* Widgets get rendered in a variety of contexts (e.g. in layouts, views,
* and via xhr/partial). Consequently, head resources (e.g. scripts, styles,
* dojo, etc) may or may not have been emitted already. Therefore, we want
* to ensure that only the resources needed by this widget are emitted at
* this time.
* To accomplish this, we cache out and clear the original set of head
* resources prior to invoking the widget. After running the widget, we
* print newly accumulated head resources and restore the original set.
$originalScripts = clone $this->getHelper('headScript')->getContainer();
$originalStyles = clone $this->getHelper('headStyle')->getContainer();
$originalDojo = clone $this->getHelper('dojo')->getContainer();
// execute widget and buffer output.
$widgetOutput = $this->widget->run();
// include widget requirements.
echo $this->dojo('extras'),
// restore original head resources.
<div dojoType="p4cms.widget.Widget"
id="widget-<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->id) ?>"
class="widget widget-<?= $this->escapeAttr(str_replace('/', '-', $this->widget->type)) ?>"
widgetType="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->type) ?>"
widgetDialogTitle="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->getType($this->widget->type)->label) ?>"
widgetContext="<?= htmlspecialchars($this->widgetContext) ?: 'null' ?>"
containerClass="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->class) ?>"
regionName="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->region) ?>"
addTime="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->addTime) ?>"
order="<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->order) ?>">
<?if ($this->widget->showTitle) {?>
<div id="widget-<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->id) ?>-title" class="widget-title">
<?= $this->escape($this->widget->title) ?>
<div id="widget-<?= $this->escapeAttr($this->widget->id) ?>-content" class="widget-content">
<?= $widgetOutput ?>
<? if ($this->widget->hasError()): ?>
<p class="widget-error"><?= $this->escape($this->widget->getError()) ?></p>
<? endif; ?>