Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
This is an optimized version of Dojo, built for deployment and not for
development. To get sources and documentation, please visit:
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.manager"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.manager"] = true;
dojo.declare("dijit.WidgetSet", null, {
// summary:
// A set of widgets indexed by id. A default instance of this class is
// available as `dijit.registry`
// example:
// Create a small list of widgets:
// | var ws = new dijit.WidgetSet();
// | ws.add(dijit.byId("one"));
// | ws.add(dijit.byId("two"));
// | // destroy both:
// | ws.forEach(function(w){ w.destroy(); });
// example:
// Using dijit.registry:
// | dijit.registry.forEach(function(w){ /* do something */ });
constructor: function(){
this._hash = {};
this.length = 0;
add: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
// summary:
// Add a widget to this list. If a duplicate ID is detected, a error is thrown.
// widget: dijit._Widget
// Any dijit._Widget subclass.
throw new Error("Tried to register widget with id==" + widget.id + " but that id is already registered");
this._hash[widget.id] = widget;
remove: function(/*String*/ id){
// summary:
// Remove a widget from this WidgetSet. Does not destroy the widget; simply
// removes the reference.
delete this._hash[id];
forEach: function(/*Function*/ func, /* Object? */thisObj){
// summary:
// Call specified function for each widget in this set.
// func:
// A callback function to run for each item. Is passed the widget, the index
// in the iteration, and the full hash, similar to `dojo.forEach`.
// thisObj:
// An optional scope parameter
// example:
// Using the default `dijit.registry` instance:
// | dijit.registry.forEach(function(widget){
// | console.log(widget.declaredClass);
// | });
// returns:
// Returns self, in order to allow for further chaining.
thisObj = thisObj || dojo.global;
var i = 0, id;
for(id in this._hash){
func.call(thisObj, this._hash[id], i++, this._hash);
return this; // dijit.WidgetSet
filter: function(/*Function*/ filter, /* Object? */thisObj){
// summary:
// Filter down this WidgetSet to a smaller new WidgetSet
// Works the same as `dojo.filter` and `dojo.NodeList.filter`
// filter:
// Callback function to test truthiness. Is passed the widget
// reference and the pseudo-index in the object.
// thisObj: Object?
// Option scope to use for the filter function.
// example:
// Arbitrary: select the odd widgets in this list
// | dijit.registry.filter(function(w, i){
// | return i % 2 == 0;
// | }).forEach(function(w){ /* odd ones */ });
thisObj = thisObj || dojo.global;
var res = new dijit.WidgetSet(), i = 0, id;
for(id in this._hash){
var w = this._hash[id];
if(filter.call(thisObj, w, i++, this._hash)){
return res; // dijit.WidgetSet
byId: function(/*String*/ id){
// summary:
// Find a widget in this list by it's id.
// example:
// Test if an id is in a particular WidgetSet
// | var ws = new dijit.WidgetSet();
// | ws.add(dijit.byId("bar"));
// | var t = ws.byId("bar") // returns a widget
// | var x = ws.byId("foo"); // returns undefined
return this._hash[id]; // dijit._Widget
byClass: function(/*String*/ cls){
// summary:
// Reduce this widgetset to a new WidgetSet of a particular `declaredClass`
// cls: String
// The Class to scan for. Full dot-notated string.
// example:
// Find all `dijit.TitlePane`s in a page:
// | dijit.registry.byClass("dijit.TitlePane").forEach(function(tp){ tp.close(); });
var res = new dijit.WidgetSet(), id, widget;
for(id in this._hash){
widget = this._hash[id];
if(widget.declaredClass == cls){
return res; // dijit.WidgetSet
toArray: function(){
// summary:
// Convert this WidgetSet into a true Array
// example:
// Work with the widget .domNodes in a real Array
// | dojo.map(dijit.registry.toArray(), function(w){ return w.domNode; });
var ar = [];
for(var id in this._hash){
return ar; // dijit._Widget[]
map: function(/* Function */func, /* Object? */thisObj){
// summary:
// Create a new Array from this WidgetSet, following the same rules as `dojo.map`
// example:
// | var nodes = dijit.registry.map(function(w){ return w.domNode; });
// returns:
// A new array of the returned values.
return dojo.map(this.toArray(), func, thisObj); // Array
every: function(func, thisObj){
// summary:
// A synthetic clone of `dojo.every` acting explicitly on this WidgetSet
// func: Function
// A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
// when the first false return is encountered.
// thisObj: Object?
// Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
thisObj = thisObj || dojo.global;
var x = 0, i;
for(i in this._hash){
if(!func.call(thisObj, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
return false; // Boolean
return true; // Boolean
some: function(func, thisObj){
// summary:
// A synthetic clone of `dojo.some` acting explictly on this WidgetSet
// func: Function
// A callback function run for every widget in this list. Exits loop
// when the first true return is encountered.
// thisObj: Object?
// Optional scope parameter to use for the callback
thisObj = thisObj || dojo.global;
var x = 0, i;
for(i in this._hash){
if(func.call(thisObj, this._hash[i], x++, this._hash)){
return true; // Boolean
return false; // Boolean
dijit.registry = {
// summary:
// A list of widgets on a page.
// description:
// Is an instance of `dijit.WidgetSet`
dijit.registry = new dijit.WidgetSet();
var hash = dijit.registry._hash,
attr = dojo.attr,
hasAttr = dojo.hasAttr,
style = dojo.style;
dijit.byId = function(/*String|dijit._Widget*/ id){
// summary:
// Returns a widget by it's id, or if passed a widget, no-op (like dojo.byId())
return typeof id == "string" ? hash[id] : id; // dijit._Widget
var _widgetTypeCtr = {};
dijit.getUniqueId = function(/*String*/widgetType){
// summary:
// Generates a unique id for a given widgetType
var id;
id = widgetType + "_" +
(widgetType in _widgetTypeCtr ?
++_widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] : _widgetTypeCtr[widgetType] = 0);
return dijit._scopeName == "dijit" ? id : dijit._scopeName + "_" + id; // String
dijit.findWidgets = function(/*DomNode*/ root){
// summary:
// Search subtree under root returning widgets found.
// Doesn't search for nested widgets (ie, widgets inside other widgets).
var outAry = [];
function getChildrenHelper(root){
for(var node = root.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling){
if(node.nodeType == 1){
var widgetId = node.getAttribute("widgetId");
var widget = hash[widgetId];
if(widget){ // may be null on page w/multiple dojo's loaded
return outAry;
dijit._destroyAll = function(){
// summary:
// Code to destroy all widgets and do other cleanup on page unload
// Clean up focus manager lingering references to widgets and nodes
dijit._curFocus = null;
dijit._prevFocus = null;
dijit._activeStack = [];
// Destroy all the widgets, top down
dojo.forEach(dijit.findWidgets(dojo.body()), function(widget){
// Avoid double destroy of widgets like Menu that are attached to <body>
// even though they are logically children of other widgets.
}else if(widget.destroy){
// Only run _destroyAll() for IE because we think it's only necessary in that case,
// and because it causes problems on FF. See bug #3531 for details.
dijit.byNode = function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Returns the widget corresponding to the given DOMNode
return hash[node.getAttribute("widgetId")]; // dijit._Widget
dijit.getEnclosingWidget = function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Returns the widget whose DOM tree contains the specified DOMNode, or null if
// the node is not contained within the DOM tree of any widget
var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId");
return hash[id];
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
var shown = (dijit._isElementShown = function(/*Element*/ elem){
var s = style(elem);
return (s.visibility != "hidden")
&& (s.visibility != "collapsed")
&& (s.display != "none")
&& (attr(elem, "type") != "hidden");
dijit.hasDefaultTabStop = function(/*Element*/ elem){
// summary:
// Tests if element is tab-navigable even without an explicit tabIndex setting
// No explicit tabIndex setting, need to investigate node type
case "a":
// An <a> w/out a tabindex is only navigable if it has an href
return hasAttr(elem, "href");
case "area":
case "button":
case "input":
case "object":
case "select":
case "textarea":
// These are navigable by default
return true;
case "iframe":
// If it's an editor <iframe> then it's tab navigable.
var body;
// non-IE
var contentDocument = elem.contentDocument;
if("designMode" in contentDocument && contentDocument.designMode == "on"){
return true;
body = contentDocument.body;
// contentWindow.document isn't accessible within IE7/8
// if the iframe.src points to a foreign url and this
// page contains an element, that could get focus
body = elem.contentWindow.document.body;
return false;
return body.contentEditable == 'true' || (body.firstChild && body.firstChild.contentEditable == 'true');
return elem.contentEditable == 'true';
var isTabNavigable = (dijit.isTabNavigable = function(/*Element*/ elem){
// summary:
// Tests if an element is tab-navigable
// TODO: convert (and rename method) to return effective tabIndex; will save time in _getTabNavigable()
if(attr(elem, "disabled")){
return false;
}else if(hasAttr(elem, "tabIndex")){
// Explicit tab index setting
return attr(elem, "tabIndex") >= 0; // boolean
// No explicit tabIndex setting, so depends on node type
return dijit.hasDefaultTabStop(elem);
dijit._getTabNavigable = function(/*DOMNode*/ root){
// summary:
// Finds descendants of the specified root node.
// description:
// Finds the following descendants of the specified root node:
// * the first tab-navigable element in document order
// without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
// * the last tab-navigable element in document order
// without a tabIndex or with tabIndex="0"
// * the first element in document order with the lowest
// positive tabIndex value
// * the last element in document order with the highest
// positive tabIndex value
var first, last, lowest, lowestTabindex, highest, highestTabindex, radioSelected = {};
function radioName(node) {
// If this element is part of a radio button group, return the name for that group.
return node && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" &&
node.type && node.type.toLowerCase() == "radio" &&
node.name && node.name.toLowerCase();
var walkTree = function(/*DOMNode*/parent){
dojo.query("> *", parent).forEach(function(child){
// Skip hidden elements, and also non-HTML elements (those in custom namespaces) in IE,
// since show() invokes getAttribute("type"), which crash on VML nodes in IE.
if((dojo.isIE && child.scopeName!=="HTML") || !shown(child)){
var tabindex = attr(child, "tabIndex");
if(!hasAttr(child, "tabIndex") || tabindex == 0){
if(!first){ first = child; }
last = child;
}else if(tabindex > 0){
if(!lowest || tabindex < lowestTabindex){
lowestTabindex = tabindex;
lowest = child;
if(!highest || tabindex >= highestTabindex){
highestTabindex = tabindex;
highest = child;
var rn = radioName(child);
if(dojo.attr(child, "checked") && rn) {
radioSelected[rn] = child;
if(child.nodeName.toUpperCase() != 'SELECT'){
if(shown(root)){ walkTree(root) }
function rs(node) {
// substitute checked radio button for unchecked one, if there is a checked one with the same name.
return radioSelected[radioName(node)] || node;
return { first: rs(first), last: rs(last), lowest: rs(lowest), highest: rs(highest) };
dijit.getFirstInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/ root){
// summary:
// Finds the descendant of the specified root node
// that is first in the tabbing order
var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dojo.byId(root));
return elems.lowest ? elems.lowest : elems.first; // DomNode
dijit.getLastInTabbingOrder = function(/*String|DOMNode*/ root){
// summary:
// Finds the descendant of the specified root node
// that is last in the tabbing order
var elems = dijit._getTabNavigable(dojo.byId(root));
return elems.last ? elems.last : elems.highest; // DomNode
dojo.mixin(dijit, {
// defaultDuration: Integer
// The default animation speed (in ms) to use for all Dijit
// transitional animations, unless otherwise specified
// on a per-instance basis. Defaults to 200, overrided by
// `djConfig.defaultDuration`
defaultDuration: 200
dijit.defaultDuration = dojo.config["defaultDuration"] || 200;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.Stateful"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.Stateful"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojo.Stateful", null, {
// summary:
// Base class for objects that provide named properties with optional getter/setter
// control and the ability to watch for property changes
// example:
// | var obj = new dojo.Stateful();
// | obj.watch("foo", function(){
// | console.log("foo changed to " + this.get("foo"));
// | });
// | obj.set("foo","bar");
postscript: function(mixin){
dojo.mixin(this, mixin);
get: function(/*String*/name){
// summary:
// Get a property on a Stateful instance.
// name:
// The property to get.
// description:
// Get a named property on a Stateful object. The property may
// potentially be retrieved via a getter method in subclasses. In the base class
// this just retrieves the object's property.
// For example:
// | stateful = new dojo.Stateful({foo: 3});
// | stateful.get("foo") // returns 3
// | stateful.foo // returns 3
return this[name];
set: function(/*String*/name, /*Object*/value){
// summary:
// Set a property on a Stateful instance
// name:
// The property to set.
// value:
// The value to set in the property.
// description:
// Sets named properties on a stateful object and notifies any watchers of
// the property. A programmatic setter may be defined in subclasses.
// For example:
// | stateful = new dojo.Stateful();
// | stateful.watch(function(name, oldValue, value){
// | // this will be called on the set below
// | }
// | stateful.set(foo, 5);
// set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:
// | myObj.set({
// | foo: "Howdy",
// | bar: 3
// | })
// This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)
if(typeof name === "object"){
for(var x in name){
this.set(x, name[x]);
return this;
var oldValue = this[name];
this[name] = value;
this._watchCallbacks(name, oldValue, value);
return this;
watch: function(/*String?*/name, /*Function*/callback){
// summary:
// Watches a property for changes
// name:
// Indicates the property to watch. This is optional (the callback may be the
// only parameter), and if omitted, all the properties will be watched
// returns:
// An object handle for the watch. The unwatch method of this object
// can be used to discontinue watching this property:
// | var watchHandle = obj.watch("foo", callback);
// | watchHandle.unwatch(); // callback won't be called now
// callback:
// The function to execute when the property changes. This will be called after
// the property has been changed. The callback will be called with the |this|
// set to the instance, the first argument as the name of the property, the
// second argument as the old value and the third argument as the new value.
var callbacks = this._watchCallbacks;
var self = this;
callbacks = this._watchCallbacks = function(name, oldValue, value, ignoreCatchall){
var notify = function(propertyCallbacks){
propertyCallbacks = propertyCallbacks.slice();
for(var i = 0, l = propertyCallbacks.length; i < l; i++){
propertyCallbacks[i].call(self, name, oldValue, value);
notify(callbacks['_' + name]);
notify(callbacks["*"]); // the catch-all
}; // we use a function instead of an object so it will be ignored by JSON conversion
if(!callback && typeof name === "function"){
callback = name;
name = "*";
// prepend with dash to prevent name conflicts with function (like "name" property)
name = '_' + name;
var propertyCallbacks = callbacks[name];
if(typeof propertyCallbacks !== "object"){
propertyCallbacks = callbacks[name] = [];
return {
unwatch: function(){
propertyCallbacks.splice(dojo.indexOf(propertyCallbacks, callback), 1);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._WidgetBase"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._WidgetBase"] = true;
dojo.declare("dijit._WidgetBase", dojo.Stateful, {
// summary:
// Future base class for all Dijit widgets.
// _Widget extends this class adding support for various features needed by desktop.
// id: [const] String
// A unique, opaque ID string that can be assigned by users or by the
// system. If the developer passes an ID which is known not to be
// unique, the specified ID is ignored and the system-generated ID is
// used instead.
id: "",
// lang: [const] String
// Rarely used. Overrides the default Dojo locale used to render this widget,
// as defined by the [HTML LANG](http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/dirlang.html#adef-lang) attribute.
// Value must be among the list of locales specified during by the Dojo bootstrap,
// formatted according to [RFC 3066](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3066.txt) (like en-us).
lang: "",
// dir: [const] String
// Bi-directional support, as defined by the [HTML DIR](http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/dirlang.html#adef-dir)
// attribute. Either left-to-right "ltr" or right-to-left "rtl". If undefined, widgets renders in page's
// default direction.
dir: "",
// class: String
// HTML class attribute
"class": "",
// style: String||Object
// HTML style attributes as cssText string or name/value hash
style: "",
// title: String
// HTML title attribute.
// For form widgets this specifies a tooltip to display when hovering over
// the widget (just like the native HTML title attribute).
// For TitlePane or for when this widget is a child of a TabContainer, AccordionContainer,
// etc., it's used to specify the tab label, accordion pane title, etc.
title: "",
// tooltip: String
// When this widget's title attribute is used to for a tab label, accordion pane title, etc.,
// this specifies the tooltip to appear when the mouse is hovered over that text.
tooltip: "",
// baseClass: [protected] String
// Root CSS class of the widget (ex: dijitTextBox), used to construct CSS classes to indicate
// widget state.
baseClass: "",
// srcNodeRef: [readonly] DomNode
// pointer to original DOM node
srcNodeRef: null,
// domNode: [readonly] DomNode
// This is our visible representation of the widget! Other DOM
// Nodes may by assigned to other properties, usually through the
// template system's dojoAttachPoint syntax, but the domNode
// property is the canonical "top level" node in widget UI.
domNode: null,
// containerNode: [readonly] DomNode
// Designates where children of the source DOM node will be placed.
// "Children" in this case refers to both DOM nodes and widgets.
// For example, for myWidget:
// | <div dojoType=myWidget>
// | <b> here's a plain DOM node
// | <span dojoType=subWidget>and a widget</span>
// | <i> and another plain DOM node </i>
// | </div>
// containerNode would point to:
// | <b> here's a plain DOM node
// | <span dojoType=subWidget>and a widget</span>
// | <i> and another plain DOM node </i>
// In templated widgets, "containerNode" is set via a
// dojoAttachPoint assignment.
// containerNode must be defined for any widget that accepts innerHTML
// (like ContentPane or BorderContainer or even Button), and conversely
// is null for widgets that don't, like TextBox.
containerNode: null,
// _started: Boolean
// startup() has completed.
_started: false,
// attributeMap: [protected] Object
// attributeMap sets up a "binding" between attributes (aka properties)
// of the widget and the widget's DOM.
// Changes to widget attributes listed in attributeMap will be
// reflected into the DOM.
// For example, calling set('title', 'hello')
// on a TitlePane will automatically cause the TitlePane's DOM to update
// with the new title.
// attributeMap is a hash where the key is an attribute of the widget,
// and the value reflects a binding to a:
// - DOM node attribute
// | focus: {node: "focusNode", type: "attribute"}
// Maps this.focus to this.focusNode.focus
// - DOM node innerHTML
// | title: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }
// Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerHTML
// - DOM node innerText
// | title: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerText" }
// Maps this.title to this.titleNode.innerText
// - DOM node CSS class
// | myClass: { node: "domNode", type: "class" }
// Maps this.myClass to this.domNode.className
// If the value is an array, then each element in the array matches one of the
// formats of the above list.
// There are also some shorthands for backwards compatibility:
// - string --> { node: string, type: "attribute" }, for example:
// | "focusNode" ---> { node: "focusNode", type: "attribute" }
// - "" --> { node: "domNode", type: "attribute" }
attributeMap: {id:"", dir:"", lang:"", "class":"", style:"", title:""},
// _blankGif: [protected] String
// Path to a blank 1x1 image.
// Used by <img> nodes in templates that really get their image via CSS background-image.
_blankGif: (dojo.config.blankGif || dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.gif")).toString(),
//////////// INITIALIZATION METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////
postscript: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String*/srcNodeRef){
// summary:
// Kicks off widget instantiation. See create() for details.
// tags:
// private
this.create(params, srcNodeRef);
create: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String?*/srcNodeRef){
// summary:
// Kick off the life-cycle of a widget
// params:
// Hash of initialization parameters for widget, including
// scalar values (like title, duration etc.) and functions,
// typically callbacks like onClick.
// srcNodeRef:
// If a srcNodeRef (DOM node) is specified:
// - use srcNodeRef.innerHTML as my contents
// - if this is a behavioral widget then apply behavior
// to that srcNodeRef
// - otherwise, replace srcNodeRef with my generated DOM
// tree
// description:
// Create calls a number of widget methods (postMixInProperties, buildRendering, postCreate,
// etc.), some of which of you'll want to override. See http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/_Widget
// for a discussion of the widget creation lifecycle.
// Of course, adventurous developers could override create entirely, but this should
// only be done as a last resort.
// tags:
// private
// store pointer to original DOM tree
this.srcNodeRef = dojo.byId(srcNodeRef);
// For garbage collection. An array of handles returned by Widget.connect()
// Each handle returned from Widget.connect() is an array of handles from dojo.connect()
this._connects = [];
// For garbage collection. An array of handles returned by Widget.subscribe()
// The handle returned from Widget.subscribe() is the handle returned from dojo.subscribe()
this._subscribes = [];
// mix in our passed parameters
if(this.srcNodeRef && (typeof this.srcNodeRef.id == "string")){ this.id = this.srcNodeRef.id; }
this.params = params;
dojo._mixin(this, params);
// generate an id for the widget if one wasn't specified
// (be sure to do this before buildRendering() because that function might
// expect the id to be there.)
this.id = dijit.getUniqueId(this.declaredClass.replace(/\./g,"_"));
// Copy attributes listed in attributeMap into the [newly created] DOM for the widget.
// Also calls custom setters for all attributes with custom setters.
// If srcNodeRef was specified, then swap out original srcNode for this widget's DOM tree.
// For 2.0, move this after postCreate(). postCreate() shouldn't depend on the
// widget being attached to the DOM since it isn't when a widget is created programmatically like
// new MyWidget({}). See #11635.
var source = this.srcNodeRef;
if(source && source.parentNode && this.domNode !== source){
source.parentNode.replaceChild(this.domNode, source);
// Note: for 2.0 may want to rename widgetId to dojo._scopeName + "_widgetId",
// assuming that dojo._scopeName even exists in 2.0
this.domNode.setAttribute("widgetId", this.id);
// If srcNodeRef has been processed and removed from the DOM (e.g. TemplatedWidget) then delete it to allow GC.
if(this.srcNodeRef && !this.srcNodeRef.parentNode){
delete this.srcNodeRef;
this._created = true;
_applyAttributes: function(){
// summary:
// Step during widget creation to copy all widget attributes to the
// DOM as per attributeMap and _setXXXAttr functions.
// description:
// Skips over blank/false attribute values, unless they were explicitly specified
// as parameters to the widget, since those are the default anyway,
// and setting tabIndex="" is different than not setting tabIndex at all.
// It processes the attributes in the attribute map first, and then
// it goes through and processes the attributes for the _setXXXAttr
// functions that have been specified
// tags:
// private
var condAttrApply = function(attr, scope){
if((scope.params && attr in scope.params) || scope[attr]){
scope.set(attr, scope[attr]);
// Do the attributes in attributeMap
for(var attr in this.attributeMap){
condAttrApply(attr, this);
// And also any attributes with custom setters
dojo.forEach(this._getSetterAttributes(), function(a){
if(!(a in this.attributeMap)){
condAttrApply(a, this);
}, this);
_getSetterAttributes: function(){
// summary:
// Returns list of attributes with custom setters for this widget
var ctor = this.constructor;
var r = (ctor._setterAttrs = []),
proto = ctor.prototype;
for(var fxName in proto){
if(dojo.isFunction(proto[fxName]) && (attrs = fxName.match(/^_set([a-zA-Z]*)Attr$/)) && attrs[1]){
r.push(attrs[1].charAt(0).toLowerCase() + attrs[1].substr(1));
return ctor._setterAttrs; // String[]
postMixInProperties: function(){
// summary:
// Called after the parameters to the widget have been read-in,
// but before the widget template is instantiated. Especially
// useful to set properties that are referenced in the widget
// template.
// tags:
// protected
buildRendering: function(){
// summary:
// Construct the UI for this widget, setting this.domNode
// description:
// Most widgets will mixin `dijit._Templated`, which implements this
// method.
// tags:
// protected
// Create root node if it wasn't created by _Templated
this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef || dojo.create('div');
// baseClass is a single class name or occasionally a space-separated list of names.
// Add those classes to the DOMNode. If RTL mode then also add with Rtl suffix.
// TODO: make baseClass custom setter
var classes = this.baseClass.split(" ");
classes = classes.concat( dojo.map(classes, function(name){ return name+"Rtl"; }));
dojo.addClass(this.domNode, classes);
postCreate: function(){
// summary:
// Processing after the DOM fragment is created
// description:
// Called after the DOM fragment has been created, but not necessarily
// added to the document. Do not include any operations which rely on
// node dimensions or placement.
// tags:
// protected
startup: function(){
// summary:
// Processing after the DOM fragment is added to the document
// description:
// Called after a widget and its children have been created and added to the page,
// and all related widgets have finished their create() cycle, up through postCreate().
// This is useful for composite widgets that need to control or layout sub-widgets.
// Many layout widgets can use this as a wiring phase.
this._started = true;
//////////// DESTROY FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////
destroyRecursive: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Destroy this widget and its descendants
// description:
// This is the generic "destructor" function that all widget users
// should call to cleanly discard with a widget. Once a widget is
// destroyed, it is removed from the manager object.
// preserveDom:
// If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure
// alone of descendant Widgets. Note: This will NOT work with
// dijit._Templated widgets.
this._beingDestroyed = true;
destroy: function(/*Boolean*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Destroy this widget, but not its descendants.
// This method will, however, destroy internal widgets such as those used within a template.
// preserveDom: Boolean
// If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure alone.
// Note: This will not yet work with _Templated widgets
this._beingDestroyed = true;
var d = dojo,
dfe = d.forEach,
dun = d.unsubscribe;
dfe(this._connects, function(array){
dfe(array, d.disconnect);
dfe(this._subscribes, function(handle){
// destroy widgets created as part of template, etc.
dfe(this._supportingWidgets || [], function(w){
}else if(w.destroy){
this._destroyed = true;
destroyRendering: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Destroys the DOM nodes associated with this widget
// preserveDom:
// If true, this method will leave the original DOM structure alone
// during tear-down. Note: this will not work with _Templated
// widgets yet.
// tags:
// protected
delete this.bgIframe;
dojo.removeAttr(this.domNode, "widgetId");
delete this.domNode;
delete this.srcNodeRef;
destroyDescendants: function(/*Boolean?*/ preserveDom){
// summary:
// Recursively destroy the children of this widget and their
// descendants.
// preserveDom:
// If true, the preserveDom attribute is passed to all descendant
// widget's .destroy() method. Not for use with _Templated
// widgets.
// get all direct descendants and destroy them recursively
dojo.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(widget){
uninitialize: function(){
// summary:
// Stub function. Override to implement custom widget tear-down
// behavior.
// tags:
// protected
return false;
////////////////// GET/SET, CUSTOM SETTERS, ETC. ///////////////////
_setClassAttr: function(/*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Custom setter for the CSS "class" attribute
// tags:
// protected
var mapNode = this[this.attributeMap["class"] || 'domNode'];
dojo.replaceClass(mapNode, value, this["class"]);
this._set("class", value);
_setStyleAttr: function(/*String||Object*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets the style attribute of the widget according to value,
// which is either a hash like {height: "5px", width: "3px"}
// or a plain string
// description:
// Determines which node to set the style on based on style setting
// in attributeMap.
// tags:
// protected
var mapNode = this[this.attributeMap.style || 'domNode'];
// Note: technically we should revert any style setting made in a previous call
// to his method, but that's difficult to keep track of.
dojo.style(mapNode, value);
mapNode.style.cssText += "; " + value;
mapNode.style.cssText = value;
this._set("style", value);
_attrToDom: function(/*String*/ attr, /*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Reflect a widget attribute (title, tabIndex, duration etc.) to
// the widget DOM, as specified in attributeMap.
// Note some attributes like "type"
// cannot be processed this way as they are not mutable.
// tags:
// private
var commands = this.attributeMap[attr];
dojo.forEach(dojo.isArray(commands) ? commands : [commands], function(command){
// Get target node and what we are doing to that node
var mapNode = this[command.node || command || "domNode"]; // DOM node
var type = command.type || "attribute"; // class, innerHTML, innerText, or attribute
case "attribute":
if(dojo.isFunction(value)){ // functions execute in the context of the widget
value = dojo.hitch(this, value);
// Get the name of the DOM node attribute; usually it's the same
// as the name of the attribute in the widget (attr), but can be overridden.
// Also maps handler names to lowercase, like onSubmit --> onsubmit
var attrName = command.attribute ? command.attribute :
(/^on[A-Z][a-zA-Z]*$/.test(attr) ? attr.toLowerCase() : attr);
dojo.attr(mapNode, attrName, value);
case "innerText":
mapNode.innerHTML = "";
case "innerHTML":
mapNode.innerHTML = value;
case "class":
dojo.replaceClass(mapNode, value, this[attr]);
}, this);
get: function(name){
// summary:
// Get a property from a widget.
// name:
// The property to get.
// description:
// Get a named property from a widget. The property may
// potentially be retrieved via a getter method. If no getter is defined, this
// just retrieves the object's property.
// For example, if the widget has a properties "foo"
// and "bar" and a method named "_getFooAttr", calling:
// | myWidget.get("foo");
// would be equivalent to writing:
// | widget._getFooAttr();
// and:
// | myWidget.get("bar");
// would be equivalent to writing:
// | widget.bar;
var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
return this[names.g] ? this[names.g]() : this[name];
set: function(name, value){
// summary:
// Set a property on a widget
// name:
// The property to set.
// value:
// The value to set in the property.
// description:
// Sets named properties on a widget which may potentially be handled by a
// setter in the widget.
// For example, if the widget has a properties "foo"
// and "bar" and a method named "_setFooAttr", calling:
// | myWidget.set("foo", "Howdy!");
// would be equivalent to writing:
// | widget._setFooAttr("Howdy!");
// and:
// | myWidget.set("bar", 3);
// would be equivalent to writing:
// | widget.bar = 3;
// set() may also be called with a hash of name/value pairs, ex:
// | myWidget.set({
// | foo: "Howdy",
// | bar: 3
// | })
// This is equivalent to calling set(foo, "Howdy") and set(bar, 3)
if(typeof name === "object"){
for(var x in name){
this.set(x, name[x]);
return this;
var names = this._getAttrNames(name);
// use the explicit setter
var result = this[names.s].apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
// if param is specified as DOM node attribute, copy it
if(name in this.attributeMap){
this._attrToDom(name, value);
this._set(name, value);
return result || this;
_attrPairNames: {}, // shared between all widgets
_getAttrNames: function(name){
// summary:
// Helper function for get() and set().
// Caches attribute name values so we don't do the string ops every time.
// tags:
// private
var apn = this._attrPairNames;
if(apn[name]){ return apn[name]; }
var uc = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1);
return (apn[name] = {
n: name+"Node",
s: "_set"+uc+"Attr",
g: "_get"+uc+"Attr"
_set: function(/*String*/ name, /*anything*/ value){
// summary:
// Helper function to set new value for specified attribute, and call handlers
// registered with watch() if the value has changed.
var oldValue = this[name];
this[name] = value;
if(this._watchCallbacks && this._created && value !== oldValue){
this._watchCallbacks(name, oldValue, value);
toString: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a string that represents the widget
// description:
// When a widget is cast to a string, this method will be used to generate the
// output. Currently, it does not implement any sort of reversible
// serialization.
return '[Widget ' + this.declaredClass + ', ' + (this.id || 'NO ID') + ']'; // String
getDescendants: function(){
// summary:
// Returns all the widgets contained by this, i.e., all widgets underneath this.containerNode.
// This method should generally be avoided as it returns widgets declared in templates, which are
// supposed to be internal/hidden, but it's left here for back-compat reasons.
return this.containerNode ? dojo.query('[widgetId]', this.containerNode).map(dijit.byNode) : []; // dijit._Widget[]
getChildren: function(){
// summary:
// Returns all the widgets contained by this, i.e., all widgets underneath this.containerNode.
// Does not return nested widgets, nor widgets that are part of this widget's template.
return this.containerNode ? dijit.findWidgets(this.containerNode) : []; // dijit._Widget[]
connect: function(
/*Object|null*/ obj,
/*String|Function*/ event,
/*String|Function*/ method){
// summary:
// Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
// and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
// description:
// Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.connect, except with the
// implicit use of this widget as the target object.
// Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
// destruction.
// returns:
// A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
// the widget is destroyed.
// example:
// | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
// | // when foo.bar() is called, call the listener we're going to
// | // provide in the scope of btn
// | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
// | console.debug(this.toString());
// | });
// tags:
// protected
var handles = [dojo._connect(obj, event, this, method)];
return handles; // _Widget.Handle
disconnect: function(/* _Widget.Handle */ handles){
// summary:
// Disconnects handle created by `connect`.
// Also removes handle from this widget's list of connects.
// tags:
// protected
for(var i=0; i<this._connects.length; i++){
if(this._connects[i] == handles){
dojo.forEach(handles, dojo.disconnect);
this._connects.splice(i, 1);
subscribe: function(
/*String*/ topic,
/*String|Function*/ method){
// summary:
// Subscribes to the specified topic and calls the specified method
// of this object and registers for unsubscribe() on widget destroy.
// description:
// Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.subscribe, except with the
// implicit use of this widget as the target object.
// example:
// | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
// | // when /my/topic is published, this button changes its label to
// | // be the parameter of the topic.
// | btn.subscribe("/my/topic", function(v){
// | this.set("label", v);
// | });
var handle = dojo.subscribe(topic, this, method);
// return handles for Any widget that may need them
return handle;
unsubscribe: function(/*Object*/ handle){
// summary:
// Unsubscribes handle created by this.subscribe.
// Also removes handle from this widget's list of subscriptions
for(var i=0; i<this._subscribes.length; i++){
if(this._subscribes[i] == handle){
this._subscribes.splice(i, 1);
isLeftToRight: function(){
// summary:
// Return this widget's explicit or implicit orientation (true for LTR, false for RTL)
// tags:
// protected
return this.dir ? (this.dir == "ltr") : dojo._isBodyLtr(); //Boolean
placeAt: function(/* String|DomNode|_Widget */reference, /* String?|Int? */position){
// summary:
// Place this widget's domNode reference somewhere in the DOM based
// on standard dojo.place conventions, or passing a Widget reference that
// contains and addChild member.
// description:
// A convenience function provided in all _Widgets, providing a simple
// shorthand mechanism to put an existing (or newly created) Widget
// somewhere in the dom, and allow chaining.
// reference:
// The String id of a domNode, a domNode reference, or a reference to a Widget posessing
// an addChild method.
// position:
// If passed a string or domNode reference, the position argument
// accepts a string just as dojo.place does, one of: "first", "last",
// "before", or "after".
// If passed a _Widget reference, and that widget reference has an ".addChild" method,
// it will be called passing this widget instance into that method, supplying the optional
// position index passed.
// returns:
// dijit._Widget
// Provides a useful return of the newly created dijit._Widget instance so you
// can "chain" this function by instantiating, placing, then saving the return value
// to a variable.
// example:
// | // create a Button with no srcNodeRef, and place it in the body:
// | var button = new dijit.form.Button({ label:"click" }).placeAt(dojo.body());
// | // now, 'button' is still the widget reference to the newly created button
// | dojo.connect(button, "onClick", function(e){ console.log('click'); });
// example:
// | // create a button out of a node with id="src" and append it to id="wrapper":
// | var button = new dijit.form.Button({},"src").placeAt("wrapper");
// example:
// | // place a new button as the first element of some div
// | var button = new dijit.form.Button({ label:"click" }).placeAt("wrapper","first");
// example:
// | // create a contentpane and add it to a TabContainer
// | var tc = dijit.byId("myTabs");
// | new dijit.layout.ContentPane({ href:"foo.html", title:"Wow!" }).placeAt(tc)
if(reference.declaredClass && reference.addChild){
reference.addChild(this, position);
dojo.place(this.domNode, reference, position);
return this;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.window"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.window"] = true;
dojo.getObject("window", true, dojo);
dojo.window.getBox = function(){
// summary:
// Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window
var scrollRoot = (dojo.doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat') ? dojo.body() : dojo.doc.documentElement;
// get scroll position
var scroll = dojo._docScroll(); // scrollRoot.scrollTop/Left should work
return { w: scrollRoot.clientWidth, h: scrollRoot.clientHeight, l: scroll.x, t: scroll.y };
dojo.window.get = function(doc){
// summary:
// Get window object associated with document doc
// In some IE versions (at least 6.0), document.parentWindow does not return a
// reference to the real window object (maybe a copy), so we must fix it as well
// We use IE specific execScript to attach the real window reference to
// document._parentWindow for later use
if(dojo.isIE && window !== document.parentWindow){
In IE 6, only the variable "window" can be used to connect events (others
may be only copies).
doc.parentWindow.execScript("document._parentWindow = window;", "Javascript");
//to prevent memory leak, unset it after use
//another possibility is to add an onUnload handler which seems overkill to me (liucougar)
var win = doc._parentWindow;
doc._parentWindow = null;
return win; // Window
return doc.parentWindow || doc.defaultView; // Window
dojo.window.scrollIntoView = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object?*/ pos){
// summary:
// Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not already.
// don't rely on node.scrollIntoView working just because the function is there
try{ // catch unexpected/unrecreatable errors (#7808) since we can recover using a semi-acceptable native method
node = dojo.byId(node);
var doc = node.ownerDocument || dojo.doc,
body = doc.body || dojo.body(),
html = doc.documentElement || body.parentNode,
isIE = dojo.isIE, isWK = dojo.isWebKit;
// if an untested browser, then use the native method
if((!(dojo.isMoz || isIE || isWK || dojo.isOpera) || node == body || node == html) && (typeof node.scrollIntoView != "undefined")){
node.scrollIntoView(false); // short-circuit to native if possible
var backCompat = doc.compatMode == 'BackCompat',
clientAreaRoot = (isIE >= 9 && node.ownerDocument.parentWindow.frameElement)
? ((html.clientHeight > 0 && html.clientWidth > 0 && (body.clientHeight == 0 || body.clientWidth == 0 || body.clientHeight > html.clientHeight || body.clientWidth > html.clientWidth)) ? html : body)
: (backCompat ? body : html),
scrollRoot = isWK ? body : clientAreaRoot,
rootWidth = clientAreaRoot.clientWidth,
rootHeight = clientAreaRoot.clientHeight,
rtl = !dojo._isBodyLtr(),
nodePos = pos || dojo.position(node),
el = node.parentNode,
isFixed = function(el){
return ((isIE <= 6 || (isIE && backCompat))? false : (dojo.style(el, 'position').toLowerCase() == "fixed"));
if(isFixed(node)){ return; } // nothing to do
if(el == body){ el = scrollRoot; }
var elPos = dojo.position(el),
fixedPos = isFixed(el);
if(el == scrollRoot){
elPos.w = rootWidth; elPos.h = rootHeight;
if(scrollRoot == html && isIE && rtl){ elPos.x += scrollRoot.offsetWidth-elPos.w; } // IE workaround where scrollbar causes negative x
if(elPos.x < 0 || !isIE){ elPos.x = 0; } // IE can have values > 0
if(elPos.y < 0 || !isIE){ elPos.y = 0; }
var pb = dojo._getPadBorderExtents(el);
elPos.w -= pb.w; elPos.h -= pb.h; elPos.x += pb.l; elPos.y += pb.t;
var clientSize = el.clientWidth,
scrollBarSize = elPos.w - clientSize;
if(clientSize > 0 && scrollBarSize > 0){
elPos.w = clientSize;
elPos.x += (rtl && (isIE || el.clientLeft > pb.l/*Chrome*/)) ? scrollBarSize : 0;
clientSize = el.clientHeight;
scrollBarSize = elPos.h - clientSize;
if(clientSize > 0 && scrollBarSize > 0){
elPos.h = clientSize;
if(fixedPos){ // bounded by viewport, not parents
if(elPos.y < 0){
elPos.h += elPos.y; elPos.y = 0;
if(elPos.x < 0){
elPos.w += elPos.x; elPos.x = 0;
if(elPos.y + elPos.h > rootHeight){
elPos.h = rootHeight - elPos.y;
if(elPos.x + elPos.w > rootWidth){
elPos.w = rootWidth - elPos.x;
// calculate overflow in all 4 directions
var l = nodePos.x - elPos.x, // beyond left: < 0
t = nodePos.y - Math.max(elPos.y, 0), // beyond top: < 0
r = l + nodePos.w - elPos.w, // beyond right: > 0
bot = t + nodePos.h - elPos.h; // beyond bottom: > 0
if(r * l > 0){
var s = Math[l < 0? "max" : "min"](l, r);
if(rtl && ((isIE == 8 && !backCompat) || isIE >= 9)){ s = -s; }
nodePos.x += el.scrollLeft;
el.scrollLeft += s;
nodePos.x -= el.scrollLeft;
if(bot * t > 0){
nodePos.y += el.scrollTop;
el.scrollTop += Math[t < 0? "max" : "min"](t, bot);
nodePos.y -= el.scrollTop;
el = (el != scrollRoot) && !fixedPos && el.parentNode;
console.error('scrollIntoView: ' + error);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.focus"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.focus"] = true;
// summary:
// These functions are used to query or set the focus and selection.
// Also, they trace when widgets become activated/deactivated,
// so that the widget can fire _onFocus/_onBlur events.
// "Active" here means something similar to "focused", but
// "focus" isn't quite the right word because we keep track of
// a whole stack of "active" widgets. Example: ComboButton --> Menu -->
// MenuItem. The onBlur event for ComboButton doesn't fire due to focusing
// on the Menu or a MenuItem, since they are considered part of the
// ComboButton widget. It only happens when focus is shifted
// somewhere completely different.
dojo.mixin(dijit, {
// _curFocus: DomNode
// Currently focused item on screen
_curFocus: null,
// _prevFocus: DomNode
// Previously focused item on screen
_prevFocus: null,
isCollapsed: function(){
// summary:
// Returns true if there is no text selected
return dijit.getBookmark().isCollapsed;
getBookmark: function(){
// summary:
// Retrieves a bookmark that can be used with moveToBookmark to return to the same range
var bm, rg, tg, sel = dojo.doc.selection, cf = dijit._curFocus;
//W3C Range API for selections.
sel = dojo.global.getSelection();
tg = cf? cf.tagName : "";
//Create a fake rangelike item to restore selections.
tg = tg.toLowerCase();
if(tg == "textarea" ||
(tg == "input" && (!cf.type || cf.type.toLowerCase() == "text"))){
sel = {
start: cf.selectionStart,
end: cf.selectionEnd,
node: cf,
pRange: true
return {isCollapsed: (sel.end <= sel.start), mark: sel}; //Object.
bm = {isCollapsed:true};
bm.mark = sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneRange();
rg = sel.getRangeAt(0);
bm = {isCollapsed: false, mark: rg.cloneRange()};
}else if(sel){
// If the current focus was a input of some sort and no selection, don't bother saving
// a native bookmark. This is because it causes issues with dialog/page selection restore.
// So, we need to create psuedo bookmarks to work with.
tg = cf ? cf.tagName : "";
tg = tg.toLowerCase();
if(cf && tg && (tg == "button" || tg == "textarea" || tg == "input")){
if(sel.type && sel.type.toLowerCase() == "none"){
return {
isCollapsed: true,
mark: null
rg = sel.createRange();
return {
isCollapsed: rg.text && rg.text.length?false:true,
mark: {
range: rg,
pRange: true
bm = {};
//'IE' way for selections.
// createRange() throws exception when dojo in iframe
//and nothing selected, see #9632
rg = sel.createRange();
bm.isCollapsed = !(sel.type == 'Text' ? rg.htmlText.length : rg.length);
bm.isCollapsed = true;
return bm;
if(sel.type.toUpperCase() == 'CONTROL'){
var i=0,len=rg.length;
bm.isCollapsed = true;
bm.mark = null;
bm.mark = rg.getBookmark();
console.warn("No idea how to store the current selection for this browser!");
return bm; // Object
moveToBookmark: function(/*Object*/bookmark){
// summary:
// Moves current selection to a bookmark
// bookmark:
// This should be a returned object from dijit.getBookmark()
var _doc = dojo.doc,
mark = bookmark.mark;
//W3C Rangi API (FF, WebKit, Opera, etc)
var sel = dojo.global.getSelection();
if(sel && sel.removeAllRanges){
var r = mark;
var n = r.node;
n.selectionStart = r.start;
n.selectionEnd = r.end;
console.warn("No idea how to restore selection for this browser!");
}else if(_doc.selection && mark){
//'IE' way.
var rg;
rg = mark.range;
}else if(dojo.isArray(mark)){
rg = _doc.body.createControlRange();
//rg.addElement does not have call/apply method, so can not call it directly
//rg is not available in "range.addElement(item)", so can't use that either
dojo.forEach(mark, function(n){
rg = _doc.body.createTextRange();
getFocus: function(/*Widget?*/ menu, /*Window?*/ openedForWindow){
// summary:
// Called as getFocus(), this returns an Object showing the current focus
// and selected text.
// Called as getFocus(widget), where widget is a (widget representing) a button
// that was just pressed, it returns where focus was before that button
// was pressed. (Pressing the button may have either shifted focus to the button,
// or removed focus altogether.) In this case the selected text is not returned,
// since it can't be accurately determined.
// menu: dijit._Widget or {domNode: DomNode} structure
// The button that was just pressed. If focus has disappeared or moved
// to this button, returns the previous focus. In this case the bookmark
// information is already lost, and null is returned.
// openedForWindow:
// iframe in which menu was opened
// returns:
// A handle to restore focus/selection, to be passed to `dijit.focus`
var node = !dijit._curFocus || (menu && dojo.isDescendant(dijit._curFocus, menu.domNode)) ? dijit._prevFocus : dijit._curFocus;
return {
node: node,
bookmark: (node == dijit._curFocus) && dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow || dojo.global, dijit.getBookmark),
openedForWindow: openedForWindow
}; // Object
focus: function(/*Object || DomNode */ handle){
// summary:
// Sets the focused node and the selection according to argument.
// To set focus to an iframe's content, pass in the iframe itself.
// handle:
// object returned by get(), or a DomNode
if(!handle){ return; }
var node = "node" in handle ? handle.node : handle, // because handle is either DomNode or a composite object
bookmark = handle.bookmark,
openedForWindow = handle.openedForWindow,
collapsed = bookmark ? bookmark.isCollapsed : false;
// Set the focus
// Note that for iframe's we need to use the <iframe> to follow the parentNode chain,
// but we need to set focus to iframe.contentWindow
var focusNode = (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "iframe") ? node.contentWindow : node;
if(focusNode && focusNode.focus){
// Gecko throws sometimes if setting focus is impossible,
// node not displayed or something like that
// set the selection
// do not need to restore if current selection is not empty
// (use keyboard to select a menu item) or if previous selection was collapsed
// as it may cause focus shift (Esp in IE).
if(bookmark && dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow || dojo.global, dijit.isCollapsed) && !collapsed){
dojo.withGlobal(openedForWindow || dojo.global, dijit.moveToBookmark, null, [bookmark]);
/*squelch IE internal error, see http://trac.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/1984 */
// _activeStack: dijit._Widget[]
// List of currently active widgets (focused widget and it's ancestors)
_activeStack: [],
registerIframe: function(/*DomNode*/ iframe){
// summary:
// Registers listeners on the specified iframe so that any click
// or focus event on that iframe (or anything in it) is reported
// as a focus/click event on the <iframe> itself.
// description:
// Currently only used by editor.
// returns:
// Handle to pass to unregisterIframe()
return dijit.registerWin(iframe.contentWindow, iframe);
unregisterIframe: function(/*Object*/ handle){
// summary:
// Unregisters listeners on the specified iframe created by registerIframe.
// After calling be sure to delete or null out the handle itself.
// handle:
// Handle returned by registerIframe()
registerWin: function(/*Window?*/targetWindow, /*DomNode?*/ effectiveNode){
// summary:
// Registers listeners on the specified window (either the main
// window or an iframe's window) to detect when the user has clicked somewhere
// or focused somewhere.
// description:
// Users should call registerIframe() instead of this method.
// targetWindow:
// If specified this is the window associated with the iframe,
// i.e. iframe.contentWindow.
// effectiveNode:
// If specified, report any focus events inside targetWindow as
// an event on effectiveNode, rather than on evt.target.
// returns:
// Handle to pass to unregisterWin()
// TODO: make this function private in 2.0; Editor/users should call registerIframe(),
var mousedownListener = function(evt){
dijit._justMouseDowned = true;
setTimeout(function(){ dijit._justMouseDowned = false; }, 0);
// workaround weird IE bug where the click is on an orphaned node
// (first time clicking a Select/DropDownButton inside a TooltipDialog)
if(dojo.isIE && evt && evt.srcElement && evt.srcElement.parentNode == null){
dijit._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || evt.target || evt.srcElement, "mouse");
//dojo.connect(targetWindow, "onscroll", ???);
// Listen for blur and focus events on targetWindow's document.
// IIRC, I'm using attachEvent() rather than dojo.connect() because focus/blur events don't bubble
// through dojo.connect(), and also maybe to catch the focus events early, before onfocus handlers
// fire.
// Connect to <html> (rather than document) on IE to avoid memory leaks, but document on other browsers because
// (at least for FF) the focus event doesn't fire on <html> or <body>.
var doc = dojo.isIE ? targetWindow.document.documentElement : targetWindow.document;
targetWindow.document.body.attachEvent('onmousedown', mousedownListener);
var activateListener = function(evt){
// IE reports that nodes like <body> have gotten focus, even though they have tabIndex=-1,
// Should consider those more like a mouse-click than a focus....
if(evt.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != "#document" &&
dijit._onFocusNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
dijit._onTouchNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
doc.attachEvent('onactivate', activateListener);
var deactivateListener = function(evt){
dijit._onBlurNode(effectiveNode || evt.srcElement);
doc.attachEvent('ondeactivate', deactivateListener);
return function(){
targetWindow.document.detachEvent('onmousedown', mousedownListener);
doc.detachEvent('onactivate', activateListener);
doc.detachEvent('ondeactivate', deactivateListener);
doc = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
doc.body.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, true);
var focusListener = function(evt){
dijit._onFocusNode(effectiveNode || evt.target);
doc.addEventListener('focus', focusListener, true);
var blurListener = function(evt){
dijit._onBlurNode(effectiveNode || evt.target);
doc.addEventListener('blur', blurListener, true);
return function(){
doc.body.removeEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, true);
doc.removeEventListener('focus', focusListener, true);
doc.removeEventListener('blur', blurListener, true);
doc = null; // prevent memory leak (apparent circular reference via closure)
unregisterWin: function(/*Handle*/ handle){
// summary:
// Unregisters listeners on the specified window (either the main
// window or an iframe's window) according to handle returned from registerWin().
// After calling be sure to delete or null out the handle itself.
// Currently our handle is actually a function
handle && handle();
_onBlurNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Called when focus leaves a node.
// Usually ignored, _unless_ it *isn't* follwed by touching another node,
// which indicates that we tabbed off the last field on the page,
// in which case every widget is marked inactive
dijit._prevFocus = dijit._curFocus;
dijit._curFocus = null;
// the mouse down caused a new widget to be marked as active; this blur event
// is coming late, so ignore it.
// if the blur event isn't followed by a focus event then mark all widgets as inactive.
dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer = setTimeout(function(){
delete dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
dijit._prevFocus = null;
}, 100);
_onTouchNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ by){
// summary:
// Callback when node is focused or mouse-downed
// node:
// The node that was touched.
// by:
// "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
// ignore the recent blurNode event
delete dijit._clearActiveWidgetsTimer;
// compute stack of active widgets (ex: ComboButton --> Menu --> MenuItem)
var newStack=[];
var popupParent = dojo.attr(node, "dijitPopupParent");
}else if(node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "body"){
// is this the root of the document or just the root of an iframe?
if(node === dojo.body()){
// node is the root of the main document
// otherwise, find the iframe this node refers to (can't access it via parentNode,
// need to do this trick instead). window.frameElement is supported in IE/FF/Webkit
// if this node is the root node of a widget, then add widget id to stack,
// except ignore clicks on disabled widgets (actually focusing a disabled widget still works,
// to support MenuItem)
var id = node.getAttribute && node.getAttribute("widgetId"),
widget = id && dijit.byId(id);
if(widget && !(by == "mouse" && widget.get("disabled"))){
}catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
dijit._setStack(newStack, by);
_onFocusNode: function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// Callback when node is focused
if(node.nodeType == 9){
// Ignore focus events on the document itself. This is here so that
// (for example) clicking the up/down arrows of a spinner
// (which don't get focus) won't cause that widget to blur. (FF issue)
if(node == dijit._curFocus){ return; }
dijit._prevFocus = dijit._curFocus;
dijit._curFocus = node;
dojo.publish("focusNode", [node]);
_setStack: function(/*String[]*/ newStack, /*String*/ by){
// summary:
// The stack of active widgets has changed. Send out appropriate events and records new stack.
// newStack:
// array of widget id's, starting from the top (outermost) widget
// by:
// "mouse" if the focus/touch was caused by a mouse down event
var oldStack = dijit._activeStack;
dijit._activeStack = newStack;
// compare old stack to new stack to see how many elements they have in common
for(var nCommon=0; nCommon<Math.min(oldStack.length, newStack.length); nCommon++){
if(oldStack[nCommon] != newStack[nCommon]){
var widget;
// for all elements that have gone out of focus, send blur event
for(var i=oldStack.length-1; i>=nCommon; i--){
widget = dijit.byId(oldStack[i]);
widget._focused = false;
widget.set("focused", false);
widget._hasBeenBlurred = true;
dojo.publish("widgetBlur", [widget, by]);
// for all element that have come into focus, send focus event
for(i=nCommon; i<newStack.length; i++){
widget = dijit.byId(newStack[i]);
widget._focused = true;
widget.set("focused", true);
dojo.publish("widgetFocus", [widget, by]);
// register top window and all the iframes it contains
var handle = dijit.registerWin(window);
handle = null;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.AdapterRegistry"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.AdapterRegistry"] = true;
dojo.AdapterRegistry = function(/*Boolean?*/ returnWrappers){
// summary:
// A registry to make contextual calling/searching easier.
// description:
// Objects of this class keep list of arrays in the form [name, check,
// wrap, directReturn] that are used to determine what the contextual
// result of a set of checked arguments is. All check/wrap functions
// in this registry should be of the same arity.
