package com.perforce.common.node; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.perforce.common.ConverterException; import com.perforce.common.Stats; import com.perforce.common.StatsType; import com.perforce.common.asset.AssetWriter; import com.perforce.common.asset.ContentType; import com.perforce.common.asset.TranslateCharsetType; import com.perforce.common.depot.DepotConvert; import com.perforce.config.CFG; import com.perforce.config.Config; import com.perforce.config.ConfigException; import com.perforce.svn.change.ChangeConvert; import com.perforce.svn.history.Action; import com.perforce.svn.history.ChangeAction; import com.perforce.svn.history.RevisionTree; import com.perforce.svn.history.RevisionTree.NodeType; import com.perforce.svn.parser.Content; import com.perforce.svn.parser.Property; import com.perforce.svn.parser.RecordStateTrace; import com.perforce.svn.process.MergeInfo; import com.perforce.svn.process.MergeSource; import com.perforce.svn.query.QueryHistory; import com.perforce.svn.query.QueryInterface; public class NodeConvert implements NodeInterface { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NodeConvert.class); private ChangeConvert changelist; private DepotConvert depot; private RevisionTree tree; private String toPath; private long toChange; private ArrayList<MergeSource> fromList; private Property property; private Content content; private boolean pendingBlock; /** * Constructor * * @param nodePath * @param nodeChange * @param nodeAction */ public NodeConvert(ChangeConvert cl, DepotConvert nodeDepot, RevisionTree nodeTree, boolean subBlock) { changelist = cl; depot = nodeDepot; tree = nodeTree; pendingBlock = subBlock; } @Override public void setTo(String path, long change) { toPath = path; toChange = change; } @Override public void setFrom(ArrayList<MergeSource> from) { // Copy mergeinfo sources into new ChangeAction list fromList = from; } @Override public void action(Action nodeAction, NodeType type, boolean caseRename) throws Exception { switch (type) { case FILE: fileAction(nodeAction); break; case DIR: dirAction(nodeAction); break; default: throw new ConverterException("unknown NodeType(" + type + ")"); } } private void fileAction(Action nodeAction) throws Exception { QueryInterface query = new QueryHistory(tree); ChangeAction act = null; // ChangeAction from = null; // get type and properties from last revision ChangeAction lastAction = query.findLastAction(toPath, toChange); switch (nodeAction) { case ADD: case EDIT: act = tree.add(toPath, toChange, nodeAction, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); break; case UPDATE: fileAction(Action.REMOVE); if (lastAction != null && !lastAction.getAction().equals(Action.REMOVE)) { act = tree.add(toPath, toChange, Action.EDIT, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); } else { act = tree.add(toPath, toChange, Action.ADD, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); } break; case REMOVE: // Remove action should have no real content if (!content.isBlob()) { if (lastAction != null) { content.setType(lastAction.getType()); content.setProps(lastAction.getProps()); } else { StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("SKIPPING: cannot delete a non-existant revision.\n"); logger.warn(msg.toString());; return; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("no content: "); sb.append("action: "); sb.append("(" + lastAction.getAction() + ") "); sb.append(content.getType()); logger.trace(sb.toString()); } } act = tree.add(toPath, toChange, nodeAction, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); break; case COPY: case BRANCH: if (fromList != null && fromList.size() == 1) { ChangeAction from = fromList.get(0).getFromNode(); if (isCopy(toPath, from)) { // Use from Type and Properties if no real content if (!content.isBlob()) { content.setType(from.getType()); content.setProps(from.getProps()); } // determine branch type and add action to tree act = processBranch(depot, from, toPath, toChange, content); } else { // Can't get here unless case-sensitivity issue job053572 StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("SKIPPING: cannot branch a deleted revision to"); msg.append(" a non-existant or deleted target.\n"); logger.warn(msg.toString());; return; } } else { throw new ConverterException("Unexpected number of sources"); } break; case MERGE: if (fromList != null && !fromList.isEmpty()) { // determine branch type and add action to tree act = tree.add(toPath, toChange, nodeAction, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); } else { throw new ConverterException("Expected one or more sources"); } break; case LABEL: return; default: throw new ConverterException("Node-action(" + nodeAction + ")"); } if (act != null && act.getAction() != null) { // add action to changelist changelist.addRevision(act, fromList); } else { RecordStateTrace.dump(); StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer(); msg.append("Unknown issue:\n"); msg.append("\tPlease send log files and report the issue to Support.