var QUnit = require('qunitjs'); var RSVP = require('rsvp'); var SimpleDOM = require('simple-dom'); var appModule = require('./helpers/app-module'); function assertHTMLMatches(assert, actualHTML, expectedHTML) { assert.ok(actualHTML.match(expectedHTML), actualHTML + " matches " + expectedHTML); } function handleError(assert) { return function(error) { assert.ok(false, error.stack); }; } // This is based on what fastboot-server does var HTMLSerializer = new SimpleDOM.HTMLSerializer(SimpleDOM.voidMap); function fastbootVisit(App, url) { var doc = new SimpleDOM.Document(); var rootElement = doc.body; var options = { isBrowser: false, document: doc, rootElement: rootElement }; return App.visit(url, options).then(function(instance) { try { return { url: instance.getURL(), title: doc.title, body: HTMLSerializer.serialize(rootElement) }; } finally { instance.destroy(); } }); } function assertFastbootResult(assert, expected) { return function(actual) { assert.equal(actual.url, expected.url); assertHTMLMatches(assert, actual.body, expected.body); }; } appModule("Ember.Application - visit() Integration Tests"); QUnit.test('FastBoot: basic', function(assert) { this.routes(function() { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); }); this.template('application', '<h1>Hello world</h1>\n{{outlet}}'); this.template('a', '<h2>Welcome to {{x-foo page="A"}}</h2>'); this.template('b', '<h2>{{x-foo page="B"}}</h2>'); this.template('components/x-foo', 'Page {{page}}'); var initCalled = false; var didInsertElementCalled = false; this.component('x-foo', { tagName: 'span', init: function() { this._super(); initCalled = true; }, didInsertElement: function() { didInsertElementCalled = true; } }); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/a').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/a', body: '<h1>Hello world</h1>\n<h2>Welcome to <span id=".+" class="ember-view">Page A</span></h2>' }), handleError(assert) ), fastbootVisit(App, '/b').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/b', body: '<h1>Hello world</h1>\n<h2><span id=".+" class="ember-view">Page B</span></h2>' }), handleError ) ]).then(function() { assert.ok(initCalled, 'Component#init should be called'); assert.ok(!didInsertElementCalled, 'Component#didInsertElement should not be called'); }); }); QUnit.test('FastBoot: redirect', function(assert) { this.routes(function() { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); this.route('c'); }); this.template('a', '<h1>Hello from A</h1>'); this.template('b', '<h1>Hello from B</h1>'); this.template('c', '<h1>Hello from C</h1>'); this.route('a', { beforeModel: function() { this.replaceWith('b'); } }); this.route('b', { afterModel: function() { this.transitionTo('c'); } }); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/a').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/c', body: '<h1>Hello from C</h1>' }), handleError(assert) ), fastbootVisit(App, '/b').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/c', body: '<h1>Hello from C</h1>' }), handleError(assert) ) ]); }); QUnit.test('FastBoot: attributes are sanitized', function(assert) { this.template('application', '<a href={{test}}></a>'); this.controller('application', { /*jshint scripturl:true*/ test: 'javascript:alert("hello")' }); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/', body: '<a href="unsafe:javascript:alert\\("hello"\\)"></a>' }), handleError(assert) ) ]); }); QUnit.test('FastBoot: route error', function(assert) { this.routes(function() { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); }); this.template('a', '<h1>Hello from A</h1>'); this.template('b', '<h1>Hello from B</h1>'); this.route('a', { beforeModel: function() { throw new Error('Error from A'); } }); this.route('b', { afterModel: function() { throw new Error('Error from B'); } }); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/a') .then( function(instance) { assert.ok(false, 'It should not render'); instance.destroy(); }, function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'Error from A'); } ), fastbootVisit(App, '/b').then( function(instance) { assert.ok(false, 'It should not render'); instance.destroy(); }, function(error) { assert.equal(error.message, 'Error from B'); } ) ]); }); QUnit.test('FastBoot: route error template', function(assert) { this.routes(function() { this.route('a'); }); this.template('error', '<p>Error template rendered!</p>'); this.template('a', '<h1>Hello from A</h1>'); this.route('a', { model: function() { throw new Error('Error from A'); } }); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/a') .then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/a', body: '<p>Error template rendered!</p>' }), handleError(assert) ), ]); }); QUnit.test('Resource-discovery setup', function(assert) { this.service('network', { init: function() { this.set('requests', []); }, fetch: function(url) { this.get('requests').push(url); return RSVP.resolve(); } }); this.routes(function() { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); this.route('c'); this.route('d'); this.route('e'); }); this.route('a', { model: function() { return'/a'); }, afterModel: function() { this.replaceWith('b'); } }); this.route('b', { model: function() { return'/b'); }, afterModel: function() { this.replaceWith('c'); } }); this.route('c', { model: function() { return'/c'); } }); this.route('d', { model: function() { return'/d'); }, afterModel: function() { this.replaceWith('e'); } }); this.route('e', { model: function() { return'/e'); } }); this.template('a', '{{x-foo}}'); this.template('b', '{{x-foo}}'); this.template('c', '{{x-foo}}'); this.template('d', '{{x-foo}}'); this.template('e', '{{x-foo}}'); var xFooInstances = 0; this.component('x-foo', { init: function() { this._super(); xFooInstances++; } }); var App = this.createApplication(); App.inject('route', 'network', 'service:network'); function assertResources(url, resources) { return App.visit(url, { isBrowser: false, shouldRender: false }).then( function(instance) { try { var viewRegistry = instance.lookup('-view-registry:main'); assert.strictEqual(Object.keys(viewRegistry).length, 0, 'did not create any views'); var networkService = instance.lookup('service:network'); assert.deepEqual(networkService.get('requests'), resources); } finally { instance.destroy(); } }, handleError(assert) ); } return RSVP.all([ assertResources('/a', ['/a', '/b', '/c']), assertResources('/b', ['/b', '/c']), assertResources('/c', ['/c']), assertResources('/d', ['/d', '/e']), assertResources('/e', ['/e']) ]).then(function() { assert.strictEqual(xFooInstances, 0, 'it should not create any x-foo components'); }); }); QUnit.test('FastBoot: tagless components can render', function(assert) { this.template('application', "<div class='my-context'>{{my-component}}</div>"); this.component('my-component', { tagName: '' }); this.template('components/my-component', '<h1>hello world</h1>'); var App = this.createApplication(); return RSVP.all([ fastbootVisit(App, '/').then( assertFastbootResult(assert, { url: '/', body: /<div class="my-context"><h1>hello world<\/h1><\/div>/ }), handleError(assert) ) ]); });