// example:
// | // create a new registry
// | var reg = new dojo.AdapterRegistry();
// | reg.register("handleString",
// | dojo.isString,
// | function(str){
// | // do something with the string here
// | }
// | );
// | reg.register("handleArr",
// | dojo.isArray,
// | function(arr){
// | // do something with the array here
// | }
// | );
// |
// | // now we can pass reg.match() *either* an array or a string and
// | // the value we pass will get handled by the right function
// | reg.match("someValue"); // will call the first function
// | reg.match(["someValue"]); // will call the second
this.pairs = [];
this.returnWrappers = returnWrappers || false; // Boolean
dojo.extend(dojo.AdapterRegistry, {
register: function(/*String*/ name, /*Function*/ check, /*Function*/ wrap, /*Boolean?*/ directReturn, /*Boolean?*/ override){
// summary:
// register a check function to determine if the wrap function or
// object gets selected
// name:
// a way to identify this matcher.
// check:
// a function that arguments are passed to from the adapter's
// match() function. The check function should return true if the
// given arguments are appropriate for the wrap function.
// directReturn:
// If directReturn is true, the value passed in for wrap will be
// returned instead of being called. Alternately, the
// AdapterRegistry can be set globally to "return not call" using
// the returnWrappers property. Either way, this behavior allows
// the registry to act as a "search" function instead of a
// function interception library.
// override:
// If override is given and true, the check function will be given
// highest priority. Otherwise, it will be the lowest priority
// adapter.
this.pairs[((override) ? "unshift" : "push")]([name, check, wrap, directReturn]);
match: function(/* ... */){
// summary:
// Find an adapter for the given arguments. If no suitable adapter
// is found, throws an exception. match() accepts any number of
// arguments, all of which are passed to all matching functions
// from the registered pairs.
for(var i = 0; i < this.pairs.length; i++){
var pair = this.pairs[i];
if(pair[1].apply(this, arguments)){
return pair[2];
return pair[2].apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error("No match found");
unregister: function(name){
// summary: Remove a named adapter from the registry
// FIXME: this is kind of a dumb way to handle this. On a large
// registry this will be slow-ish and we can use the name as a lookup
// should we choose to trade memory for speed.
for(var i = 0; i < this.pairs.length; i++){
var pair = this.pairs[i];
if(pair[0] == name){
this.pairs.splice(i, 1);
return true;
return false;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.place"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.place"] = true;
dijit.getViewport = function(){
// summary:
// Returns the dimensions and scroll position of the viewable area of a browser window
return dojo.window.getBox();
dijit.__Position = function(){
// x: Integer
// horizontal coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
// y: Integer
// vertical coordinate in pixels, relative to document body
thix.x = x;
this.y = y;
dijit.placeOnScreen = function(
/* DomNode */ node,
/* dijit.__Position */ pos,
/* String[] */ corners,
/* dijit.__Position? */ padding){
// summary:
// Positions one of the node's corners at specified position
// such that node is fully visible in viewport.
// description:
// NOTE: node is assumed to be absolutely or relatively positioned.
// pos:
// Object like {x: 10, y: 20}
// corners:
// Array of Strings representing order to try corners in, like ["TR", "BL"].
// Possible values are:
// * "BL" - bottom left
// * "BR" - bottom right
// * "TL" - top left
// * "TR" - top right
// padding:
// set padding to put some buffer around the element you want to position.
// example:
// Try to place node's top right corner at (10,20).
// If that makes node go (partially) off screen, then try placing
// bottom left corner at (10,20).
// | placeOnScreen(node, {x: 10, y: 20}, ["TR", "BL"])
var choices = dojo.map(corners, function(corner){
var c = { corner: corner, pos: {x:pos.x,y:pos.y} };
c.pos.x += corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? padding.x : -padding.x;
c.pos.y += corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? padding.y : -padding.y;
return c;
return dijit._place(node, choices);
dijit._place = function(/*DomNode*/ node, choices, layoutNode, /*Object*/ aroundNodeCoords){
// summary:
// Given a list of spots to put node, put it at the first spot where it fits,
// of if it doesn't fit anywhere then the place with the least overflow
// choices: Array
// Array of elements like: {corner: 'TL', pos: {x: 10, y: 20} }
// Above example says to put the top-left corner of the node at (10,20)
// layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner, size)
// for things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
// based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
// It also passes in the available size for the popup, which is useful for tooltips to
// tell them that their width is limited to a certain amount. layoutNode() may return a value expressing
// how much the popup had to be modified to fit into the available space. This is used to determine
// what the best placement is.
// aroundNodeCoords: Object
// Size of aroundNode, ex: {w: 200, h: 50}
// get {x: 10, y: 10, w: 100, h:100} type obj representing position of
// viewport over document
var view = dojo.window.getBox();
// This won't work if the node is inside a <div style="position: relative">,
// so reattach it to dojo.doc.body. (Otherwise, the positioning will be wrong
// and also it might get cutoff)
if(!node.parentNode || String(node.parentNode.tagName).toLowerCase() != "body"){
var best = null;
dojo.some(choices, function(choice){
var corner = choice.corner;
var pos = choice.pos;
var overflow = 0;
// calculate amount of space available given specified position of node
var spaceAvailable = {
w: corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? (view.l + view.w) - pos.x : pos.x - view.l,
h: corner.charAt(1) == 'T' ? (view.t + view.h) - pos.y : pos.y - view.t
// configure node to be displayed in given position relative to button
// (need to do this in order to get an accurate size for the node, because
// a tooltip's size changes based on position, due to triangle)
var res = layoutNode(node, choice.aroundCorner, corner, spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
overflow = typeof res == "undefined" ? 0 : res;
// get node's size
var style = node.style;
var oldDisplay = style.display;
var oldVis = style.visibility;
style.visibility = "hidden";
style.display = "";
var mb = dojo.marginBox(node);
style.display = oldDisplay;
style.visibility = oldVis;
// coordinates and size of node with specified corner placed at pos,
// and clipped by viewport
var startX = Math.max(view.l, corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? pos.x : (pos.x - mb.w)),
startY = Math.max(view.t, corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? pos.y : (pos.y - mb.h)),
endX = Math.min(view.l + view.w, corner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? (startX + mb.w) : pos.x),
endY = Math.min(view.t + view.h, corner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? (startY + mb.h) : pos.y),
width = endX - startX,
height = endY - startY;
overflow += (mb.w - width) + (mb.h - height);
if(best == null || overflow < best.overflow){
best = {
corner: corner,
aroundCorner: choice.aroundCorner,
x: startX,
y: startY,
w: width,
h: height,
overflow: overflow,
spaceAvailable: spaceAvailable
return !overflow;
// In case the best position is not the last one we checked, need to call
// layoutNode() again.
if(best.overflow && layoutNode){
layoutNode(node, best.aroundCorner, best.corner, best.spaceAvailable, aroundNodeCoords);
// And then position the node. Do this last, after the layoutNode() above
// has sized the node, due to browser quirks when the viewport is scrolled
// (specifically that a Tooltip will shrink to fit as though the window was
// scrolled to the left).
// In RTL mode, set style.right rather than style.left so in the common case,
// window resizes move the popup along with the aroundNode.
var l = dojo._isBodyLtr(),
s = node.style;
s.top = best.y + "px";
s[l ? "left" : "right"] = (l ? best.x : view.w - best.x - best.w) + "px";
return best;
dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode = function(
/* DomNode */ node,
/* DomNode */ aroundNode,
/* Object */ aroundCorners,
/* Function? */ layoutNode){
// summary:
// Position node adjacent or kitty-corner to aroundNode
// such that it's fully visible in viewport.
// description:
// Place node such that corner of node touches a corner of
// aroundNode, and that node is fully visible.
// aroundCorners:
// Ordered list of pairs of corners to try matching up.
// Each pair of corners is represented as a key/value in the hash,
// where the key corresponds to the aroundNode's corner, and
// the value corresponds to the node's corner:
// | { aroundNodeCorner1: nodeCorner1, aroundNodeCorner2: nodeCorner2, ...}
// The following strings are used to represent the four corners:
// * "BL" - bottom left
// * "BR" - bottom right
// * "TL" - top left
// * "TR" - top right
// layoutNode: Function(node, aroundNodeCorner, nodeCorner)
// For things like tooltip, they are displayed differently (and have different dimensions)
// based on their orientation relative to the parent. This adjusts the popup based on orientation.
// example:
// | dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(node, aroundNode, {'BL':'TL', 'TR':'BR'});
// This will try to position node such that node's top-left corner is at the same position
// as the bottom left corner of the aroundNode (ie, put node below
// aroundNode, with left edges aligned). If that fails it will try to put
// the bottom-right corner of node where the top right corner of aroundNode is
// (ie, put node above aroundNode, with right edges aligned)
// get coordinates of aroundNode
aroundNode = dojo.byId(aroundNode);
var aroundNodePos = dojo.position(aroundNode, true);
// place the node around the calculated rectangle
return dijit._placeOnScreenAroundRect(node,
aroundNodePos.x, aroundNodePos.y, aroundNodePos.w, aroundNodePos.h, // rectangle
aroundCorners, layoutNode);
dijit.__Rectangle = function(){
// x: Integer
// horizontal offset in pixels, relative to document body
// y: Integer
// vertical offset in pixels, relative to document body
// width: Integer
// width in pixels
// height: Integer
// height in pixels
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
dijit.placeOnScreenAroundRectangle = function(
/* DomNode */ node,
/* dijit.__Rectangle */ aroundRect,
/* Object */ aroundCorners,
/* Function */ layoutNode){
// summary:
// Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except that the "around"
// parameter is an arbitrary rectangle on the screen (x, y, width, height)
// instead of a dom node.
return dijit._placeOnScreenAroundRect(node,
aroundRect.x, aroundRect.y, aroundRect.width, aroundRect.height, // rectangle
aroundCorners, layoutNode);
dijit._placeOnScreenAroundRect = function(
/* DomNode */ node,
/* Number */ x,
/* Number */ y,
/* Number */ width,
/* Number */ height,
/* Object */ aroundCorners,
/* Function */ layoutNode){
// summary:
// Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except it accepts coordinates
// of a rectangle to place node adjacent to.
// TODO: combine with placeOnScreenAroundRectangle()
// Generate list of possible positions for node
var choices = [];
for(var nodeCorner in aroundCorners){
choices.push( {
aroundCorner: nodeCorner,
corner: aroundCorners[nodeCorner],
pos: {
x: x + (nodeCorner.charAt(1) == 'L' ? 0 : width),
y: y + (nodeCorner.charAt(0) == 'T' ? 0 : height)
return dijit._place(node, choices, layoutNode, {w: width, h: height});
dijit.placementRegistry= new dojo.AdapterRegistry();
function(n, x){
return typeof x == "object" &&
typeof x.offsetWidth != "undefined" && typeof x.offsetHeight != "undefined";
function(n, x){
return typeof x == "object" &&
"x" in x && "y" in x && "width" in x && "height" in x;
dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement = function(
/* DomNode */ node,
/* Object */ aroundElement,
/* Object */ aroundCorners,
/* Function */ layoutNode){
// summary:
// Like dijit.placeOnScreenAroundNode(), except it accepts an arbitrary object
// for the "around" argument and finds a proper processor to place a node.
return dijit.placementRegistry.match.apply(dijit.placementRegistry, arguments);
dijit.getPopupAroundAlignment = function(/*Array*/ position, /*Boolean*/ leftToRight){
// summary:
// Transforms the passed array of preferred positions into a format suitable for passing as the aroundCorners argument to dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement.
// position: String[]
// This variable controls the position of the drop down.
// It's an array of strings with the following values:
// * before: places drop down to the left of the target node/widget, or to the right in
// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * after: places drop down to the right of the target node/widget, or to the left in
// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * above: drop down goes above target node
// * below: drop down goes below target node
// The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the drop down fits
// within the viewport.
// leftToRight: Boolean
// Whether the popup will be displaying in leftToRight mode.
var align = {};
dojo.forEach(position, function(pos){
case "after":
align[leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL"] = leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR";
case "before":
align[leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR"] = leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL";
case "below-alt":
leftToRight = !leftToRight;
// fall through
case "below":
// first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
align[leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR"] = leftToRight ? "TL" : "TR";
align[leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL"] = leftToRight ? "TR" : "TL";
case "above-alt":
leftToRight = !leftToRight;
// fall through
case "above":
// first try to align left borders, next try to align right borders (or reverse for RTL mode)
align[leftToRight ? "TL" : "TR"] = leftToRight ? "BL" : "BR";
align[leftToRight ? "TR" : "TL"] = leftToRight ? "BR" : "BL";
return align;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.window"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.window"] = true;
dijit.getDocumentWindow = function(doc){
return dojo.window.get(doc);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.popup"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.popup"] = true;
dijit.popup.__OpenArgs = function(){
// popup: Widget
// widget to display
// parent: Widget
// the button etc. that is displaying this popup
// around: DomNode
// DOM node (typically a button); place popup relative to this node. (Specify this *or* "x" and "y" parameters.)
// x: Integer
// Absolute horizontal position (in pixels) to place node at. (Specify this *or* "around" parameter.)
// y: Integer
// Absolute vertical position (in pixels) to place node at. (Specify this *or* "around" parameter.)
// orient: Object|String
// When the around parameter is specified, orient should be an
// ordered list of tuples of the form (around-node-corner, popup-node-corner).
// dijit.popup.open() tries to position the popup according to each tuple in the list, in order,
// until the popup appears fully within the viewport.
// The default value is {BL:'TL', TL:'BL'}, which represents a list of two tuples:
// 1. (BL, TL)
// 2. (TL, BL)
// where BL means "bottom left" and "TL" means "top left".
// So by default, it first tries putting the popup below the around node, left-aligning them,
// and then tries to put it above the around node, still left-aligning them. Note that the
// default is horizontally reversed when in RTL mode.
// When an (x,y) position is specified rather than an around node, orient is either
// "R" or "L". R (for right) means that it tries to put the popup to the right of the mouse,
// specifically positioning the popup's top-right corner at the mouse position, and if that doesn't
// fit in the viewport, then it tries, in order, the bottom-right corner, the top left corner,
// and the top-right corner.
// onCancel: Function
// callback when user has canceled the popup by
// 1. hitting ESC or
// 2. by using the popup widget's proprietary cancel mechanism (like a cancel button in a dialog);
// i.e. whenever popupWidget.onCancel() is called, args.onCancel is called
// onClose: Function
// callback whenever this popup is closed
// onExecute: Function
// callback when user "executed" on the popup/sub-popup by selecting a menu choice, etc. (top menu only)
// padding: dijit.__Position
// adding a buffer around the opening position. This is only useful when around is not set.
this.popup = popup;
this.parent = parent;
this.around = around;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.orient = orient;
this.onCancel = onCancel;
this.onClose = onClose;
this.onExecute = onExecute;
this.padding = padding;
dijit.popup = {
// summary:
// This singleton is used to show/hide widgets as popups.
// _stack: dijit._Widget[]
// Stack of currently popped up widgets.
// (someone opened _stack[0], and then it opened _stack[1], etc.)
_stack: [],
// _beginZIndex: Number
// Z-index of the first popup. (If first popup opens other
// popups they get a higher z-index.)
_beginZIndex: 1000,
_idGen: 1,
_createWrapper: function(/*Widget || DomNode*/ widget){
// summary:
// Initialization for widgets that will be used as popups.
// Puts widget inside a wrapper DIV (if not already in one),
// and returns pointer to that wrapper DIV.
var wrapper = widget.declaredClass ? widget._popupWrapper : (widget.parentNode && dojo.hasClass(widget.parentNode, "dijitPopup")),
node = widget.domNode || widget;
// Create wrapper <div> for when this widget [in the future] will be used as a popup.
// This is done early because of IE bugs where creating/moving DOM nodes causes focus
// to go wonky, see tests/robot/Toolbar.html to reproduce
wrapper = dojo.create("div",{
style:{ display: "none"},
role: "presentation"
}, dojo.body());
var s = node.style;
s.display = "";
s.visibility = "";
s.position = "";
s.top = "0px";
if(widget.declaredClass){ // TODO: in 2.0 change signature to always take widget, then remove if()
widget._popupWrapper = wrapper;
dojo.connect(widget, "destroy", function(){
delete widget._popupWrapper;
return wrapper;
moveOffScreen: function(/*Widget || DomNode*/ widget){
// summary:
// Moves the popup widget off-screen.
// Do not use this method to hide popups when not in use, because
// that will create an accessibility issue: the offscreen popup is
// still in the tabbing order.
// Create wrapper if not already there
var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
dojo.style(wrapper, {
visibility: "hidden",
top: "-9999px", // prevent transient scrollbar causing misalign (#5776), and initial flash in upper left (#10111)
display: ""
hide: function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget){
// summary:
// Hide this popup widget (until it is ready to be shown).
// Initialization for widgets that will be used as popups
// Also puts widget inside a wrapper DIV (if not already in one)
// If popup widget needs to layout it should
// do so when it is made visible, and popup._onShow() is called.
// Create wrapper if not already there
var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
dojo.style(wrapper, "display", "none");
getTopPopup: function(){
// summary:
// Compute the closest ancestor popup that's *not* a child of another popup.
// Ex: For a TooltipDialog with a button that spawns a tree of menus, find the popup of the button.
var stack = this._stack;
for(var pi=stack.length-1; pi > 0 && stack[pi].parent === stack[pi-1].widget; pi--){
/* do nothing, just trying to get right value for pi */
return stack[pi];
open: function(/*dijit.popup.__OpenArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Popup the widget at the specified position
// example:
// opening at the mouse position
// | dijit.popup.open({popup: menuWidget, x: evt.pageX, y: evt.pageY});
// example:
// opening the widget as a dropdown
// | dijit.popup.open({parent: this, popup: menuWidget, around: this.domNode, onClose: function(){...}});
// Note that whatever widget called dijit.popup.open() should also listen to its own _onBlur callback
// (fired from _base/focus.js) to know that focus has moved somewhere else and thus the popup should be closed.
var stack = this._stack,
widget = args.popup,
orient = args.orient || (
(args.parent ? args.parent.isLeftToRight() : dojo._isBodyLtr()) ?
{'BL':'TL', 'BR':'TR', 'TL':'BL', 'TR':'BR'} :
{'BR':'TR', 'BL':'TL', 'TR':'BR', 'TL':'BL'}
around = args.around,
id = (args.around && args.around.id) ? (args.around.id+"_dropdown") : ("popup_"+this._idGen++);
// If we are opening a new popup that isn't a child of a currently opened popup, then
// close currently opened popup(s). This should happen automatically when the old popups
// gets the _onBlur() event, except that the _onBlur() event isn't reliable on IE, see [22198].
while(stack.length && (!args.parent || !dojo.isDescendant(args.parent.domNode, stack[stack.length-1].widget.domNode))){
// Get pointer to popup wrapper, and create wrapper if it doesn't exist
var wrapper = this._createWrapper(widget);
dojo.attr(wrapper, {
id: id,
style: {
zIndex: this._beginZIndex + stack.length
"class": "dijitPopup " + (widget.baseClass || widget["class"] || "").split(" ")[0] +"Popup",
dijitPopupParent: args.parent ? args.parent.id : ""
if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isMoz){
// setting widget.bgIframe triggers cleanup in _Widget.destroy()
widget.bgIframe = new dijit.BackgroundIframe(wrapper);
// position the wrapper node and make it visible
var best = around ?
dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement(wrapper, around, orient, widget.orient ? dojo.hitch(widget, "orient") : null) :
dijit.placeOnScreen(wrapper, args, orient == 'R' ? ['TR','BR','TL','BL'] : ['TL','BL','TR','BR'], args.padding);
wrapper.style.display = "";
wrapper.style.visibility = "visible";
widget.domNode.style.visibility = "visible"; // counteract effects from _HasDropDown
var handlers = [];
// provide default escape and tab key handling
// (this will work for any widget, not just menu)
handlers.push(dojo.connect(wrapper, "onkeypress", this, function(evt){
if(evt.charOrCode == dojo.keys.ESCAPE && args.onCancel){
}else if(evt.charOrCode === dojo.keys.TAB){
var topPopup = this.getTopPopup();
if(topPopup && topPopup.onCancel){
// watch for cancel/execute events on the popup and notify the caller
// (for a menu, "execute" means clicking an item)
handlers.push(dojo.connect(widget, "onCancel", args.onCancel));
handlers.push(dojo.connect(widget, widget.onExecute ? "onExecute" : "onChange", this, function(){
var topPopup = this.getTopPopup();
if(topPopup && topPopup.onExecute){
widget: widget,
parent: args.parent,
onExecute: args.onExecute,
onCancel: args.onCancel,
onClose: args.onClose,
handlers: handlers
// TODO: in 2.0 standardize onShow() (used by StackContainer) and onOpen() (used here)
return best;
close: function(/*dijit._Widget?*/ popup){
// summary:
// Close specified popup and any popups that it parented.
// If no popup is specified, closes all popups.
var stack = this._stack;
// Basically work backwards from the top of the stack closing popups
// until we hit the specified popup, but IIRC there was some issue where closing
// a popup would cause others to close too. Thus if we are trying to close B in [A,B,C]
// closing C might close B indirectly and then the while() condition will run where stack==[A]...
// so the while condition is constructed defensively.
while((popup && dojo.some(stack, function(elem){return elem.widget == popup;})) ||
(!popup && stack.length)){
var top = stack.pop(),
widget = top.widget,
onClose = top.onClose;
// TODO: in 2.0 standardize onHide() (used by StackContainer) and onClose() (used here)
dojo.forEach(top.handlers, dojo.disconnect);
// Hide the widget and it's wrapper unless it has already been destroyed in above onClose() etc.
if(widget && widget.domNode){
// TODO: remove dijit._frames, it isn't being used much, since popups never release their
// iframes (see [22236])
dijit._frames = new function(){
// summary:
// cache of iframes
var queue = [];
this.pop = function(){
var iframe;
iframe = queue.pop();
if(dojo.isIE < 9){
var burl = dojo.config["dojoBlankHtmlUrl"] || (dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.html")+"") || "javascript:\"\"";
var html="<iframe src='" + burl + "'"
+ " style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px;"
+ "z-index: -1; filter:Alpha(Opacity=\"0\");'>";
iframe = dojo.doc.createElement(html);
iframe = dojo.create("iframe");
iframe.src = 'javascript:""';
iframe.className = "dijitBackgroundIframe";
dojo.style(iframe, "opacity", 0.1);
iframe.tabIndex = -1; // Magic to prevent iframe from getting focus on tab keypress - as style didn't work.
return iframe;
this.push = function(iframe){
dijit.BackgroundIframe = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// For IE/FF z-index schenanigans. id attribute is required.
// description:
// new dijit.BackgroundIframe(node)
// Makes a background iframe as a child of node, that fills
// area (and position) of node
if(!node.id){ throw new Error("no id"); }
if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isMoz){
var iframe = (this.iframe = dijit._frames.pop());
if(dojo.isIE<7 || dojo.isQuirks){
this._conn = dojo.connect(node, 'onresize', this, function(){
dojo.style(iframe, {
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
dojo.extend(dijit.BackgroundIframe, {
resize: function(node){
// summary:
// Resize the iframe so it's the same size as node.
// Needed on IE6 and IE/quirks because height:100% doesn't work right.
dojo.style(this.iframe, {
width: node.offsetWidth + 'px',
height: node.offsetHeight + 'px'
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// destroy the iframe
this._conn = null;
delete this.iframe;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.scroll"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.scroll"] = true;
dijit.scrollIntoView = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object?*/ pos){
// summary:
// Scroll the passed node into view, if it is not already.
// Deprecated, use `dojo.window.scrollIntoView` instead.
dojo.window.scrollIntoView(node, pos);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.uacss"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.uacss"] = true;
// summary:
// Applies pre-set CSS classes to the top-level HTML node, based on:
// - browser (ex: dj_ie)
// - browser version (ex: dj_ie6)
// - box model (ex: dj_contentBox)
// - text direction (ex: dijitRtl)
// In addition, browser, browser version, and box model are
// combined with an RTL flag when browser text is RTL. ex: dj_ie-rtl.
var d = dojo,
html = d.doc.documentElement,
ie = d.isIE,
opera = d.isOpera,
maj = Math.floor,
ff = d.isFF,
boxModel = d.boxModel.replace(/-/,''),
classes = {
dj_ie: ie,
dj_ie6: maj(ie) == 6,
dj_ie7: maj(ie) == 7,
dj_ie8: maj(ie) == 8,
dj_ie9: maj(ie) == 9,
dj_quirks: d.isQuirks,
dj_iequirks: ie && d.isQuirks,
// NOTE: Opera not supported by dijit
dj_opera: opera,
dj_khtml: d.isKhtml,
dj_webkit: d.isWebKit,
dj_safari: d.isSafari,
dj_chrome: d.isChrome,
dj_gecko: d.isMozilla,
dj_ff3: maj(ff) == 3
}; // no dojo unsupported browsers
classes["dj_" + boxModel] = true;
// apply browser, browser version, and box model class names
var classStr = "";
for(var clz in classes){
classStr += clz + " ";
html.className = d.trim(html.className + " " + classStr);
// If RTL mode, then add dj_rtl flag plus repeat existing classes with -rtl extension.
// We can't run the code below until the <body> tag has loaded (so we can check for dir=rtl).
// Unshift() is to run sniff code before the parser.
var rtlClassStr = "dj_rtl dijitRtl " + classStr.replace(/ /g, "-rtl ")
html.className = d.trim(html.className + " " + rtlClassStr);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.sniff"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.sniff"] = true;
// summary:
// Applies pre-set CSS classes to the top-level HTML node, see
// `dojo.uacss` for details.
// Simply doing a require on this module will
// establish this CSS. Modified version of Morris' CSS hack.
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.typematic"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.typematic"] = true;
dijit.typematic = {
// summary:
// These functions are used to repetitively call a user specified callback
// method when a specific key or mouse click over a specific DOM node is
// held down for a specific amount of time.
// Only 1 such event is allowed to occur on the browser page at 1 time.
_fireEventAndReload: function(){
this._timer = null;
this._callback(++this._count, this._node, this._evt);
// Schedule next event, timer is at most minDelay (default 10ms) to avoid
// browser overload (particularly avoiding starving DOH robot so it never gets to send a mouseup)
this._currentTimeout = Math.max(
this._currentTimeout < 0 ? this._initialDelay :
(this._subsequentDelay > 1 ? this._subsequentDelay : Math.round(this._currentTimeout * this._subsequentDelay)),
this._timer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, "_fireEventAndReload"), this._currentTimeout);
trigger: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*Object*/ _this, /*DOMNode*/ node, /*Function*/ callback, /*Object*/ obj, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
// summary:
// Start a timed, repeating callback sequence.
// If already started, the function call is ignored.
// This method is not normally called by the user but can be
// when the normal listener code is insufficient.
// evt:
// key or mouse event object to pass to the user callback
// _this:
// pointer to the user's widget space.
// node:
// the DOM node object to pass the the callback function
// callback:
// function to call until the sequence is stopped called with 3 parameters:
// count:
// integer representing number of repeated calls (0..n) with -1 indicating the iteration has stopped
// node:
// the DOM node object passed in
// evt:
// key or mouse event object
// obj:
// user space object used to uniquely identify each typematic sequence
// subsequentDelay (optional):
// if > 1, the number of milliseconds until the 3->n events occur
// or else the fractional time multiplier for the next event's delay, default=0.9
// initialDelay (optional):
// the number of milliseconds until the 2nd event occurs, default=500ms
// minDelay (optional):
// the maximum delay in milliseconds for event to fire, default=10ms
if(obj != this._obj){
this._initialDelay = initialDelay || 500;
this._subsequentDelay = subsequentDelay || 0.90;
this._minDelay = minDelay || 10;
this._obj = obj;
this._evt = evt;
this._node = node;
this._currentTimeout = -1;
this._count = -1;
this._callback = dojo.hitch(_this, callback);
this._evt = dojo.mixin({faux: true}, evt);
stop: function(){
// summary:
// Stop an ongoing timed, repeating callback sequence.
this._timer = null;
this._callback(-1, this._node, this._evt);
this._obj = null;
addKeyListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
// summary:
// Start listening for a specific typematic key.
// See also the trigger method for other parameters.
// keyObject:
// an object defining the key to listen for:
// charOrCode:
// the printable character (string) or keyCode (number) to listen for.
// keyCode:
// (deprecated - use charOrCode) the keyCode (number) to listen for (implies charCode = 0).
// charCode:
// (deprecated - use charOrCode) the charCode (number) to listen for.
// ctrlKey:
// desired ctrl key state to initiate the callback sequence:
// - pressed (true)
// - released (false)
// - either (unspecified)
// altKey:
// same as ctrlKey but for the alt key
// shiftKey:
// same as ctrlKey but for the shift key
// returns:
// an array of dojo.connect handles
keyObject.charOrCode = keyObject.keyCode;
dojo.deprecated("keyCode attribute parameter for dijit.typematic.addKeyListener is deprecated. Use charOrCode instead.", "", "2.0");
}else if(keyObject.charCode){
keyObject.charOrCode = String.fromCharCode(keyObject.charCode);
dojo.deprecated("charCode attribute parameter for dijit.typematic.addKeyListener is deprecated. Use charOrCode instead.", "", "2.0");
return [
dojo.connect(node, "onkeypress", this, function(evt){
if(evt.charOrCode == keyObject.charOrCode &&
(keyObject.ctrlKey === undefined || keyObject.ctrlKey == evt.ctrlKey) &&
(keyObject.altKey === undefined || keyObject.altKey == evt.altKey) &&
(keyObject.metaKey === undefined || keyObject.metaKey == (evt.metaKey || false)) && // IE doesn't even set metaKey
(keyObject.shiftKey === undefined || keyObject.shiftKey == evt.shiftKey)){
dijit.typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, keyObject, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
}else if(dijit.typematic._obj == keyObject){
dojo.connect(node, "onkeyup", this, function(evt){
if(dijit.typematic._obj == keyObject){
addMouseListener: function(/*DOMNode*/ node, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
// summary:
// Start listening for a typematic mouse click.
// See the trigger method for other parameters.
// returns:
// an array of dojo.connect handles
var dc = dojo.connect;
return [
dc(node, "mousedown", this, function(evt){
dijit.typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
dc(node, "mouseup", this, function(evt){
dc(node, "mouseout", this, function(evt){
dc(node, "mousemove", this, function(evt){
dc(node, "dblclick", this, function(evt){
dijit.typematic.trigger(evt, _this, node, callback, node, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay);
setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, dijit.typematic.stop), 50);
addListener: function(/*Node*/ mouseNode, /*Node*/ keyNode, /*Object*/ keyObject, /*Object*/ _this, /*Function*/ callback, /*Number*/ subsequentDelay, /*Number*/ initialDelay, /*Number?*/ minDelay){
// summary:
// Start listening for a specific typematic key and mouseclick.
// This is a thin wrapper to addKeyListener and addMouseListener.
// See the addMouseListener and addKeyListener methods for other parameters.
// mouseNode:
// the DOM node object to listen on for mouse events.
// keyNode:
// the DOM node object to listen on for key events.
// returns:
// an array of dojo.connect handles
return this.addKeyListener(keyNode, keyObject, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay).concat(
this.addMouseListener(mouseNode, _this, callback, subsequentDelay, initialDelay, minDelay));
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.wai"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base.wai"] = true;
dijit.wai = {
onload: function(){
// summary:
// Detects if we are in high-contrast mode or not
// This must be a named function and not an anonymous
// function, so that the widget parsing code can make sure it
// registers its onload function after this function.
// DO NOT USE "this" within this function.
// create div for testing if high contrast mode is on or images are turned off
var div = dojo.create("div",{
id: "a11yTestNode",
cssText:'border: 1px solid;'
+ 'border-color:red green;'
+ 'position: absolute;'
+ 'height: 5px;'
+ 'top: -999px;'
+ 'background-image: url("' + (dojo.config.blankGif || dojo.moduleUrl("dojo", "resources/blank.gif")) + '");'
}, dojo.body());
// test it
var cs = dojo.getComputedStyle(div);
var bkImg = cs.backgroundImage;
var needsA11y = (cs.borderTopColor == cs.borderRightColor) || (bkImg != null && (bkImg == "none" || bkImg == "url(invalid-url:)" ));
dojo[needsA11y ? "addClass" : "removeClass"](dojo.body(), "dijit_a11y");
div.outerHTML = ""; // prevent mixed-content warning, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/925014
// Test if computer is in high contrast mode.
// Make sure the a11y test runs first, before widgets are instantiated.
if(dojo.isIE || dojo.isMoz){ // NOTE: checking in Safari messes things up
dojo.mixin(dijit, {
hasWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String?*/ role){
// summary:
// Determines if an element has a particular role.
// returns:
// True if elem has the specific role attribute and false if not.
// For backwards compatibility if role parameter not provided,
// returns true if has a role
var waiRole = this.getWaiRole(elem);
return role ? (waiRole.indexOf(role) > -1) : (waiRole.length > 0);
getWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem){
// summary:
// Gets the role for an element (which should be a wai role).
// returns:
// The role of elem or an empty string if elem
// does not have a role.
return dojo.trim((dojo.attr(elem, "role") || "").replace("wairole:",""));
setWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
// summary:
// Sets the role on an element.
// description:
// Replace existing role attribute with new role.
dojo.attr(elem, "role", role);
removeWaiRole: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ role){
// summary:
// Removes the specified role from an element.
// Removes role attribute if no specific role provided (for backwards compat.)
var roleValue = dojo.attr(elem, "role");
if(!roleValue){ return; }
var t = dojo.trim((" " + roleValue + " ").replace(" " + role + " ", " "));
dojo.attr(elem, "role", t);
hasWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Determines if an element has a given state.
// description:
// Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
// returns:
// true if elem has a value for the given state and
// false if it does not.
return elem.hasAttribute ? elem.hasAttribute("aria-"+state) : !!elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state);
getWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Gets the value of a state on an element.
// description:
// Checks for an attribute called "aria-"+state.
// returns:
// The value of the requested state on elem
// or an empty string if elem has no value for state.
return elem.getAttribute("aria-"+state) || "";
setWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state, /*String*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets a state on an element.
// description:
// Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
elem.setAttribute("aria-"+state, value);
removeWaiState: function(/*Element*/ elem, /*String*/ state){
// summary:
// Removes a state from an element.
// description:
// Sets an attribute called "aria-"+state.
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._base"] = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Widget"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._Widget"] = true;
////////////////// DEFERRED CONNECTS ///////////////////
// This code is to assist deferring dojo.connect() calls in widgets (connecting to events on the widgets'
// DOM nodes) until someone actually needs to monitor that event.
dojo.connect(dojo, "_connect",
function(/*dijit._Widget*/ widget, /*String*/ event){
if(widget && dojo.isFunction(widget._onConnect)){
dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler = function(/*Event*/ event){};
////////////////// ONDIJITCLICK SUPPORT ///////////////////
// Keep track of where the last keydown event was, to help avoid generating
// spurious ondijitclick events when:
// 1. focus is on a <button> or <a>
// 2. user presses then releases the ENTER key
// 3. onclick handler fires and shifts focus to another node, with an ondijitclick handler
// 4. onkeyup event fires, causing the ondijitclick handler to fire
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = null;
var keydownCallback = function(evt){
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = evt.srcElement;
dojo.doc.attachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
dojo.doc.detachEvent('onkeydown', keydownCallback);
dojo.doc.addEventListener('keydown', function(evt){
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = evt.target;
}, true);
dojo.declare("dijit._Widget", dijit._WidgetBase, {
// summary:
// Base class for all Dijit widgets.
// Extends _WidgetBase, adding support for:
// - deferred connections
// A call like dojo.connect(myWidget, "onMouseMove", func)
// will essentially do a dojo.connect(myWidget.domNode, "onMouseMove", func)
// - ondijitclick
// Support new dojoAttachEvent="ondijitclick: ..." that is triggered by a mouse click or a SPACE/ENTER keypress
// - focus related functions
// In particular, the onFocus()/onBlur() callbacks. Driven internally by
// dijit/_base/focus.js.
// - deprecated methods
// - onShow(), onHide(), onClose()
// Also, by loading code in dijit/_base, turns on:
// - browser sniffing (putting browser id like .dj_ie on <html> node)
// - high contrast mode sniffing (add .dijit_a11y class to <body> if machine is in high contrast mode)
////////////////// DEFERRED CONNECTS ///////////////////
// _deferredConnects: [protected] Object
// attributeMap addendum for event handlers that should be connected only on first use
_deferredConnects: {
onClick: "",
onDblClick: "",
onKeyDown: "",
onKeyPress: "",
onKeyUp: "",
onMouseMove: "",
onMouseDown: "",
onMouseOut: "",
onMouseOver: "",
onMouseLeave: "",
onMouseEnter: "",
onMouseUp: ""
onClick: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onClick: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse click events.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onDblClick: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onDblClick: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of mouse double click events.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyDown: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyDown: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being pressed down.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyPress: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyPress: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of printable keys being typed.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onKeyUp: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onKeyUp: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of keys being released.
// event:
// key Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseDown: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseDown: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is pressed down.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseMove: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseMove: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves over nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseOut: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseOut: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseOver: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseOver: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto nodes contained within this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseLeave: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseLeave: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves off of this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseEnter: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseEnter: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse moves onto this widget.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
onMouseUp: dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler,
onMouseUp: function(event){
// summary:
// Connect to this function to receive notifications of when the mouse button is released.
// event:
// mouse Event
// tags:
// callback
create: function(/*Object?*/params, /*DomNode|String?*/srcNodeRef){
// To avoid double-connects, remove entries from _deferredConnects
// that have been setup manually by a subclass (ex, by dojoAttachEvent).
// If a subclass has redefined a callback (ex: onClick) then assume it's being
// connected to manually.
this._deferredConnects = dojo.clone(this._deferredConnects);
for(var attr in this.attributeMap){
delete this._deferredConnects[attr]; // can't be in both attributeMap and _deferredConnects
for(attr in this._deferredConnects){
if(this[attr] !== dijit._connectOnUseEventHandler){
delete this._deferredConnects[attr]; // redefined, probably dojoAttachEvent exists
// If the developer has specified a handler as a widget parameter
// (ex: new Button({onClick: ...})
// then naturally need to connect from DOM node to that handler immediately,
for(attr in this.params){
_onConnect: function(/*String*/ event){
// summary:
// Called when someone connects to one of my handlers.
// "Turn on" that handler if it isn't active yet.
// This is also called for every single initialization parameter
// so need to do nothing for parameters like "id".
// tags:
// private
if(event in this._deferredConnects){
var mapNode = this[this._deferredConnects[event] || 'domNode'];
this.connect(mapNode, event.toLowerCase(), event);
delete this._deferredConnects[event];
////////////////// FOCUS RELATED ///////////////////
// _onFocus() and _onBlur() are called by the focus manager
// focused: [readonly] Boolean
// This widget or a widget it contains has focus, or is "active" because
// it was recently clicked.
focused: false,
isFocusable: function(){
// summary:
// Return true if this widget can currently be focused
// and false if not
return this.focus && (dojo.style(this.domNode, "display") != "none");
onFocus: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the widget becomes "active" because
// it or a widget inside of it either has focus, or has recently
// been clicked.
// tags:
// callback
onBlur: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the widget stops being "active" because
// focus moved to something outside of it, or the user
// clicked somewhere outside of it, or the widget was
// hidden.
// tags:
// callback
_onFocus: function(e){
// summary:
// This is where widgets do processing for when they are active,
// such as changing CSS classes. See onFocus() for more details.
// tags:
// protected
_onBlur: function(){
// summary:
// This is where widgets do processing for when they stop being active,
// such as changing CSS classes. See onBlur() for more details.
// tags:
// protected
////////////////// DEPRECATED METHODS ///////////////////
setAttribute: function(/*String*/ attr, /*anything*/ value){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use set() instead.
// tags:
// deprecated
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass+"::setAttribute(attr, value) is deprecated. Use set() instead.", "", "2.0");
this.set(attr, value);
attr: function(/*String|Object*/name, /*Object?*/value){
// summary:
// Set or get properties on a widget instance.
// name:
// The property to get or set. If an object is passed here and not
// a string, its keys are used as names of attributes to be set
// and the value of the object as values to set in the widget.
// value:
// Optional. If provided, attr() operates as a setter. If omitted,
// the current value of the named property is returned.
// description:
// This method is deprecated, use get() or set() directly.
// Print deprecation warning but only once per calling function
var alreadyCalledHash = arguments.callee._ach || (arguments.callee._ach = {}),
caller = (arguments.callee.caller || "unknown caller").toString();
dojo.deprecated(this.declaredClass + "::attr() is deprecated. Use get() or set() instead, called from " +
caller, "", "2.0");
alreadyCalledHash[caller] = true;
var args = arguments.length;
if(args >= 2 || typeof name === "object"){ // setter
return this.set.apply(this, arguments);
}else{ // getter
return this.get(name);
////////////////// ONDIJITCLICK SUPPORT ///////////////////
// nodesWithKeyClick: [private] String[]
// List of nodes that correctly handle click events via native browser support,
// and don't need dijit's help
nodesWithKeyClick: ["input", "button"],
connect: function(
/*Object|null*/ obj,
/*String|Function*/ event,
/*String|Function*/ method){
// summary:
// Connects specified obj/event to specified method of this object
// and registers for disconnect() on widget destroy.
// description:
// Provide widget-specific analog to dojo.connect, except with the
// implicit use of this widget as the target object.
// This version of connect also provides a special "ondijitclick"
// event which triggers on a click or space or enter keyup.
// Events connected with `this.connect` are disconnected upon
// destruction.
// returns:
// A handle that can be passed to `disconnect` in order to disconnect before
// the widget is destroyed.
// example:
// | var btn = new dijit.form.Button();
// | // when foo.bar() is called, call the listener we're going to
// | // provide in the scope of btn
// | btn.connect(foo, "bar", function(){
// | console.debug(this.toString());
// | });
// tags:
// protected
var d = dojo,
dc = d._connect,
handles = this.inherited(arguments, [obj, event == "ondijitclick" ? "onclick" : event, method]);
if(event == "ondijitclick"){
// add key based click activation for unsupported nodes.
// do all processing onkey up to prevent spurious clicks
// for details see comments at top of this file where _lastKeyDownNode is defined
if(d.indexOf(this.nodesWithKeyClick, obj.nodeName.toLowerCase()) == -1){ // is NOT input or button
var m = d.hitch(this, method);
dc(obj, "onkeydown", this, function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeydown, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", dijit._lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === dijit._lastKeyDownNode));
if((e.keyCode == d.keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == d.keys.SPACE) &&
!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey){
// needed on IE for when focus changes between keydown and keyup - otherwise dropdown menus do not work
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = e.target;
// Stop event to prevent scrolling on space key in IE.
// But don't do this for _HasDropDown because it surpresses the onkeypress
// event needed to open the drop down when the user presses the SPACE key.
if(!("openDropDown" in this && obj == this._buttonNode)){
dc(obj, "onkeyup", this, function(e){
//console.log(this.id + ": onkeyup, e.target = ", e.target, ", lastKeyDownNode was ", dijit._lastKeyDownNode, ", equality is ", (e.target === dijit._lastKeyDownNode));
if( (e.keyCode == d.keys.ENTER || e.keyCode == d.keys.SPACE) &&
e.target == dijit._lastKeyDownNode && // === breaks greasemonkey
!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey){
//need reset here or have problems in FF when focus returns to trigger element after closing popup/alert
dijit._lastKeyDownNode = null;
return m(e);
return handles; // _Widget.Handle
////////////////// MISCELLANEOUS METHODS ///////////////////
_onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Internal method called when this widget is made visible.
// See `onShow` for details.
onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Called when this widget becomes the selected pane in a
// `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
// `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
// Also called to indicate display of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
// tags:
// callback
onHide: function(){
// summary:
// Called when another widget becomes the selected pane in a
// `dijit.layout.TabContainer`, `dijit.layout.StackContainer`,
// `dijit.layout.AccordionContainer`, etc.
// Also called to indicate hide of a `dijit.Dialog`, `dijit.TooltipDialog`, or `dijit.TitlePane`.
// tags:
// callback
onClose: function(){
// summary:
// Called when this widget is being displayed as a popup (ex: a Calendar popped
// up from a DateTextBox), and it is hidden.
// This is called from the dijit.popup code, and should not be called directly.
// Also used as a parameter for children of `dijit.layout.StackContainer` or subclasses.
// Callback if a user tries to close the child. Child will be closed if this function returns true.
// tags:
// extension
return true; // Boolean
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.matrix"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.matrix"] = true;
var m = dojox.gfx.matrix;
// candidates for dojox.math:
var _degToRadCache = {};
m._degToRad = function(degree){
return _degToRadCache[degree] || (_degToRadCache[degree] = (Math.PI * degree / 180));
m._radToDeg = function(radian){ return radian / Math.PI * 180; };
m.Matrix2D = function(arg){
// summary: a 2D matrix object
// description: Normalizes a 2D matrix-like object. If arrays is passed,
// all objects of the array are normalized and multiplied sequentially.
// arg: Object
// a 2D matrix-like object, a number, or an array of such objects
if(typeof arg == "number"){
this.xx = this.yy = arg;
}else if(arg instanceof Array){
if(arg.length > 0){
var matrix = m.normalize(arg[0]);
// combine matrices
for(var i = 1; i < arg.length; ++i){
var l = matrix, r = dojox.gfx.matrix.normalize(arg[i]);
matrix = new m.Matrix2D();
matrix.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx;
matrix.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy;
matrix.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx;
matrix.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy;
matrix.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.dx;
matrix.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.dy;
dojo.mixin(this, matrix);
dojo.mixin(this, arg);
// the default (identity) matrix, which is used to fill in missing values
dojo.extend(m.Matrix2D, {xx: 1, xy: 0, yx: 0, yy: 1, dx: 0, dy: 0});
dojo.mixin(m, {
// summary: class constants, and methods of dojox.gfx.matrix
// matrix constants
// identity: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// an identity matrix constant: identity * (x, y) == (x, y)
identity: new m.Matrix2D(),
// flipX: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// a matrix, which reflects points at x = 0 line: flipX * (x, y) == (-x, y)
flipX: new m.Matrix2D({xx: -1}),
// flipY: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// a matrix, which reflects points at y = 0 line: flipY * (x, y) == (x, -y)
flipY: new m.Matrix2D({yy: -1}),
// flipXY: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// a matrix, which reflects points at the origin of coordinates: flipXY * (x, y) == (-x, -y)
flipXY: new m.Matrix2D({xx: -1, yy: -1}),
// matrix creators
translate: function(a, b){
// summary: forms a translation matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to translate (move) points by specified offsets.
// a: Number: an x coordinate value
// b: Number: a y coordinate value
if(arguments.length > 1){
return new m.Matrix2D({dx: a, dy: b}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies offsets for both dimensions
// b: null
return new m.Matrix2D({dx: a.x, dy: a.y}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
scale: function(a, b){
// summary: forms a scaling matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to scale (magnify) points by specified offsets.
// a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
// b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
if(arguments.length > 1){
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a, yy: b}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
if(typeof a == "number"){
// branch
// a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for the both coordinates
// b: null
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a, yy: a}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies scale factors for both dimensions
// b: null
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a.x, yy: a.y}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
rotate: function(angle){
// summary: forms a rotating matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
// angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CW)
var c = Math.cos(angle);
var s = Math.sin(angle);
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: c, xy: -s, yx: s, yy: c}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
rotateg: function(degree){
// summary: forms a rotating matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to rotate points
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
// See dojox.gfx.matrix.rotate() for comparison.
// degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CW)
return m.rotate(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewX: function(angle) {
// summary: forms an x skewing matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the x dimension
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
return new m.Matrix2D({xy: Math.tan(angle)}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewXg: function(degree){
// summary: forms an x skewing matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the x dimension
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
// See dojox.gfx.matrix.skewX() for comparison.
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
return m.skewX(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewY: function(angle){
// summary: forms a y skewing matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the y dimension
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified angle.
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
return new m.Matrix2D({yx: Math.tan(angle)}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewYg: function(degree){
// summary: forms a y skewing matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to skew points in the y dimension
// around the origin of coordinates (0, 0) by specified degree.
// See dojox.gfx.matrix.skewY() for comparison.
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
return m.skewY(m._degToRad(degree)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
reflect: function(a, b){
// summary: forms a reflection matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to reflect points around a vector,
// which goes through the origin.
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies a vector of reflection
// b: null
if(arguments.length == 1){
b = a.y;
a = a.x;
// branch
// a: Number: an x coordinate value
// b: Number: a y coordinate value
// make a unit vector
var a2 = a * a, b2 = b * b, n2 = a2 + b2, xy = 2 * a * b / n2;
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: 2 * a2 / n2 - 1, xy: xy, yx: xy, yy: 2 * b2 / n2 - 1}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
project: function(a, b){
// summary: forms an orthogonal projection matrix
// description: The resulting matrix is used to project points orthogonally on a vector,
// which goes through the origin.
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point-like object, which specifies a vector of projection
// b: null
if(arguments.length == 1){
b = a.y;
a = a.x;
// branch
// a: Number: an x coordinate value
// b: Number: a y coordinate value
// make a unit vector
var a2 = a * a, b2 = b * b, n2 = a2 + b2, xy = a * b / n2;
return new m.Matrix2D({xx: a2 / n2, xy: xy, yx: xy, yy: b2 / n2}); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// ensure matrix 2D conformance
normalize: function(matrix){
// summary: converts an object to a matrix, if necessary
// description: Converts any 2D matrix-like object or an array of
// such objects to a valid dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D object.
// matrix: Object: an object, which is converted to a matrix, if necessary
return (matrix instanceof m.Matrix2D) ? matrix : new m.Matrix2D(matrix); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// common operations
clone: function(matrix){
// summary: creates a copy of a 2D matrix
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object to be cloned
var obj = new m.Matrix2D();
for(var i in matrix){
if(typeof(matrix[i]) == "number" && typeof(obj[i]) == "number" && obj[i] != matrix[i]) obj[i] = matrix[i];
return obj; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
invert: function(matrix){
// summary: inverts a 2D matrix
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object to be inverted
var M = m.normalize(matrix),
D = M.xx * M.yy - M.xy * M.yx,
M = new m.Matrix2D({
xx: M.yy/D, xy: -M.xy/D,
yx: -M.yx/D, yy: M.xx/D,
dx: (M.xy * M.dy - M.yy * M.dx) / D,
dy: (M.yx * M.dx - M.xx * M.dy) / D
return M; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
_multiplyPoint: function(matrix, x, y){
// summary: applies a matrix to a point
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
// x: Number: an x coordinate of a point
// y: Number: a y coordinate of a point
return {x: matrix.xx * x + matrix.xy * y + matrix.dx, y: matrix.yx * x + matrix.yy * y + matrix.dy}; // dojox.gfx.Point
multiplyPoint: function(matrix, /* Number||Point */ a, /* Number, optional */ b){
// summary: applies a matrix to a point
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
// a: Number: an x coordinate of a point
// b: Number: a y coordinate of a point
var M = m.normalize(matrix);
if(typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number"){
return m._multiplyPoint(M, a, b); // dojox.gfx.Point
// branch
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix object to be applied
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a point
// b: null
return m._multiplyPoint(M, a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.Point
multiply: function(matrix){
// summary: combines matrices by multiplying them sequentially in the given order
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D...: a 2D matrix-like object,
// all subsequent arguments are matrix-like objects too
var M = m.normalize(matrix);
// combine matrices
for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i){
var l = M, r = m.normalize(arguments[i]);
M = new m.Matrix2D();
M.xx = l.xx * r.xx + l.xy * r.yx;
M.xy = l.xx * r.xy + l.xy * r.yy;
M.yx = l.yx * r.xx + l.yy * r.yx;
M.yy = l.yx * r.xy + l.yy * r.yy;
M.dx = l.xx * r.dx + l.xy * r.dy + l.dx;
M.dy = l.yx * r.dx + l.yy * r.dy + l.dy;
return M; // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// high level operations
_sandwich: function(matrix, x, y){
// summary: applies a matrix at a centrtal point
// matrix: dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D: a 2D matrix-like object, which is applied at a central point
// x: Number: an x component of the central point
// y: Number: a y component of the central point
return m.multiply(m.translate(x, y), matrix, m.translate(-x, -y)); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
scaleAt: function(a, b, c, d){
// summary: scales a picture using a specified point as a center of scaling
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.scale().
// a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
// b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
// c: Number: an x component of a central point
// d: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) uniform scale factor, Point
// 2) uniform scale factor, x, y
// 3) x scale, y scale, Point
// 4) x scale, y scale, x, y
case 4:
// a and b are scale factor components, c and d are components of a point
return m._sandwich(m.scale(a, b), c, d); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
case 3:
if(typeof c == "number"){
// branch
// a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for both coordinates
// b: Number: an x component of a central point
// c: Number: a y component of a central point
// d: null
return m._sandwich(m.scale(a), b, c); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// a: Number: a scaling factor used for the x coordinate
// b: Number: a scaling factor used for the y coordinate
// c: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// d: null
return m._sandwich(m.scale(a, b), c.x, c.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// a: Number: a uniform scaling factor used for both coordinates
// b: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// c: null
// d: null
return m._sandwich(m.scale(a), b.x, b.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
rotateAt: function(angle, a, b){
// summary: rotates a picture using a specified point as a center of rotation
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.rotate().
// angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CW)
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) rotation angle in radians, Point
// 2) rotation angle in radians, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.rotate(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// angle: Number: an angle of rotation in radians (>0 for CCW)
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.rotate(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
rotategAt: function(degree, a, b){
// summary: rotates a picture using a specified point as a center of rotation
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.rotateg().
// degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CW)
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) rotation angle in degrees, Point
// 2) rotation angle in degrees, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.rotateg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// degree: Number: an angle of rotation in degrees (>0 for CCW)
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.rotateg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewXAt: function(angle, a, b){
// summary: skews a picture along the x axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewX().
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) skew angle in radians, Point
// 2) skew angle in radians, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.skewX(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.skewX(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewXgAt: function(degree, a, b){
// summary: skews a picture along the x axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewXg().
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) skew angle in degrees, Point
// 2) skew angle in degrees, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.skewXg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.skewXg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewYAt: function(angle, a, b){
// summary: skews a picture along the y axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewY().
