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<section id="roles.manage">
<title>Managing Roles</title>
To control the tasks that &product.longname; users can perform, you assign
<emphasis>roles</emphasis> to them. For each role, you can configure the
<emphasis>privileges</emphasis> that are permitted. For example, an editor might be able to
create and edit content but not change your site's theme. Role permissions give you fine
control over what can be done to &product.name; resources.
The <emphasis role="screen">Manage Roles</emphasis> screen is where role management tasks
are performed. Hover your mouse over each of the numbered callouts to highlight the
associated area of the screen.
<mediaobjectco role="screen-mr">
<subtitle>The Manage Roles Screen</subtitle>
<areaspec units="imagemap">
<area id="screen-mr-spot-search" linkends="screen-mr-co-search" coords="0,91,129,125"/>
<area id="screen-mr-spot-type" linkends="screen-mr-co-type" coords="0,129,129,171"/>
<area id="screen-mr-spot-sortable" linkends="screen-mr-co-sortable" coords="147,89,640,107"/>
<area id="screen-mr-spot-actions" linkends="screen-mr-co-actions" coords="559,109,607,216"/>
<area id="screen-mr-spot-scrollbar" linkends="screen-mr-co-scrollbar" coords="612,107,640,229"/>
<imagedata fileref="images/screen-manage_roles-callouts.png"/>
<callout id="screen-mr-co-search" arearefs="screen-mr-spot-search">
<emphasis role="bold">Filter by Text Search</emphasis>:
Enter text to filter the list of roles to entries containing the text.
<callout id="screen-mr-co-type" arearefs="screen-mr-spot-type">
<emphasis role="bold">Filter by Role Type</emphasis>:
Click on one or more checkboxes to filter the list of roles to entries of
the selected types. When no checkboxes are checked, roles of all types are
<callout id="screen-mr-co-sortable" arearefs="screen-mr-spot-sortable">
<emphasis role="bold">Sort Roles</emphasis>:
Click on one of the columns to sort the roles by that column's details,
click again to change the sort direction (an indicator arrow appears). The
<emphasis role="bold">Users</emphasis> and
<emphasis role="bold">Actions</emphasis> columns are not sortable.
<callout id="screen-mr-co-actions" arearefs="screen-mr-spot-actions">
<emphasis role="bold">Actions Drop-down Menu</emphasis>:
Click on one of the drop-down menus in the Actions column to see and use
actions available for each entry, including Edit and Delete.
<callout id="screen-mr-co-scrollbar" arearefs="screen-mr-spot-scrollbar">
<emphasis role="bold">Lazy-load Scrollbar</emphasis>:
When there are many more role entries than can fit on-screen, only enough
entries are retrieved to fill the display. When you use the scrollbar,
additional entries are fetched. This means that scrolling might appear to be
slightly slower than you might expect, but it allows filtering, sorting and
initial display to be much faster when you have hundreds or thousands of
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