Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.AutoRotator"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.AutoRotator"] = true;
d.declare("dojox.widget.AutoRotator", dojox.widget.Rotator, {
// summary:
// A rotator that automatically transitions between child nodes.
// description:
// Adds automatic rotating to the dojox.widget.Rotator. The
// AutoRotator has parameters that control how user input can
// affect the rotator including a suspend when hovering over the
// rotator and pausing when the user manually advances to another
// pane.
// example:
// | <div dojoType="dojox.widget.AutoRotator" duration="3000">
// | <div>
// | Pane 1!
// | </div>
// | <div duration="5000">
// | Pane 2 with an overrided duration!
// | </div>
// | </div>
// suspendOnHover: boolean
// Pause the rotator when the mouse hovers over it.
suspendOnHover: false,
// duration: int
// The time in milliseconds before transitioning to the next pane. The
// default value is 4000 (4 seconds).
duration: 4000,
// autoStart: boolean
// Starts the timer to transition children upon creation.
autoStart: true,
// pauseOnManualChange: boolean
// Pause the rotator when the pane is changed or a controller's next or
// previous buttons are clicked.
pauseOnManualChange: false,
// cycles: int
// Number of cycles before pausing.
cycles: -1,
// random: boolean
// Determines if the panes should cycle randomly.
random: false,
// reverse: boolean
// Causes the rotator to rotate in reverse order.
reverse: false,
constructor: function(){
// summary:
// Initializes the timer and connect to the rotator.
var _t = this;
// validate the cycles counter
if(_t.cycles-0 == _t.cycles && _t.cycles > 0){
// we need to add 1 because we decrement cycles before the animation starts
_t.cycles = _t.cycles ? -1 : 0;
// wire up the mouse hover events
_t._connects = [
d.connect(_t._domNode, "onmouseover", function(){
// temporarily suspend the cycling, but don't officially pause
// it and don't allow suspending if we're transitioning
if(_t.suspendOnHover && !_t.anim && !_t.wfe){
var t = _t._endTime,
n = _t._now();
_t._suspended = true;
_t._resumeDuration = t > n ? t - n : 0.01;
d.connect(_t._domNode, "onmouseout", function(){
// if we were playing, resume playback unless were in the
// middle of a transition
if(_t.suspendOnHover && !_t.anim){
_t._suspended = false;
if(_t.playing && !_t.wfe){
// everything is ready, so start
if(_t.autoStart && _t.panes.length > 1){
// start playing
// since we're not playing, lets pause
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// Disconnect the AutoRotator's events.
d.forEach(this._connects, d.disconnect);
play: function(/*boolean?*/skipCycleDecrement, /*boolean?*/skipDuration){
// summary:
// Sets the state to "playing" and schedules the next cycle to run.
this.playing = true;
// don't decrement the count if we're resuming play
if(skipCycleDecrement !== true && this.cycles > 0){
if(this.cycles == 0){
// we have reached the number of cycles, so pause
}else if(!this._suspended){
// if we haven't been suspended, then grab the duration for this pane and
// schedule a cycle to be run
var r = (this._resumeDuration || 0)-0,
u = (r > 0 ? r : (this.panes[this.idx].duration || this.duration))-0;
// call _cycle() after a duration and pass in false so it isn't manual
this._resumeDuration = 0;
this._endTime = this._now() + u;
this._timer = setTimeout(d.hitch(this, "_cycle", false), u);
pause: function(){
// summary:
// Sets the state to "not playing" and clears the cycle timer.
this.playing = this._suspended = false;
this.cycles = -1;
// notify the controllers we're paused
_now: function(){
// summary:
// Helper function to return the current system time in milliseconds.
return (new Date()).getTime(); /*int*/
_resetTimer: function(){
// summary:
// Resets the timer used to schedule the next transition.
_cycle: function(/*boolean|int?*/manual){
// summary:
// Cycles the rotator to the next/previous pane.
var _t = this,
i = _t.idx,
// make sure we don't randomly pick the pane we're already on
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * _t.panes.length + 1);
}while(j == i);
j = i + (_t.reverse ? -1 : 1)
// rotate!
var def = _t.go(j);
_t.play(false, skipDuration);
onManualChange: function(/*string*/action){
// summary:
// Override the Rotator's onManualChange so we can pause.
this.cycles = -1;
// obviously we don't want to pause if play was just clicked
if(action != "play"){