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) skew angle in radians, Point
// 2) skew angle in radians, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.skewY(angle), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// angle: Number: an skewing angle in radians
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.skewY(angle), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
skewYgAt: function(/* Number */ degree, /* Number||Point */ a, /* Number, optional */ b){
// summary: skews a picture along the y axis using a specified point as a center of skewing
// description: Compare with dojox.gfx.matrix.skewYg().
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
// a: Number: an x component of a central point
// b: Number: a y component of a central point
// accepts several signatures:
// 1) skew angle in degrees, Point
// 2) skew angle in degrees, x, y
if(arguments.length > 2){
return m._sandwich(m.skewYg(degree), a, b); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
// branch
// degree: Number: an skewing angle in degrees
// a: dojox.gfx.Point: a central point
// b: null
return m._sandwich(m.skewYg(degree), a.x, a.y); // dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D
//TODO: rect-to-rect mapping, scale-to-fit (isotropic and anisotropic versions)
// propagate Matrix2D up
dojox.gfx.Matrix2D = dojox.gfx.matrix.Matrix2D;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx._base"] = true;
var g = dojox.gfx, b = g._base;
// candidates for dojox.style (work on VML and SVG nodes)
g._hasClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
// summary:
// Returns whether or not the specified classes are a portion of the
// class list currently applied to the node.
// return (new RegExp('(^|\\s+)'+classStr+'(\\s+|$)')).test(node.className) // Boolean
var cls = node.getAttribute("className");
return cls && (" " + cls + " ").indexOf(" " + classStr + " ") >= 0; // Boolean
g._addClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
// summary:
// Adds the specified classes to the end of the class list on the
// passed node.
var cls = node.getAttribute("className") || "";
if(!cls || (" " + cls + " ").indexOf(" " + classStr + " ") < 0){
node.setAttribute("className", cls + (cls ? " " : "") + classStr);
g._removeClass = function(/*DomNode*/node, /*String*/classStr){
// summary: Removes classes from node.
var cls = node.getAttribute("className");
cls.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s+)' + classStr + '(\\s+|$)'), "$1$2")
// candidate for dojox.html.metrics (dynamic font resize handler is not implemented here)
// derived from Morris John's emResized measurer
b._getFontMeasurements = function(){
// summary:
// Returns an object that has pixel equivilents of standard font
// size values.
var heights = {
'1em': 0, '1ex': 0, '100%': 0, '12pt': 0, '16px': 0, 'xx-small': 0,
'x-small': 0, 'small': 0, 'medium': 0, 'large': 0, 'x-large': 0,
'xx-large': 0
// we do a font-size fix if and only if one isn't applied already.
// NOTE: If someone set the fontSize on the HTML Element, this will kill it.
// set up the measuring node.
var div = dojo.create("div", {style: {
position: "absolute",
left: "0",
top: "-100px",
width: "30px",
height: "1000em",
borderWidth: "0",
margin: "0",
padding: "0",
outline: "none",
lineHeight: "1",
overflow: "hidden"
}}, dojo.body());
// do the measurements.
for(var p in heights){
div.style.fontSize = p;
heights[p] = Math.round(div.offsetHeight * 12/16) * 16/12 / 1000;
return heights; // object
var fontMeasurements = null;
b._getCachedFontMeasurements = function(recalculate){
if(recalculate || !fontMeasurements){
fontMeasurements = b._getFontMeasurements();
return fontMeasurements;
// candidate for dojox.html.metrics
var measuringNode = null, empty = {};
b._getTextBox = function( /*String*/ text,
/*Object*/ style,
/*String?*/ className){
var m, s, al = arguments.length;
measuringNode = dojo.create("div", {style: {
position: "absolute",
top: "-10000px",
left: "0"
}}, dojo.body());
m = measuringNode;
// reset styles
m.className = "";
s = m.style;
s.borderWidth = "0";
s.margin = "0";
s.padding = "0";
s.outline = "0";
// set new style
if(al > 1 && style){
for(var i in style){
if(i in empty){ continue; }
s[i] = style[i];
// set classes
if(al > 2 && className){
m.className = className;
// take a measure
m.innerHTML = text;
var bcr = m.getBoundingClientRect();
return {l: bcr.left, t: bcr.top, w: bcr.width || (bcr.right - bcr.left), h: bcr.height || (bcr.bottom - bcr.top)};
return dojo.marginBox(m);
// candidate for dojo.dom
var uniqueId = 0;
b._getUniqueId = function(){
// summary: returns a unique string for use with any DOM element
var id;
id = dojo._scopeName + "Unique" + (++uniqueId);
return id;
dojo.mixin(dojox.gfx, {
// summary:
// defines constants, prototypes, and utility functions
// default shapes, which are used to fill in missing parameters
defaultPath: {
type: "path", path: ""
defaultPolyline: {
type: "polyline", points: []
defaultRect: {
type: "rect", x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, r: 0
defaultEllipse: {
type: "ellipse", cx: 0, cy: 0, rx: 200, ry: 100
defaultCircle: {
type: "circle", cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 100
defaultLine: {
type: "line", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 100
defaultImage: {
type: "image", x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, src: ""
defaultText: {
type: "text", x: 0, y: 0, text: "", align: "start",
decoration: "none", rotated: false, kerning: true
defaultTextPath: {
type: "textpath", text: "", align: "start",
decoration: "none", rotated: false, kerning: true
// default geometric attributes
defaultStroke: {
type: "stroke", color: "black", style: "solid", width: 1,
cap: "butt", join: 4
defaultLinearGradient: {
type: "linear", x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 100, y2: 100,
colors: [
{ offset: 0, color: "black" }, { offset: 1, color: "white" }
defaultRadialGradient: {
type: "radial", cx: 0, cy: 0, r: 100,
colors: [
{ offset: 0, color: "black" }, { offset: 1, color: "white" }
defaultPattern: {
type: "pattern", x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, src: ""
defaultFont: {
type: "font", style: "normal", variant: "normal",
weight: "normal", size: "10pt", family: "serif"
getDefault: (function(){
var typeCtorCache = {};
// a memoized delegate()
return function(/*String*/ type){
var t = typeCtorCache[type];
return new t();
t = typeCtorCache[type] = new Function;
t.prototype = dojox.gfx[ "default" + type ];
return new t();
normalizeColor: function(/*Color*/ color){
// summary:
// converts any legal color representation to normalized
// dojo.Color object
return (color instanceof dojo.Color) ? color : new dojo.Color(color); // dojo.Color
normalizeParameters: function(existed, update){
// summary:
// updates an existing object with properties from an "update"
// object
// existed: Object
// the "target" object to be updated
// update: Object
// the "update" object, whose properties will be used to update
// the existed object
var empty = {};
for(var x in existed){
if(x in update && !(x in empty)){
existed[x] = update[x];
return existed; // Object
makeParameters: function(defaults, update){
// summary:
// copies the original object, and all copied properties from the
// "update" object
// defaults: Object
// the object to be cloned before updating
// update: Object
// the object, which properties are to be cloned during updating
// return dojo.clone(defaults);
return dojo.delegate(defaults);
var result = {};
for(var i in defaults){
if(!(i in result)){
result[i] = dojo.clone((i in update) ? update[i] : defaults[i]);
return result; // Object
formatNumber: function(x, addSpace){
// summary: converts a number to a string using a fixed notation
// x: Number: number to be converted
// addSpace: Boolean?: if it is true, add a space before a positive number
var val = x.toString();
if(val.indexOf("e") >= 0){
val = x.toFixed(4);
var point = val.indexOf(".");
if(point >= 0 && val.length - point > 5){
val = x.toFixed(4);
if(x < 0){
return val; // String
return addSpace ? " " + val : val; // String
// font operations
makeFontString: function(font){
// summary: converts a font object to a CSS font string
// font: Object: font object (see dojox.gfx.defaultFont)
return font.style + " " + font.variant + " " + font.weight + " " + font.size + " " + font.family; // Object
splitFontString: function(str){
// summary:
// converts a CSS font string to a font object
// description:
// Converts a CSS font string to a gfx font object. The CSS font
// string components should follow the W3C specified order
// (see http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/fonts.html#font-shorthand):
// style, variant, weight, size, optional line height (will be
// ignored), and family.
// str: String
// a CSS font string
var font = dojox.gfx.getDefault("Font");
var t = str.split(/\s+/);
if(t.length < 5){ break; }
font.style = t[0];
font.variant = t[1];
font.weight = t[2];
var i = t[3].indexOf("/");
font.size = i < 0 ? t[3] : t[3].substring(0, i);
var j = 4;
if(i < 0){
if(t[4] == "/"){
j = 6;
}else if(t[4].charAt(0) == "/"){
j = 5;
if(j < t.length){
font.family = t.slice(j).join(" ");
return font; // Object
// length operations
cm_in_pt: 72 / 2.54, // Number: points per centimeter
mm_in_pt: 7.2 / 2.54, // Number: points per millimeter
px_in_pt: function(){
// summary: returns a number of pixels per point
return dojox.gfx._base._getCachedFontMeasurements()["12pt"] / 12; // Number
pt2px: function(len){
// summary: converts points to pixels
// len: Number: a value in points
return len * dojox.gfx.px_in_pt(); // Number
px2pt: function(len){
// summary: converts pixels to points
// len: Number: a value in pixels
return len / dojox.gfx.px_in_pt(); // Number
normalizedLength: function(len) {
// summary: converts any length value to pixels
// len: String: a length, e.g., "12pc"
if(len.length == 0) return 0;
if(len.length > 2){
var px_in_pt = dojox.gfx.px_in_pt();
var val = parseFloat(len);
case "px": return val;
case "pt": return val * px_in_pt;
case "in": return val * 72 * px_in_pt;
case "pc": return val * 12 * px_in_pt;
case "mm": return val * dojox.gfx.mm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
case "cm": return val * dojox.gfx.cm_in_pt * px_in_pt;
return parseFloat(len); // Number
// a constant used to split a SVG/VML path into primitive components
pathVmlRegExp: /([A-Za-z]+)|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)|(-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(-\.\d+)/g,
pathSvgRegExp: /([A-Za-z])|(\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+)|(-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(-\.\d+)/g,
equalSources: function(a, b){
// summary: compares event sources, returns true if they are equal
return a && b && a == b;
switchTo: function(renderer){
var ns = dojox.gfx[renderer];
dojo.forEach(["Group", "Rect", "Ellipse", "Circle", "Line",
"Polyline", "Image", "Text", "Path", "TextPath",
"Surface", "createSurface"], function(name){
dojox.gfx[name] = ns[name];
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx"] = true;
// Since loaderInit can be fired before any dojo.provide/require calls,
// make sure the dojox.gfx object exists and only run this logic if dojox.gfx.renderer
// has not been defined yet.
var gfx = dojo.getObject("dojox.gfx", true), sl, flag, match;
// Have a way to force a GFX renderer, if so desired.
// Useful for being able to serialize GFX data in a particular format.
dojox.gfx.renderer = dojo.config.forceGfxRenderer;
var renderers = (typeof dojo.config.gfxRenderer == "string" ?
dojo.config.gfxRenderer : "svg,vml,canvas,silverlight").split(",");
for(var i = 0; i < renderers.length; ++i){
case "svg":
// the next test is from https://github.com/phiggins42/has.js
if("SVGAngle" in dojo.global){
dojox.gfx.renderer = "svg";
case "vml":
dojox.gfx.renderer = "vml";
case "silverlight":
sl = new ActiveXObject("AgControl.AgControl");
if(sl && sl.IsVersionSupported("1.0")){
flag = true;
if(navigator.plugins["Silverlight Plug-In"]){
flag = true;
flag = false;
sl = null;
dojox.gfx.renderer = "silverlight";
case "canvas":
dojox.gfx.renderer = "canvas";
console.log("gfx renderer = " + gfx.renderer);
// load & initialize renderer
// already loaded
// load
gfx.loadAndSwitch = gfx.renderer;
dojo["require"]("dojox.gfx." + gfx.renderer);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.lambda"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.lambda"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - anonymous functions built from the string
// Acknoledgements:
// - lambda() is based on work by Oliver Steele
// (http://osteele.com/sources/javascript/functional/functional.js)
// which was published under MIT License
// Notes:
// - lambda() produces functions, which after the compilation step are
// as fast as regular JS functions (at least theoretically).
// Lambda input values:
// - returns functions unchanged
// - converts strings to functions
// - converts arrays to a functional composition
var df = dojox.lang.functional, lcache = {};
// split() is augmented on IE6 to ensure the uniform behavior
var split = "ab".split(/a*/).length > 1 ? String.prototype.split :
var r = this.split.call(this, sep),
m = sep.exec(this);
if(m && m.index == 0){ r.unshift(""); }
return r;
var lambda = function(/*String*/ s){
var args = [], sects = split.call(s, /\s*->\s*/m);
if(sects.length > 1){
s = sects.pop();
args = sects.pop().split(/\s*,\s*|\s+/m);
if(sects.length){ sects.push("(function(" + args + "){return (" + s + ")})"); }
}else if(s.match(/\b_\b/)){
args = ["_"];
var l = s.match(/^\s*(?:[+*\/%&|\^\.=<>]|!=)/m),
r = s.match(/[+\-*\/%&|\^\.=<>!]\s*$/m);
if(l || r){
s = "$1" + s;
s = s + "$2";
// the point of the long regex below is to exclude all well-known
// lower-case words from the list of potential arguments
var vars = s.
replace(/(?:\b[A-Z]|\.[a-zA-Z_$])[a-zA-Z_$\d]*|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$\d]*:|this|true|false|null|undefined|typeof|instanceof|in|delete|new|void|arguments|decodeURI|decodeURIComponent|encodeURI|encodeURIComponent|escape|eval|isFinite|isNaN|parseFloat|parseInt|unescape|dojo|dijit|dojox|window|document|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/g, "").
match(/([a-z_$][a-z_$\d]*)/gi) || [], t = {};
dojo.forEach(vars, function(v){
if(!(v in t)){
t[v] = 1;
return {args: args, body: s}; // Object
var compose = function(/*Array*/ a){
return a.length ?
var i = a.length - 1, x = df.lambda(a[i]).apply(this, arguments);
for(--i; i >= 0; --i){ x = df.lambda(a[i]).call(this, x); }
return x;
// identity
function(x){ return x; };
dojo.mixin(df, {
// lambda
rawLambda: function(/*String*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, or array (composing),
// returns an object describing the function; functions are
// passed through unmodified.
// description:
// This method is to normalize a functional representation (a
// text snippet) to an object that contains an array of
// arguments, and a body , which is used to calculate the
// returning value.
return lambda(s); // Object
buildLambda: function(/*String*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, returns a string, which
// represents the function.
// description:
// This method returns a textual representation of a function
// built from the snippet. It is meant to be evaled in the
// proper context, so local variables can be pulled from the
// environment.
s = lambda(s);
return "function(" + s.args.join(",") + "){return (" + s.body + ");}"; // String
lambda: function(/*Function|String|Array*/ s){
// summary:
// builds a function from a snippet, or array (composing),
// returns a function object; functions are passed through
// unmodified.
// description:
// This method is used to normalize a functional
// representation (a text snippet, an array, or a function) to
// a function object.
if(typeof s == "function"){ return s; }
if(s instanceof Array){ return compose(s); }
if(s in lcache){ return lcache[s]; }
s = lambda(s);
return lcache[s] = new Function(s.args, "return (" + s.body + ");"); // Function
clearLambdaCache: function(){
// summary:
// clears internal cache of lambdas
lcache = {};
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.array"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.array"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - array-processing functions similar to standard JS functions
// Notes:
// - this module provides JS standard methods similar to high-level functions in dojo/_base/array.js:
// forEach, map, filter, every, some
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
// - operate on dense arrays
// - take a string as the array argument
// - take an iterator objects as the array argument
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional, empty = {};
d.mixin(df, {
// JS 1.6 standard array functions, which can take a lambda as a parameter.
// Consider using dojo._base.array functions, if you don't need the lambda support.
filter: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates a new array with all elements that pass the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t = [], v, i, n;
// array
for(i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i){
v = a[i];
if(f.call(o, v, i, a)){ t.push(v); }
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
for(i = 0; a.hasNext();){
v = a.next();
if(f.call(o, v, i++, a)){ t.push(v); }
// object/dictionary
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
v = a[i];
if(f.call(o, v, i, a)){ t.push(v); }
return t; // Array
forEach: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: executes a provided function once per array element.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var i, n;
// array
for(i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; f.call(o, a[i], i, a), ++i);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
for(i = 0; a.hasNext(); f.call(o, a.next(), i++, a));
// object/dictionary
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
f.call(o, a[i], i, a);
return o; // Object
map: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates a new array with the results of calling
// a provided function on every element in this array.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t, n, i;
// array
t = new Array(n = a.length);
for(i = 0; i < n; t[i] = f.call(o, a[i], i, a), ++i);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
t = [];
for(i = 0; a.hasNext(); t.push(f.call(o, a.next(), i++, a)));
// object/dictionary
t = [];
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
t.push(f.call(o, a[i], i, a));
return t; // Array
every: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: tests whether all elements in the array pass the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var i, n;
// array
for(i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i){
if(!f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return false; // Boolean
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
for(i = 0; a.hasNext();){
if(!f.call(o, a.next(), i++, a)){
return false; // Boolean
// object/dictionary
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
if(!f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return false; // Boolean
return true; // Boolean
some: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: tests whether some element in the array passes the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var i, n;
// array
for(i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i){
if(f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return true; // Boolean
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
for(i = 0; a.hasNext();){
if(f.call(o, a.next(), i++, a)){
return true; // Boolean
// object/dictionary
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
if(f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return true; // Boolean
return false; // Boolean
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.object"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.object"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - object/dictionary helpers
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
// - skip all attributes that are present in the empty object
// (IE and/or 3rd-party libraries).
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional, empty = {};
d.mixin(df, {
// object helpers
keys: function(/*Object*/ obj){
// summary: returns an array of all keys in the object
var t = [];
for(var i in obj){
if(!(i in empty)){
return t; // Array
values: function(/*Object*/ obj){
// summary: returns an array of all values in the object
var t = [];
for(var i in obj){
if(!(i in empty)){
return t; // Array
filterIn: function(/*Object*/ obj, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates new object with all attributes that pass the test
// implemented by the provided function.
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t = {}, v, i;
for(i in obj){
if(!(i in empty)){
v = obj[i];
if(f.call(o, v, i, obj)){ t[i] = v; }
return t; // Object
forIn: function(/*Object*/ obj, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: iterates over all object attributes.
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
for(var i in obj){
if(!(i in empty)){
f.call(o, obj[i], i, obj);
return o; // Object
mapIn: function(/*Object*/ obj, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates new object with the results of calling
// a provided function on every attribute in this object.
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t = {}, i;
for(i in obj){
if(!(i in empty)){
t[i] = f.call(o, obj[i], i, obj);
return t; // Object
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional"] = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.fold"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.fold"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - "fold" family of functions
// Notes:
// - missing high-level functions are provided with the compatible API:
// foldl, foldl1, foldr, foldr1
// - missing JS standard functions are provided with the compatible API:
// reduce, reduceRight
// - the fold's counterpart: unfold
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
// - operate on dense arrays
// - take a string as the array argument
// - take an iterator objects as the array argument (only foldl, foldl1, and reduce)
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional, empty = {};
d.mixin(df, {
// classic reduce-class functions
foldl: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from left
// to right using a seed value as a starting point; returns the final
// value.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var i, n;
// array
for(i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), ++i);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
for(i = 0; a.hasNext(); z = f.call(o, z, a.next(), i++, a));
// object/dictionary
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a);
return z; // Object
foldl1: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from left
// to right; returns the final value.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var z, i, n;
// array
z = a[0];
for(i = 1, n = a.length; i < n; z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), ++i);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
z = a.next();
for(i = 1; a.hasNext(); z = f.call(o, z, a.next(), i++, a));
// object/dictionary
var first = true;
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
z = a[i];
first = false;
z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a);
return z; // Object
foldr: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from right
// to left using a seed value as a starting point; returns the final
// value.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
for(var i = a.length; i > 0; --i, z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a));
return z; // Object
foldr1: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from right
// to left; returns the final value.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var n = a.length, z = a[n - 1], i = n - 1;
for(; i > 0; --i, z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a));
return z; // Object
// JS 1.8 standard array functions, which can take a lambda as a parameter.
reduce: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ z){
// summary: apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array
// (from left-to-right) as to reduce it to a single value.
return arguments.length < 3 ? df.foldl1(a, f) : df.foldl(a, f, z); // Object
reduceRight: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ z){
// summary: apply a function simultaneously against two values of the array
// (from right-to-left) as to reduce it to a single value.
return arguments.length < 3 ? df.foldr1(a, f) : df.foldr(a, f, z); // Object
// the fold's counterpart: unfold
unfold: function(/*Function|String|Array*/ pr, /*Function|String|Array*/ f,
/*Function|String|Array*/ g, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: builds an array by unfolding a value
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f); g = df.lambda(g); pr = df.lambda(pr);
var t = [];
for(; !pr.call(o, z); t.push(f.call(o, z)), z = g.call(o, z));
return t; // Array
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.reversed"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.reversed"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - reversed versions of array-processing functions similar to standard JS functions
// Notes:
// - this module provides reversed versions of standard array-processing functions:
// forEachRev, mapRev, filterRev
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
// - operate on dense arrays
// - take a string as the array argument
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional;
d.mixin(df, {
// JS 1.6 standard array functions, which can take a lambda as a parameter.
// Consider using dojo._base.array functions, if you don't need the lambda support.
filterRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates a new array with all elements that pass the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t = [], v, i = a.length - 1;
for(; i >= 0; --i){
v = a[i];
if(f.call(o, v, i, a)){ t.push(v); }
return t; // Array
forEachRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: executes a provided function once per array element.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; f.call(o, a[i], i, a), --i);
mapRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: creates a new array with the results of calling
// a provided function on every element in this array.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var n = a.length, t = new Array(n), i = n - 1, j = 0;
for(; i >= 0; t[j++] = f.call(o, a[i], i, a), --i);
return t; // Array
everyRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: tests whether all elements in the array pass the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
if(!f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return false; // Boolean
return true; // Boolean
someRev: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: tests whether some element in the array passes the test
// implemented by the provided function.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
for(var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
if(f.call(o, a[i], i, a)){
return true; // Boolean
return false; // Boolean
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Element"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Element"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Element", null, {
// summary:
// A base class that is used to build other elements of a chart, such as
// a series.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The parent chart for this element.
// group: dojox.gfx.Group
// The visual GFX group representing this element.
// htmlElement: Array
// Any DOMNodes used as a part of this element (such as HTML-based labels).
// dirty: Boolean
// A flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered.
chart: null,
group: null,
htmlElements: null,
dirty: true,
constructor: function(chart){
// summary:
// Creates a new charting element.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart that this element belongs to.
this.chart = chart;
this.group = null;
this.htmlElements = [];
this.dirty = true;
this.trailingSymbol = "...";
this._events = [];
createGroup: function(creator){
// summary:
// Convenience function to create a new dojox.gfx.Group.
// creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
// An optional surface in which to create this group.
// returns: dojox.charting.Element
// A reference to this object for functional chaining.
if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
this.group = creator.createGroup();
return this; // dojox.charting.Element
purgeGroup: function(){
// summary:
// Clear any elements out of our group, and destroy the group.
// returns: dojox.charting.Element
// A reference to this object for functional chaining.
this.group = null;
this.dirty = true;
dojo.forEach(this._events, function(item){
this._events = [];
return this; // dojox.charting.Element
cleanGroup: function(creator){
// summary:
// Clean any elements (HTML or GFX-based) out of our group, and create a new one.
// creator: dojox.gfx.Surface?
// An optional surface to work with.
// returns: dojox.charting.Element
// A reference to this object for functional chaining.
if(!creator){ creator = this.chart.surface; }
this.group = creator.createGroup();
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Element
destroyHtmlElements: function(){
// summary:
// Destroy any DOMNodes that may have been created as a part of this element.
dojo.forEach(this.htmlElements, dojo.destroy);
this.htmlElements = [];
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// API addition to conform to the rest of the Dojo Toolkit's standard.
//text utilities
getTextWidth: function(s, font){
return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
getTextWithLimitLength: function(s, font, limitWidth, truncated){
// summary:
// Get the truncated string based on the limited width in px(dichotomy algorithm)
// s: String?
// candidate text.
// font: String?
// text's font style.
// limitWidth: Number?
// text limited width in px.
// truncated: Boolean?
// whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
// returns: Object
// {
// text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
// truncated: whether text has been truncated
// }
if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
return {
text: "",
truncated: truncated || false
if(!limitWidth || limitWidth <= 0){
return {
text: s,
truncated: truncated || false
var delta = 2,
//golden section for dichotomy algorithm
trucPercentage = 0.618,
minStr = s.substring(0,1) + this.trailingSymbol,
minWidth = this.getTextWidth(minStr, font);
if (limitWidth <= minWidth) {
return {
text: minStr,
truncated: true
var width = this.getTextWidth(s, font);
if(width <= limitWidth){
return {
text: s,
truncated: truncated || false
var begin = 0,
end = s.length;
while(begin < end){
if(end - begin <= delta ){
while (this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, begin) + this.trailingSymbol, font) > limitWidth) {
begin -= 1;
return {
text: (s.substring(0,begin) + this.trailingSymbol),
truncated: true
var index = begin + Math.round((end - begin) * trucPercentage),
widthIntercepted = this.getTextWidth(s.substring(0, index), font);
if(widthIntercepted < limitWidth){
begin = index;
end = end;
begin = begin;
end = index;
getTextWithLimitCharCount: function(s, font, wcLimit, truncated){
// summary:
// Get the truncated string based on the limited character count(dichotomy algorithm)
// s: String?
// candidate text.
// font: String?
// text's font style.
// wcLimit: Number?
// text limited character count.
// truncated: Boolean?
// whether the input text(s) has already been truncated.
// returns: Object
// {
// text: processed text, maybe truncated or not
// truncated: whether text has been truncated
// }
if (!s || s.length <= 0) {
return {
text: "",
truncated: truncated || false
if(!wcLimit || wcLimit <= 0 || s.length <= wcLimit){
return {
text: s,
truncated: truncated || false
return {
text: s.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol,
truncated: true
// fill utilities
_plotFill: function(fill, dim, offsets){
// process a plot-wide fill
if(!fill || !fill.type || !fill.space){
return fill;
var space = fill.space;
case "linear":
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process dimensions
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
// process Y
var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
fill.y1 = offsets.t + span * fill.y1 / 100;
fill.y2 = offsets.t + span * fill.y2 / 100;
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
// process X
var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
fill.x1 = offsets.l + span * fill.x1 / 100;
fill.x2 = offsets.l + span * fill.x2 / 100;
case "radial":
if(space === "plot"){
// this one is used exclusively for scatter charts
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process both dimensions
var spanX = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r,
spanY = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
fill.cx = offsets.l + spanX * fill.cx / 100;
fill.cy = offsets.t + spanY * fill.cy / 100;
fill.r = fill.r * Math.sqrt(spanX * spanX + spanY * spanY) / 200;
case "pattern":
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process dimensions
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeX"){
// process Y
var span = dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b;
fill.y = offsets.t + span * fill.y / 100;
fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
if(space === "plot" || space === "shapeY"){
// process X
var span = dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r;
fill.x = offsets.l + span * fill.x / 100;
fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
return fill;
_shapeFill: function(fill, bbox){
// process shape-specific fill
if(!fill || !fill.space){
return fill;
var space = fill.space;
case "linear":
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultLinearGradient, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process dimensions
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
// process X
var span = bbox.width;
fill.x1 = bbox.x + span * fill.x1 / 100;
fill.x2 = bbox.x + span * fill.x2 / 100;
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
// process Y
var span = bbox.height;
fill.y1 = bbox.y + span * fill.y1 / 100;
fill.y2 = bbox.y + span * fill.y2 / 100;
case "radial":
if(space === "shape"){
// this one is used exclusively for bubble charts and pie charts
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process both dimensions
fill.cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;
fill.cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
fill.r = fill.r * bbox.width / 200;
case "pattern":
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX" || space === "shapeY"){
// clone a fill so we can modify properly directly
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultPattern, fill);
fill.space = space;
// process dimensions
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeX"){
// process X
var span = bbox.width;
fill.x = bbox.x + span * fill.x / 100;
fill.width = span * fill.width / 100;
if(space === "shape" || space === "shapeY"){
// process Y
var span = bbox.height;
fill.y = bbox.y + span * fill.y / 100;
fill.height = span * fill.height / 100;
return fill;
_pseudoRadialFill: function(fill, center, radius, start, end){
// process pseudo-radial fills
if(!fill || fill.type !== "radial" || fill.space !== "shape"){
return fill;
// clone and normalize fill
var space = fill.space;
fill = dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultRadialGradient, fill);
fill.space = space;
if(arguments.length < 4){
// process both dimensions
fill.cx = center.x;
fill.cy = center.y;
fill.r = fill.r * radius / 100;
return fill;
// convert to a linear gradient
var angle = arguments.length < 5 ? start : (end + start) / 2;
return {
type: "linear",
x1: center.x,
y1: center.y,
x2: center.x + fill.r * radius * Math.cos(angle) / 100,
y2: center.y + fill.r * radius * Math.sin(angle) / 100,
colors: fill.colors
return fill;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.colors"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.colors"] = true;
dojo.getObject("colors", true, dojo);
//TODO: this module appears to break naming conventions
dojo.colors = {
// summary: Color utilities
// this is a standard conversion prescribed by the CSS3 Color Module
var hue2rgb = function(m1, m2, h){
if(h < 0){ ++h; }
if(h > 1){ --h; }
var h6 = 6 * h;
if(h6 < 1){ return m1 + (m2 - m1) * h6; }
if(2 * h < 1){ return m2; }
if(3 * h < 2){ return m1 + (m2 - m1) * (2 / 3 - h) * 6; }
return m1;
dojo.colorFromRgb = function(/*String*/ color, /*dojo.Color?*/ obj){
// summary:
// get rgb(a) array from css-style color declarations
// description:
// this function can handle all 4 CSS3 Color Module formats: rgb,
// rgba, hsl, hsla, including rgb(a) with percentage values.
var m = color.toLowerCase().match(/^(rgba?|hsla?)\(([\s\.\-,%0-9]+)\)/);
var c = m[2].split(/\s*,\s*/), l = c.length, t = m[1], a;
if((t == "rgb" && l == 3) || (t == "rgba" && l == 4)){
var r = c[0];
if(r.charAt(r.length - 1) == "%"){
// 3 rgb percentage values
a = dojo.map(c, function(x){
return parseFloat(x) * 2.56;
if(l == 4){ a[3] = c[3]; }
return dojo.colorFromArray(a, obj); // dojo.Color
return dojo.colorFromArray(c, obj); // dojo.Color
if((t == "hsl" && l == 3) || (t == "hsla" && l == 4)){
// normalize hsl values
var H = ((parseFloat(c[0]) % 360) + 360) % 360 / 360,
S = parseFloat(c[1]) / 100,
L = parseFloat(c[2]) / 100,
// calculate rgb according to the algorithm
// recommended by the CSS3 Color Module
m2 = L <= 0.5 ? L * (S + 1) : L + S - L * S,
m1 = 2 * L - m2;
a = [
hue2rgb(m1, m2, H + 1 / 3) * 256,
hue2rgb(m1, m2, H) * 256,
hue2rgb(m1, m2, H - 1 / 3) * 256,
if(l == 4){ a[3] = c[3]; }
return dojo.colorFromArray(a, obj); // dojo.Color
return null; // dojo.Color
var confine = function(c, low, high){
// summary:
// sanitize a color component by making sure it is a number,
// and clamping it to valid values
c = Number(c);
return isNaN(c) ? high : c < low ? low : c > high ? high : c; // Number
dojo.Color.prototype.sanitize = function(){
// summary: makes sure that the object has correct attributes
var t = this;
t.r = Math.round(confine(t.r, 0, 255));
t.g = Math.round(confine(t.g, 0, 255));
t.b = Math.round(confine(t.b, 0, 255));
t.a = confine(t.a, 0, 1);
return this; // dojo.Color
dojo.colors.makeGrey = function(/*Number*/ g, /*Number?*/ a){
// summary: creates a greyscale color with an optional alpha
return dojo.colorFromArray([g, g, g, a]);
// mixin all CSS3 named colors not already in _base, along with SVG 1.0 variant spellings
dojo.mixin(dojo.Color.named, {
aliceblue: [240,248,255],
antiquewhite: [250,235,215],
aquamarine: [127,255,212],
azure: [240,255,255],
beige: [245,245,220],
bisque: [255,228,196],
blanchedalmond: [255,235,205],
blueviolet: [138,43,226],
brown: [165,42,42],
burlywood: [222,184,135],
cadetblue: [95,158,160],
chartreuse: [127,255,0],
chocolate: [210,105,30],
coral: [255,127,80],
cornflowerblue: [100,149,237],
cornsilk: [255,248,220],
crimson: [220,20,60],
cyan: [0,255,255],
darkblue: [0,0,139],
darkcyan: [0,139,139],
darkgoldenrod: [184,134,11],
darkgray: [169,169,169],
darkgreen: [0,100,0],
darkgrey: [169,169,169],
darkkhaki: [189,183,107],
darkmagenta: [139,0,139],
darkolivegreen: [85,107,47],
darkorange: [255,140,0],
darkorchid: [153,50,204],
darkred: [139,0,0],
darksalmon: [233,150,122],
darkseagreen: [143,188,143],
darkslateblue: [72,61,139],
darkslategray: [47,79,79],
darkslategrey: [47,79,79],
darkturquoise: [0,206,209],
darkviolet: [148,0,211],
deeppink: [255,20,147],
deepskyblue: [0,191,255],
dimgray: [105,105,105],
dimgrey: [105,105,105],
dodgerblue: [30,144,255],
firebrick: [178,34,34],
floralwhite: [255,250,240],
forestgreen: [34,139,34],
gainsboro: [220,220,220],
ghostwhite: [248,248,255],
gold: [255,215,0],
goldenrod: [218,165,32],
greenyellow: [173,255,47],
grey: [128,128,128],
honeydew: [240,255,240],
hotpink: [255,105,180],
indianred: [205,92,92],
indigo: [75,0,130],
ivory: [255,255,240],
khaki: [240,230,140],
lavender: [230,230,250],
lavenderblush: [255,240,245],
lawngreen: [124,252,0],
lemonchiffon: [255,250,205],
lightblue: [173,216,230],
lightcoral: [240,128,128],
lightcyan: [224,255,255],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250,250,210],
lightgray: [211,211,211],
lightgreen: [144,238,144],
lightgrey: [211,211,211],
lightpink: [255,182,193],
lightsalmon: [255,160,122],
lightseagreen: [32,178,170],
lightskyblue: [135,206,250],
lightslategray: [119,136,153],
lightslategrey: [119,136,153],
lightsteelblue: [176,196,222],
lightyellow: [255,255,224],
limegreen: [50,205,50],
linen: [250,240,230],
magenta: [255,0,255],
mediumaquamarine: [102,205,170],
mediumblue: [0,0,205],
mediumorchid: [186,85,211],
mediumpurple: [147,112,219],
mediumseagreen: [60,179,113],
mediumslateblue: [123,104,238],
mediumspringgreen: [0,250,154],
mediumturquoise: [72,209,204],
mediumvioletred: [199,21,133],
midnightblue: [25,25,112],
mintcream: [245,255,250],
mistyrose: [255,228,225],
moccasin: [255,228,181],
navajowhite: [255,222,173],
oldlace: [253,245,230],
olivedrab: [107,142,35],
orange: [255,165,0],
orangered: [255,69,0],
orchid: [218,112,214],
palegoldenrod: [238,232,170],
palegreen: [152,251,152],
paleturquoise: [175,238,238],
palevioletred: [219,112,147],
papayawhip: [255,239,213],
peachpuff: [255,218,185],
peru: [205,133,63],
pink: [255,192,203],
plum: [221,160,221],
powderblue: [176,224,230],
rosybrown: [188,143,143],
royalblue: [65,105,225],
saddlebrown: [139,69,19],
salmon: [250,128,114],
sandybrown: [244,164,96],
seagreen: [46,139,87],
seashell: [255,245,238],
sienna: [160,82,45],
skyblue: [135,206,235],
slateblue: [106,90,205],
slategray: [112,128,144],
slategrey: [112,128,144],
snow: [255,250,250],
springgreen: [0,255,127],
steelblue: [70,130,180],
tan: [210,180,140],
thistle: [216,191,216],
tomato: [255,99,71],
transparent: [0, 0, 0, 0],
turquoise: [64,224,208],
violet: [238,130,238],
wheat: [245,222,179],
whitesmoke: [245,245,245],
yellowgreen: [154,205,50]
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color._base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.color._base"] = true;
// alias all the dojo.Color mechanisms
// alias the dojo.colors mechanisms
// static methods
dojo.mixin(dojox.color, {
fromCmy: function(/* Object|Array|int */cyan, /*int*/magenta, /*int*/yellow){
// summary
// Create a dojox.color.Color from a CMY defined color.
// All colors should be expressed as 0-100 (percentage)
magenta=cyan[1], yellow=cyan[2], cyan=cyan[0];
} else if(dojo.isObject(cyan)){
magenta=cyan.m, yellow=cyan.y, cyan=cyan.c;
cyan/=100, magenta/=100, yellow/=100;
var r=1-cyan, g=1-magenta, b=1-yellow;
return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
fromCmyk: function(/* Object|Array|int */cyan, /*int*/magenta, /*int*/yellow, /*int*/black){
// summary
// Create a dojox.color.Color from a CMYK defined color.
// All colors should be expressed as 0-100 (percentage)
magenta=cyan[1], yellow=cyan[2], black=cyan[3], cyan=cyan[0];
} else if(dojo.isObject(cyan)){
magenta=cyan.m, yellow=cyan.y, black=cyan.b, cyan=cyan.c;
cyan/=100, magenta/=100, yellow/=100, black/=100;
var r,g,b;
r = 1-Math.min(1, cyan*(1-black)+black);
g = 1-Math.min(1, magenta*(1-black)+black);
b = 1-Math.min(1, yellow*(1-black)+black);
return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
fromHsl: function(/* Object|Array|int */hue, /* int */saturation, /* int */luminosity){
// summary
// Create a dojox.color.Color from an HSL defined color.
// hue from 0-359 (degrees), saturation and luminosity 0-100.
saturation=hue[1], luminosity=hue[2], hue=hue[0];
} else if(dojo.isObject(hue)){
saturation=hue.s, luminosity=hue.l, hue=hue.h;
while(hue<0){ hue+=360; }
while(hue>=360){ hue-=360; }
var r, g, b;
r=(120-hue)/60, g=hue/60, b=0;
} else if (hue<240){
r=0, g=(240-hue)/60, b=(hue-120)/60;
} else {
r=(hue-240)/60, g=0, b=(360-hue)/60;
r=2*saturation*Math.min(r, 1)+(1-saturation);
g=2*saturation*Math.min(g, 1)+(1-saturation);
b=2*saturation*Math.min(b, 1)+(1-saturation);
r*=luminosity, g*=luminosity, b*=luminosity;
return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
fromHsv: function(/* Object|Array|int */hue, /* int */saturation, /* int */value){
// summary
// Create a dojox.color.Color from an HSV defined color.
// hue from 0-359 (degrees), saturation and value 0-100.
saturation=hue[1], value=hue[2], hue=hue[0];
} else if (dojo.isObject(hue)){
saturation=hue.s, value=hue.v, hue=hue.h;
if(hue==360){ hue=0; }
var r, g, b;
r=value, b=value, g=value;
var hTemp=hue/60, i=Math.floor(hTemp), f=hTemp-i;
var p=value*(1-saturation);
var q=value*(1-(saturation*f));
var t=value*(1-(saturation*(1-f)));
case 0:{ r=value, g=t, b=p; break; }
case 1:{ r=q, g=value, b=p; break; }
case 2:{ r=p, g=value, b=t; break; }
case 3:{ r=p, g=q, b=value; break; }
case 4:{ r=t, g=p, b=value; break; }
case 5:{ r=value, g=p, b=q; break; }
return new dojox.color.Color({ r:Math.round(r*255), g:Math.round(g*255), b:Math.round(b*255) }); // dojox.color.Color
// Conversions directly on dojox.color.Color
dojo.extend(dojox.color.Color, {
toCmy: function(){
// summary
// Convert this Color to a CMY definition.
var cyan=1-(this.r/255), magenta=1-(this.g/255), yellow=1-(this.b/255);
return { c:Math.round(cyan*100), m:Math.round(magenta*100), y:Math.round(yellow*100) }; // Object
toCmyk: function(){
// summary
// Convert this Color to a CMYK definition.
var cyan, magenta, yellow, black;
var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
black = Math.min(1-r, 1-g, 1-b);
cyan = (1-r-black)/(1-black);
magenta = (1-g-black)/(1-black);
yellow = (1-b-black)/(1-black);
return { c:Math.round(cyan*100), m:Math.round(magenta*100), y:Math.round(yellow*100), b:Math.round(black*100) }; // Object
toHsl: function(){
// summary
// Convert this Color to an HSL definition.
var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
var min = Math.min(r, b, g), max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var delta = max-min;
var h=0, s=0, l=(min+max)/2;
if(l>0 && l<1){
s = delta/((l<0.5)?(2*l):(2-2*l));
if(max==r && max!=g){
if(max==g && max!=b){
if(max==b && max!=r){
return { h:h, s:Math.round(s*100), l:Math.round(l*100) }; // Object
toHsv: function(){
// summary
// Convert this Color to an HSV definition.
var r=this.r/255, g=this.g/255, b=this.b/255;
var min = Math.min(r, b, g), max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var delta = max-min;
var h = null, s = (max==0)?0:(delta/max);
h = 0;
h = 60*(g-b)/delta;
}else if(g==max){
h = 120 + 60*(b-r)/delta;
h = 240 + 60*(r-g)/delta;
if(h<0){ h+=360; }
return { h:h, s:Math.round(s*100), v:Math.round(max*100) }; // Object
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.color"] = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Palette"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.color.Palette"] = true;
var dxc = dojox.color;
* dojox.color.Palette
* The Palette object is loosely based on the color palettes
* at Kuler (http://kuler.adobe.com). They are 5 color palettes
* with the base color considered to be the third color in the
* palette (for generation purposes).
* Palettes can be generated from well-known algorithms or they
* can be manually created by passing an array to the constructor.
* Palettes can be transformed, using a set of specific params
* similar to the way shapes can be transformed with dojox.gfx.
* However, unlike with transformations in dojox.gfx, transforming
* a palette will return you a new Palette object, in effect
* a clone of the original.
// ctor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
dxc.Palette = function(/* String|Array|dojox.color.Color|dojox.color.Palette */base){
// summary:
// An object that represents a palette of colors.
// description:
// A Palette is a representation of a set of colors. While the standard
// number of colors contained in a palette is 5, it can really handle any
// number of colors.
// A palette is useful for the ability to transform all the colors in it
// using a simple object-based approach. In addition, you can generate
// palettes using dojox.color.Palette.generate; these generated palettes
// are based on the palette generators at http://kuler.adobe.com.
// colors: dojox.color.Color[]
// The actual color references in this palette.
this.colors = [];
if(base instanceof dojox.color.Palette){
this.colors = base.colors.slice(0);
else if(base instanceof dojox.color.Color){
this.colors = [ null, null, base, null, null ];
else if(dojo.isArray(base)){
this.colors = dojo.map(base.slice(0), function(item){
if(dojo.isString(item)){ return new dojox.color.Color(item); }
return item;
else if (dojo.isString(base)){
this.colors = [ null, null, new dojox.color.Color(base), null, null ];
// private functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
// transformations
function tRGBA(p, param, val){
var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
ret.colors = [];
dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
var r=(param=="dr")?item.r+val:item.r,
ret.colors.push(new dojox.color.Color({
r: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, r)),
g: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, g)),
b: Math.min(255, Math.max(0, b)),
a: Math.min(1, Math.max(0, a))
return ret;
function tCMY(p, param, val){
var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
ret.colors = [];
dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
var o=item.toCmy(),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, c)),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, m)),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, y))
return ret;
function tCMYK(p, param, val){
var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
ret.colors = [];
dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
var o=item.toCmyk(),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, c)),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, m)),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, y)),
Math.min(100, Math.max(0, k))
return ret;
function tHSL(p, param, val){
var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
ret.colors = [];
dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
var o=item.toHsl(),
ret.colors.push(dojox.color.fromHsl(h%360, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, s)), Math.min(100, Math.max(0, l))));
return ret;
function tHSV(p, param, val){
var ret = new dojox.color.Palette();
ret.colors = [];
dojo.forEach(p.colors, function(item){
var o=item.toHsv(),
ret.colors.push(dojox.color.fromHsv(h%360, Math.min(100, Math.max(0, s)), Math.min(100, Math.max(0, v))));
return ret;
// helper functions
function rangeDiff(val, low, high){
// given the value in a range from 0 to high, find the equiv
// using the range low to high.
return high-((high-val)*((high-low)/high));
// object methods ---------------------------------------------------------------
dojo.extend(dxc.Palette, {
transform: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__transformArgs */kwArgs){
// summary:
// Transform the palette using a specific transformation function
// and a set of transformation parameters.
// description:
// {palette}.transform is a simple way to uniformly transform
// all of the colors in a palette using any of 5 formulae:
// Once the forumula to be used is determined, you can pass any
// number of parameters based on the formula "d"[param]; for instance,
// { use: "rgba", dr: 20, dg: -50 } will take all of the colors in
// palette, add 20 to the R value and subtract 50 from the G value.
// Unlike other types of transformations, transform does *not* alter
// the original palette but will instead return a new one.
var fn=tRGBA; // the default transform function.
// we are being specific about the algo we want to use.
var use=kwArgs.use.toLowerCase();
if(use.charAt(2)=="l"){ fn=tHSL; }
else { fn=tHSV; }
else if(use.indexOf("cmy")==0){
if(use.charAt(3)=="k"){ fn=tCMYK; }
else { fn=tCMY; }
// try to guess the best choice.
else if("dc" in kwArgs || "dm" in kwArgs || "dy" in kwArgs){
if("dk" in kwArgs){ fn = tCMYK; }
else { fn = tCMY; }
else if("dh" in kwArgs || "ds" in kwArgs){
if("dv" in kwArgs){ fn = tHSV; }
else { fn = tHSL; }
var palette = this;
for(var p in kwArgs){
// ignore use
if(p=="use"){ continue; }
palette = fn(palette, p, kwArgs[p]);
return palette; // dojox.color.Palette
clone: function(){
// summary:
// Clones the current palette.
return new dxc.Palette(this); // dojox.color.Palette
dojox.color.Palette.__transformArgs = function(use, dr, dg, db, da, dc, dm, dy, dk, dh, ds, dv, dl){
// summary:
// The keywords argument to be passed to the dojox.color.Palette.transform function. Note that
// while all arguments are optional, *some* arguments must be passed. The basic concept is that
// you pass a delta value for a specific aspect of a color model (or multiple aspects of the same
// color model); for instance, if you wish to transform a palette based on the HSV color model,
// you would pass one of "dh", "ds", or "dv" as a value.
// use: String?
// Specify the color model to use for the transformation. Can be "rgb", "rgba", "hsv", "hsl", "cmy", "cmyk".
// dr: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the red aspect of the RGB/RGBA color model.
// dg: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the green aspect of the RGB/RGBA color model.
// db: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the blue aspect of the RGB/RGBA color model.
// da: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the alpha aspect of the RGBA color model.
// dc: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the cyan aspect of the CMY/CMYK color model.
// dm: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the magenta aspect of the CMY/CMYK color model.
// dy: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the yellow aspect of the CMY/CMYK color model.
// dk: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the black aspect of the CMYK color model.
// dh: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the hue aspect of the HSL/HSV color model.
// ds: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the saturation aspect of the HSL/HSV color model.
// dl: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the luminosity aspect of the HSL color model.
// dv: Number?
// The delta to be applied to the value aspect of the HSV color model.
this.use = use;
this.dr = dr;
this.dg = dg;
this.db = db;
this.da = da;
this.dc = dc;
this.dm = dm;
this.dy = dy;
this.dk = dk;
this.dh = dh;
this.ds = ds;
this.dl = dl;
this.dv = dv;
dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs = function(base){
// summary:
// The keyword arguments object used to create a palette based on a base color.
// base: dojo.Color
// The base color to be used to generate the palette.
this.base = base;
dojox.color.Palette.__analogousArgs = function(base, high, low){
// summary:
// The keyword arguments object that is used to create a 5 color palette based on the
// analogous rules as implemented at http://kuler.adobe.com, using the HSV color model.
// base: dojo.Color
// The base color to be used to generate the palette.
// high: Number?
// The difference between the hue of the base color and the highest hue. In degrees, default is 60.
// low: Number?
// The difference between the hue of the base color and the lowest hue. In degrees, default is 18.
this.base = base;
this.high = high;
this.low = low;
dojox.color.Palette.__splitComplementaryArgs = function(base, da){
// summary:
// The keyword arguments object used to create a palette based on the split complementary rules
// as implemented at http://kuler.adobe.com.
// base: dojo.Color
// The base color to be used to generate the palette.
// da: Number?
// The delta angle to be used to determine where the split for the complementary rules happen.
// In degrees, the default is 30.
this.base = base;
this.da = da;
dojo.mixin(dxc.Palette, {
generators: {
analogous:function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__analogousArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the analogous rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var high=args.high||60, // delta between base hue and highest hue (subtracted from base)
low=args.low||18, // delta between base hue and lowest hue (added to base)
base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
// generate our hue angle differences
var h=[
var s1=Math.max(10, (hsv.s<=95)?hsv.s+5:(100-(hsv.s-95))),
v1=(hsv.v>=92)?hsv.v-9:Math.max(hsv.v+9, 20),
v2=(hsv.v<=90)?Math.max(hsv.v+5, 20):(95+Math.ceil((hsv.v-90)/2)),
s=[ s1, s2, hsv.s, s1, s1 ],
v=[ v1, v2, hsv.v, v1, v2 ]
return new dxc.Palette(dojo.map(h, function(hue, i){
return dojox.color.fromHsv(hue, s[i], v[i]);
})); // dojox.color.Palette
monochromatic: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the monochromatic rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
hsv = base.toHsv();
// figure out the saturation and value
var s1 = (hsv.s-30>9)?hsv.s-30:hsv.s+30,
s2 = hsv.s,
v1 = rangeDiff(hsv.v, 20, 100),
v2 = (hsv.v-20>20)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+60,
v3 = (hsv.v-50>20)?hsv.v-50:hsv.v+30;
return new dxc.Palette([
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v1),
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v3),
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v3),
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
triadic: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the triadic rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
hsv = base.toHsv();
var h1 = (hsv.h+57+360)%360,
h2 = (hsv.h-157+360)%360,
s1 = (hsv.s>20)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
s2 = (hsv.s>90)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
s3 = (hsv.s>95)?hsv.s-5:hsv.s+5,
v1 = (hsv.v-20>20)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+20,
v2 = (hsv.v-30>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30,
v3 = (hsv.v-30>70)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;
return new dxc.Palette([
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, hsv.v),
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s2, v1),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v3)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
complementary: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the complementary rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
hsv = base.toHsv();
var h1 = ((hsv.h*2)+137<360)?(hsv.h*2)+137:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-137,
s1 = Math.max(hsv.s-10, 0),
s2 = rangeDiff(hsv.s, 10, 100),
s3 = Math.min(100, hsv.s+20),
v1 = Math.min(100, hsv.v+30),
v2 = (hsv.v>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;
return new dxc.Palette([
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s1, v1),
dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s2, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s3, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, hsv.s, hsv.v)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
splitComplementary: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__splitComplementaryArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the split complementary rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
dangle = args.da || 30,
hsv = base.toHsv();
var baseh = ((hsv.h*2)+137<360)?(hsv.h*2)+137:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-137,
h1 = (baseh-dangle+360)%360,
h2 = (baseh+dangle)%360,
s1 = Math.max(hsv.s-10, 0),
s2 = rangeDiff(hsv.s, 10, 100),
s3 = Math.min(100, hsv.s+20),
v1 = Math.min(100, hsv.v+30),
v2 = (hsv.v>20)?hsv.v-30:hsv.v+30;
return new dxc.Palette([
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, v1),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s2, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, hsv.s, hsv.v)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
compound: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the compound rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
hsv = base.toHsv();
var h1 = ((hsv.h*2)+18<360)?(hsv.h*2)+18:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-18,
h2 = ((hsv.h*2)+120<360)?(hsv.h*2)+120:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-120,
h3 = ((hsv.h*2)+99<360)?(hsv.h*2)+99:Math.floor(hsv.h/2)-99,
s1 = (hsv.s-40>10)?hsv.s-40:hsv.s+40,
s2 = (hsv.s-10>80)?hsv.s-10:hsv.s+10,
s3 = (hsv.s-25>10)?hsv.s-25:hsv.s+25,
v1 = (hsv.v-40>10)?hsv.v-40:hsv.v+40,
v2 = (hsv.v-20>80)?hsv.v-20:hsv.v+20,
v3 = Math.max(hsv.v, 20);
return new dxc.Palette([
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s1, v1),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h1, s2, v2),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h2, s3, v3),
dojox.color.fromHsv(h3, s2, v2)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
shades: function(/* dojox.color.Palette.__generatorArgs */args){
// summary:
// Create a 5 color palette based on the shades rules as implemented at
// http://kuler.adobe.com.
var base = dojo.isString(args.base)?new dojox.color.Color(args.base):args.base,
hsv = base.toHsv();
var s = (hsv.s==100 && hsv.v==0)?0:hsv.s,
v1 = (hsv.v-50>20)?hsv.v-50:hsv.v+30,
v2 = (hsv.v-25>=20)?hsv.v-25:hsv.v+55,
v3 = (hsv.v-75>=20)?hsv.v-75:hsv.v+5,
v4 = Math.max(hsv.v-10, 20);
return new dxc.Palette([
new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v1),
new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v2),
new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v3),
new dojox.color.fromHsv(hsv.h, s, v4)
]); // dojox.color.Palette
generate: function(/* String|dojox.color.Color */base, /* Function|String */type){
// summary:
// Generate a new Palette using any of the named functions in
// dojox.color.Palette.generators or an optional function definition. Current
// generators include "analogous", "monochromatic", "triadic", "complementary",
// "splitComplementary", and "shades".
return type({ base: base }); // dojox.color.Palette
else if(dxc.Palette.generators[type]){
return dxc.Palette.generators[type]({ base: base }); // dojox.color.Palette
throw new Error("dojox.color.Palette.generate: the specified generator ('" + type + "') does not exist.");
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.utils"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.utils"] = true;
var empty = {}, du = dojox.lang.utils, opts = Object.prototype.toString;
var clone = function(o){
case "[object Array]":
return o.slice(0);
case "[object Object]":
return dojo.delegate(o);
return o;
dojo.mixin(du, {
coerceType: function(target, source){
// summary: Coerces one object to the type of another.
