'use strict';
const ember = require('../utils/ember');
const utils = require('../utils/utils');
const ALIASES = ['$', 'jQuery'];
const MESSAGE = 'Do not use global `$` or `jQuery`';
// Rule Definition
module.exports = {
meta: {
docs: {
description: 'Prevents usage of global jQuery object',
category: 'Best Practices',
recommended: true,
fixable: null, // or "code" or "whitespace"
message: MESSAGE,
create(context) {
let destructuredAssignment;
let importAliasName;
let hasJqueryImport;
let hasEmberImport;
return {
ImportDeclaration(node) {
const validImportAlias = ['ember', 'jquery'];
// Track if the 'jquery' and/or 'ember' module (if an application
// is not using the new modules import syntax) is being imported.
// Will exclude non-ember or non-jquery imports such as:
// - `import Foo from 'bar';`
// - `import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';`
if (validImportAlias.indexOf(node.source.value) !== -1) {
const isJqueryImport = node.source.value === 'jquery';
if (isJqueryImport) {
hasJqueryImport = true;
importAliasName = node.source.value;
} else {
const emberImport = ember.getEmberImportAliasName(node);
if (emberImport) {
hasEmberImport = true;
importAliasName = emberImport;
VariableDeclarator(node) {
// If an application is using an older version of Ember, not using
// the new modules import syntax, then lets locate a destructured
// jQuery assignment.
if (hasEmberImport) {
// Let's verify that we are dealing with an Ember MemberExpression
// only to test against.
if (node.init &&
utils.isMemberExpression(node.init) &&
isEmberMemberExpression(node.init)) {
const isJQueryVariable = node.init.property.name === '$';
if (isJQueryVariable) {
// Assignment of type const $ = Ember.$;
destructuredAssignment = node.id.name;
} else {
// If we are not dealing with an Ember identifier, there is no need
// to perform the below checks/run the below code.
if (node.init && !isEmberIdentifier(node.init)) return;
if (!node.id.properties || !isNestedJQueryAssignment(node.id.properties)) return;
// Assignment of type const { $: foo } = Ember;
// It will grab/return "foo".
destructuredAssignment = utils.collectObjectPatternBindings(node, {
[importAliasName]: ['$']
CallExpression(node) {
// In the event in which the jQuery module is being imported
// using the new modules import syntax do not report to ESLint
if (hasJqueryImport) return;
if (utils.isGlobalCallExpression(node, destructuredAssignment, ALIASES)) {
context.report(node, MESSAGE);
function isNestedJQueryAssignment(props) {
return props.filter(prop => prop.key.name === '$').length !== 0;
function isEmberIdentifier(init) {
return init.name === 'Ember';
function isEmberMemberExpression(init) {
return init.object.name === 'Ember';