* Copyright 1993, 1995 Christopher Seiwald.
* This file is part of Jam - see jam.c for Copyright information.
# include "jam.h"
# include "hash.h"
# include "filesys.h"
#ifdef FATFS
# include "timestam.h"
# include "timestamp.h"
# include "newstr.h"
* timestamp.c - get the timestamp of a file or archive member
* BINDING - all known files
typedef struct _binding BINDING;
struct _binding {
char *name;
short flags;
# define BIND_SCANNED 0x01 /* if directory or arch, has been scanned */
short progress;
# define BIND_INIT 0 /* never seen */
# define BIND_NOENTRY 1 /* timestamp requested but file never found */
# define BIND_SPOTTED 2 /* file found but not timed yet */
# define BIND_MISSING 3 /* file found but can't get timestamp */
# define BIND_FOUND 4 /* file found and time stamped */
time_t time; /* update time - 0 if not exist */
} ;
static struct hash *bindhash = 0;
static void time_enter();
static char *time_progress[] =
} ;
* timestamp() - return timestamp on a file, if present
timestamp( target, time )
char *target;
time_t *time;
FILENAME f1, f2;
BINDING binding, *b = &binding;
char buf[ MAXJPATH ];
#if defined( NT ) || defined( VMS )
char path[ MAXJPATH ];
char *p = path;
do *p++ = tolower( *target );
while( *target++ );
target = path;
#endif /* NT or VMS */
if( !bindhash )
bindhash = hashinit( sizeof( BINDING ), "bindings" );
/* Quick path - is it there? */
b->name = target;
b->time = b->flags = 0;
b->progress = BIND_INIT;
if( hashenter( bindhash, (HASHDATA **)&b ) )
b->name = newstr( target ); /* never freed */
if( b->progress != BIND_INIT )
goto afterscanning;
b->progress = BIND_NOENTRY;
/* Not found - have to scan for it */
file_parse( target, &f1 );
/* Scan directory if not already done so */
BINDING binding, *b = &binding;
f2 = f1;
f2.f_grist.len = 0;
file_parent( &f2 );
file_build( &f2, buf, 0 );
b->name = buf;
b->time = b->flags = 0;
b->progress = BIND_INIT;
if( hashenter( bindhash, (HASHDATA **)&b ) )
b->name = newstr( buf ); /* never freed */
if( !( b->flags & BIND_SCANNED ) )
file_dirscan( buf, time_enter );
b->flags |= BIND_SCANNED;
/* Scan archive if not already done so */
if( f1.f_member.len )
BINDING binding, *b = &binding;
f2 = f1;
f2.f_grist.len = 0;
f2.f_member.len = 0;
file_build( &f2, buf, 0 );
b->name = buf;
b->time = b->flags = 0;
b->progress = BIND_INIT;
if( hashenter( bindhash, (HASHDATA **)&b ) )
b->name = newstr( buf ); /* never freed */
if( !( b->flags & BIND_SCANNED ) )
file_archscan( buf, time_enter );
b->flags |= BIND_SCANNED;
if( b->progress == BIND_SPOTTED )
if( file_time( b->name, &b->time ) < 0 )
b->progress = BIND_MISSING;
b->progress = BIND_FOUND;
*time = b->progress == BIND_FOUND ? b->time : 0;
static void
time_enter( target, found, time )
char *target;
int found;
time_t time;
BINDING binding, *b = &binding;
#if defined( NT ) || defined( VMS )
char path[ MAXJPATH ];
char *p = path;
do *p++ = tolower( *target );
while( *target++ );
target = path;
#endif /* NT or VMS */
b->name = target;
b->flags = 0;
if( hashenter( bindhash, (HASHDATA **)&b ) )
b->name = newstr( target ); /* never freed */
b->time = time;
b->progress = found ? BIND_FOUND : BIND_SPOTTED;
printf( "time ( %s ) : %s\n", target, time_progress[b->progress] );
* donestamps() - free timestamp tables
hashdone( bindhash );