// target: Object: object, which typeof result is used to coerce "source" object.
// source: Object: object, which will be forced to change type.
switch(typeof target){
case "number": return Number(eval("(" + source + ")"));
case "string": return String(source);
case "boolean": return Boolean(eval("(" + source + ")"));
return eval("(" + source + ")");
updateWithObject: function(target, source, conv){
// summary: Updates an existing object in place with properties from an "source" object.
// target: Object: the "target" object to be updated
// source: Object: the "source" object, whose properties will be used to source the existed object.
// conv: Boolean?: force conversion to the original type
if(!source){ return target; }
for(var x in target){
if(x in source && !(x in empty)){
var t = target[x];
if(t && typeof t == "object"){
du.updateWithObject(t, source[x], conv);
target[x] = conv ? du.coerceType(t, source[x]) : clone(source[x]);
return target; // Object
updateWithPattern: function(target, source, pattern, conv){
// summary: Updates an existing object in place with properties from an "source" object.
// target: Object: the "target" object to be updated
// source: Object: the "source" object, whose properties will be used to source the existed object.
// pattern: Object: object, whose properties will be used to pull values from the "source"
// conv: Boolean?: force conversion to the original type
if(!source || !pattern){ return target; }
for(var x in pattern){
if(x in source && !(x in empty)){
target[x] = conv ? du.coerceType(pattern[x], source[x]) : clone(source[x]);
return target; // Object
merge: function(object, mixin){
// summary: Merge two objects structurally, mixin properties will override object's properties.
// object: Object: original object.
// mixin: Object: additional object, which properties will override object's properties.
var otype = opts.call(object), mtype = opts.call(mixin), t, i, l, m;
case "[object Array]":
if(mtype == otype){
t = new Array(Math.max(object.length, mixin.length));
for(i = 0, l = t.length; i < l; ++i){
t[i] = du.merge(object[i], mixin[i]);
return t;
return mixin.slice(0);
case "[object Object]":
if(mtype == otype && object){
t = dojo.delegate(object);
for(i in mixin){
if(i in object){
l = object[i];
m = mixin[i];
if(m !== l){
t[i] = du.merge(l, m);
t[i] = dojo.clone(mixin[i]);
return t;
return dojo.clone(mixin);
return mixin;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.gradutils"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.gradutils"] = true;
// Various generic utilities to deal with a linear gradient
var d = dojo, m = dojox.gfx.matrix, C = d.Color;
function findColor(o, c){
if(o <= 0){
return c[0].color;
var len = c.length;
if(o >= 1){
return c[len - 1].color;
//TODO: use binary search
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i){
var stop = c[i];
if(stop.offset >= o){
var prev = c[i - 1];
return d.blendColors(new C(prev.color), new C(stop.color),
(o - prev.offset) / (stop.offset - prev.offset));
return stop.color;
return c[len - 1].color;
dojox.gfx.gradutils.getColor = function(fill, pt){
// summary:
// sample a color from a gradient using a point
// fill: Object:
// fill object
// pt: dojox.gfx.Point:
// point where to sample a color
var o;
case "linear":
var angle = Math.atan2(fill.y2 - fill.y1, fill.x2 - fill.x1),
rotation = m.rotate(-angle),
projection = m.project(fill.x2 - fill.x1, fill.y2 - fill.y1),
p = m.multiplyPoint(projection, pt),
pf1 = m.multiplyPoint(projection, fill.x1, fill.y1),
pf2 = m.multiplyPoint(projection, fill.x2, fill.y2),
scale = m.multiplyPoint(rotation, pf2.x - pf1.x, pf2.y - pf1.y).x,
o = m.multiplyPoint(rotation, p.x - pf1.x, p.y - pf1.y).x / scale;
case "radial":
var dx = pt.x - fill.cx, dy = pt.y - fill.cy,
o = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / fill.r;
return findColor(o, fill.colors); // dojo.Color
// simple color
return new C(fill || [0, 0, 0, 0]); // dojo.Color
dojox.gfx.gradutils.reverse = function(fill){
// summary:
// reverses a gradient
// fill: Object:
// fill object
case "linear":
case "radial":
fill = dojo.delegate(fill);
var c = fill.colors, l = c.length, i = 0, stop,
n = fill.colors = new Array(c.length);
for(; i < l; ++i){
stop = c[i];
n[i] = {
offset: 1 - stop.offset,
color: stop.color
n.sort(function(a, b){ return a.offset - b.offset; });
return fill; // Object
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Theme"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Theme"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Theme", null, {
// summary:
// A Theme is a pre-defined object, primarily JSON-based, that makes up the definitions to
// style a chart.
// description:
// While you can set up style definitions on a chart directly (usually through the various add methods
// on a dojox.charting.Chart2D object), a Theme simplifies this manual setup by allowing you to
// pre-define all of the various visual parameters of each element in a chart.
// Most of the properties of a Theme are straight-forward; if something is line-based (such as
// an axis or the ticks on an axis), they will be defined using basic stroke parameters. Likewise,
// if an element is primarily block-based (such as the background of a chart), it will be primarily
// fill-based.
// In addition (for convenience), a Theme definition does not have to contain the entire JSON-based
// structure. Each theme is built on top of a default theme (which serves as the basis for the theme
// "GreySkies"), and is mixed into the default theme object. This allows you to create a theme based,
// say, solely on colors for data series.
// Defining a new theme is relatively easy; see any of the themes in dojox.charting.themes for examples
// on how to define your own.
// When you set a theme on a chart, the theme itself is deep-cloned. This means that you cannot alter
// the theme itself after setting the theme value on a chart, and expect it to change your chart. If you
// are looking to make alterations to a theme for a chart, the suggestion would be to create your own
// theme, based on the one you want to use, that makes those alterations before it is applied to a chart.
// Finally, a Theme contains a number of functions to facilitate rendering operations on a chart--the main
// helper of which is the ~next~ method, in which a chart asks for the information for the next data series
// to be rendered.
// A note on colors:
// The Theme constructor was on the use of dojox.color.Palette (in general) for creating a visually distinct
// set of colors for usage in a chart. A palette is usually comprised of 5 different color definitions, and
// no more. If you have a need to render a chart with more than 5 data elements, you can simply "push"
// new color definitions into the theme's .color array. Make sure that you do that with the actual
// theme object from a Chart, and not in the theme itself (i.e. either do that before using .setTheme
// on a chart).
// example:
// The default theme (and structure) looks like so:
// | // all objects are structs used directly in dojox.gfx
// | chart:{
// | stroke: null,
// | fill: "white",
// | pageStyle: null // suggested page style as an object suitable for dojo.style()
// | },
// | plotarea:{
// | stroke: null,
// | fill: "white"
// | },
// | axis:{
// | stroke: { // the axis itself
// | color: "#333",
// | width: 1
// | },
// | tick: { // used as a foundation for all ticks
// | color: "#666",
// | position: "center",
// | font: "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma", // labels on axis
// | fontColor: "#333" // color of labels
// | },
// | majorTick: { // major ticks on axis, and used for major gridlines
// | width: 1,
// | length: 6
// | },
// | minorTick: { // minor ticks on axis, and used for minor gridlines
// | width: 0.8,
// | length: 3
// | },
// | microTick: { // minor ticks on axis, and used for minor gridlines
// | width: 0.5,
// | length: 1
// | }
// | },
// | series: {
// | stroke: {width: 1.5, color: "#333"}, // line
// | outline: {width: 0.1, color: "#ccc"}, // outline
// | //shadow: {dx: 1, dy: 1, width: 2, color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3]},
// | shadow: null, // no shadow
// | fill: "#ccc", // fill, if appropriate
// | font: "normal normal normal 8pt Tahoma", // if there's a label
// | fontColor: "#000" // color of labels
// | labelWiring: {width: 1, color: "#ccc"}, // connect marker and target data item(slice, column, bar...)
// | },
// | marker: { // any markers on a series
// | symbol: "m-3,3 l3,-6 3,6 z", // symbol
// | stroke: {width: 1.5, color: "#333"}, // stroke
// | outline: {width: 0.1, color: "#ccc"}, // outline
// | shadow: null, // no shadow
// | fill: "#ccc", // fill if needed
// | font: "normal normal normal 8pt Tahoma", // label
// | fontColor: "#000"
// | }
// example:
// Defining a new theme is pretty simple:
// | dojox.charting.themes.Grasslands = new dojox.charting.Theme({
// | colors: [ "#70803a", "#dde574", "#788062", "#b1cc5d", "#eff2c2" ]
// | });
// |
// | myChart.setTheme(dojox.charting.themes.Grasslands);
shapeSpaces: {shape: 1, shapeX: 1, shapeY: 1},
constructor: function(kwArgs){
// summary:
// Initialize a theme using the keyword arguments. Note that the arguments
// look like the example (above), and may include a few more parameters.
kwArgs = kwArgs || {};
// populate theme with defaults updating them if needed
var def = dojox.charting.Theme.defaultTheme;
dojo.forEach(["chart", "plotarea", "axis", "series", "marker"], function(name){
this[name] = dojo.delegate(def[name], kwArgs[name]);
}, this);
// personalize theme
if(kwArgs.seriesThemes && kwArgs.seriesThemes.length){
this.colors = null;
this.seriesThemes = kwArgs.seriesThemes.slice(0);
this.seriesThemes = null;
this.colors = (kwArgs.colors || dojox.charting.Theme.defaultColors).slice(0);
this.markerThemes = null;
if(kwArgs.markerThemes && kwArgs.markerThemes.length){
this.markerThemes = kwArgs.markerThemes.slice(0);
this.markers = kwArgs.markers ? dojo.clone(kwArgs.markers) : dojo.delegate(dojox.charting.Theme.defaultMarkers);
// set flags
this.noGradConv = kwArgs.noGradConv;
this.noRadialConv = kwArgs.noRadialConv;
// private housekeeping
this._current = 0;
clone: function(){
// summary:
// Clone the current theme.
// returns: dojox.charting.Theme
// The cloned theme; any alterations made will not affect the original.
var theme = new dojox.charting.Theme({
// theme components
chart: this.chart,
plotarea: this.plotarea,
axis: this.axis,
series: this.series,
marker: this.marker,
// individual arrays
colors: this.colors,
markers: this.markers,
seriesThemes: this.seriesThemes,
markerThemes: this.markerThemes,
// flags
noGradConv: this.noGradConv,
noRadialConv: this.noRadialConv
// copy custom methods
["clone", "clear", "next", "skip", "addMixin", "post", "getTick"],
theme[name] = this[name];
return theme; // dojox.charting.Theme
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear and reset the internal pointer to start fresh.
this._current = 0;
next: function(elementType, mixin, doPost){
// summary:
// Get the next color or series theme.
// elementType: String?
// An optional element type (for use with series themes)
// mixin: Object?
// An optional object to mix into the theme.
// doPost: Boolean?
// A flag to post-process the results.
// returns: Object
// An object of the structure { series, marker, symbol }
var merge = dojox.lang.utils.merge, series, marker;
series = dojo.delegate(this.series);
marker = dojo.delegate(this.marker);
var color = new dojo.Color(this.colors[this._current % this.colors.length]), old;
// modify the stroke
if(series.stroke && series.stroke.color){
series.stroke = dojo.delegate(series.stroke);
old = new dojo.Color(series.stroke.color);
series.stroke.color = new dojo.Color(color);
series.stroke.color.a = old.a;
series.stroke = {color: color};
if(marker.stroke && marker.stroke.color){
marker.stroke = dojo.delegate(marker.stroke);
old = new dojo.Color(marker.stroke.color);
marker.stroke.color = new dojo.Color(color);
marker.stroke.color.a = old.a;
marker.stroke = {color: color};
// modify the fill
if(!series.fill || series.fill.type){
series.fill = color;
old = new dojo.Color(series.fill);
series.fill = new dojo.Color(color);
series.fill.a = old.a;
if(!marker.fill || marker.fill.type){
marker.fill = color;
old = new dojo.Color(marker.fill);
marker.fill = new dojo.Color(color);
marker.fill.a = old.a;
series = this.seriesThemes ?
merge(this.series, this.seriesThemes[this._current % this.seriesThemes.length]) :
marker = this.markerThemes ?
merge(this.marker, this.markerThemes[this._current % this.markerThemes.length]) :
var symbol = marker && marker.symbol || this._markers[this._current % this._markers.length];
var theme = {series: series, marker: marker, symbol: symbol};
// advance the counter
theme = this.addMixin(theme, elementType, mixin);
theme = this.post(theme, elementType);
return theme; // Object
skip: function(){
// summary:
// Skip the next internal color.
addMixin: function(theme, elementType, mixin, doPost){
// summary:
// Add a mixin object to the passed theme and process.
// theme: dojox.charting.Theme
// The theme to mixin to.
// elementType: String
// The type of element in question. Can be "line", "bar" or "circle"
// mixin: Object|Array
// The object or objects to mix into the theme.
// doPost: Boolean
// If true, run the new theme through the post-processor.
// returns: dojox.charting.Theme
// The new theme.
dojo.forEach(mixin, function(m){
theme = this.addMixin(theme, elementType, m);
}, this);
var t = {};
if("color" in mixin){
if(elementType == "line" || elementType == "area"){
dojo.setObject("series.stroke.color", mixin.color, t);
dojo.setObject("marker.stroke.color", mixin.color, t);
dojo.setObject("series.fill", mixin.color, t);
dojo.forEach(["stroke", "outline", "shadow", "fill", "font", "fontColor", "labelWiring"], function(name){
var markerName = "marker" + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substr(1),
b = markerName in mixin;
if(name in mixin){
dojo.setObject("series." + name, mixin[name], t);
dojo.setObject("marker." + name, mixin[name], t);
dojo.setObject("marker." + name, mixin[markerName], t);
if("marker" in mixin){
t.symbol = mixin.marker;
theme = dojox.lang.utils.merge(theme, t);
theme = this.post(theme, elementType);
return theme; // dojox.charting.Theme
post: function(theme, elementType){
// summary:
// Process any post-shape fills.
// theme: dojox.charting.Theme
// The theme to post process with.
// elementType: String
// The type of element being filled. Can be "bar" or "circle".
// returns: dojox.charting.Theme
// The post-processed theme.
var fill = theme.series.fill, t;
if(!this.noGradConv && this.shapeSpaces[fill.space] && fill.type == "linear"){
if(elementType == "bar"){
// transpose start and end points
t = {
x1: fill.y1,
y1: fill.x1,
x2: fill.y2,
y2: fill.x2
}else if(!this.noRadialConv && fill.space == "shape" && (elementType == "slice" || elementType == "circle")){
// switch to radial
t = {
type: "radial",
cx: 0,
cy: 0,
r: 100
return dojox.lang.utils.merge(theme, {series: {fill: t}});
return theme; // dojox.charting.Theme
getTick: function(name, mixin){
// summary:
// Calculates and merges tick parameters.
// name: String
// Tick name, can be "major", "minor", or "micro".
// mixin: Object?
// Optional object to mix in to the tick.
var tick = this.axis.tick, tickName = name + "Tick";
merge = dojox.lang.utils.merge;
tick = merge(tick, this.axis[tickName]);
tick = this.axis[tickName];
tick = merge(tick, mixin[tickName]);
tick = mixin[tickName];
return tick; // Object
inspectObjects: function(f){
dojo.forEach(["chart", "plotarea", "axis", "series", "marker"], function(name){
}, this);
dojo.forEach(this.seriesThemes, f);
dojo.forEach(this.markerThemes, f);
reverseFills: function(){
if(o && o.fill){
o.fill = dojox.gfx.gradutils.reverse(o.fill);
addMarker:function(/*String*/ name, /*String*/ segment){
// summary:
// Add a custom marker to this theme.
// example:
// | myTheme.addMarker("Ellipse", foo);
this.markers[name] = segment;
setMarkers:function(/*Object*/ obj){
// summary:
// Set all the markers of this theme at once. obj should be a
// dictionary of keys and path segments.
// example:
// | myTheme.setMarkers({ "CIRCLE": foo });
this.markers = obj;
_buildMarkerArray: function(){
this._markers = [];
for(var p in this.markers){
dojox.charting.Theme.__DefineColorArgs = function(num, colors, hue, saturation, low, high, base, generator){
// summary:
// The arguments object that can be passed to define colors for a theme.
// num: Number?
// The number of colors to generate. Defaults to 5.
// colors: String[]|dojo.Color[]?
// A pre-defined set of colors; this is passed through to the Theme directly.
// hue: Number?
// A hue to base the generated colors from (a number from 0 - 359).
// saturation: Number?
// If a hue is passed, this is used for the saturation value (0 - 100).
// low: Number?
// An optional value to determine the lowest value used to generate a color (HSV model)
// high: Number?
// An optional value to determine the highest value used to generate a color (HSV model)
// base: String|dojo.Color?
// A base color to use if we are defining colors using dojox.color.Palette
// generator: String?
// The generator function name from dojox.color.Palette.
this.num = num;
this.colors = colors;
this.hue = hue;
this.saturation = saturation;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
this.base = base;
this.generator = generator;
dojo.mixin(dojox.charting.Theme, {
defaultMarkers: {
CIRCLE: "m-3,0 c0,-4 6,-4 6,0 m-6,0 c0,4 6,4 6,0",
SQUARE: "m-3,-3 l0,6 6,0 0,-6 z",
DIAMOND: "m0,-3 l3,3 -3,3 -3,-3 z",
CROSS: "m0,-3 l0,6 m-3,-3 l6,0",
X: "m-3,-3 l6,6 m0,-6 l-6,6",
TRIANGLE: "m-3,3 l3,-6 3,6 z",
TRIANGLE_INVERTED: "m-3,-3 l3,6 3,-6 z"
// gray skies
"#54544c", "#858e94", "#6e767a", "#948585", "#474747"
defaultTheme: {
// all objects are structs used directly in dojox.gfx
stroke: null,
fill: "white",
pageStyle: null,
titleGap: 20,
titlePos: "top",
titleFont: "normal normal bold 14pt Tahoma", // labels on axis
titleFontColor: "#333"
stroke: null,
fill: "white"
// TODO: label rotation on axis
stroke: { // the axis itself
color: "#333",
width: 1
tick: { // used as a foundation for all ticks
color: "#666",
position: "center",
font: "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma", // labels on axis
fontColor: "#333", // color of labels
titleGap: 15,
titleFont: "normal normal normal 11pt Tahoma", // labels on axis
titleFontColor: "#333", // color of labels
titleOrientation: "axis" // "axis": facing the axis, "away": facing away
majorTick: { // major ticks on axis, and used for major gridlines
width: 1,
length: 6
minorTick: { // minor ticks on axis, and used for minor gridlines
width: 0.8,
length: 3
microTick: { // minor ticks on axis, and used for minor gridlines
width: 0.5,
length: 1
series: {
// used as a "main" theme for series, sThemes augment it
stroke: {width: 1.5, color: "#333"}, // line
outline: {width: 0.1, color: "#ccc"}, // outline
//shadow: {dx: 1, dy: 1, width: 2, color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3]},
shadow: null, // no shadow
fill: "#ccc", // fill, if appropriate
font: "normal normal normal 8pt Tahoma", // if there's a label
fontColor: "#000", // color of labels
labelWiring: {width: 1, color: "#ccc"} // connect marker and target data item(slice, column, bar...)
marker: { // any markers on a series
stroke: {width: 1.5, color: "#333"}, // stroke
outline: {width: 0.1, color: "#ccc"}, // outline
//shadow: {dx: 1, dy: 1, width: 2, color: [0, 0, 0, 0.3]},
shadow: null, // no shadow
fill: "#ccc", // fill if needed
font: "normal normal normal 8pt Tahoma", // label
fontColor: "#000"
defineColors: function(kwArgs){
// summary:
// Generate a set of colors for the theme based on keyword
// arguments.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.Theme.__DefineColorArgs
// The arguments object used to define colors.
// returns: dojo.Color[]
// An array of colors for use in a theme.
// example:
// | var colors = dojox.charting.Theme.defineColors({
// | base: "#369",
// | generator: "compound"
// | });
// example:
// | var colors = dojox.charting.Theme.defineColors({
// | hue: 60,
// | saturation: 90,
// | low: 30,
// | high: 80
// | });
kwArgs = kwArgs || {};
var c = [], n = kwArgs.num || 5; // the number of colors to generate
// we have an array of colors predefined, so fix for the number of series.
var l = kwArgs.colors.length;
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
c.push(kwArgs.colors[i % l]);
return c; // dojo.Color[]
// single hue, generate a set based on brightness
var s = kwArgs.saturation || 100; // saturation
var st = kwArgs.low || 30;
var end = kwArgs.high || 90;
// we'd like it to be a little on the darker side.
var l = (end + st) / 2;
// alternately, use "shades"
return dojox.color.Palette.generate(
dojox.color.fromHsv(kwArgs.hue, s, l), "monochromatic"
// pass a base color and the name of a generator
return dojox.color.Palette.generate(kwArgs.base, kwArgs.generator).colors;
return c; // dojo.Color[]
generateGradient: function(fillPattern, colorFrom, colorTo){
var fill = dojo.delegate(fillPattern);
fill.colors = [
{offset: 0, color: colorFrom},
{offset: 1, color: colorTo}
return fill;
generateHslColor: function(color, luminance){
color = new dojox.color.Color(color);
var hsl = color.toHsl(),
result = dojox.color.fromHsl(hsl.h, hsl.s, luminance);
result.a = color.a; // add missing opacity
return result;
generateHslGradient: function(color, fillPattern, lumFrom, lumTo){
color = new dojox.color.Color(color);
var hsl = color.toHsl(),
colorFrom = dojox.color.fromHsl(hsl.h, hsl.s, lumFrom),
colorTo = dojox.color.fromHsl(hsl.h, hsl.s, lumTo);
colorFrom.a = colorTo.a = color.a; // add missing opacity
return dojox.charting.Theme.generateGradient(fillPattern, colorFrom, colorTo); // Object
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Series"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Series"] = true;
dojox.charting.__SeriesCtorArgs = function(plot){
// summary:
// An optional arguments object that can be used in the Series constructor.
// plot: String?
// The plot (by name) that this series belongs to.
this.plot = plot;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Series", dojox.charting.Element, {
// summary:
// An object representing a series of data for plotting on a chart.
constructor: function(chart, data, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create a new data series object for use within charting.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart that this series belongs to.
// data: Array|Object:
// The array of data points (either numbers or objects) that
// represents the data to be drawn. Or it can be an object. In
// the latter case, it should have a property "data" (an array),
// destroy(), and setSeriesObject().
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.__SeriesCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to set details for this series.
dojo.mixin(this, kwArgs);
if(typeof this.plot != "string"){ this.plot = "default"; }
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear the calculated additional parameters set on this series.
this.dyn = {};
update: function(data){
// summary:
// Set data and make this object dirty, so it can be redrawn.
// data: Array|Object:
// The array of data points (either numbers or objects) that
// represents the data to be drawn. Or it can be an object. In
// the latter case, it should have a property "data" (an array),
// destroy(), and setSeriesObject().
this.data = data;
this.source = data;
this.data = this.source.data;
this.dirty = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.common"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.common"] = true;
var g = dojox.gfx;
var clearNode = function(s){
s.marginLeft = "0px";
s.marginTop = "0px";
s.marginRight = "0px";
s.marginBottom = "0px";
s.paddingLeft = "0px";
s.paddingTop = "0px";
s.paddingRight = "0px";
s.paddingBottom = "0px";
s.borderLeftWidth = "0px";
s.borderTopWidth = "0px";
s.borderRightWidth = "0px";
s.borderBottomWidth = "0px";
var getBoxWidth = function(n){
// marginBox is incredibly slow, so avoid it if we can
var bcr = n.getBoundingClientRect();
return bcr.width || (bcr.right - bcr.left);
return dojo.marginBox(n).w;
dojo.mixin(dojox.charting.axis2d.common, {
// summary:
// Common methods to be used by any axis. This is considered "static".
createText: {
gfx: function(chart, creator, x, y, align, text, font, fontColor){
// summary:
// Use dojox.gfx to create any text.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart to create the text into.
// creator: dojox.gfx.Surface
// The graphics surface to use for creating the text.
// x: Number
// Where to create the text along the x axis (CSS left).
// y: Number
// Where to create the text along the y axis (CSS top).
// align: String
// How to align the text. Can be "left", "right", "center".
// text: String
// The text to render.
// font: String
// The font definition, a la CSS "font".
// fontColor: String|dojo.Color
// The color of the resultant text.
// returns: dojox.gfx.Text
// The resultant GFX object.
return creator.createText({
x: x, y: y, text: text, align: align
}).setFont(font).setFill(fontColor); // dojox.gfx.Text
html: function(chart, creator, x, y, align, text, font, fontColor, labelWidth){
// summary:
// Use the HTML DOM to create any text.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart to create the text into.
// creator: dojox.gfx.Surface
// The graphics surface to use for creating the text.
// x: Number
// Where to create the text along the x axis (CSS left).
// y: Number
// Where to create the text along the y axis (CSS top).
// align: String
// How to align the text. Can be "left", "right", "center".
// text: String
// The text to render.
// font: String
// The font definition, a la CSS "font".
// fontColor: String|dojo.Color
// The color of the resultant text.
// labelWidth: Number?
// The maximum width of the resultant DOM node.
// returns: DOMNode
// The resultant DOMNode (a "div" element).
// setup the text node
var p = dojo.doc.createElement("div"), s = p.style, boxWidth;
s.font = font;
p.innerHTML = String(text).replace(/\s/g, " ");
s.color = fontColor;
// measure the size
s.position = "absolute";
s.left = "-10000px";
var size = g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(font).size);
// do we need to calculate the label width?
boxWidth = getBoxWidth(p);
// new settings for the text node
s.position = "relative";
s.width = labelWidth + "px";
// s.border = "1px dotted grey";
case "middle":
s.textAlign = "center";
s.left = (x - labelWidth / 2) + "px";
case "end":
s.textAlign = "right";
s.left = (x - labelWidth) + "px";
s.left = x + "px";
s.textAlign = "left";
case "middle":
s.left = Math.floor(x - boxWidth / 2) + "px";
// s.left = Math.floor(x - p.offsetWidth / 2) + "px";
case "end":
s.left = Math.floor(x - boxWidth) + "px";
// s.left = Math.floor(x - p.offsetWidth) + "px";
//case "start":
s.left = Math.floor(x) + "px";
s.top = Math.floor(y - size) + "px";
s.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; // hack for WebKit
// setup the wrapper node
var wrap = dojo.doc.createElement("div"), w = wrap.style;
w.width = "0px";
w.height = "0px";
// insert nodes
chart.node.insertBefore(wrap, chart.node.firstChild);
return wrap; // DOMNode
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Chart"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Chart"] = true;
dojox.charting.__ChartCtorArgs = function(margins, stroke, fill, delayInMs){
// summary:
// The keyword arguments that can be passed in a Chart constructor.
// margins: Object?
// Optional margins for the chart, in the form of { l, t, r, b}.
// stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional outline/stroke for the chart.
// fill: dojox.gfx.Fill?
// An optional fill for the chart.
// delayInMs: Number
// Delay in ms for delayedRender(). Default: 200.
this.margins = margins;
this.stroke = stroke;
this.fill = fill;
this.delayInMs = delayInMs;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting, g = dojox.gfx,
clear = df.lambda("item.clear()"),
purge = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()"),
destroy = df.lambda("item.destroy()"),
makeClean = df.lambda("item.dirty = false"),
makeDirty = df.lambda("item.dirty = true"),
getName = df.lambda("item.name");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.Chart", null, {
// summary:
// The main chart object in dojox.charting. This will create a two dimensional
// chart based on dojox.gfx.
// description:
// dojox.charting.Chart is the primary object used for any kind of charts. It
// is simple to create--just pass it a node reference, which is used as the
// container for the chart--and a set of optional keyword arguments and go.
// Note that like most of dojox.gfx, most of dojox.charting.Chart's methods are
// designed to return a reference to the chart itself, to allow for functional
// chaining. This makes defining everything on a Chart very easy to do.
// example:
// Create an area chart, with smoothing.
// | new dojox.charting.Chart(node))
// | .addPlot("default", { type: "Areas", tension: "X" })
// | .setTheme(dojox.charting.themes.Shrooms)
// | .addSeries("Series A", [1, 2, 0.5, 1.5, 1, 2.8, 0.4])
// | .addSeries("Series B", [2.6, 1.8, 2, 1, 1.4, 0.7, 2])
// | .addSeries("Series C", [6.3, 1.8, 3, 0.5, 4.4, 2.7, 2])
// | .render();
// example:
// The form of data in a data series can take a number of forms: a simple array,
// an array of objects {x,y}, or something custom (as determined by the plot).
// Here's an example of a Candlestick chart, which expects an object of
// { open, high, low, close }.
// | new dojox.charting.Chart(node))
// | .addPlot("default", {type: "Candlesticks", gap: 1})
// | .addAxis("x", {fixLower: "major", fixUpper: "major", includeZero: true})
// | .addAxis("y", {vertical: true, fixLower: "major", fixUpper: "major", natural: true})
// | .addSeries("Series A", [
// | { open: 20, close: 16, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 16, close: 22, high: 26, low: 6, mid: 18 },
// | { open: 22, close: 18, high: 22, low: 11, mid: 21 },
// | { open: 18, close: 29, high: 32, low: 14, mid: 27 },
// | { open: 29, close: 24, high: 29, low: 13, mid: 27 },
// | { open: 24, close: 8, high: 24, low: 5 },
// | { open: 8, close: 16, high: 22, low: 2 },
// | { open: 16, close: 12, high: 19, low: 7 },
// | { open: 12, close: 20, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 20, close: 16, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 16, close: 22, high: 26, low: 6, mid: 18 },
// | { open: 22, close: 18, high: 22, low: 11, mid: 21 },
// | { open: 18, close: 29, high: 32, low: 14, mid: 27 },
// | { open: 29, close: 24, high: 29, low: 13, mid: 27 },
// | { open: 24, close: 8, high: 24, low: 5 },
// | { open: 8, close: 16, high: 22, low: 2 },
// | { open: 16, close: 12, high: 19, low: 7 },
// | { open: 12, close: 20, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 20, close: 16, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 16, close: 22, high: 26, low: 6 },
// | { open: 22, close: 18, high: 22, low: 11 },
// | { open: 18, close: 29, high: 32, low: 14 },
// | { open: 29, close: 24, high: 29, low: 13 },
// | { open: 24, close: 8, high: 24, low: 5 },
// | { open: 8, close: 16, high: 22, low: 2 },
// | { open: 16, close: 12, high: 19, low: 7 },
// | { open: 12, close: 20, high: 22, low: 8 },
// | { open: 20, close: 16, high: 22, low: 8 }
// | ],
// | { stroke: { color: "green" }, fill: "lightgreen" }
// | )
// | .render();
// theme: dojox.charting.Theme?
// An optional theme to use for styling the chart.
// axes: dojox.charting.Axis{}?
// A map of axes for use in plotting a chart.
// stack: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base[]
// A stack of plotters.
// plots: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base{}
// A map of plotter indices
// series: dojox.charting.Series[]
// The stack of data runs used to create plots.
// runs: dojox.charting.Series{}
// A map of series indices
// margins: Object?
// The margins around the chart. Default is { l:10, t:10, r:10, b:10 }.
// stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// The outline of the chart (stroke in vector graphics terms).
// fill: dojox.gfx.Fill?
// The color for the chart.
// node: DOMNode
// The container node passed to the constructor.
// surface: dojox.gfx.Surface
// The main graphics surface upon which a chart is drawn.
// dirty: Boolean
// A boolean flag indicating whether or not the chart needs to be updated/re-rendered.
// coords: Object
// The coordinates on a page of the containing node, as returned from dojo.coords.
constructor: function(/* DOMNode */node, /* dojox.charting.__ChartCtorArgs? */kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for a new Chart. Initializes all parameters used for a chart.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// The newly created chart.
// initialize parameters
if(!kwArgs){ kwArgs = {}; }
this.margins = kwArgs.margins ? kwArgs.margins : {l: 10, t: 10, r: 10, b: 10};
this.stroke = kwArgs.stroke;
this.fill = kwArgs.fill;
this.delayInMs = kwArgs.delayInMs || 200;
this.title = kwArgs.title;
this.titleGap = kwArgs.titleGap;
this.titlePos = kwArgs.titlePos;
this.titleFont = kwArgs.titleFont;
this.titleFontColor = kwArgs.titleFontColor;
this.chartTitle = null;
// default initialization
this.theme = null;
this.axes = {}; // map of axes
this.stack = []; // stack of plotters
this.plots = {}; // map of plotter indices
this.series = []; // stack of data runs
this.runs = {}; // map of data run indices
this.dirty = true;
this.coords = null;
// create a surface
this.node = dojo.byId(node);
var box = dojo.marginBox(node);
this.surface = g.createSurface(this.node, box.w || 400, box.h || 300);
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Cleanup when a chart is to be destroyed.
// returns: void
dojo.forEach(this.series, destroy);
dojo.forEach(this.stack, destroy);
df.forIn(this.axes, destroy);
if(this.chartTitle && this.chartTitle.tagName){
// destroy title if it is a DOM node
getCoords: function(){
// summary:
// Get the coordinates and dimensions of the containing DOMNode, as
// returned by dojo.coords.
// returns: Object
// The resulting coordinates of the chart. See dojo.coords for details.
this.coords = dojo.coords(this.node, true);
return this.coords; // Object
setTheme: function(theme){
// summary:
// Set a theme of the chart.
// theme: dojox.charting.Theme
// The theme to be used for visual rendering.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
this.theme = theme.clone();
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
addAxis: function(name, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Add an axis to the chart, for rendering.
// name: String
// The name of the axis.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object for use in defining details of an axis.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var axis, axisType = kwArgs && kwArgs.type || "Default";
if(typeof axisType == "string"){
if(!dc.axis2d || !dc.axis2d[axisType]){
throw Error("Can't find axis: " + axisType + " - didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?");
axis = new dc.axis2d[axisType](this, kwArgs);
axis = new axisType(this, kwArgs);
axis.name = name;
axis.dirty = true;
if(name in this.axes){
this.axes[name] = axis;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
getAxis: function(name){
// summary:
// Get the given axis, by name.
// name: String
// The name the axis was defined by.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// The axis as stored in the chart's axis map.
return this.axes[name]; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
removeAxis: function(name){
// summary:
// Remove the axis that was defined using name.
// name: String
// The axis name, as defined in addAxis.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.axes){
// destroy the axis
delete this.axes[name];
// mark the chart as dirty
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
addPlot: function(name, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Add a new plot to the chart, defined by name and using the optional keyword arguments object.
// Note that dojox.charting assumes the main plot to be called "default"; if you do not have
// a plot called "default" and attempt to add data series to the chart without specifying the
// plot to be rendered on, you WILL get errors.
// name: String
// The name of the plot to be added to the chart. If you only plan on using one plot, call it "default".
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__PlotCtorArgs
// An object with optional parameters for the plot in question.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var plot, plotType = kwArgs && kwArgs.type || "Default";
if(typeof plotType == "string"){
if(!dc.plot2d || !dc.plot2d[plotType]){
throw Error("Can't find plot: " + plotType + " - didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?");
plot = new dc.plot2d[plotType](this, kwArgs);
plot = new plotType(this, kwArgs);
plot.name = name;
plot.dirty = true;
if(name in this.plots){
this.stack[this.plots[name]] = plot;
this.plots[name] = this.stack.length;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
removePlot: function(name){
// summary:
// Remove the plot defined using name from the chart's plot stack.
// name: String
// The name of the plot as defined using addPlot.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.plots){
// get the index and remove the name
var index = this.plots[name];
delete this.plots[name];
// destroy the plot
// remove the plot from the stack
this.stack.splice(index, 1);
// update indices to reflect the shift
df.forIn(this.plots, function(idx, name, plots){
if(idx > index){
plots[name] = idx - 1;
// remove all related series
var ns = dojo.filter(this.series, function(run){ return run.plot != name; });
if(ns.length < this.series.length){
// kill all removed series
dojo.forEach(this.series, function(run){
if(run.plot == name){
// rebuild all necessary data structures
this.runs = {};
dojo.forEach(ns, function(run, index){
this.runs[run.plot] = index;
}, this);
this.series = ns;
// mark the chart as dirty
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
getPlotOrder: function(){
// summary:
// Returns an array of plot names in the current order
// (the top-most plot is the first).
// returns: Array
return df.map(this.stack, getName); // Array
setPlotOrder: function(newOrder){
// summary:
// Sets new order of plots. newOrder cannot add or remove
// plots. Wrong names, or dups are ignored.
// newOrder: Array:
// Array of plot names compatible with getPlotOrder().
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var names = {},
order = df.filter(newOrder, function(name){
if(!(name in this.plots) || (name in names)){
return false;
names[name] = 1;
return true;
}, this);
if(order.length < this.stack.length){
df.forEach(this.stack, function(plot){
var name = plot.name;
if(!(name in names)){
var newStack = df.map(order, function(name){
return this.stack[this.plots[name]];
}, this);
df.forEach(newStack, function(plot, i){
this.plots[plot.name] = i;
}, this);
this.stack = newStack;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
movePlotToFront: function(name){
// summary:
// Moves a given plot to front.
// name: String:
// Plot's name to move.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.plots){
var index = this.plots[name];
var newOrder = this.getPlotOrder();
newOrder.splice(index, 1);
return this.setPlotOrder(newOrder); // dojox.charting.Chart
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
movePlotToBack: function(name){
// summary:
// Moves a given plot to back.
// name: String:
// Plot's name to move.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.plots){
var index = this.plots[name];
if(index < this.stack.length - 1){
var newOrder = this.getPlotOrder();
newOrder.splice(index, 1);
return this.setPlotOrder(newOrder); // dojox.charting.Chart
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
addSeries: function(name, data, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Add a data series to the chart for rendering.
// name: String:
// The name of the data series to be plotted.
// data: Array|Object:
// The array of data points (either numbers or objects) that
// represents the data to be drawn. Or it can be an object. In
// the latter case, it should have a property "data" (an array),
// destroy(), and setSeriesObject().
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.__SeriesCtorArgs?:
// An optional keyword arguments object that will be mixed into
// the resultant series object.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart:
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var run = new dc.Series(this, data, kwArgs);
run.name = name;
if(name in this.runs){
this.series[this.runs[name]] = run;
this.runs[name] = this.series.length;
this.dirty = true;
// fix min/max
if(!("ymin" in run) && "min" in run){ run.ymin = run.min; }
if(!("ymax" in run) && "max" in run){ run.ymax = run.max; }
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
removeSeries: function(name){
// summary:
// Remove the series defined by name from the chart.
// name: String
// The name of the series as defined by addSeries.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.runs){
// get the index and remove the name
var index = this.runs[name];
delete this.runs[name];
// destroy the run
// remove the run from the stack of series
this.series.splice(index, 1);
// update indices to reflect the shift
df.forIn(this.runs, function(idx, name, runs){
if(idx > index){
runs[name] = idx - 1;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
updateSeries: function(name, data){
// summary:
// Update the given series with a new set of data points.
// name: String
// The name of the series as defined in addSeries.
// data: Array|Object:
// The array of data points (either numbers or objects) that
// represents the data to be drawn. Or it can be an object. In
// the latter case, it should have a property "data" (an array),
// destroy(), and setSeriesObject().
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.runs){
var run = this.series[this.runs[name]];
this._invalidateDependentPlots(run.plot, false);
this._invalidateDependentPlots(run.plot, true);
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
getSeriesOrder: function(plotName){
// summary:
// Returns an array of series names in the current order
// (the top-most series is the first) within a plot.
// plotName: String:
// Plot's name.
// returns: Array
return df.map(df.filter(this.series, function(run){
return run.plot == plotName;
}), getName);
setSeriesOrder: function(newOrder){
// summary:
// Sets new order of series within a plot. newOrder cannot add
// or remove series. Wrong names, or dups are ignored.
// newOrder: Array:
// Array of series names compatible with getPlotOrder(). All
// series should belong to the same plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var plotName, names = {},
order = df.filter(newOrder, function(name){
if(!(name in this.runs) || (name in names)){
return false;
var run = this.series[this.runs[name]];
if(run.plot != plotName){
return false;
plotName = run.plot;
names[name] = 1;
return true;
}, this);
df.forEach(this.series, function(run){
var name = run.name;
if(!(name in names) && run.plot == plotName){
var newSeries = df.map(order, function(name){
return this.series[this.runs[name]];
}, this);
this.series = newSeries.concat(df.filter(this.series, function(run){
return run.plot != plotName;
df.forEach(this.series, function(run, i){
this.runs[run.name] = i;
}, this);
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
moveSeriesToFront: function(name){
// summary:
// Moves a given series to front of a plot.
// name: String:
// Series' name to move.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.runs){
var index = this.runs[name],
newOrder = this.getSeriesOrder(this.series[index].plot);
if(name != newOrder[0]){
newOrder.splice(index, 1);
return this.setSeriesOrder(newOrder); // dojox.charting.Chart
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
moveSeriesToBack: function(name){
// summary:
// Moves a given series to back of a plot.
// name: String:
// Series' name to move.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(name in this.runs){
var index = this.runs[name],
newOrder = this.getSeriesOrder(this.series[index].plot);
if(name != newOrder[newOrder.length - 1]){
newOrder.splice(index, 1);
return this.setSeriesOrder(newOrder); // dojox.charting.Chart
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
resize: function(width, height){
// summary:
// Resize the chart to the dimensions of width and height.
// description:
// Resize the chart and its surface to the width and height dimensions.
// If no width/height or box is provided, resize the surface to the marginBox of the chart.
// width: Number
// The new width of the chart.
// height: Number
// The new height of the chart.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var box;
// case 0, do not resize the div, just the surface
case 1:
// argument, override node box
box = dojo.mixin({}, width);
dojo.marginBox(this.node, box);
case 2:
box = {w: width, h: height};
// argument, override node box
dojo.marginBox(this.node, box);
// in all cases take back the computed box
box = dojo.marginBox(this.node);
// and set it on the surface
this.surface.setDimensions(box.w, box.h);
this.dirty = true;
this.coords = null;
return this.render(); // dojox.charting.Chart
getGeometry: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a map of information about all axes in a chart and what they represent
// in terms of scaling (see dojox.charting.axis2d.Default.getScaler).
// returns: Object
// An map of geometry objects, a one-to-one mapping of axes.
var ret = {};
df.forIn(this.axes, function(axis){
ret[axis.name] = {
name: axis.name,
vertical: axis.vertical,
scaler: axis.scaler,
ticks: axis.ticks
return ret; // Object
setAxisWindow: function(name, scale, offset, zoom){
// summary:
// Zooms an axis and all dependent plots. Can be used to zoom in 1D.
// name: String
// The name of the axis as defined by addAxis.
// scale: Number
// The scale on the target axis.
// offset: Number
// Any offest, as measured by axis tick
// zoom: Boolean|Object?
// The chart zooming animation trigger. This is null by default,
// e.g. {duration: 1200}, or just set true.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
var axis = this.axes[name];
axis.setWindow(scale, offset);
if(plot.hAxis == name || plot.vAxis == name){
plot.zoom = zoom;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
setWindow: function(sx, sy, dx, dy, zoom){
// summary:
// Zooms in or out any plots in two dimensions.
// sx: Number
// The scale for the x axis.
// sy: Number
// The scale for the y axis.
// dx: Number
// The pixel offset on the x axis.
// dy: Number
// The pixel offset on the y axis.
// zoom: Boolean|Object?
// The chart zooming animation trigger. This is null by default,
// e.g. {duration: 1200}, or just set true.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(!("plotArea" in this)){
df.forIn(this.axes, function(axis){
var scale, offset, bounds = axis.getScaler().bounds,
s = bounds.span / (bounds.upper - bounds.lower);
scale = sy;
offset = dy / s / scale;
scale = sx;
offset = dx / s / scale;
axis.setWindow(scale, offset);
dojo.forEach(this.stack, function(plot){ plot.zoom = zoom; });
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
zoomIn: function(name, range){
// summary:
// Zoom the chart to a specific range on one axis. This calls render()
// directly as a convenience method.
// name: String
// The name of the axis as defined by addAxis.
// range: Array
// The end points of the zoom range, measured in axis ticks.
var axis = this.axes[name];
var scale, offset, bounds = axis.getScaler().bounds;
var lower = Math.min(range[0],range[1]);
var upper = Math.max(range[0],range[1]);
lower = range[0] < bounds.lower ? bounds.lower : lower;
upper = range[1] > bounds.upper ? bounds.upper : upper;
scale = (bounds.upper - bounds.lower) / (upper - lower);
offset = lower - bounds.lower;
this.setAxisWindow(name, scale, offset);
calculateGeometry: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the geometry of the chart based on the defined axes of
// a chart.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
return this.fullGeometry();
// calculate geometry
var dirty = dojo.filter(this.stack, function(plot){
return plot.dirty ||
(plot.hAxis && this.axes[plot.hAxis].dirty) ||
(plot.vAxis && this.axes[plot.vAxis].dirty);
}, this);
calculateAxes(dirty, this.plotArea);
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
fullGeometry: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the full geometry of the chart. This includes passing
// over all major elements of a chart (plots, axes, series, container)
// in order to ensure proper rendering.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
// clear old values
dojo.forEach(this.stack, clear);
// rebuild new connections, and add defaults
// set up a theme
this.setTheme(new dojox.charting.Theme(dojox.charting._def));
// assign series
dojo.forEach(this.series, function(run){
if(!(run.plot in this.plots)){
if(!dc.plot2d || !dc.plot2d.Default){
throw Error("Can't find plot: Default - didn't you forget to dojo" + ".require() it?");
var plot = new dc.plot2d.Default(this, {});
plot.name = run.plot;
this.plots[run.plot] = this.stack.length;
}, this);
// assign axes
dojo.forEach(this.stack, function(plot){
}, this);
// calculate geometry
// 1st pass
var dim = this.dim = this.surface.getDimensions();
dim.width = g.normalizedLength(dim.width);
dim.height = g.normalizedLength(dim.height);
df.forIn(this.axes, clear);
calculateAxes(this.stack, dim);
// assumption: we don't have stacked axes yet
var offsets = this.offsets = { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 };
df.forIn(this.axes, function(axis){
df.forIn(axis.getOffsets(), function(o, i){ offsets[i] += o; });
// add title area
this.titleGap = (this.titleGap==0) ? 0 : this.titleGap || this.theme.chart.titleGap || 20;
this.titlePos = this.titlePos || this.theme.chart.titlePos || "top";
this.titleFont = this.titleFont || this.theme.chart.titleFont;
this.titleFontColor = this.titleFontColor || this.theme.chart.titleFontColor || "black";
var tsize = g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(this.titleFont).size);
offsets[this.titlePos=="top" ? "t":"b"] += (tsize + this.titleGap);
// add margins
df.forIn(this.margins, function(o, i){ offsets[i] += o; });
// 2nd pass with realistic dimensions
this.plotArea = {
width: dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r,
height: dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b
df.forIn(this.axes, clear);
calculateAxes(this.stack, this.plotArea);
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
render: function(){
// summary:
// Render the chart according to the current information defined. This should
// be the last call made when defining/creating a chart, or if data within the
// chart has been changed.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
return this.fullRender();
// go over the stack backwards
df.forEachRev(this.stack, function(plot){ plot.render(this.dim, this.offsets); }, this);
// go over axes
df.forIn(this.axes, function(axis){ axis.render(this.dim, this.offsets); }, this);
if(this.surface.render){ this.surface.render(); };
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
fullRender: function(){
// summary:
// Force a full rendering of the chart, including full resets on the chart itself.
// You should not call this method directly unless absolutely necessary.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
// calculate geometry
var offsets = this.offsets, dim = this.dim, rect;
// get required colors
//var requiredColors = df.foldl(this.stack, "z + plot.getRequiredColors()", 0);
//this.theme.defineColors({num: requiredColors, cache: false});
// clear old shapes
dojo.forEach(this.series, purge);
df.forIn(this.axes, purge);
dojo.forEach(this.stack, purge);
if(this.chartTitle && this.chartTitle.tagName){
// destroy title if it is a DOM node
this.chartTitle = null;
// generate shapes
// draw a plot background
var t = this.theme,
fill = t.plotarea && t.plotarea.fill,
stroke = t.plotarea && t.plotarea.stroke,
rect = {
x: offsets.l - 1, y: offsets.t - 1,
width: dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r + 2,
height: dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b + 2
fill = dc.Element.prototype._shapeFill(dc.Element.prototype._plotFill(fill, dim, offsets), rect);
x: offsets.l, y: offsets.t,
width: dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r + 1,
height: dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b + 1
// go over the stack backwards
df.foldr(this.stack, function(z, plot){ return plot.render(dim, offsets), 0; }, 0);
// pseudo-clipping: matting
fill = this.fill !== undefined ? this.fill : (t.chart && t.chart.fill);
stroke = this.stroke !== undefined ? this.stroke : (t.chart && t.chart.stroke);
// TRT: support for "inherit" as a named value in a theme.
if(fill == "inherit"){
// find the background color of the nearest ancestor node, and use that explicitly.
var node = this.node, fill = new dojo.Color(dojo.style(node, "backgroundColor"));
while(fill.a==0 && node!=document.documentElement){
fill = new dojo.Color(dojo.style(node, "backgroundColor"));
node = node.parentNode;
fill = dc.Element.prototype._plotFill(fill, dim, offsets);
if(offsets.l){ // left
rect = {
width: offsets.l,
height: dim.height + 1
this.surface.createRect(rect).setFill(dc.Element.prototype._shapeFill(fill, rect));
if(offsets.r){ // right
rect = {
x: dim.width - offsets.r,
width: offsets.r + 1,
height: dim.height + 2
this.surface.createRect(rect).setFill(dc.Element.prototype._shapeFill(fill, rect));
if(offsets.t){ // top
rect = {
width: dim.width + 1,
height: offsets.t
this.surface.createRect(rect).setFill(dc.Element.prototype._shapeFill(fill, rect));
if(offsets.b){ // bottom
rect = {
y: dim.height - offsets.b,
width: dim.width + 1,
height: offsets.b + 2
this.surface.createRect(rect).setFill(dc.Element.prototype._shapeFill(fill, rect));
width: dim.width - 1,
height: dim.height - 1
//create title: Whether to make chart title as a widget which extends dojox.charting.Element?
var forceHtmlLabels = (g.renderer == "canvas"),
labelType = forceHtmlLabels || !dojo.isIE && !dojo.isOpera ? "html" : "gfx",
tsize = g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(this.titleFont).size);
this.chartTitle = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
this.titlePos=="top" ? tsize + this.margins.t : dim.height - this.margins.b,
// go over axes
df.forIn(this.axes, function(axis){ axis.render(dim, offsets); });
if(this.surface.render){ this.surface.render(); };
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
delayedRender: function(){
// summary:
// Delayed render, which is used to collect multiple updates
// within a delayInMs time window.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
this._delayedRenderHandle = setTimeout(
dojo.hitch(this, function(){
this._delayedRenderHandle = null;
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
connectToPlot: function(name, object, method){
// summary:
// A convenience method to connect a function to a plot.
// name: String
// The name of the plot as defined by addPlot.
// object: Object
// The object to be connected.
// method: Function
// The function to be executed.
// returns: Array
// A handle to the connection, as defined by dojo.connect (see dojo.connect).
return name in this.plots ? this.stack[this.plots[name]].connect(object, method) : null; // Array
fireEvent: function(seriesName, eventName, index){
// summary:
// Fires a synthetic event for a series item.
// seriesName: String:
// Series name.
// eventName: String:
// Event name to simulate: onmouseover, onmouseout, onclick.
// index: Number:
// Valid data value index for the event.
