1,3), mc(0,2,5)], [mc(1,0,8), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,6), mc(2,1,9), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([8, 9, 5]); }); it('won\'t touch hard coded values', function () { var widths = [null, 3]; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,7), mc(0,1,3), mc(0,2,5)], [mc(1,0,8), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,6), mc(2,1,9), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([8, 3, 5]); }); it('assumes undefined desiredWidth is 1', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [[{x:0,y:0}], [{x:0,y:1}], [{x:0,y:2}]]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([1]) }); it('takes into account colSpan and wont over expand', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,10, 2), mc(0,2,5)], [mc(1,0,5), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([5, 5, 5]); }); it('will expand rows involved in colSpan in a balanced way', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,13,2), mc(0,2,5)], [mc(1,0,5), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([6, 6, 5]); }); it('expands across 3 cols', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,25,3) ], [mc(1,0,5), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2) ], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1) ] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([9, 9, 5]); }); it('multiple spans in same table', function () { var widths = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,25,3) ], [mc(1,0,30,3) ], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1) ] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([11, 9, 8]); }); it('spans will only edit uneditable tables',function(){ var widths = [null, 3]; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,20,3) ], [mc(1,0,4), mc(1,1,20), mc(1,2,5) ] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([7,3,8]) }); it('spans will only edit uneditable tables - first column uneditable',function(){ var widths = [3]; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,20,3) ], [mc(1,0,4), mc(1,1,3), mc(1,2,5) ] ]; computeWidths(widths, cells); expect(widths).to.eql([3,7,8]) }); }); describe('computeHeights',function(){ function mc(y,x,desiredHeight,colSpan){ return {x:x,y:y,desiredHeight:desiredHeight,rowSpan:colSpan}; } it('finds the maximum desired height of each row',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,7), mc(0,1,3), mc(0,2,5) ], [mc(1,0,8), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2) ], [mc(2,0,6), mc(2,1,9), mc(2,2,1) ] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([7,8,9]); }); it('won\'t touch hard coded values',function(){ var heights = [null,3]; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,7), mc(0,1,3), mc(0,2,5)], [mc(1,0,8), mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,6), mc(2,1,9), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([7,3,9]); }); it('assumes undefined desiredHeight is 1',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [[{x:0,y:0},{x:1,y:0},{x:2,y:0}]]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([1]) }); it('takes into account rowSpan and wont over expand',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,10,2), mc(0,1,5), mc(0,2,2)], [ mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([5,5,4]); }); it('will expand rows involved in rowSpan in a balanced way',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,13,2), mc(0,1,5), mc(0,2,5)], [ mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [mc(2,0,4), mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([6,6,4]); }); it('expands across 3 rows',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,25,3), mc(0,1,5), mc(0,2,4)], [ mc(1,1,5), mc(1,2,2)], [ mc(2,1,2), mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([9,9,5]); }); it('multiple spans in same table',function(){ var heights = []; var cells = [ [mc(0,0,25,3), mc(0,1,30,3), mc(0,2,4)], [ mc(1,2,2)], [ mc(2,2,1)] ]; computeHeights(heights,cells); expect(heights).to.eql([11,9,8]); }); }); /** * Provides a shorthand for validating a table of cells. * To pass, both arrays must have the same dimensions, and each cell in `actualRows` must * satisfy the shorthand assertion of the corresponding location in `expectedRows`. * * Available Expectations Can Be: * * * A `String` - Must be a normal cell with contents equal to the String value. * * `null` - Must be a RowSpanCell * * Or an `Object` with any of the following properties (multiple properties allowed): * * rowSpan:Number - Must be a normal cell with the given rowSpan. * * colSpan:Number - Must be a normal cell with the given colSpan. * * content:String - Must be a normal cell with the given content. * * spannerFor:[row,col] - Must be a RowSpanCell delegating to the cell at the given coordinates. * * @param actualRows - the table of cells under test. * @param expectedRows - a table of shorthand assertions. */ function checkLayout(actualTable,expectedTable){ _.forEach(expectedTable,function(expectedRow,y){ _.forEach(expectedRow,function(expectedCell,x){ if(expectedCell !== null){ var actualCell = findCell(actualTable,x,y); checkExpectation(actualCell,expectedCell,x,y,actualTable); } }); }); } function findCell(table,x,y){ for(var i = 0; i < table.length; i++){ var row = table[i]; for(var j = 0; j < row.length; j++){ var cell = row[j]; if(cell.x === x && cell.y === y){ return cell; } } } } function checkExpectation(actualCell,expectedCell,x,y,actualTable){ if(_.isString(expectedCell)){ expectedCell = {content:expectedCell}; } var address = '(' + y + ',' + x + ')'; if(expectedCell.hasOwnProperty('content')){ expect(actualCell, address); expect(actualCell.content,'content of ' + address).to.equal(expectedCell.content); } if(expectedCell.hasOwnProperty('rowSpan')){ expect(actualCell, address); expect(actualCell.rowSpan, 'rowSpan of ' + address).to.equal(expectedCell.rowSpan); } if(expectedCell.hasOwnProperty('colSpan')){ expect(actualCell, address); expect(actualCell.colSpan, 'colSpan of ' + address).to.equal(expectedCell.colSpan); } if(expectedCell.hasOwnProperty('spannerFor')){ expect(actualCell, address); expect(actualCell.originalCell,address + 'originalCell should be a cell'); expect(actualCell.originalCell,address + 'originalCell not right').to.equal(findCell(actualTable, expectedCell.spannerFor[1], expectedCell.spannerFor[0] )); //TODO: retest here x,y coords } } });