\n"); msg.append("\t and\n\n"); logger.error(msg.toString()); throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString()); } // Create archive if node has content if (content.isBlob()) { AssetWriter archive = new AssetWriter(depot, act); archive.write(content); } } private void dirAction(Action nodeAction) throws Exception { QueryInterface query = new QueryHistory(tree); // Pseudo content Content content = new Content(); switch (nodeAction) { case ADD: case EDIT: // find properties processDirProperty(content); break; case UPDATE: dirAction(Action.REMOVE); // find properties processDirProperty(content); break; case COPY: dirAction(Action.REMOVE); dirAction(Action.BRANCH); // find properties processDirProperty(content); break; case REMOVE: List<ChangeAction> removeActions = query.listLastActions(toPath, toChange); for (ChangeAction remove : removeActions) { if (remove.getAction() != Action.REMOVE) { String removePath = remove.getPath(); // get type and properties from last revision ChangeAction lastAction = query.findLastAction(removePath, toChange); if (lastAction != null) { content.setType(lastAction.getType()); content.setProps(lastAction.getProps()); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("remove: " + remove.getPath()); if (lastAction != null) { sb.append("(" + lastAction.getAction() + ") "); } else { sb.append("(null) "); } sb.append("type: " + remove.getType()); logger.trace(sb.toString()); } // add action to tree ChangeAction act = tree .add(removePath, toChange, Action.REMOVE, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); // add action to changelist changelist.addRevision(act, null); } } break; case BRANCH: // Trap condition when more than one source is detected, could be a // strange 'unsupported' mergeinfo case. if (fromList.size() != 1) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("fromList has more than one source:"); sb.append(fromList.toString()); throw new ConverterException(sb.toString()); } String fromPath = fromList.get(0).getFromPath(); long fromSvnRev = fromList.get(0).getEndFromSvnRev(); List<ChangeAction> fromActions = query.listLastActions(fromPath, fromSvnRev); for (ChangeAction from : fromActions) { // wrap from change action into list for changelist ArrayList<MergeSource> copyActs = new ArrayList<MergeSource>(); MergeSource mergeFrom = new MergeSource(from.getPath(), from.getStartChange(), from.getEndChange()); mergeFrom.setFromNode(from); copyActs.add(mergeFrom); // get 'to' action using branch source and target String toFilePath = NodeHelper.remap(fromPath, toPath, from.getPath()); // build new ChangeAction if (isCopy(toFilePath, from)) { // Use from Type and Properties as there is no content content.setType(from.getType()); content.setProps(from.getProps()); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("copy: " + from.getPath()); sb.append("(" + from.getAction() + ") "); sb.append("to " + toFilePath + "\n"); sb.append("Content type: " + content.getType()); logger.trace(sb.toString()); } ChangeAction act = processBranch(depot, from, toFilePath, toChange, content); // add action to changelist changelist.addRevision(act, copyActs); } } // find properties processDirProperty(content); break; case LABEL: return; default: throw new ConverterException("Node-action(" + nodeAction + ")"); } } /** * Helper method to check if branch action is a copy (prevents population of * deleted revisions if there is no existing target. * * @param toPath * @param from * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean isCopy(String toPath, ChangeAction from) throws Exception { QueryInterface query = new QueryHistory(tree); // check if target exists ChangeAction lastToAction = query.findLastAction(toPath, toChange - 1); // copy all non deleted source actions, but if target exists and // is not deleted then copy delete. if (from.getAction() != Action.REMOVE) { return true; } else { if (lastToAction != null) { if (lastToAction.getAction() != Action.REMOVE) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Creates a versioned file containing the directories properties * * @param content * @throws Exception */ private void processDirProperty(Content content) throws Exception { if (!(Boolean) Config.get(CFG.SVN_PROP_ENABLED) || property == null) return; // Property file path String propPath = toPath; if (!toPath.isEmpty()) { propPath += "/"; } propPath += Config.get(CFG.SVN_PROP_NAME); // Create attributes content and node NodeAttributes attributes = new NodeAttributes(property); content.setAttributes(attributes); Action action = null; ChangeAction act = null; QueryInterface query = new QueryHistory(tree); ChangeAction lastAction = query.findLastAction(propPath, toChange); if (!property.isEmpty()) { if ((lastAction != null) && (lastAction.getAction() != Action.REMOVE)) { action = Action.EDIT; } else { action = Action.ADD; } act = tree.add(propPath, toChange, action, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); AssetWriter archiveProperty = new AssetWriter(depot, act); content.getAttributes().setHeader(act.getPath(), act.getEndChange(), act.getEndRev()); archiveProperty.write(content); } else { if ((lastAction != null) && (lastAction.getAction() != Action.REMOVE)) { action = Action.REMOVE; act = tree.add(propPath, toChange, action, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); } } if (act != null) { changelist.addRevision(act, null); } } /** * Handles per-file branching and will up/down grade as required * * has content -> ADD or INTEG same to/from path -> ADD or EDIT from is * REMOVE -> target is REMOVE * * Returns a modified ChangeAction * * @param depot * @param from * @param to * @param nodeChange * @param content * @return * @throws Exception */ private ChangeAction processBranch(DepotConvert depot, ChangeAction from, String toPath, long nodeChange, Content content) throws Exception { Action action = null; ChangeAction act = null; if (from.getAction() != Action.REMOVE) { QueryInterface query = new QueryHistory(tree); ChangeAction lastTo = query.findLastAction(toPath, nodeChange - 1); // Branch or Integ if (lastTo == null || lastTo.getAction() == Action.REMOVE) { action = Action.BRANCH; } else { action = Action.INTEG; } // CornerCase: if content, downgrade Action if (content != null && content.isBlob()) { // ADD action: if no previous rev or a REMOVE action if (lastTo == null || lastTo.getAction() == Action.REMOVE) { action = Action.ADD; } else { action = Action.INTEG; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Dirty edit action to " + action); } } // CornerCase: if same file, downgrade Action if (from.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(toPath) && !pendingBlock) { // ADD action: if no previous rev or a REMOVE action if (lastTo == null || lastTo.getAction() == Action.REMOVE) { action = Action.ADD; } else { action = Action.EDIT; } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Downgrading action to " + action); } } // Add branch details to RevisionTree act = tree.branch(from.getPath(), from.getEndChange(), toPath, nodeChange, action, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); // If no content then check lazy copy has an archive file if (content.isBlob() == false) { AssetWriter archive = new AssetWriter(depot, act); archive.check(act.getLazyCopy()); } } // Propagate REMOVE action by deleting target else { act = tree.branch(from.getPath(), from.getEndChange(), toPath, nodeChange, Action.REMOVE, content, NodeType.FILE, pendingBlock); } return act; } @Override public void setContent(Content c) throws Exception { content = c; downgradeTypes(); } @Override public void setProperty(Property property) { = property; } /** * Down grade content type for non unicode servers from utf8 to text or * utf32 to binary, this MUST occur before the ChangeAction is added to the * revision tree. * * @throws ConfigException */ private void downgradeTypes() throws ConfigException { if ((Boolean) Config.get(CFG.P4_UNICODE) == false && content != null) { if ((content.getType() == ContentType.UTF_32BE) || (content.getType() == ContentType.UTF_32LE)) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Non-unicode server, downgrading utf32 file to binary"); } content.setType(ContentType.P4_BINARY); } if (content.getType().getP4Type() == TranslateCharsetType.UTF8) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Non-unicode server, downgrading file to text"); } content.setType(ContentType.P4_TEXT); } } } @Override public void setMergeInfo(MergeInfo merge, String path) { RevisionTree node = tree.create(path, NodeType.NULL); node.setMergeInfo(merge); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("setMergeInfo on : " + path); logger.debug("... " + merge); } } }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 12446 | Paul Allen | Branching using p4convert-rusty | ||
//guest/perforce_software/p4convert/src/com/perforce/common/node/ | |||||
#6 | 11263 | Paul Allen | Refactor the enum Action outside of ChangeAction. | ||
#5 | 11226 | Paul Allen | Tidy imports and unused code. | ||
#4 | 11195 | Paul Allen | Back out changelist 11188 | ||
#3 | 11188 | Paul Allen |
CVS: Added OutOfOrderException to trap CVS branch issues. @rjackson (Untested and includes debug code) |
#2 | 11143 | Paul Allen |
CVS: Downgrade branching a deleted rev to a warning CVS seems to allow revisions to be added on a branch then moved to 1.1 at the same point in time. The strange part is 1.1 is marked as dead. (work around) |
#1 | 11066 | Paul Allen |
Code refactor: Moved 'node' package from 'svn' to 'common'. |
//guest/perforce_software/p4convert/src/com/perforce/svn/node/ | |||||
#4 | 11047 | Paul Allen |
SVN: Test case 119 labels_branch-branch. Test what happens when a label is branched with edits and deletes. The default behaviour is to keep the initial label as a label and the resulting branch is sparse. If this is not desired then the tag should be included in the branch mapping ( For example: [] ^tags/.* [] ^tags/full_branch/.* |
#3 | 11031 | Paul Allen | SVN: Adding ground work for Static/Automatic support. | ||
#2 | 11025 | Paul Allen |
SVN: Added LABEL action and improved logging. - minor fix to prevent skipping file actions, hopefully this will turn into static labels. |
#1 | 9807 | Paul Allen | Initial import of p4-convert (from change 894340) |