// returns: dojox.charting.Chart
// A reference to the current chart for functional chaining.
if(seriesName in this.runs){
var plotName = this.series[this.runs[seriesName]].plot;
if(plotName in this.plots){
var plot = this.stack[this.plots[plotName]];
plot.fireEvent(seriesName, eventName, index);
return this; // dojox.charting.Chart
_makeClean: function(){
// reset dirty flags
dojo.forEach(this.axes, makeClean);
dojo.forEach(this.stack, makeClean);
dojo.forEach(this.series, makeClean);
this.dirty = false;
_makeDirty: function(){
// reset dirty flags
dojo.forEach(this.axes, makeDirty);
dojo.forEach(this.stack, makeDirty);
dojo.forEach(this.series, makeDirty);
this.dirty = true;
_invalidateDependentPlots: function(plotName, /* Boolean */ verticalAxis){
if(plotName in this.plots){
var plot = this.stack[this.plots[plotName]], axis,
axisName = verticalAxis ? "vAxis" : "hAxis";
axis = this.axes[plot[axisName]];
if(axis && axis.dependOnData()){
axis.dirty = true;
// find all plots and mark them dirty
dojo.forEach(this.stack, function(p){
if(p[axisName] && p[axisName] == plot[axisName]){
p.dirty = true;
plot.dirty = true;
function hSection(stats){
return {min: stats.hmin, max: stats.hmax};
function vSection(stats){
return {min: stats.vmin, max: stats.vmax};
function hReplace(stats, h){
stats.hmin = h.min;
stats.hmax = h.max;
function vReplace(stats, v){
stats.vmin = v.min;
stats.vmax = v.max;
function combineStats(target, source){
if(target && source){
target.min = Math.min(target.min, source.min);
target.max = Math.max(target.max, source.max);
return target || source;
function calculateAxes(stack, plotArea){
var plots = {}, axes = {};
dojo.forEach(stack, function(plot){
var stats = plots[plot.name] = plot.getSeriesStats();
axes[plot.hAxis] = combineStats(axes[plot.hAxis], hSection(stats));
axes[plot.vAxis] = combineStats(axes[plot.vAxis], vSection(stats));
dojo.forEach(stack, function(plot){
var stats = plots[plot.name];
hReplace(stats, axes[plot.hAxis]);
vReplace(stats, axes[plot.vAxis]);
plot.initializeScalers(plotArea, stats);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Chart"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Chart"] = true;
var collectParams, collectAxisParams, collectPlotParams,
collectActionParams, collectDataParams,
notNull = function(o){ return o; },
df = dojox.lang.functional,
du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting,
d = dojo;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.widget.Chart", dijit._Widget, {
// parameters for the markup
// theme for the chart
theme: null,
// margins for the chart: {l: 10, r: 10, t: 10, b: 10}
margins: null,
// chart area
stroke: null,
fill: null,
// methods
buildRendering: function(){
var n = this.domNode = this.srcNodeRef;
// collect chart parameters
var axes = d.query("> .axis", n).map(collectAxisParams).filter(notNull),
plots = d.query("> .plot", n).map(collectPlotParams).filter(notNull),
actions = d.query("> .action", n).map(collectActionParams).filter(notNull),
series = d.query("> .series", n).map(collectDataParams).filter(notNull);
// build the chart
n.innerHTML = "";
var c = this.chart = new dc.Chart(n, {
margins: this.margins,
stroke: this.stroke,
fill: this.fill
// add collected parameters
c.addAxis(axis.name, axis.kwArgs);
c.addPlot(plot.name, plot.kwArgs);
this.actions = actions.map(function(action){
return new action.action(c, action.plot, action.kwArgs)
var render = df.foldl(series, function(render, series){
if(series.type == "data"){
c.addSeries(series.name, series.data, series.kwArgs);
render = true;
c.addSeries(series.name, [0], series.kwArgs);
var kw = {};
"query": "",
"queryOptions": null,
"start": 0,
"count": 1 //,
// "sort": []
// sort is a complex object type and doesn't survive coercian
kw.sort = dojo.clone(series.kwArgs.sort);
d.mixin(kw, {
onComplete: function(data){
var values;
if("valueFn" in series.kwArgs){
var fn = series.kwArgs.valueFn;
values = d.map(data, function(x){
return fn(series.data.getValue(x, series.field, 0));
values = d.map(data, function(x){
return series.data.getValue(x, series.field, 0);
c.addSeries(series.name, values, series.kwArgs).render();
return render;
}, false);
if(render){ c.render(); }
destroy: function(){
// summary: properly destroy the widget
resize: function(box){
// summary:
// Resize the widget.
// description:
// Resize the domNode and the widget surface to the dimensions of a box of the following form:
// `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
// If no box is provided, resize the surface to the marginBox of the domNode.
// box:
// If passed, denotes the new size of the widget.
collectParams = function(node, type, kw){
var dp = eval("(" + type + ".prototype.defaultParams)");
var x, attr;
for(x in dp){
if(x in kw){ continue; }
attr = node.getAttribute(x);
kw[x] = du.coerceType(dp[x], attr == null || typeof attr == "undefined" ? dp[x] : attr);
var op = eval("(" + type + ".prototype.optionalParams)");
for(x in op){
if(x in kw){ continue; }
attr = node.getAttribute(x);
if(attr != null){
kw[x] = du.coerceType(op[x], attr);
collectAxisParams = function(node){
var name = node.getAttribute("name"), type = node.getAttribute("type");
if(!name){ return null; }
var o = {name: name, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs;
type = dojox._scopeName + ".charting.axis2d." + type;
var axis = eval("(" + type + ")");
if(axis){ kw.type = axis; }
type = dojox._scopeName + ".charting.axis2d.Default";
collectParams(node, type, kw);
// compatibility conversions
if(kw.font || kw.fontColor){
kw.tick = {};
kw.tick.font = kw.font;
kw.tick.fontColor = kw.fontColor;
return o;
collectPlotParams = function(node){
// var name = d.attr(node, "name"), type = d.attr(node, "type");
var name = node.getAttribute("name"), type = node.getAttribute("type");
if(!name){ return null; }
var o = {name: name, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs;
if(dc.plot2d && dc.plot2d[type]){
type = dojox._scopeName + ".charting.plot2d." + type;
var plot = eval("(" + type + ")");
if(plot){ kw.type = plot; }
type = dojox._scopeName + ".charting.plot2d.Default";
collectParams(node, type, kw);
return o;
collectActionParams = function(node){
// var plot = d.attr(node, "plot"), type = d.attr(node, "type");
var plot = node.getAttribute("plot"), type = node.getAttribute("type");
if(!plot){ plot = "default"; }
var o = {plot: plot, kwArgs: {}}, kw = o.kwArgs;
type = dojox._scopeName + ".charting.action2d." + type;
var action = eval("(" + type + ")");
if(!action){ return null; }
o.action = action;
return null;
collectParams(node, type, kw);
return o;
collectDataParams = function(node){
var ga = d.partial(d.attr, node);
var name = ga("name");
if(!name){ return null; }
var o = { name: name, kwArgs: {} }, kw = o.kwArgs, t;
t = ga("plot");
if(t != null){ kw.plot = t; }
t = ga("marker");
if(t != null){ kw.marker = t; }
t = ga("stroke");
if(t != null){ kw.stroke = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("outline");
if(t != null){ kw.outline = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("shadow");
if(t != null){ kw.shadow = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("fill");
if(t != null){ kw.fill = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("font");
if(t != null){ kw.font = t; }
t = ga("fontColor");
if(t != null){ kw.fontColor = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("legend");
if(t != null){ kw.legend = t; }
t = ga("data");
if(t != null){
o.type = "data";
o.data = t ? dojo.map(String(t).split(','), Number) : [];
return o;
t = ga("array");
if(t != null){
o.type = "data";
o.data = eval("(" + t + ")");
return o;
t = ga("store");
if(t != null){
o.type = "store";
o.data = eval("(" + t + ")");
t = ga("field");
o.field = t != null ? t : "value";
t = ga("query");
if(!!t){ kw.query = t; }
t = ga("queryOptions");
if(!!t){ kw.queryOptions = eval("(" + t + ")"); }
t = ga("start");
if(!!t){ kw.start = Number(t); }
t = ga("count");
if(!!t){ kw.count = Number(t); }
t = ga("sort");
if(!!t){ kw.sort = eval("("+t+")"); }
t = ga("valueFn");
if(!!t){ kw.valueFn = df.lambda(t); }
return o;
return null;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx.easing"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx.easing"] = true;
dojo.getObject("fx.easing", true, dojo);
dojo.fx.easing = {
// summary:
// Collection of easing functions to use beyond the default
// `dojo._defaultEasing` function.
// description:
// Easing functions are used to manipulate the iteration through
// an `dojo.Animation`s _Line. _Line being the properties of an Animation,
// and the easing function progresses through that Line determing
// how quickly (or slowly) it should go. Or more accurately: modify
// the value of the _Line based on the percentage of animation completed.
// All functions follow a simple naming convention of "ease type" + "when".
// If the name of the function ends in Out, the easing described appears
// towards the end of the animation. "In" means during the beginning,
// and InOut means both ranges of the Animation will applied, both
// beginning and end.
// One does not call the easing function directly, it must be passed to
// the `easing` property of an animation.
// example:
// |
// | var anim = dojo.fadeOut({
// | node: 'node',
// | duration: 2000,
// | // note there is no ()
// | easing: dojo.fx.easing.quadIn
// | }).play();
linear: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary: A linear easing function
return n;
quadIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n, 2);
quadOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return n * (n - 2) * -1;
quadInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return Math.pow(n, 2) / 2; }
return -1 * ((--n) * (n - 2) - 1) / 2;
cubicIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n, 3);
cubicOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n - 1, 3) + 1;
cubicInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return Math.pow(n, 3) / 2; }
n -= 2;
return (Math.pow(n, 3) + 2) / 2;
quartIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n, 4);
quartOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return -1 * (Math.pow(n - 1, 4) - 1);
quartInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return Math.pow(n, 4) / 2; }
n -= 2;
return -1 / 2 * (Math.pow(n, 4) - 2);
quintIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n, 5);
quintOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.pow(n - 1, 5) + 1;
quintInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return Math.pow(n, 5) / 2; };
n -= 2;
return (Math.pow(n, 5) + 2) / 2;
sineIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return -1 * Math.cos(n * (Math.PI / 2)) + 1;
sineOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return Math.sin(n * (Math.PI / 2));
sineInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return -1 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * n) - 1) / 2;
expoIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return (n == 0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
expoOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return (n == 1) ? 1 : (-1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * n) + 1);
expoInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
if(n == 0){ return 0; }
if(n == 1){ return 1; }
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1)) / 2; }
return (-1 * Math.pow(2, -10 * n) + 2) / 2;
circIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
return -1 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) - 1);
circOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n - 1;
return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2));
circInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return -1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) - 1); }
n -= 2;
return 1 / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(n, 2)) + 1);
backIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that starts away from the target,
// and quickly accelerates towards the end value.
// Use caution when the easing will cause values to become
// negative as some properties cannot be set to negative values.
var s = 1.70158;
return Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s + 1) * n - s);
backOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that pops past the range briefly, and slowly comes back.
// description:
// An easing function that pops past the range briefly, and slowly comes back.
// Use caution when the easing will cause values to become negative as some
// properties cannot be set to negative values.
n = n - 1;
var s = 1.70158;
return Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 1;
backInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function combining the effects of `backIn` and `backOut`
// description:
// An easing function combining the effects of `backIn` and `backOut`.
// Use caution when the easing will cause values to become negative
// as some properties cannot be set to negative values.
var s = 1.70158 * 1.525;
n = n * 2;
if(n < 1){ return (Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s + 1) * n - s)) / 2; }
return (Math.pow(n, 2) * ((s + 1) * n + s) + 2) / 2;
elasticIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function the elastically snaps from the start value
// description:
// An easing function the elastically snaps from the start value
// Use caution when the elasticity will cause values to become negative
// as some properties cannot be set to negative values.
if(n == 0 || n == 1){ return n; }
var p = .3;
var s = p / 4;
n = n - 1;
return -1 * Math.pow(2, 10 * n) * Math.sin((n - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p);
elasticOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that elasticly snaps around the target value,
// near the end of the Animation
// description:
// An easing function that elasticly snaps around the target value,
// near the end of the Animation
// Use caution when the elasticity will cause values to become
// negative as some properties cannot be set to negative values.
if(n==0 || n == 1){ return n; }
var p = .3;
var s = p / 4;
return Math.pow(2, -10 * n) * Math.sin((n - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1;
elasticInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that elasticly snaps around the value, near
// the beginning and end of the Animation.
// description:
// An easing function that elasticly snaps around the value, near
// the beginning and end of the Animation.
// Use caution when the elasticity will cause values to become
// negative as some properties cannot be set to negative values.
if(n == 0) return 0;
n = n * 2;
if(n == 2) return 1;
var p = .3 * 1.5;
var s = p / 4;
if(n < 1){
n -= 1;
return -.5 * (Math.pow(2, 10 * n) * Math.sin((n - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p));
n -= 1;
return .5 * (Math.pow(2, -10 * n) * Math.sin((n - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + 1;
bounceIn: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that 'bounces' near the beginning of an Animation
return (1 - dojo.fx.easing.bounceOut(1 - n)); // Decimal
bounceOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that 'bounces' near the end of an Animation
var s = 7.5625;
var p = 2.75;
var l;
if(n < (1 / p)){
l = s * Math.pow(n, 2);
}else if(n < (2 / p)){
n -= (1.5 / p);
l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .75;
}else if(n < (2.5 / p)){
n -= (2.25 / p);
l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .9375;
n -= (2.625 / p);
l = s * Math.pow(n, 2) + .984375;
return l;
bounceInOut: function(/* Decimal? */n){
// summary:
// An easing function that 'bounces' at the beginning and end of the Animation
if(n < 0.5){ return dojo.fx.easing.bounceIn(n * 2) / 2; }
return (dojo.fx.easing.bounceOut(n * 2 - 1) / 2) + 0.5; // Decimal
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.fx"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.gfx.fx"] = true;
var d = dojo, g = dojox.gfx, m = g.matrix;
// Generic interpolators. Should they be moved to dojox.fx?
function InterpolNumber(start, end){
this.start = start, this.end = end;
InterpolNumber.prototype.getValue = function(r){
return (this.end - this.start) * r + this.start;
function InterpolUnit(start, end, units){
this.start = start, this.end = end;
this.units = units;
InterpolUnit.prototype.getValue = function(r){
return (this.end - this.start) * r + this.start + this.units;
function InterpolColor(start, end){
this.start = start, this.end = end;
this.temp = new dojo.Color();
InterpolColor.prototype.getValue = function(r){
return d.blendColors(this.start, this.end, r, this.temp);
function InterpolValues(values){
this.values = values;
this.length = values.length;
InterpolValues.prototype.getValue = function(r){
return this.values[Math.min(Math.floor(r * this.length), this.length - 1)];
function InterpolObject(values, def){
this.values = values;
this.def = def ? def : {};
InterpolObject.prototype.getValue = function(r){
var ret = dojo.clone(this.def);
for(var i in this.values){
ret[i] = this.values[i].getValue(r);
return ret;
function InterpolTransform(stack, original){
this.stack = stack;
this.original = original;
InterpolTransform.prototype.getValue = function(r){
var ret = [];
dojo.forEach(this.stack, function(t){
if(t instanceof m.Matrix2D){
if(t.name == "original" && this.original){
if(!(t.name in m)){ return; }
var f = m[t.name];
if(typeof f != "function"){
// constant
var val = dojo.map(t.start, function(v, i){
return (t.end[i] - v) * r + v;
matrix = f.apply(m, val);
if(matrix instanceof m.Matrix2D){
}, this);
return ret;
var transparent = new d.Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
function getColorInterpol(prop, obj, name, def){
return new InterpolValues(prop.values);
var value, start, end;
start = g.normalizeColor(prop.start);
start = value = obj ? (name ? obj[name] : obj) : def;
end = g.normalizeColor(prop.end);
value = obj ? (name ? obj[name] : obj) : def;
end = value;
return new InterpolColor(start, end);
function getNumberInterpol(prop, obj, name, def){
return new InterpolValues(prop.values);
var value, start, end;
start = prop.start;
start = value = obj ? obj[name] : def;
end = prop.end;
if(typeof value != "number"){
value = obj ? obj[name] : def;
end = value;
return new InterpolNumber(start, end);
g.fx.animateStroke = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation which will change stroke properties over time
// example:
// | dojox.gfx.fx.animateStroke{{
// | shape: shape,
// | duration: 500,
// | color: {start: "red", end: "green"},
// | width: {end: 15},
// | join: {values: ["miter", "bevel", "round"]}
// | }).play();
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new d.Animation(args), shape = args.shape, stroke;
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
stroke = shape.getStroke();
var prop = args.color, values = {}, value, start, end;
values.color = getColorInterpol(prop, stroke, "color", transparent);
prop = args.style;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.style = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.width;
values.width = getNumberInterpol(prop, stroke, "width", 1);
prop = args.cap;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.cap = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.join;
values.join = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
start = prop.start ? prop.start : (stroke && stroke.join || 0);
end = prop.end ? prop.end : (stroke && stroke.join || 0);
if(typeof start == "number" && typeof end == "number"){
values.join = new InterpolNumber(start, end);
this.curve = new InterpolObject(values, stroke);
d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", shape, "setStroke");
return anim; // dojo.Animation
g.fx.animateFill = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation which will change fill color over time.
// Only solid fill color is supported at the moment
// example:
// | dojox.gfx.fx.animateFill{{
// | shape: shape,
// | duration: 500,
// | color: {start: "red", end: "green"}
// | }).play();
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new d.Animation(args), shape = args.shape, fill;
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
fill = shape.getFill();
var prop = args.color, values = {};
this.curve = getColorInterpol(prop, fill, "", transparent);
d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", shape, "setFill");
return anim; // dojo.Animation
g.fx.animateFont = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation which will change font properties over time
// example:
// | dojox.gfx.fx.animateFont{{
// | shape: shape,
// | duration: 500,
// | variant: {values: ["normal", "small-caps"]},
// | size: {end: 10, units: "pt"}
// | }).play();
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new d.Animation(args), shape = args.shape, font;
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
font = shape.getFont();
var prop = args.style, values = {}, value, start, end;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.style = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.variant;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.variant = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.weight;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.weight = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.family;
if(prop && prop.values){
values.family = new InterpolValues(prop.values);
prop = args.size;
if(prop && prop.units){
start = parseFloat(prop.start ? prop.start : (shape.font && shape.font.size || "0"));
end = parseFloat(prop.end ? prop.end : (shape.font && shape.font.size || "0"));
values.size = new InterpolUnit(start, end, prop.units);
this.curve = new InterpolObject(values, font);
d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", shape, "setFont");
return anim; // dojo.Animation
g.fx.animateTransform = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation which will change transformation over time
// example:
// | dojox.gfx.fx.animateTransform{{
// | shape: shape,
// | duration: 500,
// | transform: [
// | {name: "translate", start: [0, 0], end: [200, 200]},
// | {name: "original"}
// | ]
// | }).play();
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = d._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new d.Animation(args), shape = args.shape, original;
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, function(){
original = shape.getTransform();
this.curve = new InterpolTransform(args.transform, original);
d.connect(anim, "onAnimate", shape, "setTransform");
return anim; // dojo.Animation
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Base"] = true;
dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs = function(duration, easing){
// summary:
// The base keyword arguments object for creating an action2d.
// duration: Number?
// The amount of time in milliseconds for an animation to last. Default is 400.
// easing: dojo.fx.easing.*?
// An easing object (see dojo.fx.easing) for use in an animation. The
// default is dojo.fx.easing.backOut.
this.duration = duration;
this.easing = easing;
var DEFAULT_DURATION = 400, // ms
DEFAULT_EASING = dojo.fx.easing.backOut,
df = dojox.lang.functional;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Base", null, {
overOutEvents: {onmouseover: 1, onmouseout: 1},
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwargs){
// summary:
// Create a new base Action.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action applies to.
// plot: String?
// The name of the plot this action belongs to. If none is passed "default" is assumed.
// kwargs: dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs?
// Optional arguments for the action.
this.chart = chart;
this.plot = plot || "default";
this.anim = {};
// process common optional named parameters
if(!kwargs){ kwargs = {}; }
this.duration = kwargs.duration ? kwargs.duration : DEFAULT_DURATION;
this.easing = kwargs.easing ? kwargs.easing : DEFAULT_EASING;
connect: function(){
// summary:
// Connect this action to the given plot.
this.handle = this.chart.connectToPlot(this.plot, this, "process");
disconnect: function(){
// summary:
// Disconnect this action from the given plot, if connected.
this.handle = null;
reset: function(){
// summary:
// Reset the action.
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Do any cleanup needed when destroying parent elements.
df.forIn(this.anim, function(o){
df.forIn(o, function(anim){
this.anim = {};
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__HighlightCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for highlighting actions.
// highlight: String|dojo.Color|Function?
// Either a color or a function that creates a color when highlighting happens.
highlight: null
var DEFAULT_SATURATION = 100, // %
c = dojox.color,
cc = function(color){
return function(){ return color; };
hl = function(color){
var a = new c.Color(color),
x = a.toHsl();
if(x.s == 0){
x.l = x.l < 50 ? 100 : 0;
}else if(x.l > DEFAULT_LUMINOSITY1){
return c.fromHsl(x);
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Highlight", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, {
// summary:
// Creates a highlighting action on a plot, where an element on that plot
// has a highlight on it.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut // easing for the action
optionalParams: {
highlight: "red" // name for the highlight color
// programmatic instantiation can use functions and color objects
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the highlighting action and connect it to the plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot this action is attached to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__HighlightCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object for setting parameters.
var a = kwArgs && kwArgs.highlight;
this.colorFun = a ? (dojo.isFunction(a) ? a : cc(a)) : hl;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the highlighting action.
if(!o.shape || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents)){ return; }
var runName = o.run.name, index = o.index, anim, startFill, endFill;
if(runName in this.anim){
anim = this.anim[runName][index];
this.anim[runName] = {};
var color = o.shape.getFill();
if(!color || !(color instanceof dojo.Color)){
this.anim[runName][index] = anim = {
start: color,
end: this.colorFun(color)
var start = anim.start, end = anim.end;
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
// swap colors
var t = start;
start = end;
end = t;
anim.action = dojox.gfx.fx.animateFill({
shape: o.shape,
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.easing,
color: {start: start, end: end}
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
dojo.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){
delete this.anim[runName][index];
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx.Toggler"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx.Toggler"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojo.fx.Toggler", null, {
// summary:
// A simple `dojo.Animation` toggler API.
// description:
// class constructor for an animation toggler. It accepts a packed
// set of arguments about what type of animation to use in each
// direction, duration, etc. All available members are mixed into
// these animations from the constructor (for example, `node`,
// `showDuration`, `hideDuration`).
// example:
// | var t = new dojo.fx.Toggler({
// | node: "nodeId",
// | showDuration: 500,
// | // hideDuration will default to "200"
// | showFunc: dojo.fx.wipeIn,
// | // hideFunc will default to "fadeOut"
// | });
// | t.show(100); // delay showing for 100ms
// | // ...time passes...
// | t.hide();
// node: DomNode
// the node to target for the showing and hiding animations
node: null,
// showFunc: Function
// The function that returns the `dojo.Animation` to show the node
showFunc: dojo.fadeIn,
// hideFunc: Function
// The function that returns the `dojo.Animation` to hide the node
hideFunc: dojo.fadeOut,
// showDuration:
// Time in milliseconds to run the show Animation
showDuration: 200,
// hideDuration:
// Time in milliseconds to run the hide Animation
hideDuration: 200,
// FIXME: need a policy for where the toggler should "be" the next
// time show/hide are called if we're stopped somewhere in the
// middle.
// FIXME: also would be nice to specify individual showArgs/hideArgs mixed into
// each animation individually.
// FIXME: also would be nice to have events from the animations exposed/bridged
_showArgs: null,
_showAnim: null,
_hideArgs: null,
_hideAnim: null,
_isShowing: false,
_isHiding: false,
constructor: function(args){
var _t = this;
dojo.mixin(_t, args);
_t.node = args.node;
_t._showArgs = dojo.mixin({}, args);
_t._showArgs.node = _t.node;
_t._showArgs.duration = _t.showDuration;
_t.showAnim = _t.showFunc(_t._showArgs);
_t._hideArgs = dojo.mixin({}, args);
_t._hideArgs.node = _t.node;
_t._hideArgs.duration = _t.hideDuration;
_t.hideAnim = _t.hideFunc(_t._hideArgs);
dojo.connect(_t.showAnim, "beforeBegin", dojo.hitch(_t.hideAnim, "stop", true));
dojo.connect(_t.hideAnim, "beforeBegin", dojo.hitch(_t.showAnim, "stop", true));
show: function(delay){
// summary: Toggle the node to showing
// delay: Integer?
// Ammount of time to stall playing the show animation
return this.showAnim.play(delay || 0);
hide: function(delay){
// summary: Toggle the node to hidden
// delay: Integer?
// Ammount of time to stall playing the hide animation
return this.hideAnim.play(delay || 0);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.fx"] = true;
dojo.fx = {
// summary: Effects library on top of Base animations
var d = dojo,
_baseObj = {
_fire: function(evt, args){
this[evt].apply(this, args||[]);
return this;
var _chain = function(animations){
this._index = -1;
this._animations = animations||[];
this._current = this._onAnimateCtx = this._onEndCtx = null;
this.duration = 0;
d.forEach(this._animations, function(a){
this.duration += a.duration;
if(a.delay){ this.duration += a.delay; }
}, this);
d.extend(_chain, {
_onAnimate: function(){
this._fire("onAnimate", arguments);
_onEnd: function(){
this._onAnimateCtx = this._onEndCtx = null;
if(this._index + 1 == this._animations.length){
// switch animations
this._current = this._animations[++this._index];
this._onAnimateCtx = d.connect(this._current, "onAnimate", this, "_onAnimate");
this._onEndCtx = d.connect(this._current, "onEnd", this, "_onEnd");
this._current.play(0, true);
play: function(/*int?*/ delay, /*Boolean?*/ gotoStart){
if(!this._current){ this._current = this._animations[this._index = 0]; }
if(!gotoStart && this._current.status() == "playing"){ return this; }
var beforeBegin = d.connect(this._current, "beforeBegin", this, function(){
onBegin = d.connect(this._current, "onBegin", this, function(arg){
this._fire("onBegin", arguments);
onPlay = d.connect(this._current, "onPlay", this, function(arg){
this._fire("onPlay", arguments);
this._onAnimateCtx = d.connect(this._current, "onAnimate", this, "_onAnimate");
this._onEndCtx = d.connect(this._current, "onEnd", this, "_onEnd");
this._current.play.apply(this._current, arguments);
return this;
pause: function(){
var e = d.connect(this._current, "onPause", this, function(arg){
this._fire("onPause", arguments);
return this;
gotoPercent: function(/*Decimal*/percent, /*Boolean?*/ andPlay){
var offset = this.duration * percent;
this._current = null;
d.some(this._animations, function(a){
if(a.duration <= offset){
this._current = a;
return true;
offset -= a.duration;
return false;
this._current.gotoPercent(offset / this._current.duration, andPlay);
return this;
stop: function(/*boolean?*/ gotoEnd){
for(; this._index + 1 < this._animations.length; ++this._index){
this._current = this._animations[this._index];
var e = d.connect(this._current, "onStop", this, function(arg){
this._fire("onStop", arguments);
return this;
status: function(){
return this._current ? this._current.status() : "stopped";
destroy: function(){
if(this._onAnimateCtx){ d.disconnect(this._onAnimateCtx); }
if(this._onEndCtx){ d.disconnect(this._onEndCtx); }
d.extend(_chain, _baseObj);
dojo.fx.chain = function(/*dojo.Animation[]*/ animations){
// summary:
// Chain a list of `dojo.Animation`s to run in sequence
// description:
// Return a `dojo.Animation` which will play all passed
// `dojo.Animation` instances in sequence, firing its own
// synthesized events simulating a single animation. (eg:
// onEnd of this animation means the end of the chain,
// not the individual animations within)
// example:
// Once `node` is faded out, fade in `otherNode`
// | dojo.fx.chain([
// | dojo.fadeIn({ node:node }),
// | dojo.fadeOut({ node:otherNode })
// | ]).play();
return new _chain(animations) // dojo.Animation
var _combine = function(animations){
this._animations = animations||[];
this._connects = [];
this._finished = 0;
this.duration = 0;
d.forEach(animations, function(a){
var duration = a.duration;
if(a.delay){ duration += a.delay; }
if(this.duration < duration){ this.duration = duration; }
this._connects.push(d.connect(a, "onEnd", this, "_onEnd"));
}, this);
this._pseudoAnimation = new d.Animation({curve: [0, 1], duration: this.duration});
var self = this;
d.forEach(["beforeBegin", "onBegin", "onPlay", "onAnimate", "onPause", "onStop", "onEnd"],
self._connects.push(d.connect(self._pseudoAnimation, evt,
function(){ self._fire(evt, arguments); }
d.extend(_combine, {
_doAction: function(action, args){
d.forEach(this._animations, function(a){
a[action].apply(a, args);
return this;
_onEnd: function(){
if(++this._finished > this._animations.length){
_call: function(action, args){
var t = this._pseudoAnimation;
t[action].apply(t, args);
play: function(/*int?*/ delay, /*Boolean?*/ gotoStart){
this._finished = 0;
this._doAction("play", arguments);
this._call("play", arguments);
return this;
pause: function(){
this._doAction("pause", arguments);
this._call("pause", arguments);
return this;
gotoPercent: function(/*Decimal*/percent, /*Boolean?*/ andPlay){
var ms = this.duration * percent;
d.forEach(this._animations, function(a){
a.gotoPercent(a.duration < ms ? 1 : (ms / a.duration), andPlay);
this._call("gotoPercent", arguments);
return this;
stop: function(/*boolean?*/ gotoEnd){
this._doAction("stop", arguments);
this._call("stop", arguments);
return this;
status: function(){
return this._pseudoAnimation.status();
destroy: function(){
d.forEach(this._connects, dojo.disconnect);
d.extend(_combine, _baseObj);
dojo.fx.combine = function(/*dojo.Animation[]*/ animations){
// summary:
// Combine a list of `dojo.Animation`s to run in parallel
// description:
// Combine an array of `dojo.Animation`s to run in parallel,
// providing a new `dojo.Animation` instance encompasing each
// animation, firing standard animation events.
// example:
// Fade out `node` while fading in `otherNode` simultaneously
// | dojo.fx.combine([
// | dojo.fadeIn({ node:node }),
// | dojo.fadeOut({ node:otherNode })
// | ]).play();
// example:
// When the longest animation ends, execute a function:
// | var anim = dojo.fx.combine([
// | dojo.fadeIn({ node: n, duration:700 }),
// | dojo.fadeOut({ node: otherNode, duration: 300 })
// | ]);
// | dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){
// | // overall animation is done.
// | });
// | anim.play(); // play the animation
return new _combine(animations); // dojo.Animation
dojo.fx.wipeIn = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Expand a node to it's natural height.
// description:
// Returns an animation that will expand the
// node defined in 'args' object from it's current height to
// it's natural height (with no scrollbar).
// Node must have no margin/border/padding.
// args: Object
// A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties
// (such as easing: node: duration: and so on)
// example:
// | dojo.fx.wipeIn({
// | node:"someId"
// | }).play()
var node = args.node = d.byId(args.node), s = node.style, o;
var anim = d.animateProperty(d.mixin({
properties: {
height: {
// wrapped in functions so we wait till the last second to query (in case value has changed)
start: function(){
// start at current [computed] height, but use 1px rather than 0
// because 0 causes IE to display the whole panel
o = s.overflow;
s.overflow = "hidden";
if(s.visibility == "hidden" || s.display == "none"){
s.height = "1px";
s.display = "";
s.visibility = "";
return 1;
var height = d.style(node, "height");
return Math.max(height, 1);
end: function(){
return node.scrollHeight;
}, args));
d.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){
s.height = "auto";
s.overflow = o;
return anim; // dojo.Animation
dojo.fx.wipeOut = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Shrink a node to nothing and hide it.
// description:
// Returns an animation that will shrink node defined in "args"
// from it's current height to 1px, and then hide it.
// args: Object
// A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties
// (such as easing: node: duration: and so on)
// example:
// | dojo.fx.wipeOut({ node:"someId" }).play()
var node = args.node = d.byId(args.node), s = node.style, o;
var anim = d.animateProperty(d.mixin({
properties: {
height: {
end: 1 // 0 causes IE to display the whole panel
}, args));
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", function(){
o = s.overflow;
s.overflow = "hidden";
s.display = "";
d.connect(anim, "onEnd", function(){
s.overflow = o;
s.height = "auto";
s.display = "none";
return anim; // dojo.Animation
dojo.fx.slideTo = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Slide a node to a new top/left position
// description:
// Returns an animation that will slide "node"
// defined in args Object from its current position to
// the position defined by (args.left, args.top).
// args: Object
// A hash-map of standard `dojo.Animation` constructor properties
// (such as easing: node: duration: and so on). Special args members
// are `top` and `left`, which indicate the new position to slide to.
// example:
// | dojo.fx.slideTo({ node: node, left:"40", top:"50", units:"px" }).play()
var node = args.node = d.byId(args.node),
top = null, left = null;
var init = (function(n){
return function(){
var cs = d.getComputedStyle(n);
var pos = cs.position;
top = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetTop : parseInt(cs.top) || 0);
left = (pos == 'absolute' ? n.offsetLeft : parseInt(cs.left) || 0);
if(pos != 'absolute' && pos != 'relative'){
var ret = d.position(n, true);
top = ret.y;
left = ret.x;
var anim = d.animateProperty(d.mixin({
properties: {
top: args.top || 0,
left: args.left || 0
}, args));
d.connect(anim, "beforeBegin", anim, init);
return anim; // dojo.Animation
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__MagnifyCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for highlighting actions.
// scale: Number?
// The amount to magnify the given object to. Default is 2.
scale: 2
m = dojox.gfx.matrix,
gf = dojox.gfx.fx;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Magnify", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, {
// summary:
// Create an action that magnifies the object the action is applied to.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut, // easing for the action
scale: DEFAULT_SCALE // scale of magnification
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the magnifying action.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot to apply the action to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__MagnifyCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments for this action.
// process optional named parameters
this.scale = kwArgs && typeof kwArgs.scale == "number" ? kwArgs.scale : DEFAULT_SCALE;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the magnifying action.
if(!o.shape || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents) ||
!("cx" in o) || !("cy" in o)){ return; }
var runName = o.run.name, index = o.index, vector = [], anim, init, scale;
if(runName in this.anim){
anim = this.anim[runName][index];
this.anim[runName] = {};
this.anim[runName][index] = anim = {};
if(o.type == "onmouseover"){
init = m.identity;
scale = this.scale;
init = m.scaleAt(this.scale, o.cx, o.cy);
scale = 1 / this.scale;
var kwArgs = {
shape: o.shape,
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.easing,
transform: [
{name: "scaleAt", start: [1, o.cx, o.cy], end: [scale, o.cx, o.cy]},
kwArgs.shape = o.outline;
kwArgs.shape = o.shadow;
delete this.anim[runName][index];
anim.action = dojo.fx.combine(vector);
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
dojo.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){
delete this.anim[runName][index];
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.scan"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.scan"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - "scan" family of functions
// Notes:
// - missing high-level functions are provided with the compatible API:
// scanl, scanl1, scanr, scanr1
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
// - operate on dense arrays
// - take a string as the array argument
// - take an iterator objects as the array argument (only scanl, and scanl1)
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional, empty = {};
d.mixin(df, {
// classic reduce-class functions
scanl: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from left
// to right using a seed value as a starting point; returns an array
// of values produced by foldl() at that point.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t, n, i;
// array
t = new Array((n = a.length) + 1);
t[0] = z;
for(i = 0; i < n; z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), t[++i] = z);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
t = [z];
for(i = 0; a.hasNext(); t.push(z = f.call(o, z, a.next(), i++, a)));
// object/dictionary
t = [z];
for(i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
t.push(z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a));
return t; // Array
scanl1: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from left
// to right; returns an array of values produced by foldl1() at that
// point.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t, n, z, first = true;
// array
t = new Array(n = a.length);
t[0] = z = a[0];
for(var i = 1; i < n; t[i] = z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), ++i);
}else if(typeof a.hasNext == "function" && typeof a.next == "function"){
// iterator
t = [z = a.next()];
for(var i = 1; a.hasNext(); t.push(z = f.call(o, z, a.next(), i++, a)));
// object/dictionary
for(var i in a){
if(!(i in empty)){
t = [z = a[i]];
first = false;
t.push(z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a));
return t; // Array
scanr: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from right
// to left using a seed value as a starting point; returns an array
// of values produced by foldr() at that point.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var n = a.length, t = new Array(n + 1), i = n;
t[n] = z;
for(; i > 0; --i, z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), t[i] = z);
return t; // Array
scanr1: function(/*Array|String*/ a, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: repeatedly applies a binary function to an array from right
// to left; returns an array of values produced by foldr1() at that
// point.
if(typeof a == "string"){ a = a.split(""); }
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var n = a.length, t = new Array(n), z = a[n - 1], i = n - 1;
t[i] = z;
for(; i > 0; --i, z = f.call(o, z, a[i], i, a), t[i] = z);
return t; // Array
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.MoveSlice"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.MoveSlice"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__MoveSliceCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for highlighting actions.
// scale: Number?
// The amount to scale the pie slice. Default is 1.05.
scale: 1.05,
// shift: Number?
// The amount in pixels to shift the pie slice. Default is 7.
shift: 7
var DEFAULT_SCALE = 1.05,
DEFAULT_SHIFT = 7, // px
m = dojox.gfx.matrix,
gf = dojox.gfx.fx,
df = dojox.lang.functional;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.MoveSlice", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, {
// summary:
// Create an action for a pie chart that moves and scales a pie slice.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut, // easing for the action
scale: DEFAULT_SCALE, // scale of magnification
shift: DEFAULT_SHIFT // shift of the slice
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the slice moving action and connect it to the plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot this action is attached to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__MoveSliceCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object for setting parameters.
if(!kwArgs){ kwArgs = {}; }
this.scale = typeof kwArgs.scale == "number" ? kwArgs.scale : DEFAULT_SCALE;
this.shift = typeof kwArgs.shift == "number" ? kwArgs.shift : DEFAULT_SHIFT;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the slice moving action.
if(!o.shape || o.element != "slice" || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents)){ return; }
// calculate the running total of slice angles
var startAngle = m._degToRad(o.plot.opt.startAngle);
if(typeof o.run.data[0] == "number"){
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "+", startAngle),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "+", 0));
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", startAngle),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", 0));
var index = o.index, anim, startScale, endScale, startOffset, endOffset,
angle = (this.angles[index] + this.angles[index + 1]) / 2,
rotateTo0 = m.rotateAt(-angle, o.cx, o.cy),
rotateBack = m.rotateAt( angle, o.cx, o.cy);
anim = this.anim[index];
this.anim[index] = anim = {};
if(o.type == "onmouseover"){
startOffset = 0;
endOffset = this.shift;
startScale = 1;
endScale = this.scale;
startOffset = this.shift;
endOffset = 0;
startScale = this.scale;
endScale = 1;
anim.action = dojox.gfx.fx.animateTransform({
shape: o.shape,
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.easing,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [startOffset, 0], end: [endOffset, 0]},
{name: "scaleAt", start: [startScale, o.cx, o.cy], end: [endScale, o.cx, o.cy]},
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
dojo.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){
delete this.anim[index];
reset: function(){
delete this.angles;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Shake"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Shake"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__ShakeCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for highlighting actions.
// shift: Number?
// The amount in pixels to shift the pie slice. Default is 3.
shift: 3
m = dojox.gfx.matrix,
gf = dojox.gfx.fx;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Shake", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, {
// summary:
// Create a shaking action for use on an element in a chart.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
duration: 400, // duration of the action in ms
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut, // easing for the action
shiftX: DEFAULT_SHIFT, // shift of the element along the X axis
shiftY: DEFAULT_SHIFT // shift of the element along the Y axis
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the shaking action and connect it to the plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot this action is attached to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__ShakeCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object for setting parameters.
if(!kwArgs){ kwArgs = {}; }
this.shiftX = typeof kwArgs.shiftX == "number" ? kwArgs.shiftX : DEFAULT_SHIFT;
this.shiftY = typeof kwArgs.shiftY == "number" ? kwArgs.shiftY : DEFAULT_SHIFT;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the slice moving action.
if(!o.shape || !(o.type in this.overOutEvents)){ return; }
var runName = o.run.name, index = o.index, vector = [], anim,
shiftX = o.type == "onmouseover" ? this.shiftX : -this.shiftX,
shiftY = o.type == "onmouseover" ? this.shiftY : -this.shiftY;
if(runName in this.anim){
anim = this.anim[runName][index];
this.anim[runName] = {};
this.anim[runName][index] = anim = {};
var kwArgs = {
shape: o.shape,
duration: this.duration,
easing: this.easing,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [this.shiftX, this.shiftY], end: [0, 0]},
kwArgs.shape = o.outline;
kwArgs.shape = o.shadow;
delete this.anim[runName][index];
anim.action = dojo.fx.combine(vector);
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
dojo.connect(anim.action, "onEnd", this, function(){
delete this.anim[runName][index];
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.string"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.string"] = true;
dojo.getObject("string", true, dojo);
dojo.string = {
// summary: String utilities for Dojo
dojo.string.rep = function(/*String*/str, /*Integer*/num){
// summary:
// Efficiently replicate a string `n` times.
// str:
// the string to replicate
// num:
// number of times to replicate the string
if(num <= 0 || !str){ return ""; }
var buf = [];
if(num & 1){
if(!(num >>= 1)){ break; }
str += str;
return buf.join(""); // String
dojo.string.pad = function(/*String*/text, /*Integer*/size, /*String?*/ch, /*Boolean?*/end){
// summary:
// Pad a string to guarantee that it is at least `size` length by
// filling with the character `ch` at either the start or end of the
// string. Pads at the start, by default.
// text:
// the string to pad
// size:
// length to provide padding
// ch:
// character to pad, defaults to '0'
// end:
// adds padding at the end if true, otherwise pads at start
// example:
// | // Fill the string to length 10 with "+" characters on the right. Yields "Dojo++++++".
// | dojo.string.pad("Dojo", 10, "+", true);
ch = '0';
var out = String(text),
pad = dojo.string.rep(ch, Math.ceil((size - out.length) / ch.length));
return end ? out + pad : pad + out; // String
dojo.string.substitute = function( /*String*/ template,
/*Function?*/ transform,
/*Object?*/ thisObject){
// summary:
// Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an
// exception if any parameter is unmatched.
// template:
// a string with expressions in the form `${key}` to be replaced or
// `${key:format}` which specifies a format function. keys are case-sensitive.
// map:
// hash to search for substitutions
// transform:
// a function to process all parameters before substitution takes
// place, e.g. mylib.encodeXML
// thisObject:
// where to look for optional format function; default to the global
// namespace
// example:
// Substitutes two expressions in a string from an Array or Object
// | // returns "File 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// | // by providing substitution data in an Array
// | dojo.string.substitute(
// | "File '${0}' is not found in directory '${1}'.",
// | ["foo.html","/temp"]
// | );
// |
// | // also returns "File 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// | // but provides substitution data in an Object structure. Dotted
// | // notation may be used to traverse the structure.
// | dojo.string.substitute(
// | "File '${name}' is not found in directory '${info.dir}'.",
// | { name: "foo.html", info: { dir: "/temp" } }
// | );
// example:
// Use a transform function to modify the values:
// | // returns "file 'foo.html' is not found in directory '/temp'."
// | dojo.string.substitute(
// | "${0} is not found in ${1}.",
// | ["foo.html","/temp"],
// | function(str){
// | // try to figure out the type
// | var prefix = (str.charAt(0) == "/") ? "directory": "file";
// | return prefix + " '" + str + "'";
// | }
// | );
// example:
// Use a formatter
// | // returns "thinger -- howdy"
// | dojo.string.substitute(
// | "${0:postfix}", ["thinger"], null, {
// | postfix: function(value, key){
// | return value + " -- howdy";
// | }
// | }
// | );
thisObject = thisObject || dojo.global;
transform = transform ?
dojo.hitch(thisObject, transform) : function(v){ return v; };
return template.replace(/\$\{([^\s\:\}]+)(?:\:([^\s\:\}]+))?\}/g,
function(match, key, format){
var value = dojo.getObject(key, false, map);
value = dojo.getObject(format, false, thisObject).call(thisObject, value, key);
return transform(value, key).toString();
}); // String
dojo.string.trim = function(str){
// summary:
// Trims whitespace from both sides of the string
// str: String
// String to be trimmed
// returns: String
// Returns the trimmed string
// description:
// This version of trim() was taken from [Steven Levithan's blog](http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-trim-javascript).
// The short yet performant version of this function is dojo.trim(),
// which is part of Dojo base. Uses String.prototype.trim instead, if available.
return ""; // String
dojo.string.trim = String.prototype.trim ?
dojo.trim : // aliasing to the native function
str = str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
for(var i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
str = str.substring(0, i + 1);
return str;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.date.stamp"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.date.stamp"] = true;
dojo.getObject("date.stamp", true, dojo);
// Methods to convert dates to or from a wire (string) format using well-known conventions
dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString = function(/*String*/formattedString, /*Number?*/defaultTime){
// summary:
// Returns a Date object given a string formatted according to a subset of the ISO-8601 standard.
// description:
// Accepts a string formatted according to a profile of ISO8601 as defined by
// [RFC3339](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt), except that partial input is allowed.
// Can also process dates as specified [by the W3C](http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)
// The following combinations are valid:
// * dates only
// | * yyyy
// | * yyyy-MM
// | * yyyy-MM-dd
// * times only, with an optional time zone appended
// | * THH:mm
// | * THH:mm:ss
// | * THH:mm:ss.SSS
// * and "datetimes" which could be any combination of the above
// timezones may be specified as Z (for UTC) or +/- followed by a time expression HH:mm
// Assumes the local time zone if not specified. Does not validate. Improperly formatted
// input may return null. Arguments which are out of bounds will be handled
// by the Date constructor (e.g. January 32nd typically gets resolved to February 1st)
// Only years between 100 and 9999 are supported.
// formattedString:
// A string such as 2005-06-30T08:05:00-07:00 or 2005-06-30 or T08:05:00
// defaultTime:
// Used for defaults for fields omitted in the formattedString.
// Uses 1970-01-01T00:00:00.0Z by default.
dojo.date.stamp._isoRegExp =
//TODO: could be more restrictive and check for 00-59, etc.
var match = dojo.date.stamp._isoRegExp.exec(formattedString),
result = null;
if(match[1]){match[1]--;} // Javascript Date months are 0-based
if(match[6]){match[6] *= 1000;} // Javascript Date expects fractional seconds as milliseconds
// mix in defaultTime. Relatively expensive, so use || operators for the fast path of defaultTime === 0
defaultTime = new Date(defaultTime);
dojo.forEach(dojo.map(["FullYear", "Month", "Date", "Hours", "Minutes", "Seconds", "Milliseconds"], function(prop){
return defaultTime["get" + prop]();
}), function(value, index){
match[index] = match[index] || value;
result = new Date(match[0]||1970, match[1]||0, match[2]||1, match[3]||0, match[4]||0, match[5]||0, match[6]||0); //TODO: UTC defaults
if(match[0] < 100){
result.setFullYear(match[0] || 1970);
var offset = 0,
zoneSign = match[7] && match[7].charAt(0);
if(zoneSign != 'Z'){
offset = ((match[8] || 0) * 60) + (Number(match[9]) || 0);
if(zoneSign != '-'){ offset *= -1; }
offset -= result.getTimezoneOffset();
result.setTime(result.getTime() + offset * 60000);
return result; // Date or null
dojo.date.stamp.__Options = function(){
// selector: String
// "date" or "time" for partial formatting of the Date object.
// Both date and time will be formatted by default.
// zulu: Boolean
// if true, UTC/GMT is used for a timezone
// milliseconds: Boolean
// if true, output milliseconds
this.selector = selector;
this.zulu = zulu;
this.milliseconds = milliseconds;
dojo.date.stamp.toISOString = function(/*Date*/dateObject, /*dojo.date.stamp.__Options?*/options){
// summary:
// Format a Date object as a string according a subset of the ISO-8601 standard
// description:
// When options.selector is omitted, output follows [RFC3339](http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt)
// The local time zone is included as an offset from GMT, except when selector=='time' (time without a date)
// Does not check bounds. Only years between 100 and 9999 are supported.
// dateObject:
// A Date object
var _ = function(n){ return (n < 10) ? "0" + n : n; };
options = options || {};
var formattedDate = [],
getter = options.zulu ? "getUTC" : "get",
date = "";
if(options.selector != "time"){
var year = dateObject[getter+"FullYear"]();
date = ["0000".substr((year+"").length)+year, _(dateObject[getter+"Month"]()+1), _(dateObject[getter+"Date"]())].join('-');
if(options.selector != "date"){
var time = [_(dateObject[getter+"Hours"]()), _(dateObject[getter+"Minutes"]()), _(dateObject[getter+"Seconds"]())].join(':');
var millis = dateObject[getter+"Milliseconds"]();
time += "."+ (millis < 100 ? "0" : "") + _(millis);
time += "Z";
}else if(options.selector != "time"){
var timezoneOffset = dateObject.getTimezoneOffset();
var absOffset = Math.abs(timezoneOffset);
time += (timezoneOffset > 0 ? "-" : "+") +
_(Math.floor(absOffset/60)) + ":" + _(absOffset%60);
return formattedDate.join('T'); // String
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.parser"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.parser"] = true;
new Date("X"); // workaround for #11279, new Date("") == NaN
dojo.parser = new function(){
// summary:
// The Dom/Widget parsing package
var d = dojo;
function val2type(/*Object*/ value){
// summary:
// Returns name of type of given value.
if(d.isString(value)){ return "string"; }
if(typeof value == "number"){ return "number"; }
if(typeof value == "boolean"){ return "boolean"; }
if(d.isFunction(value)){ return "function"; }
if(d.isArray(value)){ return "array"; } // typeof [] == "object"
if(value instanceof Date) { return "date"; } // assume timestamp
if(value instanceof d._Url){ return "url"; }
return "object";
function str2obj(/*String*/ value, /*String*/ type){
// summary:
// Convert given string value to given type
case "string":
return value;
case "number":
return value.length ? Number(value) : NaN;
case "boolean":
// for checked/disabled value might be "" or "checked". interpret as true.
return typeof value == "boolean" ? value : !(value.toLowerCase()=="false");
case "function":
// IE gives us a function, even when we say something like onClick="foo"
// (in which case it gives us an invalid function "function(){ foo }").
// Therefore, convert to string
value=d.trim(value.substring(value.indexOf('{')+1, value.length-1));
if(value === "" || value.search(/[^\w\.]+/i) != -1){
// The user has specified some text for a function like "return x+5"
return new Function(value);
// The user has specified the name of a function like "myOnClick"
// or a single word function "return"
return d.getObject(value, false) || new Function(value);
}catch(e){ return new Function(); }
case "array":
return value ? value.split(/\s*,\s*/) : [];
case "date":
case "": return new Date(""); // the NaN of dates
case "now": return new Date(); // current date
default: return d.date.stamp.fromISOString(value);
case "url":
return d.baseUrl + value;
return d.fromJson(value);
var dummyClass = {}, instanceClasses = {
// map from fully qualified name (like "dijit.Button") to structure like
// { cls: dijit.Button, params: {label: "string", disabled: "boolean"} }
// Widgets like BorderContainer add properties to _Widget via dojo.extend().
// If BorderContainer is loaded after _Widget's parameter list has been cached,
// we need to refresh that parameter list (for _Widget and all widgets that extend _Widget).
// TODO: remove this in 2.0, when we stop caching parameters.
d.connect(d, "extend", function(){
instanceClasses = {};
function getProtoInfo(cls, params){
// cls: A prototype
// The prototype of the class to check props on
// params: Object
// The parameters object to mix found parameters onto.
for(var name in cls){
if(name.charAt(0)=="_"){ continue; } // skip internal properties
if(name in dummyClass){ continue; } // skip "constructor" and "toString"
params[name] = val2type(cls[name]);
return params;
function getClassInfo(/*String*/ className, /*Boolean*/ skipParamsLookup){
// summary:
// Maps a widget name string like "dijit.form.Button" to the widget constructor itself,
// and a list of that widget's parameters and their types
// className:
// fully qualified name (like "dijit.form.Button")
// returns:
// structure like
// {
// cls: dijit.Button,
// params: { label: "string", disabled: "boolean"}
// }
var c = instanceClasses[className];
// get pointer to widget class
var cls = d.getObject(className), params = null;
if(!cls){ return null; } // class not defined [yet]
if(!skipParamsLookup){ // from fastpath, we don't need to lookup the attrs on the proto because they are explicit
params = getProtoInfo(cls.prototype, {})
c = { cls: cls, params: params };
}else if(!skipParamsLookup && !c.params){
// if we're calling getClassInfo and have a cls proto, but no params info, scan that cls for params now
// and update the pointer in instanceClasses[className]. This happens when a widget appears in another
// widget's template which still uses dojoType, but an instance of the widget appears prior with a data-dojo-type,
// skipping this lookup the first time.
c.params = getProtoInfo(c.cls.prototype, {});
return c;
this._functionFromScript = function(script, attrData){
// summary:
// Convert a <script type="dojo/method" args="a, b, c"> ... </script>
// into a function
// script: DOMNode
// The <script> DOMNode
// attrData: String
// For HTML5 compliance, searches for attrData + "args" (typically
// "data-dojo-args") instead of "args"
var preamble = "";
var suffix = "";
var argsStr = (script.getAttribute(attrData + "args") || script.getAttribute("args"));
d.forEach(argsStr.split(/\s*,\s*/), function(part, idx){
preamble += "var "+part+" = arguments["+idx+"]; ";
var withStr = script.getAttribute("with");
if(withStr && withStr.length){
d.forEach(withStr.split(/\s*,\s*/), function(part){
preamble += "with("+part+"){";
suffix += "}";
return new Function(preamble+script.innerHTML+suffix);
this.instantiate = function(/* Array */nodes, /* Object? */mixin, /* Object? */args){
// summary:
// Takes array of nodes, and turns them into class instances and
// potentially calls a startup method to allow them to connect with
// any children.
// nodes: Array
// Array of nodes or objects like
// | {
// | type: "dijit.form.Button",
// | node: DOMNode,
// | scripts: [ ... ], // array of <script type="dojo/..."> children of node
// | inherited: { ... } // settings inherited from ancestors like dir, theme, etc.
// | }
// mixin: Object?
// An object that will be mixed in with each node in the array.
// Values in the mixin will override values in the node, if they
// exist.
// args: Object?
// An object used to hold kwArgs for instantiation.
// See parse.args argument for details.
var thelist = [],
mixin = mixin||{};
args = args||{};
// TODO: for 2.0 default to data-dojo- regardless of scopeName (or maybe scopeName won't exist in 2.0)
var attrName = (args.scope || d._scopeName) + "Type", // typically "dojoType"
attrData = "data-" + (args.scope || d._scopeName) + "-"; // typically "data-dojo-"
d.forEach(nodes, function(obj){
if(!obj){ return; }
// Get pointers to DOMNode, dojoType string, and clsInfo (metadata about the dojoType), etc.
var node, type, clsInfo, clazz, scripts, fastpath;
// new format of nodes[] array, object w/lots of properties pre-computed for me
node = obj.node;
type = obj.type;
fastpath = obj.fastpath;
clsInfo = obj.clsInfo || (type && getClassInfo(type, fastpath));
clazz = clsInfo && clsInfo.cls;
scripts = obj.scripts;
// old (backwards compatible) format of nodes[] array, simple array of DOMNodes. no fastpath/data-dojo-type support here.
node = obj;
type = attrName in mixin ? mixin[attrName] : node.getAttribute(attrName);
clsInfo = type && getClassInfo(type);
clazz = clsInfo && clsInfo.cls;
scripts = (clazz && (clazz._noScript || clazz.prototype._noScript) ? [] :
d.query("> script[type^='dojo/']", node));
throw new Error("Could not load class '" + type);
// Setup hash to hold parameter settings for this widget. Start with the parameter
// settings inherited from ancestors ("dir" and "lang").
// Inherited setting may later be overridden by explicit settings on node itself.
var params = {};
// settings for the document itself (or whatever subtree is being parsed)
d._mixin(params, args.defaults);
// settings from dir=rtl or lang=... on a node above this node
d._mixin(params, obj.inherited);
// mix things found in data-dojo-props into the params
var extra = node.getAttribute(attrData + "props");
if(extra && extra.length){
extra = d.fromJson.call(args.propsThis, "{" + extra + "}");
d._mixin(params, extra);
// give the user a pointer to their invalid parameters. FIXME: can we kill this in production?
throw new Error(e.toString() + " in data-dojo-props='" + extra + "'");
// For the benefit of _Templated, check if node has data-dojo-attach-point/data-dojo-attach-event
// and mix those in as though they were parameters
var attachPoint = node.getAttribute(attrData + "attach-point");
params.dojoAttachPoint = attachPoint;
var attachEvent = node.getAttribute(attrData + "attach-event");
params.dojoAttachEvent = attachEvent;
dojo.mixin(params, mixin);
// FIXME: we need something like "deprecateOnce()" to throw dojo.deprecation for something.
// remove this logic in 2.0
// read parameters (ie, attributes) specified on DOMNode
var attributes = node.attributes;
// clsInfo.params lists expected params like {"checked": "boolean", "n": "number"}
for(var name in clsInfo.params){
var item = name in mixin ? { value:mixin[name], specified:true } : attributes.getNamedItem(name);
if(!item || (!item.specified && (!dojo.isIE || name.toLowerCase()!="value"))){ continue; }
var value = item.value;
// Deal with IE quirks for 'class' and 'style'
case "class":
value = "className" in mixin ? mixin.className : node.className;
case "style":
value = "style" in mixin ? mixin.style : (node.style && node.style.cssText); // FIXME: Opera?
var _type = clsInfo.params[name];
if(typeof value == "string"){
params[name] = str2obj(value, _type);
params[name] = value;
// Process <script type="dojo/*"> script tags
// <script type="dojo/method" event="foo"> tags are added to params, and passed to
// the widget on instantiation.
// <script type="dojo/method"> tags (with no event) are executed after instantiation
// <script type="dojo/connect" event="foo"> tags are dojo.connected after instantiation
// note: dojo/* script tags cannot exist in self closing widgets, like <input />
var connects = [], // functions to connect after instantiation
calls = []; // functions to call after instantiation
d.forEach(scripts, function(script){
// FIXME: drop event="" support in 2.0. use data-dojo-event="" instead
var event = (script.getAttribute(attrData + "event") || script.getAttribute("event")),
type = script.getAttribute("type"),
nf = d.parser._functionFromScript(script, attrData);
if(type == "dojo/connect"){
connects.push({event: event, func: nf});
params[event] = nf;
var markupFactory = clazz.markupFactory || clazz.prototype && clazz.prototype.markupFactory;
// create the instance
var instance = markupFactory ? markupFactory(params, node, clazz) : new clazz(params, node);
// map it to the JS namespace if that makes sense
// FIXME: in 2.0, drop jsId support. use data-dojo-id instead
var jsname = (node.getAttribute(attrData + "id") || node.getAttribute("jsId"));
d.setObject(jsname, instance);
// process connections and startup functions
d.forEach(connects, function(connect){
d.connect(instance, connect.event, null, connect.func);
d.forEach(calls, function(func){
// Call startup on each top level instance if it makes sense (as for
// widgets). Parent widgets will recursively call startup on their
// (non-top level) children
// TODO: for 2.0, when old instantiate() API is desupported, store parent-child
// relationships in the nodes[] array so that no getParent() call is needed.
// Note that will require a parse() call from ContentPane setting a param that the
// ContentPane is the parent widget (so that the parse doesn't call startup() on the
// ContentPane's children)
d.forEach(thelist, function(instance){
if( !args.noStart && instance &&
dojo.isFunction(instance.startup) &&
!instance._started &&
(!instance.getParent || !instance.getParent())
return thelist;
this.parse = function(rootNode, args){
// summary:
// Scan the DOM for class instances, and instantiate them.
// description:
// Search specified node (or root node) recursively for class instances,
// and instantiate them. Searches for either data-dojo-type="Class" or
// dojoType="Class" where "Class" is a a fully qualified class name,
// like `dijit.form.Button`
// Using `data-dojo-type`:
// Attributes using can be mixed into the parameters used to instantitate the
// Class by using a `data-dojo-props` attribute on the node being converted.
// `data-dojo-props` should be a string attribute to be converted from JSON.
// Using `dojoType`:
// Attributes are read from the original domNode and converted to appropriate
// types by looking up the Class prototype values. This is the default behavior
// from Dojo 1.0 to Dojo 1.5. `dojoType` support is deprecated, and will
// go away in Dojo 2.0.
// rootNode: DomNode?
// A default starting root node from which to start the parsing. Can be
// omitted, defaulting to the entire document. If omitted, the `args`
// object can be passed in this place. If the `args` object has a
// `rootNode` member, that is used.
// args: Object
// a kwArgs object passed along to instantiate()
// * noStart: Boolean?
// when set will prevent the parser from calling .startup()
// when locating the nodes.
// * rootNode: DomNode?
// identical to the function's `rootNode` argument, though
// allowed to be passed in via this `args object.
// * template: Boolean
// If true, ignores ContentPane's stopParser flag and parses contents inside of
// a ContentPane inside of a template. This allows dojoAttachPoint on widgets/nodes
// nested inside the ContentPane to work.
// * inherited: Object
// Hash possibly containing dir and lang settings to be applied to
// parsed widgets, unless there's another setting on a sub-node that overrides
// * scope: String
// Root for attribute names to search for. If scopeName is dojo,
// will search for data-dojo-type (or dojoType). For backwards compatibility
// reasons defaults to dojo._scopeName (which is "dojo" except when
// multi-version support is used, when it will be something like dojo16, dojo20, etc.)
// * propsThis: Object
// If specified, "this" referenced from data-dojo-props will refer to propsThis.
// Intended for use from the widgets-in-template feature of `dijit._Templated`
// example:
// Parse all widgets on a page:
// | dojo.parser.parse();
// example:
// Parse all classes within the node with id="foo"
// | dojo.parser.parse(dojo.byId('foo'));
// example:
// Parse all classes in a page, but do not call .startup() on any
// child
// | dojo.parser.parse({ noStart: true })
// example:
// Parse all classes in a node, but do not call .startup()
// | dojo.parser.parse(someNode, { noStart:true });
// | // or
// | dojo.parser.parse({ noStart:true, rootNode: someNode });
// determine the root node based on the passed arguments.
var root;
if(!args && rootNode && rootNode.rootNode){
args = rootNode;
root = args.rootNode;
root = rootNode;
root = root ? dojo.byId(root) : dojo.body();
args = args || {};
var attrName = (args.scope || d._scopeName) + "Type", // typically "dojoType"
attrData = "data-" + (args.scope || d._scopeName) + "-"; // typically "data-dojo-"
function scan(parent, list){
// summary:
// Parent is an Object representing a DOMNode, with or without a dojoType specified.
// Scan parent's children looking for nodes with dojoType specified, storing in list[].
// If parent has a dojoType, also collects <script type=dojo/*> children and stores in parent.scripts[].
// parent: Object
// Object representing the parent node, like
// | {
// | node: DomNode, // scan children of this node
// | inherited: {dir: "rtl"}, // dir/lang setting inherited from above node
// |
// | // attributes only set if node has dojoType specified
// | scripts: [], // empty array, put <script type=dojo/*> in here
// | clsInfo: { cls: dijit.form.Button, ...}
// | }
// list: DomNode[]
// Output array of objects (same format as parent) representing nodes to be turned into widgets
// Effective dir and lang settings on parent node, either set directly or inherited from grandparent
var inherited = dojo.clone(parent.inherited);
dojo.forEach(["dir", "lang"], function(name){
// TODO: what if this is a widget and dir/lang are declared in data-dojo-props?
var val = parent.node.getAttribute(name);
inherited[name] = val;
// if parent is a widget, then search for <script type=dojo/*> tags and put them in scripts[].
var scripts = parent.clsInfo && !parent.clsInfo.cls.prototype._noScript ? parent.scripts : null;
// unless parent is a widget with the stopParser flag set, continue search for dojoType, recursively
var recurse = (!parent.clsInfo || !parent.clsInfo.cls.prototype.stopParser) || (args && args.template);
// scan parent's children looking for dojoType and <script type=dojo/*>
for(var child = parent.node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling){
if(child.nodeType == 1){
// FIXME: desupport dojoType in 2.0. use data-dojo-type instead
var type, html5 = recurse && child.getAttribute(attrData + "type");
type = html5;
// fallback to backward compatible mode, using dojoType. remove in 2.0
type = recurse && child.getAttribute(attrName);
var fastpath = html5 == type;
// if dojoType/data-dojo-type specified, add to output array of nodes to instantiate
var params = {
"type": type,
fastpath: fastpath,
clsInfo: getClassInfo(type, fastpath), // note: won't find classes declared via dojo.Declaration
node: child,
scripts: [], // <script> nodes that are parent's children
inherited: inherited // dir & lang attributes inherited from parent
// Recurse, collecting <script type="dojo/..."> children, and also looking for
// descendant nodes with dojoType specified (unless the widget has the stopParser flag),
scan(params, list);
}else if(scripts && child.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "script"){
// if <script type="dojo/...">, save in scripts[]
type = child.getAttribute("type");
if (type && /^dojo\/\w/i.test(type)) {
}else if(recurse){
// Recurse, looking for grandchild nodes with dojoType specified
node: child,
inherited: inherited
}, list);
// Ignore bogus entries in inherited hash like {dir: ""}
var inherited = {};
if(args && args.inherited){
for(var key in args.inherited){
if(args.inherited[key]){ inherited[key] = args.inherited[key]; }
// Make list of all nodes on page w/dojoType specified
var list = [];
node: root,
inherited: inherited
}, list);
// go build the object instances
var mixin = args && args.template ? {template: true} : null;
return this.instantiate(list, mixin, args); // Array
//Register the parser callback. It should be the first callback
//after the a11y test.
var parseRunner = function(){
// FIXME: need to clobber cross-dependency!!
if(dojo.getObject("dijit.wai.onload") === dojo._loaders[0]){
dojo._loaders.splice(1, 0, parseRunner);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojo.cache"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojo.cache"] = true;
dojo.cache = {
// summary:
// A way to cache string content that is fetchable via `dojo.moduleUrl`.
var cache = {};
dojo.cache = function(/*String||Object*/module, /*String*/url, /*String||Object?*/value){
// summary:
// A getter and setter for storing the string content associated with the
// module and url arguments.
// description:
// module and url are used to call `dojo.moduleUrl()` to generate a module URL.
// If value is specified, the cache value for the moduleUrl will be set to
// that value. Otherwise, dojo.cache will fetch the moduleUrl and store it
// in its internal cache and return that cached value for the URL. To clear
// a cache value pass null for value. Since XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is used to fetch the
// the URL contents, only modules on the same domain of the page can use this capability.
// The build system can inline the cache values though, to allow for xdomain hosting.
// module: String||Object
// If a String, the module name to use for the base part of the URL, similar to module argument
// to `dojo.moduleUrl`. If an Object, something that has a .toString() method that
// generates a valid path for the cache item. For example, a dojo._Url object.
// url: String
// The rest of the path to append to the path derived from the module argument. If
// module is an object, then this second argument should be the "value" argument instead.
// value: String||Object?
// If a String, the value to use in the cache for the module/url combination.
// If an Object, it can have two properties: value and sanitize. The value property
// should be the value to use in the cache, and sanitize can be set to true or false,
// to indicate if XML declarations should be removed from the value and if the HTML
// inside a body tag in the value should be extracted as the real value. The value argument
// or the value property on the value argument are usually only used by the build system
// as it inlines cache content.
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache (the dojo["cache"] style
// of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system erroneously trying to intern
// this example. To get the build system to intern your dojo.cache calls, use the
// "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<h1>Hello</h1>" that will be
// | //the value for the text variable.
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html");
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache, and sanitize the input
// (the dojo["cache"] style of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system
// erroneously trying to intern this example. To get the build system to intern your
// dojo.cache calls, use the "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html", {sanitize: true});
// example:
// Same example as previous, but demostrates how an object can be passed in as
// the first argument, then the value argument can then be the second argument.
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | var text = dojo["cache"](new dojo._Url("my/module/template.html"), {sanitize: true});
//Module could be a string, or an object that has a toString() method
//that will return a useful path. If it is an object, then the "url" argument
//will actually be the value argument.
if(typeof module == "string"){
var pathObj = dojo.moduleUrl(module, url);
pathObj = module;
value = url;
var key = pathObj.toString();
var val = value;
if(value != undefined && !dojo.isString(value)){
val = ("value" in value ? value.value : undefined);
var sanitize = value && value.sanitize ? true : false;
if(typeof val == "string"){
//We have a string, set cache value
val = cache[key] = sanitize ? dojo.cache._sanitize(val) : val;
}else if(val === null){
//Remove cached value
delete cache[key];
//Allow cache values to be empty strings. If key property does
//not exist, fetch it.
if(!(key in cache)){
val = dojo._getText(key);
cache[key] = sanitize ? dojo.cache._sanitize(val) : val;
val = cache[key];
return val; //String
dojo.cache._sanitize = function(/*String*/val){
// summary:
// Strips <?xml ...?> declarations so that external SVG and XML
// documents can be added to a document without worry. Also, if the string
// is an HTML document, only the part inside the body tag is returned.
// description:
// Copied from dijit._Templated._sanitizeTemplateString.
val = val.replace(/^\s*<\?xml(\s)+version=[\'\"](\d)*.(\d)*[\'\"](\s)*\?>/im, "");
var matches = val.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
val = matches[1];
val = "";
return val; //String
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit._Templated"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit._Templated"] = true;
// summary:
// Mixin for widgets that are instantiated from a template
// templateString: [protected] String
// A string that represents the widget template. Pre-empts the
// templatePath. In builds that have their strings "interned", the
// templatePath is converted to an inline templateString, thereby
// preventing a synchronous network call.
// Use in conjunction with dojo.cache() to load from a file.
templateString: null,
// templatePath: [protected deprecated] String
// Path to template (HTML file) for this widget relative to dojo.baseUrl.
// Deprecated: use templateString with dojo.cache() instead.
templatePath: null,
// widgetsInTemplate: [protected] Boolean
// Should we parse the template to find widgets that might be
// declared in markup inside it? False by default.
widgetsInTemplate: false,
// skipNodeCache: [protected] Boolean
// If using a cached widget template node poses issues for a
// particular widget class, it can set this property to ensure
// that its template is always re-built from a string
_skipNodeCache: false,
// _earlyTemplatedStartup: Boolean
// A fallback to preserve the 1.0 - 1.3 behavior of children in
// templates having their startup called before the parent widget
// fires postCreate. Defaults to 'false', causing child widgets to
// have their .startup() called immediately before a parent widget
// .startup(), but always after the parent .postCreate(). Set to
// 'true' to re-enable to previous, arguably broken, behavior.
_earlyTemplatedStartup: false,
// _attachPoints: [private] String[]
// List of widget attribute names associated with dojoAttachPoint=... in the
// template, ex: ["containerNode", "labelNode"]
_attachPoints: [],
// _attachEvents: [private] Handle[]
// List of connections associated with dojoAttachEvent=... in the
// template
_attachEvents: [],
constructor: function(){
this._attachPoints = [];
this._attachEvents = [];
_stringRepl: function(tmpl){
// summary:
// Does substitution of ${foo} type properties in template string
// tags:
// private
var className = this.declaredClass, _this = this;
// Cache contains a string because we need to do property replacement
// do the property replacement
return dojo.string.substitute(tmpl, this, function(value, key){
if(key.charAt(0) == '!'){ value = dojo.getObject(key.substr(1), false, _this); }
if(typeof value == "undefined"){ throw new Error(className+" template:"+key); } // a debugging aide
if(value == null){ return ""; }
// Substitution keys beginning with ! will skip the transform step,
// in case a user wishes to insert unescaped markup, e.g. ${!foo}
return key.charAt(0) == "!" ? value :
// Safer substitution, see heading "Attribute values" in
// http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/appendix/notes.html#h-B.3.2
value.toString().replace(/"/g,"""); //TODO: add &? use encodeXML method?
}, this);
buildRendering: function(){
// summary:
// Construct the UI for this widget from a template, setting this.domNode.
// tags:
// protected
// Lookup cached version of template, and download to cache if it
// isn't there already. Returns either a DomNode or a string, depending on
// whether or not the template contains ${foo} replacement parameters.
var cached = dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate(this.templatePath, this.templateString, this._skipNodeCache);
var node;
node = dojo._toDom(this._stringRepl(cached));
if(node.nodeType != 1){
// Flag common problems such as templates with multiple top level nodes (nodeType == 11)
throw new Error("Invalid template: " + cached);
// if it's a node, all we have to do is clone it
node = cached.cloneNode(true);
this.domNode = node;
// Call down to _Widget.buildRendering() to get base classes assigned
// TODO: change the baseClass assignment to attributeMap
// recurse through the node, looking for, and attaching to, our
// attachment points and events, which should be defined on the template node.
// Store widgets that we need to start at a later point in time
var cw = (this._startupWidgets = dojo.parser.parse(node, {
noStart: !this._earlyTemplatedStartup,
template: true,
inherited: {dir: this.dir, lang: this.lang},
propsThis: this, // so data-dojo-props of widgets in the template can reference "this" to refer to me
scope: "dojo" // even in multi-version mode templates use dojoType/data-dojo-type
this._supportingWidgets = dijit.findWidgets(node);
this._attachTemplateNodes(cw, function(n,p){
return n[p];
_fillContent: function(/*DomNode*/ source){
// summary:
// Relocate source contents to templated container node.
// this.containerNode must be able to receive children, or exceptions will be thrown.
// tags:
// protected
var dest = this.containerNode;
if(source && dest){
_attachTemplateNodes: function(rootNode, getAttrFunc){
// summary:
// Iterate through the template and attach functions and nodes accordingly.
// Alternately, if rootNode is an array of widgets, then will process dojoAttachPoint
// etc. for those widgets.
// description:
// Map widget properties and functions to the handlers specified in
// the dom node and it's descendants. This function iterates over all
// nodes and looks for these properties:
// * dojoAttachPoint
// * dojoAttachEvent
// * waiRole
// * waiState
// rootNode: DomNode|Array[Widgets]
// the node to search for properties. All children will be searched.
// getAttrFunc: Function?
// a function which will be used to obtain property for a given
// DomNode/Widget
// tags:
// private
getAttrFunc = getAttrFunc || function(n,p){ return n.getAttribute(p); };
var nodes = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? rootNode : (rootNode.all || rootNode.getElementsByTagName("*"));
var x = dojo.isArray(rootNode) ? 0 : -1;
for(; x<nodes.length; x++){
var baseNode = (x == -1) ? rootNode : nodes[x];
if(this.widgetsInTemplate && (getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoType") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-type"))){
// Process dojoAttachPoint
var attachPoint = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoAttachPoint") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-attach-point");
var point, points = attachPoint.split(/\s*,\s*/);
while((point = points.shift())){
// Process dojoAttachEvent
var attachEvent = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "dojoAttachEvent") || getAttrFunc(baseNode, "data-dojo-attach-event");;
// NOTE: we want to support attributes that have the form
// "domEvent: nativeEvent; ..."
var event, events = attachEvent.split(/\s*,\s*/);
var trim = dojo.trim;
while((event = events.shift())){
var thisFunc = null;
if(event.indexOf(":") != -1){
// oh, if only JS had tuple assignment
var funcNameArr = event.split(":");
event = trim(funcNameArr[0]);
thisFunc = trim(funcNameArr[1]);
event = trim(event);
thisFunc = event;
this._attachEvents.push(this.connect(baseNode, event, thisFunc));
// waiRole, waiState
// TODO: remove this in 2.0, templates are now using role=... and aria-XXX=... attributes directicly
var role = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "waiRole");
dijit.setWaiRole(baseNode, role);
var values = getAttrFunc(baseNode, "waiState");
dojo.forEach(values.split(/\s*,\s*/), function(stateValue){
if(stateValue.indexOf('-') != -1){
var pair = stateValue.split('-');
dijit.setWaiState(baseNode, pair[0], pair[1]);
startup: function(){
dojo.forEach(this._startupWidgets, function(w){
if(w && !w._started && w.startup){
destroyRendering: function(){
// Delete all attach points to prevent IE6 memory leaks.
dojo.forEach(this._attachPoints, function(point){
delete this[point];
}, this);
this._attachPoints = [];
// And same for event handlers
dojo.forEach(this._attachEvents, this.disconnect, this);
this._attachEvents = [];
// key is either templatePath or templateString; object is either string or DOM tree
dijit._Templated._templateCache = {};
dijit._Templated.getCachedTemplate = function(templatePath, templateString, alwaysUseString){
// summary:
// Static method to get a template based on the templatePath or
// templateString key
// templatePath: String||dojo.uri.Uri
// The URL to get the template from.
// templateString: String?
// a string to use in lieu of fetching the template from a URL. Takes precedence
// over templatePath
// returns: Mixed
// Either string (if there are ${} variables that need to be replaced) or just
// a DOM tree (if the node can be cloned directly)
// is it already cached?
var tmplts = dijit._Templated._templateCache;
var key = templateString || templatePath;
var cached = tmplts[key];
// if the cached value is an innerHTML string (no ownerDocument) or a DOM tree created within the current document, then use the current cached value
if(!cached.ownerDocument || cached.ownerDocument == dojo.doc){
// string or node of the same document
return cached;
}catch(e){ /* squelch */ } // IE can throw an exception if cached.ownerDocument was reloaded
// If necessary, load template string from template path
templateString = dojo.cache(templatePath, {sanitize: true});
templateString = dojo.string.trim(templateString);
if(alwaysUseString || templateString.match(/\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g)){
// there are variables in the template so all we can do is cache the string
return (tmplts[key] = templateString); //String
// there are no variables in the template so we can cache the DOM tree
var node = dojo._toDom(templateString);
if(node.nodeType != 1){
throw new Error("Invalid template: " + templateString);
return (tmplts[key] = node); //Node
var cache = dijit._Templated._templateCache;
for(var key in cache){
var value = cache[key];
if(typeof value == "object"){ // value is either a string or a DOM node template
delete cache[key];
// These arguments can be specified for widgets which are used in templates.
// Since any widget can be specified as sub widgets in template, mix it
// into the base widget class. (This is a hack, but it's effective.)
dojoAttachEvent: "",
dojoAttachPoint: "",
waiRole: "",
if(!dojo._hasResource["dijit.Tooltip"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dijit.Tooltip"] = true;
[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated],
// summary:
// Internal widget that holds the actual tooltip markup,
// which occurs once per page.
// Called by Tooltip widgets which are just containers to hold
// the markup
// tags:
// protected
// duration: Integer
// Milliseconds to fade in/fade out
duration: dijit.defaultDuration,
templateString: dojo.cache("dijit", "templates/Tooltip.html", "<div class=\"dijitTooltip dijitTooltipLeft\" id=\"dojoTooltip\"\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipContainer dijitTooltipContents\" dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\" role='alert'></div\n\t><div class=\"dijitTooltipConnector\" dojoAttachPoint=\"connectorNode\"></div\n></div>\n"),
postCreate: function(){
this.bgIframe = new dijit.BackgroundIframe(this.domNode);
// Setup fade-in and fade-out functions.
this.fadeIn = dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this, "_onShow") });
this.fadeOut = dojo.fadeOut({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this, "_onHide") });
show: function(/*String*/ innerHTML, /*DomNode*/ aroundNode, /*String[]?*/ position, /*Boolean*/ rtl){
// summary:
// Display tooltip w/specified contents to right of specified node
// (To left if there's no space on the right, or if rtl == true)
if(this.aroundNode && this.aroundNode === aroundNode){
// reset width; it may have been set by orient() on a previous tooltip show()
this.domNode.width = "auto";
if(this.fadeOut.status() == "playing"){
// previous tooltip is being hidden; wait until the hide completes then show new one
var pos = dijit.placeOnScreenAroundElement(this.domNode, aroundNode, dijit.getPopupAroundAlignment((position && position.length) ? position : dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition, !rtl), dojo.hitch(this, "orient"));
// show it
dojo.style(this.domNode, "opacity", 0);
this.isShowingNow = true;
this.aroundNode = aroundNode;
orient: function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*String*/ aroundCorner, /*String*/ tooltipCorner, /*Object*/ spaceAvailable, /*Object*/ aroundNodeCoords){
// summary:
// Private function to set CSS for tooltip node based on which position it's in.
// This is called by the dijit popup code. It will also reduce the tooltip's
// width to whatever width is available
// tags:
// protected
this.connectorNode.style.top = ""; //reset to default
//Adjust the spaceAvailable width, without changing the spaceAvailable object
var tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth = spaceAvailable.w - this.connectorNode.offsetWidth;
node.className = "dijitTooltip " +
"BL-TL": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABLeft",
"TL-BL": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABLeft",
"BR-TR": "dijitTooltipBelow dijitTooltipABRight",
"TR-BR": "dijitTooltipAbove dijitTooltipABRight",
"BR-BL": "dijitTooltipRight",
"BL-BR": "dijitTooltipLeft"
}[aroundCorner + "-" + tooltipCorner];
// reduce tooltip's width to the amount of width available, so that it doesn't overflow screen
this.domNode.style.width = "auto";
var size = dojo.contentBox(this.domNode);
var width = Math.min((Math.max(tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth,1)), size.w);
var widthWasReduced = width < size.w;
this.domNode.style.width = width+"px";
//Adjust width for tooltips that have a really long word or a nowrap setting
this.containerNode.style.overflow = "auto"; //temp change to overflow to detect if our tooltip needs to be wider to support the content
var scrollWidth = this.containerNode.scrollWidth;
this.containerNode.style.overflow = "visible"; //change it back
if(scrollWidth > width){
scrollWidth = scrollWidth + dojo.style(this.domNode,"paddingLeft") + dojo.style(this.domNode,"paddingRight");
this.domNode.style.width = scrollWidth + "px";
// Reposition the tooltip connector.
if(tooltipCorner.charAt(0) == 'B' && aroundCorner.charAt(0) == 'B'){
var mb = dojo.marginBox(node);
var tooltipConnectorHeight = this.connectorNode.offsetHeight;
if(mb.h > spaceAvailable.h){
// The tooltip starts at the top of the page and will extend past the aroundNode
var aroundNodePlacement = spaceAvailable.h - (aroundNodeCoords.h / 2) - (tooltipConnectorHeight / 2);
this.connectorNode.style.top = aroundNodePlacement + "px";
this.connectorNode.style.bottom = "";
// Align center of connector with center of aroundNode, except don't let bottom
// of connector extend below bottom of tooltip content, or top of connector
// extend past top of tooltip content
this.connectorNode.style.bottom = Math.min(
Math.max(aroundNodeCoords.h/2 - tooltipConnectorHeight/2, 0),
mb.h - tooltipConnectorHeight) + "px";
this.connectorNode.style.top = "";
// reset the tooltip back to the defaults
this.connectorNode.style.top = "";
this.connectorNode.style.bottom = "";
return Math.max(0, size.w - tooltipSpaceAvaliableWidth);
_onShow: function(){
// summary:
// Called at end of fade-in operation
// tags:
// protected
// the arrow won't show up on a node w/an opacity filter
hide: function(aroundNode){
// summary:
// Hide the tooltip
if(this._onDeck && this._onDeck[1] == aroundNode){
// this hide request is for a show() that hasn't even started yet;
// just cancel the pending show()
}else if(this.aroundNode === aroundNode){
// this hide request is for the currently displayed tooltip
this.isShowingNow = false;
this.aroundNode = null;
// just ignore the call, it's for a tooltip that has already been erased
_onHide: function(){
// summary:
// Called at end of fade-out operation
// tags:
// protected
this.domNode.style.cssText=""; // to position offscreen again
// a show request has been queued up; do it now
this.show.apply(this, this._onDeck);
dijit.showTooltip = function(/*String*/ innerHTML, /*DomNode*/ aroundNode, /*String[]?*/ position, /*Boolean*/ rtl){
// summary:
// Display tooltip w/specified contents in specified position.
// See description of dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition for details on position parameter.
// If position is not specified then dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition is used.
if(!dijit._masterTT){ dijit._masterTT = new dijit._MasterTooltip(); }
return dijit._masterTT.show(innerHTML, aroundNode, position, rtl);
dijit.hideTooltip = function(aroundNode){
// summary:
// Hide the tooltip
if(!dijit._masterTT){ dijit._masterTT = new dijit._MasterTooltip(); }
return dijit._masterTT.hide(aroundNode);
// summary:
// Pops up a tooltip (a help message) when you hover over a node.
// label: String
// Text to display in the tooltip.
// Specified as innerHTML when creating the widget from markup.
label: "",
// showDelay: Integer
// Number of milliseconds to wait after hovering over/focusing on the object, before
// the tooltip is displayed.
showDelay: 400,
// connectId: String|String[]
// Id of domNode(s) to attach the tooltip to.
// When user hovers over specified dom node, the tooltip will appear.
connectId: [],
// position: String[]
// See description of `dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition` for details on position parameter.
position: [],
_setConnectIdAttr: function(/*String*/ newId){
// summary:
// Connect to node(s) (specified by id)
// Remove connections to old nodes (if there are any)
dojo.forEach(this._connections || [], function(nested){
dojo.forEach(nested, dojo.hitch(this, "disconnect"));
}, this);
// Make connections to nodes in newIds.
var ary = dojo.isArrayLike(newId) ? newId : (newId ? [newId] : []);
this._connections = dojo.map(ary, function(id){
var node = dojo.byId(id);
return node ? [
this.connect(node, "onmouseenter", "_onTargetMouseEnter"),
this.connect(node, "onmouseleave", "_onTargetMouseLeave"),
this.connect(node, "onfocus", "_onTargetFocus"),
this.connect(node, "onblur", "_onTargetBlur")
] : [];
}, this);
this._set("connectId", newId);
this._connectIds = ary; // save as array
addTarget: function(/*DOMNODE || String*/ node){
// summary:
// Attach tooltip to specified node if it's not already connected
// TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
var id = node.id || node;
if(dojo.indexOf(this._connectIds, id) == -1){
this.set("connectId", this._connectIds.concat(id));
removeTarget: function(/*DOMNODE || String*/ node){
// summary:
// Detach tooltip from specified node
// TODO: remove in 2.0 and just use set("connectId", ...) interface
var id = node.id || node, // map from DOMNode back to plain id string
idx = dojo.indexOf(this._connectIds, id);
if(idx >= 0){
// remove id (modifies original this._connectIds but that's OK in this case)
this._connectIds.splice(idx, 1);
this.set("connectId", this._connectIds);
buildRendering: function(){
startup: function(){
// If this tooltip was created in a template, or for some other reason the specified connectId[s]
// didn't exist during the widget's initialization, then connect now.
var ids = this.connectId;
dojo.forEach(dojo.isArrayLike(ids) ? ids : [ids], this.addTarget, this);
_onTargetMouseEnter: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler for mouseenter event on the target node
// tags:
// private
_onTargetMouseLeave: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler for mouseleave event on the target node
// tags:
// private
_onTargetFocus: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler for focus event on the target node
// tags:
// private
this._focus = true;
_onTargetBlur: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Handler for blur event on the target node
// tags:
// private
this._focus = false;
_onHover: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both hover and focus
// events on the target node, setting a timer to show the tooltip.
// tags:
// private
var target = e.target;
this._showTimer = setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this, function(){this.open(target)}), this.showDelay);
_onUnHover: function(/*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Despite the name of this method, it actually handles both mouseleave and blur
// events on the target node, hiding the tooltip.
// tags:
// private
// keep a tooltip open if the associated element still has focus (even though the
// mouse moved away)
if(this._focus){ return; }
delete this._showTimer;
open: function(/*DomNode*/ target){
// summary:
// Display the tooltip; usually not called directly.
// tags:
// private
delete this._showTimer;
dijit.showTooltip(this.label || this.domNode.innerHTML, target, this.position, !this.isLeftToRight());
this._connectNode = target;
this.onShow(target, this.position);
close: function(){
// summary:
// Hide the tooltip or cancel timer for show of tooltip
// tags:
// private
// if tooltip is currently shown
delete this._connectNode;
// if tooltip is scheduled to be shown (after a brief delay)
delete this._showTimer;
onShow: function(target, position){
// summary:
// Called when the tooltip is shown
// tags:
// callback
onHide: function(){
// summary:
// Called when the tooltip is hidden
// tags:
// callback
uninitialize: function(){
// dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition: String[]
// This variable controls the position of tooltips, if the position is not specified to
// the Tooltip widget or *TextBox widget itself. It's an array of strings with the following values:
// * before: places tooltip to the left of the target node/widget, or to the right in
// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * after: places tooltip to the right of the target node/widget, or to the left in
// the case of RTL scripts like Hebrew and Arabic
// * above: tooltip goes above target node
// * below: tooltip goes below target node
// The list is positions is tried, in order, until a position is found where the tooltip fits
// within the viewport.
// Be careful setting this parameter. A value of "above" may work fine until the user scrolls
// the screen so that there's no room above the target node. Nodes with drop downs, like
// DropDownButton or FilteringSelect, are especially problematic, in that you need to be sure
// that the drop down and tooltip don't overlap, even when the viewport is scrolled so that there
// is only room below (or above) the target node, but not both.
dijit.Tooltip.defaultPosition = ["after", "before"];
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.__TooltipCtorArgs", dojox.charting.action2d.__BaseCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional arguments for tooltip actions.
// text: Function?
// The function that produces the text to be shown within a tooltip. By default this will be
// set by the plot in question, by returning the value of the element.
text: null
var DEFAULT_TEXT = function(o){
var t = o.run && o.run.data && o.run.data[o.index];
if(t && typeof t != "number" && (t.tooltip || t.text)){
return t.tooltip || t.text;
if(o.element == "candlestick"){
return '<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="font-size:0.9em;">'
+ '<tr><td>Open:</td><td align="right"><strong>' + o.data.open + '</strong></td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>High:</td><td align="right"><strong>' + o.data.high + '</strong></td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>Low:</td><td align="right"><strong>' + o.data.low + '</strong></td></tr>'
+ '<tr><td>Close:</td><td align="right"><strong>' + o.data.close + '</strong></td></tr>'
+ (o.data.mid !== undefined ? '<tr><td>Mid:</td><td align="right"><strong>' + o.data.mid + '</strong></td></tr>' : '')
+ '</table>';
return o.element == "bar" ? o.x : o.y;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, m = dojox.gfx.matrix, pi4 = Math.PI / 4, pi2 = Math.PI / 2;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.action2d.Tooltip", dojox.charting.action2d.Base, {
// summary:
// Create an action on a plot where a tooltip is shown when hovering over an element.
// the data description block for the widget parser
defaultParams: {
text: DEFAULT_TEXT // the function to produce a tooltip from the object
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, plot, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the tooltip action and connect it to the plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this action belongs to.
// plot: String?
// The plot this action is attached to. If not passed, "default" is assumed.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.action2d.__TooltipCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object for setting parameters.
this.text = kwArgs && kwArgs.text ? kwArgs.text : DEFAULT_TEXT;
process: function(o){
// summary:
// Process the action on the given object.
// o: dojox.gfx.Shape
// The object on which to process the highlighting action.
if(o.type === "onplotreset" || o.type === "onmouseout"){
this.aroundRect = null;
if(o.type === "onplotreset"){
delete this.angles;
if(!o.shape || o.type !== "onmouseover"){ return; }
// calculate relative coordinates and the position
var aroundRect = {type: "rect"}, position = ["after", "before"];
case "marker":
aroundRect.x = o.cx;
aroundRect.y = o.cy;
aroundRect.width = aroundRect.height = 1;
case "circle":
aroundRect.x = o.cx - o.cr;
aroundRect.y = o.cy - o.cr;
aroundRect.width = aroundRect.height = 2 * o.cr;
case "column":
position = ["above", "below"];
// intentional fall down
case "bar":
aroundRect = dojo.clone(o.shape.getShape());
case "candlestick":
aroundRect.x = o.x;
aroundRect.y = o.y;
aroundRect.width = o.width;
aroundRect.height = o.height;
//case "slice":
// calculate the running total of slice angles
if(typeof o.run.data[0] == "number"){
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "+", 0),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "+", 0));
this.angles = df.map(df.scanl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", 0),
"* 2 * Math.PI / this", df.foldl(o.run.data, "a + b.y", 0));
var startAngle = m._degToRad(o.plot.opt.startAngle),
angle = (this.angles[o.index] + this.angles[o.index + 1]) / 2 + startAngle;
aroundRect.x = o.cx + o.cr * Math.cos(angle);
aroundRect.y = o.cy + o.cr * Math.sin(angle);
aroundRect.width = aroundRect.height = 1;
// calculate the position
if(angle < pi4){
// do nothing: the position is right
}else if(angle < pi2 + pi4){
position = ["below", "above"];
}else if(angle < Math.PI + pi4){
position = ["before", "after"];
}else if(angle < 2 * Math.PI - pi4){
position = ["above", "below"];
// do nothing: the position is right
// adjust relative coordinates to absolute, and remove fractions
var lt = dojo.coords(this.chart.node, true);
aroundRect.x += lt.x;
aroundRect.y += lt.y;
aroundRect.x = Math.round(aroundRect.x);
aroundRect.y = Math.round(aroundRect.y);
aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(aroundRect.width);
aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(aroundRect.height);
this.aroundRect = aroundRect;
var tooltip = this.text(o);
dijit.showTooltip(tooltip, this.aroundRect, position);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.common"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.common"] = true;
var eq = function(/*Number*/ a, /*Number*/ b){
// summary: compare two FP numbers for equality
return Math.abs(a - b) <= 1e-6 * (Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b)); // Boolean
dojo.mixin(dojox.charting.scaler.common, {
findString: function(/*String*/ val, /*Array*/ text){
val = val.toLowerCase();
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; ++i){
if(val == text[i]){ return true; }
return false;
getNumericLabel: function(/*Number*/ number, /*Number*/ precision, /*Object*/ kwArgs){
var def = "";
def = (kwArgs.fixed ? dojo.number.format(number, {places : precision < 0 ? -precision : 0}) :
dojo.number.format(number)) || "";
def = kwArgs.fixed ? number.toFixed(precision < 0 ? -precision : 0) : number.toString();
var r = kwArgs.labelFunc(def, number, precision);
if(r){ return r; }
// else fall through to the regular labels search
// classic binary search
var l = kwArgs.labels, lo = 0, hi = l.length;
while(lo < hi){
var mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2), val = l[mid].value;
if(val < number){
lo = mid + 1;
hi = mid;
// lets take into account FP errors
if(lo < l.length && eq(l[lo].value, number)){
return l[lo].text;
if(lo >= 0 && lo < l.length && eq(l[lo].value, number)){
return l[lo].text;
lo += 2;
if(lo < l.length && eq(l[lo].value, number)){
return l[lo].text;
// otherwise we will produce a number
return def;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.linear"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.linear"] = true;
var deltaLimit = 3, // pixels
dc = dojox.charting, dcs = dc.scaler, dcsc = dcs.common,
findString = dcsc.findString,
getLabel = dcsc.getNumericLabel;
var calcTicks = function(min, max, kwArgs, majorTick, minorTick, microTick, span){
kwArgs = dojo.delegate(kwArgs);
if(kwArgs.fixUpper == "major"){ kwArgs.fixUpper = "minor"; }
if(kwArgs.fixLower == "major"){ kwArgs.fixLower = "minor"; }
if(kwArgs.fixUpper == "minor"){ kwArgs.fixUpper = "micro"; }
if(kwArgs.fixLower == "minor"){ kwArgs.fixLower = "micro"; }
if(kwArgs.fixUpper == "micro"){ kwArgs.fixUpper = "none"; }
if(kwArgs.fixLower == "micro"){ kwArgs.fixLower = "none"; }
var lowerBound = findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["major"]) ?
Math.floor(kwArgs.min / majorTick) * majorTick :
findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["minor"]) ?
Math.floor(kwArgs.min / minorTick) * minorTick :
findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["micro"]) ?
Math.floor(kwArgs.min / microTick) * microTick : kwArgs.min,
upperBound = findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["major"]) ?
Math.ceil(kwArgs.max / majorTick) * majorTick :
findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["minor"]) ?
Math.ceil(kwArgs.max / minorTick) * minorTick :
findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["micro"]) ?
Math.ceil(kwArgs.max / microTick) * microTick : kwArgs.max;
if(kwArgs.useMin){ min = lowerBound; }
if(kwArgs.useMax){ max = upperBound; }
var majorStart = (!majorTick || kwArgs.useMin && findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["major"])) ?
min : Math.ceil(min / majorTick) * majorTick,
minorStart = (!minorTick || kwArgs.useMin && findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["major", "minor"])) ?
min : Math.ceil(min / minorTick) * minorTick,
microStart = (! microTick || kwArgs.useMin && findString(kwArgs.fixLower, ["major", "minor", "micro"])) ?
min : Math.ceil(min / microTick) * microTick,
majorCount = !majorTick ? 0 : (kwArgs.useMax && findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["major"]) ?
Math.round((max - majorStart) / majorTick) :
Math.floor((max - majorStart) / majorTick)) + 1,
minorCount = !minorTick ? 0 : (kwArgs.useMax && findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["major", "minor"]) ?
Math.round((max - minorStart) / minorTick) :
Math.floor((max - minorStart) / minorTick)) + 1,
microCount = !microTick ? 0 : (kwArgs.useMax && findString(kwArgs.fixUpper, ["major", "minor", "micro"]) ?
Math.round((max - microStart) / microTick) :
Math.floor((max - microStart) / microTick)) + 1,
minorPerMajor = minorTick ? Math.round(majorTick / minorTick) : 0,
microPerMinor = microTick ? Math.round(minorTick / microTick) : 0,
majorPrecision = majorTick ? Math.floor(Math.log(majorTick) / Math.LN10) : 0,
minorPrecision = minorTick ? Math.floor(Math.log(minorTick) / Math.LN10) : 0,
scale = span / (max - min);
if(!isFinite(scale)){ scale = 1; }
return {
bounds: {
lower: lowerBound,
upper: upperBound,
from: min,
to: max,
scale: scale,
span: span
major: {
tick: majorTick,
start: majorStart,
count: majorCount,
prec: majorPrecision
minor: {
tick: minorTick,
start: minorStart,
count: minorCount,
prec: minorPrecision
micro: {
tick: microTick,
start: microStart,
count: microCount,
prec: 0
minorPerMajor: minorPerMajor,
microPerMinor: microPerMinor,
scaler: dcs.linear
dojo.mixin(dojox.charting.scaler.linear, {
buildScaler: function(/*Number*/ min, /*Number*/ max, /*Number*/ span, /*Object*/ kwArgs){
var h = {fixUpper: "none", fixLower: "none", natural: false};
if("fixUpper" in kwArgs){ h.fixUpper = String(kwArgs.fixUpper); }
if("fixLower" in kwArgs){ h.fixLower = String(kwArgs.fixLower); }
if("natural" in kwArgs){ h.natural = Boolean(kwArgs.natural); }
// update bounds
if("min" in kwArgs){ min = kwArgs.min; }
if("max" in kwArgs){ max = kwArgs.max; }
if(min > 0){ min = 0; }
if(max < 0){ max = 0; }
h.min = min;
h.useMin = true;
h.max = max;
h.useMax = true;
if("from" in kwArgs){
min = kwArgs.from;
h.useMin = false;
if("to" in kwArgs){
max = kwArgs.to;
h.useMax = false;
// check for erroneous condition
if(max <= min){
return calcTicks(min, max, h, 0, 0, 0, span); // Object
var mag = Math.floor(Math.log(max - min) / Math.LN10),
major = kwArgs && ("majorTickStep" in kwArgs) ? kwArgs.majorTickStep : Math.pow(10, mag),
minor = 0, micro = 0, ticks;
// calculate minor ticks
if(kwArgs && ("minorTickStep" in kwArgs)){
minor = kwArgs.minorTickStep;
minor = major / 10;
if(!h.natural || minor > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, 0, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.minor.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
minor = major / 5;
if(!h.natural || minor > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, 0, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.minor.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
minor = major / 2;
if(!h.natural || minor > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, 0, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.minor.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
return calcTicks(min, max, h, major, 0, 0, span); // Object
// calculate micro ticks
if(kwArgs && ("microTickStep" in kwArgs)){
micro = kwArgs.microTickStep;
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, micro, span);
micro = minor / 10;
if(!h.natural || micro > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, micro, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.micro.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
micro = minor / 5;
if(!h.natural || micro > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, micro, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.micro.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
micro = minor / 2;
if(!h.natural || micro > 0.9){
ticks = calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, micro, span);
if(ticks.bounds.scale * ticks.micro.tick > deltaLimit){ break; }
micro = 0;
return micro ? ticks : calcTicks(min, max, h, major, minor, 0, span); // Object
buildTicks: function(/*Object*/ scaler, /*Object*/ kwArgs){
var step, next, tick,
nextMajor = scaler.major.start,
nextMinor = scaler.minor.start,
nextMicro = scaler.micro.start;
if(kwArgs.microTicks && scaler.micro.tick){
step = scaler.micro.tick, next = nextMicro;
}else if(kwArgs.minorTicks && scaler.minor.tick){
step = scaler.minor.tick, next = nextMinor;
}else if(scaler.major.tick){
step = scaler.major.tick, next = nextMajor;
// no ticks
return null;
// make sure that we have finite bounds
var revScale = 1 / scaler.bounds.scale;
if(scaler.bounds.to <= scaler.bounds.from || isNaN(revScale) || !isFinite(revScale) ||
step <= 0 || isNaN(step) || !isFinite(step)){
// no ticks
return null;
// loop over all ticks
var majorTicks = [], minorTicks = [], microTicks = [];
while(next <= scaler.bounds.to + revScale){
if(Math.abs(nextMajor - next) < step / 2){
// major tick
tick = {value: nextMajor};
tick.label = getLabel(nextMajor, scaler.major.prec, kwArgs);
nextMajor += scaler.major.tick;
nextMinor += scaler.minor.tick;
nextMicro += scaler.micro.tick;
}else if(Math.abs(nextMinor - next) < step / 2){
// minor tick
tick = {value: nextMinor};
if(kwArgs.minorLabels && (scaler.minMinorStep <= scaler.minor.tick * scaler.bounds.scale)){
tick.label = getLabel(nextMinor, scaler.minor.prec, kwArgs);
nextMinor += scaler.minor.tick;
nextMicro += scaler.micro.tick;
// micro tick
microTicks.push({value: nextMicro});
nextMicro += scaler.micro.tick;
next += step;
return {major: majorTicks, minor: minorTicks, micro: microTicks}; // Object
getTransformerFromModel: function(/*Object*/ scaler){
var offset = scaler.bounds.from, scale = scaler.bounds.scale;
return function(x){ return (x - offset) * scale; }; // Function
getTransformerFromPlot: function(/*Object*/ scaler){
var offset = scaler.bounds.from, scale = scaler.bounds.scale;
return function(x){ return x / scale + offset; }; // Function
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Base"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.axis2d.Base", dojox.charting.Element, {
// summary:
// The base class for any axis. This is more of an interface/API
// definition than anything else; see dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// for more details.
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Return a new base axis.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this axis belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs?
// An optional arguments object to define the axis parameters.
this.vertical = kwArgs && kwArgs.vertical;
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Stub function for clearing the axis.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
// A reference to the axis for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
initialized: function(){
// summary:
// Return a flag as to whether or not this axis has been initialized.
// returns: Boolean
// If the axis is initialized or not.
return false; // Boolean
calculate: function(min, max, span){
// summary:
// Stub function to run the calcuations needed for drawing this axis.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
// A reference to the axis for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
getScaler: function(){
// summary:
// A stub function to return the scaler object created during calculate.
// returns: Object
// The scaler object (see dojox.charting.scaler.linear for more information)
return null; // Object
getTicks: function(){
// summary:
// A stub function to return the object that helps define how ticks are rendered.
// returns: Object
// The ticks object.
return null; // Object
getOffsets: function(){
// summary:
// A stub function to return any offsets needed for axis and series rendering.
// returns: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
return {l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0}; // Object
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Stub function to render this axis.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
// A reference to the axis for functional chaining.
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible"] = true;
var dc = dojox.charting,
df = dojox.lang.functional,
du = dojox.lang.utils,
g = dojox.gfx,
lin = dc.scaler.linear,
merge = du.merge,
labelGap = 4, // in pixels
centerAnchorLimit = 45; // in degrees
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible", dojox.charting.axis2d.Base, {
// summary:
// The default axis object used in dojox.charting. See dojox.charting.Chart2D.addAxis for details.
// defaultParams: Object
// The default parameters used to define any axis.
// optionalParams: Object
// Any optional parameters needed to define an axis.
// TODO: the documentation tools need these to be pre-defined in order to pick them up
// correctly, but the code here is partially predicated on whether or not the properties
// actually exist. For now, we will leave these undocumented but in the code for later. -- TRT
// opt: Object
// The actual options used to define this axis, created at initialization.
// scalar: Object
// The calculated helper object to tell charts how to draw an axis and any data.
// ticks: Object
// The calculated tick object that helps a chart draw the scaling on an axis.
// dirty: Boolean
// The state of the axis (whether it needs to be redrawn or not)
// scale: Number
// The current scale of the axis.
// offset: Number
// The current offset of the axis.
opt: null,
scalar: null,
ticks: null,
dirty: true,
scale: 1,
offset: 0,
defaultParams: {
vertical: false, // true for vertical axis
fixUpper: "none", // align the upper on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
fixLower: "none", // align the lower on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
natural: false, // all tick marks should be made on natural numbers
leftBottom: true, // position of the axis, used with "vertical"
includeZero: false, // 0 should be included
fixed: true, // all labels are fixed numbers
majorLabels: true, // draw major labels
minorTicks: true, // draw minor ticks
minorLabels: true, // draw minor labels
microTicks: false, // draw micro ticks
rotation: 0 // label rotation angle in degrees
optionalParams: {
min: 0, // minimal value on this axis
max: 1, // maximal value on this axis
from: 0, // visible from this value
to: 1, // visible to this value
majorTickStep: 4, // major tick step
minorTickStep: 2, // minor tick step
microTickStep: 1, // micro tick step
labels: [], // array of labels for major ticks
// with corresponding numeric values
// ordered by values
labelFunc: null, // function to compute label values
maxLabelSize: 0, // size in px. For use with labelFunc
maxLabelCharCount: 0, // size in word count.
trailingSymbol: null
// TODO: add support for minRange!
// minRange: 1, // smallest distance from min allowed on the axis
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for an axis.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart the axis belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs?
// Any optional keyword arguments to be used to define this axis.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
dependOnData: function(){
// summary:
// Find out whether or not the axis options depend on the data in the axis.
return !("min" in this.opt) || !("max" in this.opt); // Boolean
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear out all calculated properties on this axis;
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
delete this.scaler;
delete this.ticks;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
initialized: function(){
// summary:
// Finds out if this axis has been initialized or not.
// returns: Boolean
// Whether a scaler has been calculated and if the axis is not dirty.
return "scaler" in this && !(this.dirty && this.dependOnData());
setWindow: function(scale, offset){
// summary:
// Set the drawing "window" for the axis.
// scale: Number
// The new scale for the axis.
// offset: Number
// The new offset for the axis.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
this.scale = scale;
this.offset = offset;
return this.clear(); // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
getWindowScale: function(){
// summary:
// Get the current windowing scale of the axis.
return "scale" in this ? this.scale : 1; // Number
getWindowOffset: function(){
// summary:
// Get the current windowing offset for the axis.
return "offset" in this ? this.offset : 0; // Number
_groupLabelWidth: function(labels, font, wcLimit){
return 0;
labels = df.map(labels, function(label){ return label.text; });
if (wcLimit) {
labels = df.map(labels, function(label){
return dojo.trim(label).length == 0 ? "" : label.substring(0, wcLimit) + this.trailingSymbol;
}, this);
var s = labels.join("<br>");
return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(s, {font: font}).w || 0;
calculate: function(min, max, span, labels){
// summary:
// Perform all calculations needed to render this axis.
// min: Number
// The smallest value represented on this axis.
// max: Number
// The largest value represented on this axis.
// span: Number
// The span in pixels over which axis calculations are made.
// labels: String[]
// Optional list of labels.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
return this;
var o = this.opt;
this.labels = "labels" in o ? o.labels : labels;
this.scaler = lin.buildScaler(min, max, span, o);
var tsb = this.scaler.bounds;
if("scale" in this){
// calculate new range
o.from = tsb.lower + this.offset;
o.to = (tsb.upper - tsb.lower) / this.scale + o.from;
// make sure that bounds are correct
if( !isFinite(o.from) ||
isNaN(o.from) ||
!isFinite(o.to) ||
isNaN(o.to) ||
o.to - o.from >= tsb.upper - tsb.lower
// any error --- remove from/to bounds
delete o.from;
delete o.to;
delete this.scale;
delete this.offset;
// shift the window, if we are out of bounds
if(o.from < tsb.lower){
o.to += tsb.lower - o.from;
o.from = tsb.lower;
}else if(o.to > tsb.upper){
o.from += tsb.upper - o.to;
o.to = tsb.upper;
// update the offset
this.offset = o.from - tsb.lower;
// re-calculate the scaler
this.scaler = lin.buildScaler(min, max, span, o);
tsb = this.scaler.bounds;
// cleanup
if(this.scale == 1 && this.offset == 0){
delete this.scale;
delete this.offset;
var ta = this.chart.theme.axis, labelWidth = 0, rotation = o.rotation % 360,
// TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180));
if(rotation < 0){
rotation += 360;
if(this.vertical ? rotation != 0 && rotation != 180 : rotation != 90 && rotation != 270){
// we need width of all labels
labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth(this.labels, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
var labelLength = Math.ceil(
) / Math.LN10
t = [];
if(tsb.from < 0 || tsb.to < 0){
t.push(dojo.string.rep("9", labelLength));
var precision = Math.floor(
Math.log( tsb.to - tsb.from ) / Math.LN10
if(precision > 0){
t.push(dojo.string.rep("9", precision));
labelWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(
{ font: taFont }
labelWidth = o.maxLabelSize ? Math.min(o.maxLabelSize, labelWidth) : labelWidth;
labelWidth = size;
case 0:
case 90:
case 180:
case 270:
// trivial cases: use labelWidth
// rotated labels
var gap1 = Math.sqrt(labelWidth * labelWidth + size * size), // short labels
gap2 = this.vertical ? size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr : labelWidth * cosr + size * sinr; // slanted labels
labelWidth = Math.min(gap1, gap2);
this.scaler.minMinorStep = labelWidth + labelGap;
this.ticks = lin.buildTicks(this.scaler, o);
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
getScaler: function(){
// summary:
// Get the pre-calculated scaler object.
return this.scaler; // Object
getTicks: function(){
// summary:
// Get the pre-calculated ticks object.
return this.ticks; // Object
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Default"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.axis2d.Default"] = true;
dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs = function(
vertical, fixUpper, fixLower, natural, leftBottom,
includeZero, fixed, majorLabels, minorTicks, minorLabels, microTicks, htmlLabels,
min, max, from, to, majorTickStep, minorTickStep, microTickStep,
labels, labelFunc, maxLabelSize,
stroke, majorTick, minorTick, microTick, tick,
font, fontColor
// summary:
// Optional arguments used in the definition of an axis.
// vertical: Boolean?
// A flag that says whether an axis is vertical (i.e. y axis) or horizontal. Default is false (horizontal).
// fixUpper: String?
// Align the greatest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are "major", "minor", "micro", or "none". Defaults to "none".
// fixLower: String?
// Align the smallest value on the axis with the specified tick level. Options are "major", "minor", "micro", or "none". Defaults to "none".
// natural: Boolean?
// Ensure tick marks are made on "natural" numbers. Defaults to false.
// leftBottom: Boolean?
// The position of a vertical axis; if true, will be placed against the left-bottom corner of the chart. Defaults to true.
// includeZero: Boolean?
// Include 0 on the axis rendering. Default is false.
// fixed: Boolean?
// Force all axis labels to be fixed numbers. Default is true.
// majorLabels: Boolean?
// Flag to draw all labels at major ticks. Default is true.
// minorTicks: Boolean?
// Flag to draw minor ticks on an axis. Default is true.
// minorLabels: Boolean?
// Flag to draw labels on minor ticks. Default is true.
// microTicks: Boolean?
// Flag to draw micro ticks on an axis. Default is false.
// htmlLabels: Boolean?
// Flag to use HTML (as opposed to the native vector graphics engine) to draw labels. Default is true.
// min: Number?
// The smallest value on an axis. Default is 0.
// max: Number?
// The largest value on an axis. Default is 1.
// from: Number?
// Force the chart to render data visible from this value. Default is 0.
// to: Number?
// Force the chart to render data visible to this value. Default is 1.
// majorTickStep: Number?
// The amount to skip before a major tick is drawn. Default is 4.
// minorTickStep: Number?
// The amount to skip before a minor tick is drawn. Default is 2.
// microTickStep: Number?
// The amount to skip before a micro tick is drawn. Default is 1.
// labels: Object[]?
// An array of labels for major ticks, with corresponding numeric values, ordered by value.
// labelFunc: Function?
// An optional function used to compute label values.
// maxLabelSize: Number?
// The maximum size, in pixels, for a label. To be used with the optional label function.
// stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to be used for drawing an axis.
// majorTick: Object?
// An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a major tick.
// minorTick: Object?
// An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a minor tick.
// microTick: Object?
// An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a micro tick.
// tick: Object?
// An object containing a dojox.gfx.Stroke, and a length (number) for a tick.
// font: String?
// An optional font definition (as used in the CSS font property) for labels.
// fontColor: String|dojo.Color?
// An optional color to be used in drawing labels.
this.vertical = vertical;
this.fixUpper = fixUpper;
this.fixLower = fixLower;
this.natural = natural;
this.leftBottom = leftBottom;
this.includeZero = includeZero;
this.fixed = fixed;
this.majorLabels = majorLabels;
this.minorTicks = minorTicks;
this.minorLabels = minorLabels;
this.microTicks = microTicks;
this.htmlLabels = htmlLabels;
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
this.majorTickStep = majorTickStep;
this.minorTickStep = minorTickStep;
this.microTickStep = microTickStep;
this.labels = labels;
this.labelFunc = labelFunc;
this.maxLabelSize = maxLabelSize;
this.stroke = stroke;
this.majorTick = majorTick;
this.minorTick = minorTick;
this.microTick = microTick;
this.tick = tick;
this.font = font;
this.fontColor = fontColor;
var dc = dojox.charting,
du = dojox.lang.utils,
g = dojox.gfx,
lin = dc.scaler.linear,
labelGap = 4, // in pixels
centerAnchorLimit = 45; // in degrees
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.axis2d.Default", dojox.charting.axis2d.Invisible, {
// summary:
// The default axis object used in dojox.charting. See dojox.charting.Chart.addAxis for details.
// defaultParams: Object
// The default parameters used to define any axis.
// optionalParams: Object
// Any optional parameters needed to define an axis.
// TODO: the documentation tools need these to be pre-defined in order to pick them up
// correctly, but the code here is partially predicated on whether or not the properties
// actually exist. For now, we will leave these undocumented but in the code for later. -- TRT
// opt: Object
// The actual options used to define this axis, created at initialization.
// scalar: Object
// The calculated helper object to tell charts how to draw an axis and any data.
// ticks: Object
// The calculated tick object that helps a chart draw the scaling on an axis.
// dirty: Boolean
// The state of the axis (whether it needs to be redrawn or not)
// scale: Number
// The current scale of the axis.
// offset: Number
// The current offset of the axis.
opt: null,
scalar: null,
ticks: null,
dirty: true,
scale: 1,
offset: 0,
defaultParams: {
vertical: false, // true for vertical axis
fixUpper: "none", // align the upper on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
fixLower: "none", // align the lower on ticks: "major", "minor", "micro", "none"
natural: false, // all tick marks should be made on natural numbers
leftBottom: true, // position of the axis, used with "vertical"
includeZero: false, // 0 should be included
fixed: true, // all labels are fixed numbers
majorLabels: true, // draw major labels
minorTicks: true, // draw minor ticks
minorLabels: true, // draw minor labels
microTicks: false, // draw micro ticks
rotation: 0, // label rotation angle in degrees
htmlLabels: true // use HTML to draw labels
optionalParams: {
min: 0, // minimal value on this axis
max: 1, // maximal value on this axis
from: 0, // visible from this value
to: 1, // visible to this value
majorTickStep: 4, // major tick step
minorTickStep: 2, // minor tick step
microTickStep: 1, // micro tick step
labels: [], // array of labels for major ticks
// with corresponding numeric values
// ordered by values
labelFunc: null, // function to compute label values
maxLabelSize: 0, // size in px. For use with labelFunc
maxLabelCharCount: 0, // size in word count.
trailingSymbol: null,
// TODO: add support for minRange!
// minRange: 1, // smallest distance from min allowed on the axis
// theme components
stroke: {}, // stroke for an axis
majorTick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick
minorTick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick
microTick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick
tick: {}, // stroke + length for a tick
font: "", // font for labels
fontColor: "", // color for labels as a string
title: "", // axis title
titleGap: 0, // gap between axis title and axis label
titleFont: "", // axis title font
titleFontColor: "", // axis title font color
titleOrientation: "" // "axis" means the title facing the axis, "away" means facing away
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for an axis.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart the axis belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.axis2d.__AxisCtorArgs?
// Any optional keyword arguments to be used to define this axis.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
getOffsets: function(){
// summary:
// Get the physical offset values for this axis (used in drawing data series).
// returns: Object
// The calculated offsets in the form of { l, r, t, b } (left, right, top, bottom).
var s = this.scaler, offsets = { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 };
return offsets;
var o = this.opt, labelWidth = 0, a, b, c, d,
gl = dc.scaler.common.getNumericLabel,
offset = 0, ma = s.major, mi = s.minor,
ta = this.chart.theme.axis,
// TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0,
rotation = o.rotation % 360, leftBottom = o.leftBottom,
cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180));
this.trailingSymbol = (o.trailingSymbol === undefined || o.trailingSymbol === null) ? this.trailingSymbol : o.trailingSymbol;
if(rotation < 0){
rotation += 360;
// we need width of all labels
labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth(this.labels, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
labelWidth = this._groupLabelWidth([
gl(ma.start, ma.prec, o),
gl(ma.start + ma.count * ma.tick, ma.prec, o),
gl(mi.start, mi.prec, o),
gl(mi.start + mi.count * mi.tick, mi.prec, o)
], taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount);
labelWidth = o.maxLabelSize ? Math.min(o.maxLabelSize, labelWidth) : labelWidth;
var side = leftBottom ? "l" : "r";
case 0:
case 180:
offsets[side] = labelWidth;
offsets.t = offsets.b = size / 2;
case 90:
case 270:
offsets[side] = size;
offsets.t = offsets.b = labelWidth / 2;
if(rotation <= centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation <= (180 + centerAnchorLimit))){
offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2;
}else if(rotation > (360 - centerAnchorLimit) || (180 > rotation && rotation > (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr / 2;
}else if(rotation < 90 || (180 < rotation && rotation < 270)){
offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "t" : "b"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "b" : "t"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
var side = leftBottom ? "b" : "t";
case 0:
case 180:
offsets[side] = size;
offsets.l = offsets.r = labelWidth / 2;
case 90:
case 270:
offsets[side] = labelWidth;
offsets.l = offsets.r = size / 2;
if((90 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 90 || (270 - centerAnchorLimit) <= rotation && rotation <= 270){
offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2;
}else if(90 <= rotation && rotation <= (90 + centerAnchorLimit) || 270 <= rotation && rotation <= (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
offsets[side] = size * sinr / 2 + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr / 2 + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr / 2;
}else if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit || (180 < rotation && rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit))){
offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "r" : "l"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[side] = size * sinr + labelWidth * cosr;
offsets[leftBottom ? "l" : "r"] = size * cosr + labelWidth * sinr;
offsets[side] += labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + (o.title ? (tsize + taTitleGap) : 0);
this._cachedLabelWidth = labelWidth;
return offsets; // Object
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render/draw the axis.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height}.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// The reference to the axis for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
// prepare variable
var o = this.opt, ta = this.chart.theme.axis, leftBottom = o.leftBottom, rotation = o.rotation % 360,
start, stop, titlePos, titleRotation=0, titleOffset, axisVector, tickVector, anchorOffset, labelOffset, labelAlign,
// TODO: we use one font --- of major tick, we need to use major and minor fonts
taFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font),
taTitleFont = o.titleFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont),
// TODO: we use one font color --- we need to use different colors
taFontColor = o.fontColor || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.fontColor) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.fontColor) || "black",
taTitleFontColor = o.titleFontColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFontColor) || "black",
taTitleGap = (o.titleGap==0) ? 0 : o.titleGap || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleGap) || 15,
taTitleOrientation = o.titleOrientation || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleOrientation) || "axis",
taMajorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("major", o),
taMinorTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("minor", o),
taMicroTick = this.chart.theme.getTick("micro", o),
tickSize = Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length, taMicroTick.length),
taStroke = "stroke" in o ? o.stroke : ta.stroke,
size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
cosr = Math.abs(Math.cos(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
sinr = Math.abs(Math.sin(rotation * Math.PI / 180)),
tsize = taTitleFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taTitleFont).size) : 0;
if(rotation < 0){
rotation += 360;
start = {y: dim.height - offsets.b};
stop = {y: offsets.t};
titlePos = {y: (dim.height - offsets.b + offsets.t)/2};
titleOffset = size * sinr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * cosr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
axisVector = {x: 0, y: -1};
labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
tickVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
anchorOffset = {x: labelGap, y: 0};
case 0:
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
case 90:
labelAlign = "middle";
labelOffset.x = -size;
case 180:
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
case 270:
labelAlign = "middle";
if(rotation < centerAnchorLimit){
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
}else if(rotation < 90){
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
}else if(rotation < (180 - centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "start";
}else if(rotation < (180 + centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.y = -size * 0.4;
}else if(rotation < 270){
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
}else if(rotation < (360 - centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.x = leftBottom ? 0 : size * 0.4;
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = size * 0.4;
start.x = stop.x = offsets.l;
titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 90 : 270;
titlePos.x = offsets.l - titleOffset + (titleRotation == 270 ? tsize : 0);
tickVector.x = -1;
anchorOffset.x = -anchorOffset.x;
start.x = stop.x = dim.width - offsets.r;
titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 90 : 270;
titlePos.x = dim.width - offsets.r + titleOffset - (titleRotation == 270 ? 0 : tsize);
case "start":
labelAlign = "end";
case "end":
labelAlign = "start";
case "middle":
labelOffset.x += size;
start = {x: offsets.l};
stop = {x: dim.width - offsets.r};
titlePos = {x: (dim.width - offsets.r + offsets.l)/2};
titleOffset = size * cosr + (this._cachedLabelWidth || 0) * sinr + labelGap + Math.max(taMajorTick.length, taMinorTick.length) + tsize + taTitleGap;
axisVector = {x: 1, y: 0};
labelOffset = {x: 0, y: 0};
tickVector = {x: 0, y: 1};
anchorOffset = {x: 0, y: labelGap};
case 0:
labelAlign = "middle";
labelOffset.y = size;
case 90:
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
case 180:
labelAlign = "middle";
case 270:
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.x = size * 0.4;
if(rotation < (90 - centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
}else if(rotation < (90 + centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.x = -size * 0.4;
}else if(rotation < 180){
labelAlign = "start";
labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
}else if(rotation < (270 - centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? 0 : -size;
}else if(rotation < (270 + centerAnchorLimit)){
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size * 0.4 : 0;
labelAlign = "end";
labelOffset.y = leftBottom ? size : 0;
start.y = stop.y = dim.height - offsets.b;
titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "axis") ? 180 : 0;
titlePos.y = dim.height - offsets.b + titleOffset - (titleRotation ? tsize : 0);
start.y = stop.y = offsets.t;
titleRotation = (taTitleOrientation && taTitleOrientation == "away") ? 180 : 0;
titlePos.y = offsets.t - titleOffset + (titleRotation ? 0 : tsize);
tickVector.y = -1;
anchorOffset.y = -anchorOffset.y;
case "start":
labelAlign = "end";
case "end":
labelAlign = "start";
case "middle":
labelOffset.y -= size;
// render shapes
var s = this.group,
c = this.scaler,
t = this.ticks,
f = lin.getTransformerFromModel(this.scaler),
// GFX Canvas now supports labels, so let's _not_ fallback to HTML anymore on canvas, just use
// HTML labels if explicitly asked + no rotation + no IE + no Opera
labelType = !titleRotation && !rotation && this.opt.htmlLabels && !dojo.isIE && !dojo.isOpera ? "html" : "gfx",
dx = tickVector.x * taMajorTick.length,
dy = tickVector.y * taMajorTick.length;
x1: start.x,
y1: start.y,
x2: stop.x,
y2: stop.y
//create axis title
var axisTitle = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
if(labelType == "html"){
//as soon as rotation is provided, labelType won't be "html"
//rotate gfx labels
axisTitle.setTransform(g.matrix.rotategAt(titleRotation, titlePos.x, titlePos.y));
dojo.forEach(t.major, function(tick){
var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
x1: x, y1: y,
x2: x + dx,
y2: y + dy
var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
text: tick.label,
truncated: false
label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
if(labelType == "html"){
}else if(rotation){
{dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
y + dy + anchorOffset.y
}, this);
dx = tickVector.x * taMinorTick.length;
dy = tickVector.y * taMinorTick.length;
canLabel = c.minMinorStep <= c.minor.tick * c.bounds.scale;
dojo.forEach(t.minor, function(tick){
var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
x1: x, y1: y,
x2: x + dx,
y2: y + dy
if(canLabel && tick.label){
var label = o.maxLabelCharCount ? this.getTextWithLimitCharCount(tick.label, taFont, o.maxLabelCharCount) : {
text: tick.label,
truncated: false
label = o.maxLabelSize ? this.getTextWithLimitLength(label.text, taFont, o.maxLabelSize, label.truncated) : label;
elem = dc.axis2d.common.createText[labelType](
x + dx + anchorOffset.x + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.x),
y + dy + anchorOffset.y + (rotation ? 0 : labelOffset.y),
label.truncated && this.labelTooltip(elem, this.chart, tick.label, label.text, taFont, labelType);
if(labelType == "html"){
}else if(rotation){
{dx: labelOffset.x, dy: labelOffset.y},
x + dx + anchorOffset.x,
y + dy + anchorOffset.y
}, this);
dx = tickVector.x * taMicroTick.length;
dy = tickVector.y * taMicroTick.length;
dojo.forEach(t.micro, function(tick){
var offset = f(tick.value), elem,
x = start.x + axisVector.x * offset,
y = start.y + axisVector.y * offset;
x1: x, y1: y,
x2: x + dx,
y2: y + dy
}, this);
// squelch
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.axis2d.Default
labelTooltip: function(elem, chart, label, truncatedLabel, font, elemType){
// to avoid requiring dijit module for that feature, let's test that
// dynamically and return if we can't do it
if(!dijit || !dijit.Tooltip){
var aroundRect = {type: "rect"}, position = ["above", "below"],
fontWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(truncatedLabel, {font: font}).w || 0;
fontHeight = font ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(font).size) : 0;
if(elemType == "html"){
dojo.mixin(aroundRect, dojo.coords(elem.firstChild, true));
aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(fontWidth);
aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(fontHeight);
shape: dojo,
handle: dojo.connect(elem.firstChild, "onmouseover", this, function(e){
dijit.showTooltip(label, aroundRect, position);
shape: dojo,
handle: dojo.connect(elem.firstChild, "onmouseout", this, function(e){
var shp = elem.getShape(),
lt = dojo.coords(chart.node, true);
aroundRect = dojo.mixin(aroundRect, {
x: shp.x - fontWidth / 2,
y: shp.y
aroundRect.x += lt.x;
aroundRect.y += lt.y;
aroundRect.x = Math.round(aroundRect.x);
aroundRect.y = Math.round(aroundRect.y);
aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(fontWidth);
aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(fontHeight);
shape: elem,
handle: elem.connect("onmouseenter", this, function(e){
dijit.showTooltip(label, aroundRect, position);
shape: elem,
handle: elem.connect("onmouseleave", this, function(e){
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.common"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.common"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common;
dojo.mixin(dojox.charting.plot2d.common, {
makeStroke: function(stroke){
if(!stroke){ return stroke; }
if(typeof stroke == "string" || stroke instanceof dojo.Color){
stroke = {color: stroke};
return dojox.gfx.makeParameters(dojox.gfx.defaultStroke, stroke);
augmentColor: function(target, color){
var t = new dojo.Color(target),
c = new dojo.Color(color);
c.a = t.a;
return c;
augmentStroke: function(stroke, color){
var s = dc.makeStroke(stroke);
s.color = dc.augmentColor(s.color, color);
return s;
augmentFill: function(fill, color){
var fc, c = new dojo.Color(color);
if(typeof fill == "string" || fill instanceof dojo.Color){
return dc.augmentColor(fill, color);
return fill;
defaultStats: {
collectSimpleStats: function(series){
var stats = dojo.delegate(dc.defaultStats);
for(var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i){
var run = series[i];
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; j++){
if(run.data[j] !== null){
if(typeof run.data[j] == "number"){
// 1D case
var old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
dojo.forEach(run.data, function(val, i){
if(val !== null){
var x = i + 1, y = val;
if(isNaN(y)){ y = 0; }
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, y);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, y);
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
// 2D case
var old_hmin = stats.hmin, old_hmax = stats.hmax,
old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("xmin" in run) || !("xmax" in run) || !("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
dojo.forEach(run.data, function(val, i){
if(val !== null){
var x = "x" in val ? val.x : i + 1, y = val.y;
if(isNaN(x)){ x = 0; }
if(isNaN(y)){ y = 0; }
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, y);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, y);
if("xmin" in run){ stats.hmin = Math.min(old_hmin, run.xmin); }
if("xmax" in run){ stats.hmax = Math.max(old_hmax, run.xmax); }
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
return stats;
calculateBarSize: function(/* Number */ availableSize, /* Object */ opt, /* Number? */ clusterSize){
clusterSize = 1;
var gap = opt.gap, size = (availableSize - 2 * gap) / clusterSize;
if("minBarSize" in opt){
size = Math.max(size, opt.minBarSize);
if("maxBarSize" in opt){
size = Math.min(size, opt.maxBarSize);
size = Math.max(size, 1);
gap = (availableSize - size * clusterSize) / 2;
return {size: size, gap: gap}; // Object
collectStackedStats: function(series){
// collect statistics
var stats = dojo.clone(dc.defaultStats);
// 1st pass: find the maximal length of runs
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, 1);
stats.hmax = df.foldl(series, "seed, run -> Math.max(seed, run.data.length)", stats.hmax);
// 2nd pass: stack values
for(var i = 0; i < stats.hmax; ++i){
var v = series[0].data[i];
v = v && (typeof v == "number" ? v : v.y);
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, v);
for(var j = 1; j < series.length; ++j){
var t = series[j].data[i];
t = t && (typeof t == "number" ? t : t.y);
if(isNaN(t)){ t = 0; }
v += t;
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, v);
return stats;
curve: function(/* Number[] */a, /* Number|String */tension){
// FIX for #7235, submitted by Enzo Michelangeli.
// Emulates the smoothing algorithms used in a famous, unnamed spreadsheet
// program ;)
var arr = a.slice(0);
if(tension == "x") {
arr[arr.length] = arr[0]; // add a last element equal to the first, closing the loop
var p=dojo.map(arr, function(item, i){
if(i==0){ return "M" + item.x + "," + item.y; }
if(!isNaN(tension)) { // use standard Dojo smoothing in tension is numeric
var dx=item.x-arr[i-1].x, dy=arr[i-1].y;
return "C"+(item.x-(tension-1)*(dx/tension))+","+dy+" "+(item.x-(dx/tension))+","+item.y+" "+item.x+","+item.y;
} else if(tension == "X" || tension == "x" || tension == "S") {
// use Excel "line smoothing" algorithm (http://xlrotor.com/resources/files.shtml)
var p0, p1 = arr[i-1], p2 = arr[i], p3;
var bz1x, bz1y, bz2x, bz2y;
var f = 1/6;
if(i==1) {
if(tension == "x") {
p0 = arr[arr.length-2];
} else { // "tension == X || tension == "S"
p0 = p1;
f = 1/3;
} else {
p0 = arr[i-2];
if(i==(arr.length-1)) {
if(tension == "x") {
p3 = arr[1];
} else { // "tension == X || tension == "S"
p3 = p2;
f = 1/3;
} else {
p3 = arr[i+1];
var p1p2 = Math.sqrt((p2.x-p1.x)*(p2.x-p1.x)+(p2.y-p1.y)*(p2.y-p1.y));
var p0p2 = Math.sqrt((p2.x-p0.x)*(p2.x-p0.x)+(p2.y-p0.y)*(p2.y-p0.y));
var p1p3 = Math.sqrt((p3.x-p1.x)*(p3.x-p1.x)+(p3.y-p1.y)*(p3.y-p1.y));
var p0p2f = p0p2 * f;
var p1p3f = p1p3 * f;
if(p0p2f > p1p2/2 && p1p3f > p1p2/2) {
p0p2f = p1p2/2;
p1p3f = p1p2/2;
} else if(p0p2f > p1p2/2) {
p0p2f = p1p2/2;
p1p3f = p1p2/2 * p1p3/p0p2;
} else if(p1p3f > p1p2/2) {
p1p3f = p1p2/2;
p0p2f = p1p2/2 * p0p2/p1p3;
if(tension == "S") {
if(p0 == p1) { p0p2f = 0; }
if(p2 == p3) { p1p3f = 0; }
bz1x = p1.x + p0p2f*(p2.x - p0.x)/p0p2;
bz1y = p1.y + p0p2f*(p2.y - p0.y)/p0p2;
bz2x = p2.x - p1p3f*(p3.x - p1.x)/p1p3;
bz2y = p2.y - p1p3f*(p3.y - p1.y)/p1p3;
return "C"+(bz1x+","+bz1y+" "+bz2x+","+bz2y+" "+p2.x+","+p2.y);
return p.join(" ");
getLabel: function(/*Number*/number, /*Boolean*/fixed, /*Number*/precision){
return (fixed ? dojo.number.format(number, {places : precision}) :
dojo.number.format(number)) || "";
return fixed ? number.toFixed(precision) : number.toString();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.primitive"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.scaler.primitive"] = true;
dojox.charting.scaler.primitive = {
buildScaler: function(/*Number*/ min, /*Number*/ max, /*Number*/ span, /*Object*/ kwArgs){
if(min == max){
// artificially extend bounds
min -= 0.5;
max += 0.5;
// now the line will be centered
return {
bounds: {
lower: min,
upper: max,
from: min,
to: max,
scale: span / (max - min),
span: span
scaler: dojox.charting.scaler.primitive
buildTicks: function(/*Object*/ scaler, /*Object*/ kwArgs){
return {major: [], minor: [], micro: []}; // Object
getTransformerFromModel: function(/*Object*/ scaler){
var offset = scaler.bounds.from, scale = scaler.bounds.scale;
return function(x){ return (x - offset) * scale; }; // Function
getTransformerFromPlot: function(/*Object*/ scaler){
var offset = scaler.bounds.from, scale = scaler.bounds.scale;
return function(x){ return x / scale + offset; }; // Function
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents", null, {
constructor: function(){
this._shapeEvents = [];
this._eventSeries = {};
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Destroy any internal elements and event handlers.
plotEvent: function(o){
// summary:
// Stub function for use by specific plots.
// o: Object
// An object intended to represent event parameters.
raiseEvent: function(o){
// summary:
// Raises events in predefined order
// o: Object
// An object intended to represent event parameters.
var t = dojo.delegate(o);
t.originalEvent = o.type;
t.originalPlot = o.plot;
t.type = "onindirect";
dojo.forEach(this.chart.stack, function(plot){
if(plot !== this && plot.plotEvent){
t.plot = plot;
}, this);
connect: function(object, method){
// summary:
// Helper function to connect any object's method to our plotEvent.
// object: Object
// The object to connect to.
// method: String|Function
// The method to fire when our plotEvent is fired.
// returns: Array
// The handle as returned from dojo.connect (see dojo.connect).
this.dirty = true;
return dojo.connect(this, "plotEvent", object, method); // Array
events: function(){
// summary:
// Find out if any event handlers have been connected to our plotEvent.
// returns: Boolean
// A flag indicating that there are handlers attached.
var ls = this.plotEvent._listeners;
if(!ls || !ls.length){ return false; }
for(var i in ls){
if(!(i in Array.prototype)){
return true;
return false;
resetEvents: function(){
// summary:
// Reset all events attached to our plotEvent (i.e. disconnect).
dojo.forEach(this._shapeEvents, function(item){
this._shapeEvents = [];
this.raiseEvent({type: "onplotreset", plot: this});
_connectSingleEvent: function(o, eventName){
shape: o.eventMask,
handle: o.eventMask.connect(eventName, this, function(e){
o.type = eventName;
o.event = e;
o.event = null;
_connectEvents: function(o){
o.chart = this.chart;
o.plot = this;
o.hAxis = this.hAxis || null;
o.vAxis = this.vAxis || null;
o.eventMask = o.eventMask || o.shape;
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onmouseover");
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onmouseout");
this._connectSingleEvent(o, "onclick");
_reconnectEvents: function(seriesName){
var a = this._eventSeries[seriesName];
dojo.forEach(a, this._connectEvents, this);
fireEvent: function(seriesName, eventName, index, eventObject){
// summary:
// Emulates firing an event for a given data value (specified by
// an index) of a given series.
// seriesName: String:
// Series name.
// eventName: String:
// Event name to emulate.
// index: Number:
// Valid data value index used to raise an event.
// eventObject: Object?:
// Optional event object. Especially useful for synthetic events.
// Default: null.
var s = this._eventSeries[seriesName];
if(s && s.length && index < s.length){
var o = s[index];
o.type = eventName;
o.event = eventObject || null;
o.event = null;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Base"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Base"] = true;
dojox.charting.plot2d.__PlotCtorArgs = function(){
// summary:
// The base keyword arguments object for plot constructors.
// Note that the parameters for this may change based on the
// specific plot type (see the corresponding plot type for
// details).
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Base", [dojox.charting.Element, dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents], {
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create a base plot for charting.
// chart: dojox.chart.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__PlotCtorArgs?
// An optional arguments object to help define the plot.
this.zoom = null,
this.zoomQueue = []; // zooming action task queue
this.lastWindow = {vscale: 1, hscale: 1, xoffset: 0, yoffset: 0};
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear out all of the information tied to this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.series = [];
this._hAxis = null;
this._vAxis = null;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
setAxis: function(axis){
// summary:
// Set an axis for this plot.
// axis: dojox.charting.axis2d.Base
// The axis to set.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this[axis.vertical ? "_vAxis" : "_hAxis"] = axis;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
addSeries: function(run){
// summary:
// Add a data series to this plot.
// run: dojox.charting.Series
// The series to be added.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
return dojox.charting.plot2d.common.collectSimpleStats(this.series);
calculateAxes: function(dim){
// summary:
// Stub function for running the axis calculations (depricated).
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.initializeScalers(dim, this.getSeriesStats());
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
isDirty: function(){
// summary:
// Returns whether or not this plot needs to be rendered.
// returns: Boolean
// The state of the plot.
return this.dirty || this._hAxis && this._hAxis.dirty || this._vAxis && this._vAxis.dirty; // Boolean
isDataDirty: function(){
// summary:
// Returns whether or not any of this plot's data series need to be rendered.
// returns: Boolean
// Flag indicating if any of this plot's series are invalid and need rendering.
return dojo.some(this.series, function(item){ return item.dirty; }); // Boolean
performZoom: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Create/alter any zooming windows on this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
// get current zooming various
var vs = this._vAxis.scale || 1,
hs = this._hAxis.scale || 1,
vOffset = dim.height - offsets.b,
hBounds = this._hScaler.bounds,
xOffset = (hBounds.from - hBounds.lower) * hBounds.scale,
vBounds = this._vScaler.bounds,
yOffset = (vBounds.from - vBounds.lower) * vBounds.scale;
// get incremental zooming various
rVScale = vs / this.lastWindow.vscale,
rHScale = hs / this.lastWindow.hscale,
rXOffset = (this.lastWindow.xoffset - xOffset)/
((this.lastWindow.hscale == 1)? hs : this.lastWindow.hscale),
rYOffset = (yOffset - this.lastWindow.yoffset)/
((this.lastWindow.vscale == 1)? vs : this.lastWindow.vscale),
shape = this.group,
anim = dojox.gfx.fx.animateTransform(dojo.delegate({
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
{name:"translate", start:[0, 0], end: [offsets.l * (1 - rHScale), vOffset * (1 - rVScale)]},
{name:"scale", start:[1, 1], end: [rHScale, rVScale]},
{name:"translate", start: [0, 0], end: [rXOffset, rYOffset]}
]}, this.zoom));
dojo.mixin(this.lastWindow, {vscale: vs, hscale: hs, xoffset: xOffset, yoffset: yOffset});
//add anim to zooming action queue,
//in order to avoid several zooming action happened at the same time
//perform each anim one by one in zoomQueue
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
this.zoom = null;
if(this.zoomQueue.length > 0){
if(this.zoomQueue.length == 1){
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render the plot on the chart.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
getRequiredColors: function(){
// summary:
// Get how many data series we have, so we know how many colors to use.
// returns: Number
// The number of colors needed.
return this.series.length; // Number
initializeScalers: function(dim, stats){
// summary:
// Initializes scalers using attached axes.
// dim: Object:
// Size of a plot area in pixels as {width, height}.
// stats: Object:
// Min/max of data in both directions as {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this._hAxis.calculate(stats.hmin, stats.hmax, dim.width);
this._hScaler = this._hAxis.getScaler();
this._hScaler = dojox.charting.scaler.primitive.buildScaler(stats.hmin, stats.hmax, dim.width);
this._vAxis.calculate(stats.vmin, stats.vmax, dim.height);
this._vScaler = this._vAxis.getScaler();
this._vScaler = dojox.charting.scaler.primitive.buildScaler(stats.vmin, stats.vmax, dim.height);
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Default"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Default"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs", dojox.charting.plot2d.__PlotCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// The arguments used for any/most plots.
// hAxis: String?
// The horizontal axis name.
hAxis: "x",
// vAxis: String?
// The vertical axis name
vAxis: "y",
// lines: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw lines on this plot. Defaults to true.
lines: true,
// areas: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw areas on this plot. Defaults to false.
areas: false,
// markers: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw markers at data points on this plot. Default is false.
markers: false,
// tension: Number|String?
// Whether or not to apply 'tensioning' to the lines on this chart.
// Options include a number, "X", "x", or "S"; if a number is used, the
// simpler bezier curve calculations are used to draw the lines. If X, x or S
// is used, the more accurate smoothing algorithm is used.
tension: "",
// animate: Boolean?
// Whether or not to animate the chart to place.
animate: false,
// stroke: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use for any series on the plot.
stroke: {},
// outline: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke used to outline any series on the plot.
outline: {},
// shadow: dojox.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use to draw any shadows for a series on a plot.
shadow: {},
// fill: dojox.gfx.Fill?
// Any fill to be used for elements on the plot (such as areas).
fill: {},
// font: String?
// A font definition to be used for labels and other text-based elements on the plot.
font: "",
// fontColor: String|dojo.Color?
// The color to be used for any text-based elements on the plot.
fontColor: "",
// markerStroke: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional stroke to use for any markers on the plot.
markerStroke: {},
// markerOutline: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional outline to use for any markers on the plot.
markerOutline: {},
// markerShadow: dojo.gfx.Stroke?
// An optional shadow to use for any markers on the plot.
markerShadow: {},
// markerFill: dojo.gfx.Fill?
// An optional fill to use for any markers on the plot.
markerFill: {},
// markerFont: String?
// An optional font definition to use for any markers on the plot.
markerFont: "",
// markerFontColor: String|dojo.Color?
// An optional color to use for any marker text on the plot.
markerFontColor: ""
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
var DEFAULT_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 1200; // in ms
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Default", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
lines: true, // draw lines
areas: false, // draw areas
markers: false, // draw markers
tension: "", // draw curved lines (tension is "X", "x", or "S")
animate: false // animate chart to place
optionalParams: {
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: "",
markerStroke: {},
markerOutline: {},
markerShadow: {},
markerFill: {},
markerFont: "",
markerFontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Return a new plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs?
// An optional arguments object to help define this plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
// animation properties
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render/draw everything on this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Default
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
// make sure all the series is not modified
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, stroke, outline, marker, events = this.events();
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
run.dirty = false;
var theme = t.next(this.opt.areas ? "area" : "line", [this.opt, run], true),
s = run.group, rsegments = [], startindexes = [], rseg = null, lpoly,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
eventSeries = this._eventSeries[run.name] = new Array(run.data.length);
// split the run data into dense segments (each containing no nulls)
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; j++){
if(run.data[j] != null){
rseg = [];
rseg = null;
for(var seg = 0; seg < rsegments.length; seg++){
if(typeof rsegments[seg][0] == "number"){
lpoly = dojo.map(rsegments[seg], function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(i + startindexes[seg] + 1) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v)
}, this);
lpoly = dojo.map(rsegments[seg], function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(v.x) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v.y)
}, this);
var lpath = this.opt.tension ? dc.curve(lpoly, this.opt.tension) : "";
if(this.opt.areas && lpoly.length > 1){
var fill = theme.series.fill;
var apoly = dojo.clone(lpoly);
var apath = "L" + apoly[apoly.length-1].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + apoly[0].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + apoly[0].x + "," + apoly[0].y;
run.dyn.fill = s.createPath(lpath + " " + apath).setFill(fill).getFill();
} else {
apoly.push({x: lpoly[lpoly.length - 1].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
apoly.push({x: lpoly[0].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
run.dyn.fill = s.createPolyline(apoly).setFill(fill).getFill();
if(this.opt.lines || this.opt.markers){
// need a stroke
stroke = theme.series.stroke;
outline = run.dyn.outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.series.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + stroke.width;
run.dyn.marker = theme.symbol;
var frontMarkers = null, outlineMarkers = null, shadowMarkers = null;
if(stroke && theme.series.shadow && lpoly.length > 1){
var shadow = theme.series.shadow,
spoly = dojo.map(lpoly, function(c){
return {x: c.x + shadow.dx, y: c.y + shadow.dy};
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPath(dc.curve(spoly, this.opt.tension)).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPolyline(spoly).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
if(this.opt.markers && theme.marker.shadow){
shadow = theme.marker.shadow;
shadowMarkers = dojo.map(spoly, function(c){
return s.createPath("M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol).
}, this);
if(this.opt.lines && lpoly.length > 1){
run.dyn.outline = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.outline = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(stroke).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(stroke).getStroke();
frontMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outlineMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outline = null;
outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.marker.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + (theme.marker.stroke ? theme.marker.stroke.width : 0);
dojo.forEach(lpoly, function(c, i){
var path = "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol;
outlineMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(outline);
frontMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(theme.marker.stroke).setFill(theme.marker.fill);
}, this);
run.dyn.markerFill = theme.marker.fill;
run.dyn.markerStroke = theme.marker.stroke;
dojo.forEach(frontMarkers, function(s, i){
var o = {
element: "marker",
index: i + startindexes[seg],
run: run,
shape: s,
outline: outlineMarkers[i] || null,
shadow: shadowMarkers && shadowMarkers[i] || null,
cx: lpoly[i].x,
cy: lpoly[i].y
if(typeof rsegments[seg][0] == "number"){
o.x = i + startindexes[seg] + 1;
o.y = rsegments[seg][i];
o.x = rsegments[seg][i].x;
o.y = rsegments[seg][i].y;
eventSeries[i + startindexes[seg]] = o;
}, this);
delete this._eventSeries[run.name];
run.dirty = false;
// grow from the bottom
var plotGroup = this.group;
shape: plotGroup,
{name:"translate", start: [0, dim.height - offsets.b], end: [0, 0]},
{name:"scale", start: [1, 0], end:[1, 1]},
}, this.animate)).play();
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Default
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Lines"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Lines"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Lines", dojox.charting.plot2d.Default, {
// summary:
// A convenience constructor to create a typical line chart.
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Preset our default plot to be line-based.
this.opt.lines = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Areas"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Areas"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Areas", dojox.charting.plot2d.Default, {
// summary:
// Represents an area chart. See dojox.charting.plot2d.Default for details.
constructor: function(){
this.opt.lines = true;
this.opt.areas = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Markers", dojox.charting.plot2d.Default, {
// summary:
// A convenience plot to draw a line chart with markers.
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Set up the plot for lines and markers.
this.opt.markers = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.MarkersOnly"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.MarkersOnly"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.MarkersOnly", dojox.charting.plot2d.Default, {
// summary:
// A convenience object to draw only markers (like a scatter but not quite).
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Set up our default plot to only have markers and no lines.
this.opt.lines = false;
this.opt.markers = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Scatter"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Scatter"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Scatter", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// A plot object representing a typical scatter chart.
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
shadows: null, // draw shadows
animate: null // animate chart to place
optionalParams: {
// theme component
markerStroke: {},
markerOutline: {},
markerShadow: {},
markerFill: {},
markerFont: "",
markerFontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the scatter plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define this plot's parameters.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Scatter
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, events = this.events();
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
run.dirty = false;
var theme = t.next("marker", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group, lpoly,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler);
if(typeof run.data[0] == "number"){
lpoly = dojo.map(run.data, function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(i + 1) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v)
}, this);
lpoly = dojo.map(run.data, function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(v.x) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v.y)
}, this);
var shadowMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length),
frontMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length),
outlineMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
dojo.forEach(lpoly, function(c, i){
var finalTheme = typeof run.data[i] == "number" ?
t.post(theme, "marker") :
t.addMixin(theme, "marker", run.data[i], true),
path = "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + finalTheme.symbol;
shadowMarkers[i] = s.createPath("M" + (c.x + finalTheme.marker.shadow.dx) + " " +
(c.y + finalTheme.marker.shadow.dy) + " " + finalTheme.symbol).
this._animateScatter(shadowMarkers[i], dim.height - offsets.b);
var outline = dc.makeStroke(finalTheme.marker.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + finalTheme.marker.stroke.width;
outlineMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(outline);
this._animateScatter(outlineMarkers[i], dim.height - offsets.b);
var stroke = dc.makeStroke(finalTheme.marker.stroke),
fill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.marker.fill, dim, offsets);
if(fill && (fill.type === "linear" || fill.type == "radial")){
var color = dojox.gfx.gradutils.getColor(fill, {x: c.x, y: c.y});
stroke.color = color;
frontMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(stroke).setFill(color);
frontMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(stroke).setFill(fill);
this._animateScatter(frontMarkers[i], dim.height - offsets.b);
}, this);
run.dyn.stroke = frontMarkers[frontMarkers.length - 1].getStroke();
run.dyn.fill = frontMarkers[frontMarkers.length - 1].getFill();
var eventSeries = new Array(frontMarkers.length);
dojo.forEach(frontMarkers, function(s, i){
var o = {
element: "marker",
index: i,
run: run,
shape: s,
outline: outlineMarkers && outlineMarkers[i] || null,
shadow: shadowMarkers && shadowMarkers[i] || null,
cx: lpoly[i].x,
cy: lpoly[i].y
if(typeof run.data[0] == "number"){
o.x = i + 1;
o.y = run.data[i];
o.x = run.data[i].x;
o.y = run.data[i].y;
eventSeries[i] = o;
}, this);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
delete this._eventSeries[run.name];
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Scatter
_animateScatter: function(shape, offset){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, offset], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [0, 0], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.sequence"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.lang.functional.sequence"] = true;
// This module adds high-level functions and related constructs:
// - sequence generators
// If you want more general sequence builders check out listcomp.js and
// unfold() (in fold.js).
// Defined methods:
// - take any valid lambda argument as the functional argument
var d = dojo, df = dojox.lang.functional;
d.mixin(df, {
// sequence generators
repeat: function(/*Number*/ n, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: builds an array by repeatedly applying a unary function N times
// with a seed value Z. N should be greater than 0.
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f);
var t = new Array(n), i = 1;
t[0] = z;
for(; i < n; t[i] = z = f.call(o, z), ++i);
return t; // Array
until: function(/*Function|String|Array*/ pr, /*Function|String|Array*/ f, /*Object*/ z, /*Object?*/ o){
// summary: builds an array by repeatedly applying a unary function with
// a seed value Z until the predicate is satisfied.
o = o || d.global; f = df.lambda(f); pr = df.lambda(pr);
var t = [];
for(; !pr.call(o, z); t.push(z), z = f.call(o, z));
return t; // Array
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked", dojox.charting.plot2d.Default, {
// summary:
// Like the default plot, Stacked sets up lines, areas and markers
// in a stacked fashion (values on the y axis added to each other)
// as opposed to a direct one.
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = dc.collectStackedStats(this.series);
this._maxRunLength = stats.hmax;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this._maxRunLength <= 0){
return this;
// stack all values
var acc = df.repeat(this._maxRunLength, "-> 0", 0);
for(var i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
var run = this.series[i];
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var v = run.data[j];
if(v !== null){
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] += v;
// draw runs in backwards
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, events = this.events(),
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler);
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next(this.opt.areas ? "area" : "line", [this.opt, run], true),
s = run.group, outline,
lpoly = dojo.map(acc, function(v, i){
return {
x: ht(i + 1) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v)
}, this);
var lpath = this.opt.tension ? dc.curve(lpoly, this.opt.tension) : "";
var apoly = dojo.clone(lpoly);
var p=dc.curve(apoly, this.opt.tension);
p += " L" + lpoly[lpoly.length - 1].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + lpoly[0].x + "," + (dim.height - offsets.b) +
" L" + lpoly[0].x + "," + lpoly[0].y;
run.dyn.fill = s.createPath(p).setFill(theme.series.fill).getFill();
} else {
apoly.push({x: lpoly[lpoly.length - 1].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
apoly.push({x: lpoly[0].x, y: dim.height - offsets.b});
run.dyn.fill = s.createPolyline(apoly).setFill(theme.series.fill).getFill();
if(this.opt.lines || this.opt.markers){
outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.series.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + theme.series.stroke.width;
run.dyn.marker = theme.symbol;
var frontMarkers, outlineMarkers, shadowMarkers;
if(theme.series.shadow && theme.series.stroke){
var shadow = theme.series.shadow,
spoly = dojo.map(lpoly, function(c){
return {x: c.x + shadow.dx, y: c.y + shadow.dy};
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPath(dc.curve(spoly, this.opt.tension)).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.shadow = s.createPolyline(spoly).setStroke(shadow).getStroke();
shadow = theme.marker.shadow;
shadowMarkers = dojo.map(spoly, function(c){
return s.createPath("M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol).
}, this);
run.dyn.outline = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.outline = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(outline).getStroke();
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPath(lpath).setStroke(theme.series.stroke).getStroke();
} else {
run.dyn.stroke = s.createPolyline(lpoly).setStroke(theme.series.stroke).getStroke();
frontMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outlineMarkers = new Array(lpoly.length);
outline = null;
outline = dc.makeStroke(theme.marker.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + (theme.marker.stroke ? theme.marker.stroke.width : 0);
dojo.forEach(lpoly, function(c, i){
var path = "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + theme.symbol;
outlineMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(outline);
frontMarkers[i] = s.createPath(path).setStroke(theme.marker.stroke).setFill(theme.marker.fill);
}, this);
var eventSeries = new Array(frontMarkers.length);
dojo.forEach(frontMarkers, function(s, i){
var o = {
element: "marker",
index: i,
run: run,
shape: s,
outline: outlineMarkers[i] || null,
shadow: shadowMarkers && shadowMarkers[i] || null,
cx: lpoly[i].x,
cy: lpoly[i].y,
x: i + 1,
y: run.data[i]
eventSeries[i] = o;
}, this);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
delete this._eventSeries[run.name];
run.dirty = false;
// update the accumulator
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var v = run.data[j];
if(v !== null){
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] -= v;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedLines"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedLines"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedLines", dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked, {
// summary:
// A convenience object to create a stacked line chart.
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Force our Stacked base to be lines only.
this.opt.lines = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedAreas"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedAreas"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedAreas", dojox.charting.plot2d.Stacked, {
// summary:
// A convenience object to set up a stacked area plot.
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Force our Stacked plotter to include both lines and areas.
this.opt.lines = true;
this.opt.areas = true;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// The plot object representing a column chart (vertical bars).
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
gap: 0, // gap between columns in pixels
animate: null // animate bars into place
optionalParams: {
minBarSize: 1, // minimal column width in pixels
maxBarSize: 1, // maximal column width in pixels
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for a columns chart.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__BarCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define the plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = dc.collectSimpleStats(this.series);
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._vScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineHeight = vt(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
width = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("column", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y,
vv = vt(v),
height = vv - baselineHeight,
h = Math.abs(height),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "column", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "column");
if(width >= 1 && h >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l + ht(j + 0.5) + gap,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - (v > baseline ? vv : baselineHeight),
width: width, height: h
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "column",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: j + 0.5,
y: v
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateColumn(shape, dim.height - offsets.b - baselineHeight, h);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns
_animateColumn: function(shape, voffset, vsize){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, voffset - (voffset/vsize)], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [1, 1/vsize], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedColumns"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedColumns"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedColumns", dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns, {
// summary:
// The plot object representing a stacked column chart (vertical bars).
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = dc.collectStackedStats(this.series);
this._maxRunLength = stats.hmax;
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedColumns
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this._maxRunLength <= 0){
return this;
// stack all values
var acc = df.repeat(this._maxRunLength, "-> 0", 0);
for(var i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
var run = this.series[i];
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y;
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] += v;
// draw runs in backwards
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
width = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("column", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(acc.length);
for(var j = 0; j < acc.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = acc[j],
height = vt(v),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "column", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "column");
if(width >= 1 && height >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l + ht(j + 0.5) + gap,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v),
width: width, height: height
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "column",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: j + 0.5,
y: v
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateColumn(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, height);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
// update the accumulator
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y;
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] -= v;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedColumns
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns", dojox.charting.plot2d.Columns, {
// summary:
// A plot representing grouped or clustered columns (vertical bars).
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width, thickness,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._vScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineHeight = vt(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt, this.series.length);
gap = f.gap;
width = thickness = f.size;
for(var i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
var run = this.series[i], shift = thickness * i;
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("column", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y,
vv = vt(v),
height = vv - baselineHeight,
h = Math.abs(height),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "column", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "column");
if(width >= 1 && h >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l + ht(j + 0.5) + gap + shift,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - (v > baseline ? vv : baselineHeight),
width: width, height: h
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "column",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: j + 0.5,
y: v
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateColumn(shape, dim.height - offsets.b - baselineHeight, h);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredColumns
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.__BarCtorArgs", dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Additional keyword arguments for bar charts.
// minBarSize: Number?
// The minimum size for a bar in pixels. Default is 1.
minBarSize: 1,
// maxBarSize: Number?
// The maximum size for a bar in pixels. Default is 1.
maxBarSize: 1
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// The plot object representing a bar chart (horizontal bars).
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
gap: 0, // gap between columns in pixels
animate: null // animate bars into place
optionalParams: {
minBarSize: 1, // minimal bar width in pixels
maxBarSize: 1, // maximal bar width in pixels
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for a bar chart.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__BarCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define the plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = dc.collectSimpleStats(this.series), t;
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
t = stats.hmin, stats.hmin = stats.vmin, stats.vmin = t;
t = stats.hmax, stats.hmax = stats.vmax, stats.vmax = t;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, height,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._hScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineWidth = ht(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._vScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
height = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("bar", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y,
hv = ht(v),
width = hv - baselineWidth,
w = Math.abs(width),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "bar", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "bar");
if(w >= 1 && height >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l + (v < baseline ? hv : baselineWidth),
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(j + 1.5) + gap,
width: w, height: height
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "bar",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: v,
y: j + 1.5
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateBar(shape, offsets.l + baselineWidth, -w);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars
_animateBar: function(shape, hoffset, hsize){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [hoffset - (hoffset/hsize), 0], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [1/hsize, 1], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars", dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars, {
// summary:
// The plot object representing a stacked bar chart (horizontal bars).
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = dc.collectStackedStats(this.series), t;
this._maxRunLength = stats.hmax;
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
t = stats.hmin, stats.hmin = stats.vmin, stats.vmin = t;
t = stats.hmax, stats.hmax = stats.vmax, stats.vmax = t;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this._maxRunLength <= 0){
return this;
// stack all values
var acc = df.repeat(this._maxRunLength, "-> 0", 0);
for(var i = 0; i < this.series.length; ++i){
var run = this.series[i];
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y;
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] += v;
// draw runs in backwards
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, height,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._vScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
height = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("bar", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(acc.length);
for(var j = 0; j < acc.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = acc[j],
width = ht(v),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "bar", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "bar");
if(width >= 1 && height >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(j + 1.5) + gap,
width: width, height: height
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "bar",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: v,
y: j + 1.5
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateBar(shape, offsets.l, -width);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
// update the accumulator
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y;
if(isNaN(v)){ v = 0; }
acc[j] -= v;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.StackedBars
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars", dojox.charting.plot2d.Bars, {
// summary:
// A plot representing grouped or clustered bars (horizontal bars)
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, height, thickness,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._hScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineWidth = ht(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._vScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt, this.series.length);
gap = f.gap;
height = thickness = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i], shift = thickness * (this.series.length - i - 1);
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("bar", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var value = run.data[j];
if(value !== null){
var v = typeof value == "number" ? value : value.y,
hv = ht(v),
width = hv - baselineWidth,
w = Math.abs(width),
finalTheme = typeof value != "number" ?
t.addMixin(theme, "bar", value, true) :
t.post(theme, "bar");
if(w >= 1 && height >= 1){
var rect = {
x: offsets.l + (v < baseline ? hv : baselineWidth),
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(j + 1.5) + gap + shift,
width: w, height: height
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createRect(rect).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(finalTheme.series.stroke);
run.dyn.fill = shape.getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = shape.getStroke();
var o = {
element: "bar",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: shape,
x: v,
y: j + 1.5
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateBar(shape, offsets.l + baselineWidth, -width);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.ClusteredBars
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.__GridCtorArgs", dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// A special keyword arguments object that is specific to a grid "plot".
// hMajorLines: Boolean?
// Whether to show lines at the major ticks along the horizontal axis. Default is true.
hMajorLines: true,
// hMinorLines: Boolean?
// Whether to show lines at the minor ticks along the horizontal axis. Default is false.
hMinorLines: false,
// vMajorLines: Boolean?
// Whether to show lines at the major ticks along the vertical axis. Default is true.
vMajorLines: true,
// vMinorLines: Boolean?
// Whether to show lines at the major ticks along the vertical axis. Default is false.
vMinorLines: false,
// hStripes: String?
// Whether or not to show stripes (alternating fills) along the horizontal axis. Default is "none".
hStripes: "none",
// vStripes: String?
// Whether or not to show stripes (alternating fills) along the vertical axis. Default is "none".
vStripes: "none"
var du = dojox.lang.utils, dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid", dojox.charting.Element, {
// summary:
// A "faux" plot that can be placed behind other plots to represent
// a grid against which other plots can be easily measured.
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
hMajorLines: true, // draw horizontal major lines
hMinorLines: false, // draw horizontal minor lines
vMajorLines: true, // draw vertical major lines
vMinorLines: false, // draw vertical minor lines
hStripes: "none", // TBD
vStripes: "none", // TBD
animate: null // animate bars into place
optionalParams: {}, // no optional parameters
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create the faux Grid plot.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__GridCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define the parameters of the underlying grid.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.dirty = true;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
this.zoom = null,
this.zoomQueue = []; // zooming action task queue
this.lastWindow = {vscale: 1, hscale: 1, xoffset: 0, yoffset: 0};
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear out any parameters set on this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this._hAxis = null;
this._vAxis = null;
this.dirty = true;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
setAxis: function(axis){
// summary:
// Set an axis for this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this[axis.vertical ? "_vAxis" : "_hAxis"] = axis;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
addSeries: function(run){
// summary:
// Ignored but included as a dummy method.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Returns default stats (irrelevant for this type of plot).
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
return dojo.delegate(dc.defaultStats);
initializeScalers: function(){
// summary:
// Does nothing (irrelevant for this type of plot).
return this;
isDirty: function(){
// summary:
// Return whether or not this plot needs to be redrawn.
// returns: Boolean
// If this plot needs to be rendered, this will return true.
return this.dirty || this._hAxis && this._hAxis.dirty || this._vAxis && this._vAxis.dirty; // Boolean
performZoom: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Create/alter any zooming windows on this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
// get current zooming various
var vs = this._vAxis.scale || 1,
hs = this._hAxis.scale || 1,
vOffset = dim.height - offsets.b,
hBounds = this._hAxis.getScaler().bounds,
xOffset = (hBounds.from - hBounds.lower) * hBounds.scale,
vBounds = this._vAxis.getScaler().bounds,
yOffset = (vBounds.from - vBounds.lower) * vBounds.scale;
// get incremental zooming various
rVScale = vs / this.lastWindow.vscale,
rHScale = hs / this.lastWindow.hscale,
rXOffset = (this.lastWindow.xoffset - xOffset)/
((this.lastWindow.hscale == 1)? hs : this.lastWindow.hscale),
rYOffset = (yOffset - this.lastWindow.yoffset)/
((this.lastWindow.vscale == 1)? vs : this.lastWindow.vscale),
shape = this.group,
anim = dojox.gfx.fx.animateTransform(dojo.delegate({
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
{name:"translate", start:[0, 0], end: [offsets.l * (1 - rHScale), vOffset * (1 - rVScale)]},
{name:"scale", start:[1, 1], end: [rHScale, rVScale]},
{name:"translate", start: [0, 0], end: [rXOffset, rYOffset]}
]}, this.zoom));
dojo.mixin(this.lastWindow, {vscale: vs, hscale: hs, xoffset: xOffset, yoffset: yOffset});
//add anim to zooming action queue,
//in order to avoid several zooming action happened at the same time
//perform each anim one by one in zoomQueue
dojo.connect(anim, "onEnd", this, function(){
this.zoom = null;
if(this.zoomQueue.length > 0){
if(this.zoomQueue.length == 1){
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
getRequiredColors: function(){
// summary:
// Ignored but included as a dummy method.
// returns: Number
// Returns 0, since there are no series associated with this plot type.
return 0; // Number
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render the plot on the chart.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
if(!this.dirty){ return this; }
var s = this.group, ta = this.chart.theme.axis;
// draw horizontal stripes and lines
var vScaler = this._vAxis.getScaler(),
vt = vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(vScaler),
ticks = this._vAxis.getTicks();
dojo.forEach(ticks.minor, function(tick){
var y = dim.height - offsets.b - vt(tick.value);
var hMinorLine = s.createLine({
x1: offsets.l,
y1: y,
x2: dim.width - offsets.r,
y2: y
this._animateGrid(hMinorLine, "h", offsets.l, offsets.r + offsets.l - dim.width);
}, this);
dojo.forEach(ticks.major, function(tick){
var y = dim.height - offsets.b - vt(tick.value);
var hMajorLine = s.createLine({
x1: offsets.l,
y1: y,
x2: dim.width - offsets.r,
y2: y
this._animateGrid(hMajorLine, "h", offsets.l, offsets.r + offsets.l - dim.width);
}, this);
// squelch
// draw vertical stripes and lines
var hScaler = this._hAxis.getScaler(),
ht = hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(hScaler),
ticks = this._hAxis.getTicks();
if(ticks && this.opt.vMinorLines){
dojo.forEach(ticks.minor, function(tick){
var x = offsets.l + ht(tick.value);
var vMinorLine = s.createLine({
x1: x,
y1: offsets.t,
x2: x,
y2: dim.height - offsets.b
this._animateGrid(vMinorLine, "v", dim.height - offsets.b, dim.height - offsets.b - offsets.t);
}, this);
if(ticks && this.opt.vMajorLines){
dojo.forEach(ticks.major, function(tick){
var x = offsets.l + ht(tick.value);
var vMajorLine = s.createLine({
x1: x,
y1: offsets.t,
x2: x,
y2: dim.height - offsets.b
this._animateGrid(vMajorLine, "v", dim.height - offsets.b, dim.height - offsets.b - offsets.t);
}, this);
// squelch
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Grid
_animateGrid: function(shape, type, offset, size){
var transStart = type == "h" ? [offset, 0] : [0, offset];
var scaleStart = type == "h" ? [1/size, 1] : [1, 1/size];
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: transStart, end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: scaleStart, end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.__PieCtorArgs", dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs, {
// summary:
// Specialized keyword arguments object for use in defining parameters on a Pie chart.
// labels: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw labels within each pie slice. Default is true.
labels: true,
// ticks: Boolean?
// Whether or not to draw ticks to labels within each slice. Default is false.
ticks: false,
// fixed: Boolean?
fixed: true,
// precision: Number?
// The precision at which to sum/add data values. Default is 1.
precision: 1,
// labelOffset: Number?
// The amount in pixels by which to offset labels. Default is 20.
labelOffset: 20,
// labelStyle: String?
// Options as to where to draw labels. Values include "default", "rows", and "auto". Default is "default".
labelStyle: "default", // default/rows/auto
// htmlLabels: Boolean?
// Whether or not to use HTML to render slice labels. Default is true.
htmlLabels: true,
// radGrad: String?
// The type of radial gradient to use in rendering. Default is "native".
radGrad: "native",
// fanSize: Number?
// The amount for a radial gradient. Default is 5.
fanSize: 5,
// startAngle: Number?
// Where to being rendering gradients in slices, in degrees. Default is 0.
startAngle: 0,
// radius: Number?
// The size of the radial gradient. Default is 0.
radius: 0
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
da = dojox.charting.axis2d.common,
g = dojox.gfx, m = g.matrix,
FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.2; // use to overlap fans
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie", [dojox.charting.Element, dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents], {
// summary:
// The plot that represents a typical pie chart.
defaultParams: {
labels: true,
ticks: false,
fixed: true,
precision: 1,
labelOffset: 20,
labelStyle: "default", // default/rows/auto/columns
htmlLabels: true, // use HTML to draw labels
radGrad: "native", // or "linear", or "fan"
fanSize: 5, // maximum fan size in degrees
startAngle: 0 // start angle for slices in degrees
optionalParams: {
radius: 0,
// theme components
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: "",
labelWiring: {}
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create a pie plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.run = null;
this.dyn = [];
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear out all of the information tied to this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.dirty = true;
this.dyn = [];
this.run = null;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
setAxis: function(axis){
// summary:
// Dummy method, since axes are irrelevant with a Pie chart.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
addSeries: function(run){
// summary:
// Add a series of data to this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.run = run;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Returns default stats (irrelevant for this type of plot).
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
return dojo.delegate(dc.defaultStats);
initializeScalers: function(){
// summary:
// Does nothing (irrelevant for this type of plot).
return this;
getRequiredColors: function(){
// summary:
// Return the number of colors needed to draw this plot.
return this.run ? this.run.data.length : 0;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render the plot on the chart.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(!this.dirty){ return this; }
this.dirty = false;
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group, t = this.chart.theme;
if(!this.run || !this.run.data.length){
return this;
// calculate the geometry
var rx = (dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r) / 2,
ry = (dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b) / 2,
r = Math.min(rx, ry),
taFont = "font" in this.opt ? this.opt.font : t.axis.font,
size = taFont ? g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(taFont).size) : 0,
taFontColor = "fontColor" in this.opt ? this.opt.fontColor : t.axis.fontColor,
startAngle = m._degToRad(this.opt.startAngle),
start = startAngle, step, filteredRun, slices, labels, shift, labelR,
run = this.run.data,
events = this.events();
if(typeof run[0] == "number"){
filteredRun = df.map(run, "x ? Math.max(x, 0) : 0");
if(df.every(filteredRun, "<= 0")){
return this;
slices = df.map(filteredRun, "/this", df.foldl(filteredRun, "+", 0));
labels = dojo.map(slices, function(x){
return x > 0 ? this._getLabel(x * 100) + "%" : "";
}, this);
filteredRun = df.map(run, "x ? Math.max(x.y, 0) : 0");
if(df.every(filteredRun, "<= 0")){
return this;
slices = df.map(filteredRun, "/this", df.foldl(filteredRun, "+", 0));
labels = dojo.map(slices, function(x, i){
if(x <= 0){ return ""; }
var v = run[i];
return "text" in v ? v.text : this._getLabel(x * 100) + "%";
}, this);
var themes = df.map(run, function(v, i){
if(v === null || typeof v == "number"){
return t.next("slice", [this.opt, this.run], true);
return t.next("slice", [this.opt, this.run, v], true);
}, this);
shift = df.foldl1(df.map(labels, function(label, i){
var font = themes[i].series.font;
return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(label, {font: font}).w;
}, this), "Math.max(a, b)") / 2;
if(this.opt.labelOffset < 0){
r = Math.min(rx - 2 * shift, ry - size) + this.opt.labelOffset;
labelR = r - this.opt.labelOffset;
if("radius" in this.opt){
r = this.opt.radius;
labelR = r - this.opt.labelOffset;
var circle = {
cx: offsets.l + rx,
cy: offsets.t + ry,
r: r
this.dyn = [];
// draw slices
var eventSeries = new Array(slices.length);
dojo.some(slices, function(slice, i){
if(slice <= 0){
// degenerated slice
return false; // continue
var v = run[i], theme = themes[i], specialFill;
if(slice >= 1){
// whole pie
specialFill = this._plotFill(theme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill,
x: circle.cx - circle.r, y: circle.cy - circle.r,
width: 2 * circle.r, height: 2 * circle.r
specialFill = this._pseudoRadialFill(specialFill, {x: circle.cx, y: circle.cy}, circle.r);
var shape = s.createCircle(circle).setFill(specialFill).setStroke(theme.series.stroke);
this.dyn.push({fill: specialFill, stroke: theme.series.stroke});
var o = {
element: "slice",
index: i,
run: this.run,
shape: shape,
x: i,
y: typeof v == "number" ? v : v.y,
cx: circle.cx,
cy: circle.cy,
cr: r
eventSeries[i] = o;
return true; // stop iteration
// calculate the geometry of the slice
var end = start + slice * 2 * Math.PI;
if(i + 1 == slices.length){
end = startAngle + 2 * Math.PI;
var step = end - start,
x1 = circle.cx + r * Math.cos(start),
y1 = circle.cy + r * Math.sin(start),
x2 = circle.cx + r * Math.cos(end),
y2 = circle.cy + r * Math.sin(end);
// draw the slice
var fanSize = m._degToRad(this.opt.fanSize);
if(theme.series.fill && theme.series.fill.type === "radial" && this.opt.radGrad === "fan" && step > fanSize){
var group = s.createGroup(), nfans = Math.ceil(step / fanSize), delta = step / nfans;
specialFill = this._shapeFill(theme.series.fill,
{x: circle.cx - circle.r, y: circle.cy - circle.r, width: 2 * circle.r, height: 2 * circle.r});
for(var j = 0; j < nfans; ++j){
var fansx = j == 0 ? x1 : circle.cx + r * Math.cos(start + (j - FUDGE_FACTOR) * delta),
fansy = j == 0 ? y1 : circle.cy + r * Math.sin(start + (j - FUDGE_FACTOR) * delta),
fanex = j == nfans - 1 ? x2 : circle.cx + r * Math.cos(start + (j + 1 + FUDGE_FACTOR) * delta),
faney = j == nfans - 1 ? y2 : circle.cy + r * Math.sin(start + (j + 1 + FUDGE_FACTOR) * delta),
fan = group.createPath({}).
moveTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
lineTo(fansx, fansy).
arcTo(r, r, 0, delta > Math.PI, true, fanex, faney).
lineTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
setFill(this._pseudoRadialFill(specialFill, {x: circle.cx, y: circle.cy}, r, start + (j + 0.5) * delta, start + (j + 0.5) * delta));
moveTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
lineTo(x1, y1).
arcTo(r, r, 0, step > Math.PI, true, x2, y2).
lineTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
shape = group;
shape = s.createPath({}).
moveTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
lineTo(x1, y1).
arcTo(r, r, 0, step > Math.PI, true, x2, y2).
lineTo(circle.cx, circle.cy).
var specialFill = theme.series.fill;
if(specialFill && specialFill.type === "radial"){
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, {x: circle.cx - circle.r, y: circle.cy - circle.r, width: 2 * circle.r, height: 2 * circle.r});
if(this.opt.radGrad === "linear"){
specialFill = this._pseudoRadialFill(specialFill, {x: circle.cx, y: circle.cy}, r, start, end);
}else if(specialFill && specialFill.type === "linear"){
specialFill = this._plotFill(specialFill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, shape.getBoundingBox());
this.dyn.push({fill: specialFill, stroke: theme.series.stroke});
var o = {
element: "slice",
index: i,
run: this.run,
shape: shape,
x: i,
y: typeof v == "number" ? v : v.y,
cx: circle.cx,
cy: circle.cy,
cr: r
eventSeries[i] = o;
start = end;
return false; // continue
}, this);
// draw labels
if(this.opt.labelStyle == "default"){
start = startAngle;
dojo.some(slices, function(slice, i){
if(slice <= 0){
// degenerated slice
return false; // continue
var theme = themes[i];
if(slice >= 1){
// whole pie
var v = run[i], elem = da.createText[this.opt.htmlLabels && dojox.gfx.renderer != "vml" ? "html" : "gfx"](
this.chart, s, circle.cx, circle.cy + size / 2, "middle", labels[i],
theme.series.font, theme.series.fontColor);
return true; // stop iteration
// calculate the geometry of the slice
var end = start + slice * 2 * Math.PI, v = run[i];
if(i + 1 == slices.length){
end = startAngle + 2 * Math.PI;
var labelAngle = (start + end) / 2,
x = circle.cx + labelR * Math.cos(labelAngle),
y = circle.cy + labelR * Math.sin(labelAngle) + size / 2;
// draw the label
var elem = da.createText[this.opt.htmlLabels && dojox.gfx.renderer != "vml" ? "html" : "gfx"]
(this.chart, s, x, y, "middle", labels[i], theme.series.font, theme.series.fontColor);
start = end;
return false; // continue
}, this);
}else if(this.opt.labelStyle == "columns"){
start = startAngle;
//calculate label angles
var labeledSlices = [];
dojo.forEach(slices, function(slice, i){
var end = start + slice * 2 * Math.PI;
if(i + 1 == slices.length){
end = startAngle + 2 * Math.PI;
var labelAngle = (start + end) / 2;
angle: labelAngle,
left: Math.cos(labelAngle) < 0,
theme: themes[i],
index: i,
omit: end - start < 0.001
start = end;
//calculate label radius to each slice
var labelHeight = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox("a",{font:taFont}).h;
this._getProperLabelRadius(labeledSlices, labelHeight, circle.r * 1.1);
//draw label and wiring
dojo.forEach(labeledSlices, function(slice, i){
if (!slice.omit) {
var leftColumn = circle.cx - circle.r * 2,
rightColumn = circle.cx + circle.r * 2,
labelWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(labels[i], {font: taFont}).w,
x = circle.cx + slice.labelR * Math.cos(slice.angle),
y = circle.cy + slice.labelR * Math.sin(slice.angle),
jointX = (slice.left) ? (leftColumn + labelWidth) : (rightColumn - labelWidth),
labelX = (slice.left) ? leftColumn : jointX;
var wiring = s.createPath().moveTo(circle.cx + circle.r * Math.cos(slice.angle), circle.cy + circle.r * Math.sin(slice.angle))
if (Math.abs(slice.labelR * Math.cos(slice.angle)) < circle.r * 2 - labelWidth) {
wiring.lineTo(x, y);
wiring.lineTo(jointX, y).setStroke(slice.theme.series.labelWiring);
var elem = da.createText[this.opt.htmlLabels && dojox.gfx.renderer != "vml" ? "html" : "gfx"](
this.chart, s, labelX, y, "left", labels[i], slice.theme.series.font, slice.theme.series.fontColor);
if (this.opt.htmlLabels) {
// post-process events to restore the original indexing
var esi = 0;
this._eventSeries[this.run.name] = df.map(run, function(v){
return v <= 0 ? null : eventSeries[esi++];
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie
_getProperLabelRadius: function(slices, labelHeight, minRidius){
var leftCenterSlice = {},rightCenterSlice = {},leftMinSIN = 1, rightMinSIN = 1;
if (slices.length == 1) {
slices[0].labelR = minRidius;
for(var i = 0;i<slices.length;i++){
var tempSIN = Math.abs(Math.sin(slices[i].angle));
if(leftMinSIN > tempSIN){
leftMinSIN = tempSIN;
leftCenterSlice = slices[i];
if(rightMinSIN > tempSIN){
rightMinSIN = tempSIN;
rightCenterSlice = slices[i];
leftCenterSlice.labelR = rightCenterSlice.labelR = minRidius;
_caculateLabelR: function(firstSlice,slices,labelHeight){
var i = firstSlice.index,length = slices.length,
currentLabelR = firstSlice.labelR;
while(!(slices[i%length].left ^ slices[(i+1)%length].left)){
if (!slices[(i + 1) % length].omit) {
var nextLabelR = (Math.sin(slices[i % length].angle) * currentLabelR + ((slices[i % length].left) ? (-labelHeight) : labelHeight)) /
Math.sin(slices[(i + 1) % length].angle);
currentLabelR = (nextLabelR < firstSlice.labelR) ? firstSlice.labelR : nextLabelR;
slices[(i + 1) % length].labelR = currentLabelR;
i = firstSlice.index,j = (i == 0)?length-1 : i - 1;
while(!(slices[i].left ^ slices[j].left)){
if (!slices[j].omit) {
var nextLabelR = (Math.sin(slices[i].angle) * currentLabelR + ((slices[i].left) ? labelHeight : (-labelHeight))) /
currentLabelR = (nextLabelR < firstSlice.labelR) ? firstSlice.labelR : nextLabelR;
slices[j].labelR = currentLabelR;
i = (i < 0)?i+slices.length:i;
j = (j < 0)?j+slices.length:j;
// utilities
_getLabel: function(number){
return dc.getLabel(number, this.opt.fixed, this.opt.precision);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// A plot representing bubbles. Note that data for Bubbles requires 3 parameters,
// in the form of: { x, y, size }, where size determines the size of the bubble.
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
animate: null // animate bars into place
optionalParams: {
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create a plot of bubbles.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__DefaultCtorArgs?
// Optional keyword arguments object to help define plot parameters.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
// override the render so that we are plotting only circles.
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
events = this.events();
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
run.dirty = false;
if(typeof run.data[0] == "number"){
console.warn("dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble: the data in the following series cannot be rendered as a bubble chart; ", run);
var theme = t.next("circle", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
points = dojo.map(run.data, function(v, i){
return v ? {
x: ht(v.x) + offsets.l,
y: dim.height - offsets.b - vt(v.y),
radius: this._vScaler.bounds.scale * (v.size / 2)
} : null;
}, this);
var frontCircles = null, outlineCircles = null, shadowCircles = null;
// make shadows if needed
shadowCircles = dojo.map(points, function(item){
if(item !== null){
var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true),
shadow = finalTheme.series.shadow;
var shape = s.createCircle({
cx: item.x + shadow.dx, cy: item.y + shadow.dy, r: item.radius
this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius);
return shape;
return null;
}, this);
run.dyn.shadow = shadowCircles[shadowCircles.length - 1].getStroke();
// make outlines if needed
outlineCircles = dojo.map(points, function(item){
if(item !== null){
var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true),
outline = dc.makeStroke(finalTheme.series.outline);
outline.width = 2 * outline.width + theme.series.stroke.width;
var shape = s.createCircle({
cx: item.x, cy: item.y, r: item.radius
this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius);
return shape;
return null;
}, this);
run.dyn.outline = outlineCircles[outlineCircles.length - 1].getStroke();
// run through the data and add the circles.
frontCircles = dojo.map(points, function(item){
if(item !== null){
var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "circle", item, true),
rect = {
x: item.x - item.radius,
y: item.y - item.radius,
width: 2 * item.radius,
height: 2 * item.radius
var specialFill = this._plotFill(finalTheme.series.fill, dim, offsets);
specialFill = this._shapeFill(specialFill, rect);
var shape = s.createCircle({
cx: item.x, cy: item.y, r: item.radius
this._animateBubble(shape, dim.height - offsets.b, item.radius);
return shape;
return null;
}, this);
run.dyn.fill = frontCircles[frontCircles.length - 1].getFill();
run.dyn.stroke = frontCircles[frontCircles.length - 1].getStroke();
var eventSeries = new Array(frontCircles.length);
dojo.forEach(frontCircles, function(s, i){
if(s !== null){
var o = {
element: "circle",
index: i,
run: run,
shape: s,
outline: outlineCircles && outlineCircles[i] || null,
shadow: shadowCircles && shadowCircles[i] || null,
x: run.data[i].x,
y: run.data[i].y,
r: run.data[i].size / 2,
cx: points[i].x,
cy: points[i].y,
cr: points[i].radius
eventSeries[i] = o;
}, this);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
delete this._eventSeries[run.name];
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Bubble
_animateBubble: function(shape, offset, size){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, offset], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [0, 1/size], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Candlesticks"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Candlesticks"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
// Candlesticks are based on the Bars plot type; we expect the following passed
// as values in a series:
// { x?, open, close, high, low, mid? }
// if x is not provided, the array index is used.
// failing to provide the OHLC values will throw an error.
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Candlesticks", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// A plot that represents typical candlesticks (financial reporting, primarily).
// Unlike most charts, the Candlestick expects data points to be represented by
// an object of the form { x?, open, close, high, low, mid? }, where both
// x and mid are optional parameters. If x is not provided, the index of the
// data array is used.
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
gap: 2, // gap between columns in pixels
animate: null // animate bars into place
optionalParams: {
minBarSize: 1, // minimal candle width in pixels
maxBarSize: 1, // maximal candle width in pixels
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for a candlestick chart.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__BarCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define the plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
collectStats: function(series){
// summary:
// Collect all statistics for drawing this chart. Since the common
// functionality only assumes x and y, Candlesticks must create it's own
// stats (since data has no y value, but open/close/high/low instead).
// series: dojox.charting.Series[]
// The data series array to be drawn on this plot.
// returns: Object
// Returns an object in the form of { hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax }.
// we have to roll our own, since we need to use all four passed
// values to figure out our stats, and common only assumes x and y.
var stats = dojo.delegate(dc.defaultStats);
for(var i=0; i<series.length; i++){
var run = series[i];
if(!run.data.length){ continue; }
var old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
dojo.forEach(run.data, function(val, idx){
if(val !== null){
var x = val.x || idx + 1;
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, val.open, val.close, val.high, val.low);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, val.open, val.close, val.high, val.low);
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
return stats; // Object
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = this.collectStats(this.series);
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Candlesticks
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._vScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineHeight = vt(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
width = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("candlestick", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var v = run.data[j];
if(v !== null){
var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "candlestick", v, true);
// calculate the points we need for OHLC
var x = ht(v.x || (j+0.5)) + offsets.l + gap,
y = dim.height - offsets.b,
open = vt(v.open),
close = vt(v.close),
high = vt(v.high),
low = vt(v.low);
if("mid" in v){
var mid = vt(v.mid);
if(low > high){
var tmp = high;
high = low;
low = tmp;
if(width >= 1){
// draw the line and rect, set up as a group and pass that to the events.
var doFill = open > close;
var line = { x1: width/2, x2: width/2, y1: y - high, y2: y - low },
rect = {
x: 0, y: y-Math.max(open, close),
width: width, height: Math.max(doFill ? open-close : close-open, 1)
shape = s.createGroup();
shape.setTransform({dx: x, dy: 0 });
var inner = shape.createGroup();
setFill(doFill ? finalTheme.series.fill : "white");
if("mid" in v){
// add the mid line.
x1: (finalTheme.series.stroke.width||1), x2: width - (finalTheme.series.stroke.width || 1),
y1: y - mid, y2: y - mid
}).setStroke(doFill ? "white" : finalTheme.series.stroke);
// TODO: double check this.
run.dyn.fill = finalTheme.series.fill;
run.dyn.stroke = finalTheme.series.stroke;
var o = {
element: "candlestick",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: inner,
x: x,
y: y-Math.max(open, close),
cx: width/2,
cy: (y-Math.max(open, close)) + (Math.max(doFill ? open-close : close-open, 1)/2),
width: width,
height: Math.max(doFill ? open-close : close-open, 1),
data: v
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateCandlesticks(shape, y - low, high - low);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Candlesticks
_animateCandlesticks: function(shape, voffset, vsize){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, voffset - (voffset/vsize)], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [1, 1/vsize], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.OHLC"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.OHLC"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
purgeGroup = df.lambda("item.purgeGroup()");
// Candlesticks are based on the Bars plot type; we expect the following passed
// as values in a series:
// { x?, open, close, high, low }
// if x is not provided, the array index is used.
// failing to provide the OHLC values will throw an error.
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.OHLC", dojox.charting.plot2d.Base, {
// summary:
// A plot that represents typical open/high/low/close (financial reporting, primarily).
// Unlike most charts, the Candlestick expects data points to be represented by
// an object of the form { x?, open, close, high, low, mid? }, where both
// x and mid are optional parameters. If x is not provided, the index of the
// data array is used.
defaultParams: {
hAxis: "x", // use a horizontal axis named "x"
vAxis: "y", // use a vertical axis named "y"
gap: 2, // gap between columns in pixels
animate: null // animate chart to place
optionalParams: {
minBarSize: 1, // minimal bar size in pixels
maxBarSize: 1, // maximal bar size in pixels
// theme component
stroke: {},
outline: {},
shadow: {},
fill: {},
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// The constructor for a candlestick chart.
// chart: dojox.charting.Chart2D
// The chart this plot belongs to.
// kwArgs: dojox.charting.plot2d.__BarCtorArgs?
// An optional keyword arguments object to help define the plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.hAxis = this.opt.hAxis;
this.vAxis = this.opt.vAxis;
this.animate = this.opt.animate;
collectStats: function(series){
// summary:
// Collect all statistics for drawing this chart. Since the common
// functionality only assumes x and y, OHLC must create it's own
// stats (since data has no y value, but open/close/high/low instead).
// series: dojox.charting.Series[]
// The data series array to be drawn on this plot.
// returns: Object
// Returns an object in the form of { hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax }.
// we have to roll our own, since we need to use all four passed
// values to figure out our stats, and common only assumes x and y.
var stats = dojo.delegate(dc.defaultStats);
for(var i=0; i<series.length; i++){
var run = series[i];
if(!run.data.length){ continue; }
var old_vmin = stats.vmin, old_vmax = stats.vmax;
if(!("ymin" in run) || !("ymax" in run)){
dojo.forEach(run.data, function(val, idx){
if(val !== null){
var x = val.x || idx + 1;
stats.hmin = Math.min(stats.hmin, x);
stats.hmax = Math.max(stats.hmax, x);
stats.vmin = Math.min(stats.vmin, val.open, val.close, val.high, val.low);
stats.vmax = Math.max(stats.vmax, val.open, val.close, val.high, val.low);
if("ymin" in run){ stats.vmin = Math.min(old_vmin, run.ymin); }
if("ymax" in run){ stats.vmax = Math.max(old_vmax, run.ymax); }
return stats;
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
var stats = this.collectStats(this.series);
stats.hmin -= 0.5;
stats.hmax += 0.5;
return stats;
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Run the calculations for any axes for this plot.
// dim: Object
// An object in the form of { width, height }
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.OHLC
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(this.zoom && !this.isDataDirty()){
return this.performZoom(dim, offsets);
this.dirty = this.isDirty();
dojo.forEach(this.series, purgeGroup);
this._eventSeries = {};
var s = this.group;
df.forEachRev(this.series, function(item){ item.cleanGroup(s); });
var t = this.chart.theme, f, gap, width,
ht = this._hScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._hScaler),
vt = this._vScaler.scaler.getTransformerFromModel(this._vScaler),
baseline = Math.max(0, this._vScaler.bounds.lower),
baselineHeight = vt(baseline),
events = this.events();
f = dc.calculateBarSize(this._hScaler.bounds.scale, this.opt);
gap = f.gap;
width = f.size;
for(var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; --i){
var run = this.series[i];
if(!this.dirty && !run.dirty){
var theme = t.next("candlestick", [this.opt, run]), s = run.group,
eventSeries = new Array(run.data.length);
for(var j = 0; j < run.data.length; ++j){
var v = run.data[j];
if(v !== null){
var finalTheme = t.addMixin(theme, "candlestick", v, true);
// calculate the points we need for OHLC
var x = ht(v.x || (j+0.5)) + offsets.l + gap,
y = dim.height - offsets.b,
open = vt(v.open),
close = vt(v.close),
high = vt(v.high),
low = vt(v.low);
if(low > high){
var tmp = high;
high = low;
low = tmp;
if(width >= 1){
var hl = {x1: width/2, x2: width/2, y1: y - high, y2: y - low},
op = {x1: 0, x2: ((width/2) + ((finalTheme.series.stroke.width||1)/2)), y1: y-open, y2: y-open},
cl = {x1: ((width/2) - ((finalTheme.series.stroke.width||1)/2)), x2: width, y1: y-close, y2: y-close};
shape = s.createGroup();
shape.setTransform({dx: x, dy: 0});
var inner = shape.createGroup();
// TODO: double check this.
run.dyn.stroke = finalTheme.series.stroke;
var o = {
element: "candlestick",
index: j,
run: run,
shape: inner,
x: x,
y: y-Math.max(open, close),
cx: width/2,
cy: (y-Math.max(open, close)) + (Math.max(open > close ? open-close : close-open, 1)/2),
width: width,
height: Math.max(open > close ? open-close : close-open, 1),
data: v
eventSeries[j] = o;
this._animateOHLC(shape, y - low, high - low);
this._eventSeries[run.name] = eventSeries;
run.dirty = false;
this.dirty = false;
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.OHLC
_animateOHLC: function(shape, voffset, vsize){
shape: shape,
duration: 1200,
transform: [
{name: "translate", start: [0, voffset - (voffset/vsize)], end: [0, 0]},
{name: "scale", start: [1, 1/vsize], end: [1, 1]},
{name: "original"}
}, this.animate)).play();
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider"] = true;
var df = dojox.lang.functional, du = dojox.lang.utils,
dc = dojox.charting.plot2d.common,
da = dojox.charting.axis2d.common,
g = dojox.gfx, m = g.matrix,
FUDGE_FACTOR = 0.2; // use to overlap fans
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider", [dojox.charting.Element, dojox.charting.plot2d._PlotEvents], {
// summary:
// The plot that represents a typical Spider chart.
defaultParams: {
labels: true,
ticks: false,
fixed: true,
precision: 1,
labelOffset: -10,
labelStyle: "default", // default/rows/auto
htmlLabels: true, // use HTML to draw labels
startAngle: -90, // start angle for slices in degrees
divisions: 3, // radius tick count
axisColor: "", // spider axis color
axisWidth: 0, // spider axis stroke width
spiderColor: "", // spider web color
spiderWidth: 0, // spider web stroke width
seriesWidth: 0, // plot border with
seriesFillAlpha: 0.2, // plot fill alpha
spiderOrigin: 0.16,
markerSize: 3, // radius of plot vertex (px)
spiderType: "polygon", //"circle"
animationType: dojo.fx.easing.backOut,
axisTickFont: "",
axisTickFontColor: "",
axisFont: "",
axisFontColor: ""
optionalParams: {
radius: 0,
font: "",
fontColor: ""
constructor: function(chart, kwArgs){
// summary:
// Create a Spider plot.
this.opt = dojo.clone(this.defaultParams);
du.updateWithObject(this.opt, kwArgs);
du.updateWithPattern(this.opt, kwArgs, this.optionalParams);
this.series = [];
this.dyn = [];
this.datas = {};
this.labelKey = [];
this.oldSeriePoints = {};
this.animations = {};
clear: function(){
// summary:
// Clear out all of the information tied to this plot.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.dirty = true;
this.dyn = [];
this.series = [];
this.datas = {};
this.labelKey = [];
this.oldSeriePoints = {};
this.animations = {};
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
setAxis: function(axis){
// summary:
// Dummy method, since axes are irrelevant with a Spider chart.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
// The reference to this plot for functional chaining.
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
addSeries: function(run){
// summary:
// Add a data series to this plot.
// run: dojox.charting.Series
// The series to be added.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
var matched = false;
for(var key in run.data){
var val = run.data[key],
data = this.datas[key];
data.min = Math.min(data.min, val);
data.max = Math.max(data.max, val);
this.datas[key] = {min: val, max: val, vlist: [val]};
if (this.labelKey.length <= 0) {
for (var key in run.data) {
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
getSeriesStats: function(){
// summary:
// Calculate the min/max on all attached series in both directions.
// returns: Object
// {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax} min/max in both directions.
return dojox.charting.plot2d.common.collectSimpleStats(this.series);
calculateAxes: function(dim){
// summary:
// Stub function for running the axis calculations (depricated).
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this.initializeScalers(dim, this.getSeriesStats());
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
getRequiredColors: function(){
// summary:
// Get how many data series we have, so we know how many colors to use.
// returns: Number
// The number of colors needed.
return this.series.length; // Number
initializeScalers: function(dim, stats){
// summary:
// Initializes scalers using attached axes.
// dim: Object:
// Size of a plot area in pixels as {width, height}.
// stats: Object:
// Min/max of data in both directions as {hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax}.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
this._hAxis.calculate(stats.hmin, stats.hmax, dim.width);
this._hScaler = this._hAxis.getScaler();
this._hScaler = dojox.charting.scaler.primitive.buildScaler(stats.hmin, stats.hmax, dim.width);
this._vAxis.calculate(stats.vmin, stats.vmax, dim.height);
this._vScaler = this._vAxis.getScaler();
this._vScaler = dojox.charting.scaler.primitive.buildScaler(stats.vmin, stats.vmax, dim.height);
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Base
render: function(dim, offsets){
// summary:
// Render the plot on the chart.
// dim: Object
// An object of the form { width, height }.
// offsets: Object
// An object of the form { l, r, t, b }.
// returns: dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
// A reference to this plot for functional chaining.
if(!this.dirty){ return this; }
this.dirty = false;
var s = this.group, t = this.chart.theme;
if(!this.series || !this.series.length){
return this;
// calculate the geometry
var o = this.opt, ta = t.axis,
rx = (dim.width - offsets.l - offsets.r) / 2,
ry = (dim.height - offsets.t - offsets.b) / 2,
r = Math.min(rx, ry),
axisTickFont = o.font || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.font) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.font) || "normal normal normal 7pt Tahoma",
axisFont = o.axisFont || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFont) || "normal normal normal 11pt Tahoma",
axisTickFontColor = o.axisTickFontColor || (ta.majorTick && ta.majorTick.fontColor) || (ta.tick && ta.tick.fontColor) || "silver",
axisFontColor = o.axisFontColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.titleFontColor) || "black",
axisColor = o.axisColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.axisColor) || "silver",
spiderColor = o.spiderColor || (ta.tick && ta.tick.spiderColor) || "silver",
axisWidth = o.axisWidth || (ta.stroke && ta.stroke.width) || 2,
spiderWidth = o.spiderWidth || (ta.stroke && ta.stroke.width) || 2,
seriesWidth = o.seriesWidth || (ta.stroke && ta.stroke.width) || 2,
asize = g.normalizedLength(g.splitFontString(axisFont).size),
startAngle = m._degToRad(o.startAngle),
start = startAngle, step, filteredRun, slices, labels, shift, labelR,
outerPoints, innerPoints, divisionPoints, divisionRadius, labelPoints,
ro = o.spiderOrigin, dv = o.divisions >= 3 ? o.divisions : 3, ms = o.markerSize,
spt = o.spiderType, at = o.animationType, lboffset = o.labelOffset < -10 ? o.labelOffset : -10,
axisExtra = 0.2;
labels = dojo.map(this.series, function(s){
return s.name;
}, this);
shift = df.foldl1(df.map(labels, function(label, i){
var font = t.series.font;
return dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(label, {
font: font
}, this), "Math.max(a, b)") / 2;
r = Math.min(rx - 2 * shift, ry - asize) + lboffset;
labelR = r - lboffset;
if ("radius" in o) {
r = o.radius;
labelR = r - lboffset;
r /= (1+axisExtra);
var circle = {
cx: offsets.l + rx,
cy: offsets.t + ry,
r: r
for (var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var serieEntry = this.series[i];
if (!this.dirty && !serieEntry.dirty) {
var run = serieEntry.data;
if (run !== null) {
var len = this._getObjectLength(run);
//construct connect points
if (!outerPoints || outerPoints.length <= 0) {
outerPoints = [], innerPoints = [], labelPoints = [];
this._buildPoints(outerPoints, len, circle, r, start, true);
this._buildPoints(innerPoints, len, circle, r*ro, start, true);
this._buildPoints(labelPoints, len, circle, labelR, start);
if(dv > 2){
divisionPoints = [], divisionRadius = [];
for (var j = 0; j < dv - 2; j++) {
divisionPoints[j] = [];
this._buildPoints(divisionPoints[j], len, circle, r*(ro + (1-ro)*(j+1)/(dv-1)), start, true);
divisionRadius[j] = r*(ro + (1-ro)*(j+1)/(dv-1));
//draw Spider
var axisGroup = s.createGroup(), axisStroke = {color: axisColor, width: axisWidth},
spiderStroke = {color: spiderColor, width: spiderWidth};
for (var j = outerPoints.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var point = outerPoints[j],
st = {
x: point.x + (point.x - circle.cx) * axisExtra,
y: point.y + (point.y - circle.cy) * axisExtra
nd = {
x: point.x + (point.x - circle.cx) * axisExtra / 2,
y: point.y + (point.y - circle.cy) * axisExtra / 2
x1: circle.cx,
y1: circle.cy,
x2: st.x,
y2: st.y
this._drawArrow(axisGroup, st, nd, axisStroke);
// draw the label
var labelGroup = s.createGroup();
for (var j = labelPoints.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var point = labelPoints[j],
fontWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(this.labelKey[j], {font: axisFont}).w || 0,
render = this.opt.htmlLabels && dojox.gfx.renderer != "vml" ? "html" : "gfx";
elem = da.createText[render](this.chart, labelGroup, (!dojo._isBodyLtr() && render == "html") ? (point.x + fontWidth - dim.width) : point.x, point.y,
"middle", this.labelKey[j], axisFont, axisFontColor);
if (this.opt.htmlLabels) {
//spider web: polygon or circle
var spiderGroup = s.createGroup();
if(spt == "polygon"){
if (divisionPoints.length > 0) {
for (var j = divisionPoints.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
var ccount = this._getObjectLength(this.datas);
spiderGroup.createCircle({cx: circle.cx, cy: circle.cy, r: r}).setStroke(spiderStroke);
spiderGroup.createCircle({cx: circle.cx, cy: circle.cy, r: r*ro}).setStroke(spiderStroke);
if (divisionRadius.length > 0) {
for (var j = divisionRadius.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
spiderGroup.createCircle({cx: circle.cx, cy: circle.cy, r: divisionRadius[j]}).setStroke(spiderStroke);
var textGroup = s.createGroup(), len = this._getObjectLength(this.datas), k = 0;
for(var key in this.datas){
var data = this.datas[key], min = data.min, max = data.max, distance = max - min,
end = start + 2 * Math.PI * k / len;
for (var i = 0; i < dv; i++) {
var text = min + distance*i/(dv-1), point = this._getCoordinate(circle, r*(ro + (1-ro)*i/(dv-1)), end);
text = this._getLabel(text);
var fontWidth = dojox.gfx._base._getTextBox(text, {font: axisTickFont}).w || 0,
render = this.opt.htmlLabels && dojox.gfx.renderer != "vml" ? "html" : "gfx";
if (this.opt.htmlLabels) {
(this.chart, textGroup, (!dojo._isBodyLtr() && render == "html") ? (point.x + fontWidth - dim.width) : point.x, point.y,
"start", text, axisTickFont, axisTickFontColor));
//draw series (animation)
this.chart.seriesShapes = {};
var animationConnections = [];
for (var i = this.series.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var serieEntry = this.series[i], run = serieEntry.data;
if (run !== null) {
//series polygon
var seriePoints = [], k = 0, tipData = [];
for(var key in run){
var data = this.datas[key], min = data.min, max = data.max, distance = max - min,
entry = run[key], end = start + 2 * Math.PI * k / len,
point = this._getCoordinate(circle, r*(ro + (1-ro)*(entry-min)/distance), end);
tipData.push({sname: serieEntry.name, key: key, data: entry});
seriePoints[seriePoints.length] = seriePoints[0];
tipData[tipData.length] = tipData[0];
var polygonBoundRect = this._getBoundary(seriePoints),
theme = t.next("spider", [o, serieEntry]), ts = serieEntry.group,
f = g.normalizeColor(theme.series.fill), sk = {color: theme.series.fill, width: seriesWidth};
f.a = o.seriesFillAlpha;
serieEntry.dyn = {fill: f, stroke: sk};
var osps = this.oldSeriePoints[serieEntry.name];
var cs = this._createSeriesEntry(ts, (osps || innerPoints), seriePoints, f, sk, r, ro, ms, at);
this.chart.seriesShapes[serieEntry.name] = cs;
this.oldSeriePoints[serieEntry.name] = seriePoints;
var po = {
element: "spider_poly",
index: i,
id: "spider_poly_"+serieEntry.name,
run: serieEntry,
plot: this,
shape: cs.poly,
parent: ts,
brect: polygonBoundRect,
cx: circle.cx,
cy: circle.cy,
cr: r,
f: f,
s: s
var so = {
element: "spider_plot",
index: i,
id: "spider_plot_"+serieEntry.name,
run: serieEntry,
plot: this,
shape: serieEntry.group
dojo.forEach(cs.circles, function(c, i){
var shape = c.getShape(),
co = {
element: "spider_circle",
index: i,
id: "spider_circle_"+serieEntry.name+i,
run: serieEntry,
plot: this,
shape: c,
parent: ts,
tdata: tipData[i],
cx: seriePoints[i].x,
cy: seriePoints[i].y,
f: f,
s: s
}, this);
return this; // dojox.charting.plot2d.Spider
_createSeriesEntry: function(ts, osps, sps, f, sk, r, ro, ms, at){
var spoly = ts.createPolyline(osps).setFill(f).setStroke(sk), scircle = [];
for (var j = 0; j < osps.length; j++) {
var point = osps[j], cr = ms;
var circle = ts.createCircle({cx: point.x, cy: point.y, r: cr}).setFill(f).setStroke(sk);
var anims = dojo.map(sps, function(np, j){
// create animation
var sp = osps[j],
anim = new dojo._Animation({
duration: 1000,
easing: at,
curve: [sp.y, np.y]
var spl = spoly, sc = scircle[j];
dojo.connect(anim, "onAnimate", function(y){
//apply poly
var pshape = spl.getShape();
pshape.points[j].y = y;
//apply circle
var cshape = sc.getShape();
cshape.cy = y;
return anim;
var anims1 = dojo.map(sps, function(np, j){
// create animation
var sp = osps[j],
anim = new dojo._Animation({
duration: 1000,
easing: at,
curve: [sp.x, np.x]
var spl = spoly, sc = scircle[j];
dojo.connect(anim, "onAnimate", function(x){
//apply poly
var pshape = spl.getShape();
pshape.points[j].x = x;
//apply circle
var cshape = sc.getShape();
cshape.cx = x;
return anim;
var masterAnimation = dojo.fx.combine(anims.concat(anims1)); //dojo.fx.chain(anims);
return {group :ts, poly: spoly, circles: scircle};
plotEvent: function(o){
// summary:
// Stub function for use by specific plots.
// o: Object
// An object intended to represent event parameters.
var runName = o.id ? o.id : "default", a;
if (runName in this.animations) {
a = this.animations[runName];
a.anim && a.anim.stop(true);
} else {
a = this.animations[runName] = {};
if(o.element == "spider_poly"){
var color = o.shape.getFill();
if(!color || !(color instanceof dojo.Color)){
a.color = {
start: color,
end: transColor(color)
var start = a.color.start, end = a.color.end;
if(o.type == "onmouseout"){
// swap colors
var t = start; start = end; end = t;
a.anim = dojox.gfx.fx.animateFill({
shape: o.shape,
duration: 800,
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut,
color: {start: start, end: end}
}else if(o.element == "spider_circle"){
var init, scale, defaultScale = 1.5;
if(o.type == "onmouseover"){
init = dojox.gfx.matrix.identity;
scale = defaultScale;
//show tooltip
var aroundRect = {type: "rect"};
aroundRect.x = o.cx;
aroundRect.y = o.cy;
aroundRect.width = aroundRect.height = 1;
var lt = dojo.coords(this.chart.node, true);
aroundRect.x += lt.x;
aroundRect.y += lt.y;
aroundRect.x = Math.round(aroundRect.x);
aroundRect.y = Math.round(aroundRect.y);
aroundRect.width = Math.ceil(aroundRect.width);
aroundRect.height = Math.ceil(aroundRect.height);
this.aroundRect = aroundRect;
var position = ["after", "before"];
if(dijit && dijit.Tooltip){
dijit.showTooltip(o.tdata.sname + "<br/>" + o.tdata.key + "<br/>" + o.tdata.data, this.aroundRect, position);
init = dojox.gfx.matrix.scaleAt(defaultScale, o.cx, o.cy);
scale = 1/defaultScale;
if(dijit && dijit.Tooltip){
this.aroundRect && dijit.hideTooltip(this.aroundRect);
var cs = o.shape.getShape(),
init = m.scaleAt(defaultScale, cs.cx, cs.cy),
kwArgs = {
shape: o.shape,
duration: 200,
easing: dojo.fx.easing.backOut,
transform: [
{name: "scaleAt", start: [1, cs.cx, cs.cy], end: [scale, cs.cx, cs.cy]},
a.anim = dojox.gfx.fx.animateTransform(kwArgs);
}else if(o.element == "spider_plot"){
//dojo gfx function "moveToFront" not work in IE
if (o.type == "onmouseover" && !dojo.isIE) {
_getBoundary: function(points){
var xmax = points[0].x,
xmin = points[0].x,
ymax = points[0].y,
ymin = points[0].y;
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
var point = points[i];
xmax = Math.max(point.x, xmax);
ymax = Math.max(point.y, ymax);
xmin = Math.min(point.x, xmin);
ymin = Math.min(point.y, ymin);
return {
x: xmin,
y: ymin,
width: xmax - xmin,
height: ymax - ymin
_drawArrow: function(s, start, end, stroke){
var len = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(end.x - start.x, 2) + Math.pow(end.y - start.y, 2)),
sin = (end.y - start.y)/len, cos = (end.x - start.x)/len,
point2 = {x: end.x + (len/3)*(-sin), y: end.y + (len/3)*cos},
point3 = {x: end.x + (len/3)*sin, y: end.y + (len/3)*(-cos)};
s.createPolyline([start, point2, point3]).setFill(stroke.color).setStroke(stroke);
_buildPoints: function(points, count, circle, radius, angle, recursive){
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var end = angle + 2 * Math.PI * i / count;
points.push(this._getCoordinate(circle, radius, end));
points.push(this._getCoordinate(circle, radius, angle + 2 * Math.PI));
_getCoordinate: function(circle, radius, angle){
return {
x: circle.cx + radius * Math.cos(angle),
y: circle.cy + radius * Math.sin(angle)
_getObjectLength: function(obj){
var count = 0;
for(var key in obj){
return count;
// utilities
_getLabel: function(number){
return dc.getLabel(number, this.opt.fixed, this.opt.precision);
function transColor(color){
var a = new dojox.color.Color(color),
x = a.toHsl();
if(x.s == 0){
x.l = x.l < 50 ? 100 : 0;
x.s = 100;
if(x.l < 50){
x.l = 75;
}else if(x.l > 75){
x.l = 50;
x.l = x.l - 50 > 75 - x.l ?
50 : 75;
var color = dojox.color.fromHsl(x);
color.a = 0.7;
return color;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Chart2D"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.Chart2D"] = true;
dojo.deprecated("dojox.charting.Chart2D", "Use dojo.charting.Chart instead and require all other components explicitly", "2.0");
// require all axes to support references by name
// require all plots to support references by name
// require the main file
dojox.charting.Chart2D = dojox.charting.Chart;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D"] = true;
dojo.deprecated("dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D", "Use dojo.charting.widget.Chart instead and require all other components explicitly", "2.0");
// require all actions to support references by name
// require Chart2D to get compatibility on chart type reference by name
dojox.charting.widget.Chart2D = dojox.charting.widget.Chart;
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.themes.GreySkies"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.themes.GreySkies"] = true;
var dxc=dojox.charting;
dxc.themes.GreySkies=new dxc.Theme(dxc.Theme._def);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Sparkline"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Sparkline"] = true;
var d = dojo;
theme: dojox.charting.themes.GreySkies,
margins: { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 },
type: "Lines",
valueFn: "Number(x)",
store: "",
field: "",
query: "",
queryOptions: "",
start: "0",
count: "Infinity",
sort: "",
data: "",
name: "default",
buildRendering: function(){
var n = this.srcNodeRef;
if( !n.childNodes.length || // shortcut the query
!d.query("> .axis, > .plot, > .action, > .series", n).length){
var plot = document.createElement("div");
d.attr(plot, {
"class": "plot",
"name": "default",
"type": this.type
var series = document.createElement("div");
d.attr(series, {
"class": "series",
plot: "default",
name: this.name,
start: this.start,
count: this.count,
valueFn: this.valueFn
["store", "field", "query", "queryOptions", "sort", "data"],
d.attr(series, i, this[i]);
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Legend"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.charting.widget.Legend"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.charting.widget.Legend", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated], {
// summary: A legend for a chart. A legend contains summary labels for
// each series of data contained in the chart.
// Set the horizontal attribute to boolean false to layout legend labels vertically.
// Set the horizontal attribute to a number to layout legend labels in horizontal
// rows each containing that number of labels (except possibly the last row).
// (Line or Scatter charts (colored lines with shape symbols) )
// -o- Series1 -X- Series2 -v- Series3
// (Area/Bar/Pie charts (letters represent colors))
// [a] Series1 [b] Series2 [c] Series3
chartRef: "",
horizontal: true,
swatchSize: 18,
templateString: "<table dojoAttachPoint='legendNode' class='dojoxLegendNode' role='group' aria-label='chart legend'><tbody dojoAttachPoint='legendBody'></tbody></table>",
legendNode: null,
legendBody: null,
postCreate: function(){
if(!this.chartRef){ return; }
this.chart = dijit.byId(this.chartRef);
var node = dojo.byId(this.chartRef);
this.chart = dijit.byNode(node);
console.log("Could not find chart instance with id: " + this.chartRef);
this.series = this.chart.chart.series;
this.series = this.chart.series;
refresh: function(){
// summary: regenerates the legend to reflect changes to the chart
var df = dojox.lang.functional;
// cleanup
dojo.forEach(this._surfaces, function(surface){
this._surfaces = [];
dojo.addClass(this.legendNode, "dojoxLegendHorizontal");
// make a container <tr>
this._tr = dojo.create("tr", null, this.legendBody);
this._inrow = 0;
var s = this.series;
if(s.length == 0){
if(s[0].chart.stack[0].declaredClass == "dojox.charting.plot2d.Pie"){
var t = s[0].chart.stack[0];
if(typeof t.run.data[0] == "number"){
var filteredRun = df.map(t.run.data, "Math.max(x, 0)");
if(df.every(filteredRun, "<= 0")){
var slices = df.map(filteredRun, "/this", df.foldl(filteredRun, "+", 0));
dojo.forEach(slices, function(x, i){
this._addLabel(t.dyn[i], t._getLabel(x * 100) + "%");
}, this);
dojo.forEach(t.run.data, function(x, i){
this._addLabel(t.dyn[i], x.legend || x.text || x.y);
}, this);
dojo.forEach(s, function(x){
this._addLabel(x.dyn, x.legend || x.name);
}, this);
_addLabel: function(dyn, label){
// create necessary elements
var wrapper = dojo.create("td"),
icon = dojo.create("div", null, wrapper),
text = dojo.create("label", null, wrapper),
div = dojo.create("div", {
style: {
"width": this.swatchSize + "px",
"height":this.swatchSize + "px",
"float": "left"
}, icon);
dojo.addClass(icon, "dojoxLegendIcon dijitInline");
dojo.addClass(text, "dojoxLegendText");
// create a skeleton
// horizontal
if(++this._inrow === this.horizontal){
// make a fresh container <tr>
this._tr = dojo.create("tr", null, this.legendBody);
this._inrow = 0;
// vertical
var tr = dojo.create("tr", null, this.legendBody);
// populate the skeleton
this._makeIcon(div, dyn);
text.innerHTML = String(label);
_makeIcon: function(div, dyn){
var mb = { h: this.swatchSize, w: this.swatchSize };
var surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(div, mb.w, mb.h);
// regions
surface.createRect({x: 2, y: 2, width: mb.w - 4, height: mb.h - 4}).
}else if(dyn.stroke || dyn.marker){
// draw line
var line = {x1: 0, y1: mb.h / 2, x2: mb.w, y2: mb.h / 2};
// draw marker on top
var c = {x: mb.w / 2, y: mb.h / 2};
surface.createPath({path: "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + dyn.marker}).
surface.createPath({path: "M" + c.x + " " + c.y + " " + dyn.marker}).
// nothing
surface.createRect({x: 2, y: 2, width: mb.w - 4, height: mb.h - 4}).
surface.createLine({x1: 2, y1: 2, x2: mb.w - 2, y2: mb.h - 2}).setStroke("black");
surface.createLine({x1: 2, y1: mb.h - 2, x2: mb.w - 2, y2: 2}).setStroke("black");