Copyright (c) 2004-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge"] = true;
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.gauge._Gauge",[dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated, dijit._Container],{
// summary:
// a gauge built using the dojox.gfx package.
// description:
// using dojo.gfx (and thus either SVG or VML based on what is supported), this widget
// builds a gauge component, used to display numerical data in a familiar format
// usage:
// this widget is not to be used alone. it is meant to be subclassed, such as
// dojox.widget.BarGauge or dojox.widget.AnalogGauge
// width: Number
// the width of the gauge (default is 300)
width: 0,
// height: Number
// the height of the gauge (default is 200)
height: 0,
// background: Object
// the color of the background. This must be an object of one of two forms:
// {'color': 'color-name'}
// OR
// (for a gradient:)
// {'type': 'linear', 'x1': 0, 'x2': 0, 'y1': 0, 'y2': 200, 'colors': [{offset: 0, color:'#C0C0C0'}, {offset: 1, color: '#E0E0E0'}] }
background: null,
// min: Number
// minimum value displayed by gauge (default is lowest range value)
min: 0,
// max: Number
// maximum value displayed by gauge (default is largest range value)
max: 0,
// image: String
// background image for gauge (default is no image)
image: null,
// useRangeStyles: Number
// indicates whether to use given css classes (dojoxGaugeRangeXX)
// to determine the color (and other style attributes?) of the ranges
// this value should be the number of dojoxGaugeRange classes that are
// defined, starting at dojoxGaugeRange1 (0 indicates falling to default
// hardcoded colors)
useRangeStyles: 0,
// useTooltip: Boolean
// indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for ranges, indicators, etc.
useTooltip: true,
// majorTicks: Object
// An object representing the tick marks that should be added to the gauge. Major tick marks have a text label
// indicating the value. The object can have the following attributes (required are marked with a *):
// offset: the distance from the 'center' of the gauge. Used differently for Analog vs. Bar
// width: The width of the mark
// length: The length of the mark
// interval: The interval the ticks should be added on
// color: The color of the mark and text
// font: an object with any/all of the following parameters:
// {family: "Helvetica", style: "italic", variant: 'small-caps', weight: 'bold', size: "18pt"}
majorTicks: null,
// minorTicks: Object
// An object of the same format as majorTicks, indicating where the minor (label-less) marks should be placed
// The font parameter is ignored if provided since minor tick marks have no text label.
minorTicks: null,
// _defaultIndicator: Objection
// Should be overridden by any extending classes and used to indicate what the 'default' indicator is.
// This object is used as the indicator when creating tick marks or when an anonmyous object is passed into
// addIndicator.
_defaultIndicator: null,
// defaultColors: Array
// Set of default colors to color ranges with.
defaultColors: [[0x00,0x54,0xAA,1],
// min: Number
// The minimum value of the gauge. Normally not set explicitly, as it will be determined by
// the ranges that are added.
min: null,
// max: Number
// The maximum value of the gauge. Normally not set explicitly, as it will be determined by
// the ranges that are added.
max: null,
// surface: Object
// The SVG/VML surface that the shapes are drawn on. Can be accessed/used by indicators to draw themselves
surface: null,
// hideValues: Boolean
// indicates whether the text boxes showing the value of the indicator (as text
// content) should be hidden or shown. Default is not hidden, aka shown.
hideValues: false,
// internal data
gaugeContent: undefined,
templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.widget.gauge", "_Gauge.html", "<div>\n\t<div class=\"dojoxGaugeContent\" dojoAttachPoint=\"gaugeContent\"></div>\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"containerNode\"></div>\n\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"mouseNode\"></div>\n</div>\n"),
_backgroundDefault: {color: '#E0E0E0'},
_rangeData: null,
_indicatorData: null,
_drag: null,
_img: null,
_overOverlay: false,
_lastHover: '',
startup: function(){
// handle settings from HTML by making sure all the options are
// converted correctly to numbers and that we calculate defaults
// for cx, cy and radius
if(this.image === null){
this.connect(this.gaugeContent, 'onmousemove', this.handleMouseMove);
this.connect(this.gaugeContent, 'onmouseover', this.handleMouseOver);
this.connect(this.gaugeContent, 'onmouseout', this.handleMouseOut);
this.connect(this.gaugeContent, 'onmouseup', this.handleMouseUp);
if(!dojo.isArray(this.ranges)){ this.ranges = []; }
if(!dojo.isArray(this.indicators)){ this.indicators = []; }
var ranges = [], indicators = [];
var i;
var children = this.getChildren();
for(i=0; i<children.length; i++){
case "dojox.widget.gauge.Range":
this.ranges = this.ranges.concat(ranges);
this.indicators = this.indicators.concat(indicators);
if(!this.background){ this.background = this._backgroundDefault; }
this.background = this.background.color || this.background;
if(!this.surface){ this.createSurface(); }
if(this.minorTicks && this.minorTicks.interval){
if(this.majorTicks && this.majorTicks.interval){
for(i=0; i<this.indicators.length; i++){
_setTicks: function(/*Object*/ oldTicks, /*Object*/ newTicks, /*Boolean*/ label){
// summary:
// internal method used to clear existing tick marks, then add new ones
var i;
if(oldTicks && dojo.isArray(oldTicks._ticks)){
for(i=0; i<oldTicks._ticks.length; i++){
var t = {length: newTicks.length,
offset: newTicks.offset,
noChange: true};
if(newTicks.color){ t.color = newTicks.color; }
if(newTicks.font){ t.font = newTicks.font; }
newTicks._ticks = [];
for(i=this.min; i<=this.max; i+=newTicks.interval){
t.value = i;
if(label){t.label = ''+i;}
return newTicks;
setMinorTicks: function(/*Object*/ ticks){
// summary:
// Creates and draws the minor tick marks based on the passed object (expecting the same format
// as the minorTicks object documented above)
this.minorTicks = this._setTicks(this.minorTicks, ticks, false);
setMajorTicks: function(/*Object*/ ticks){
// summary:
// Creates and draws the major tick marks based on the passed object (expecting the same format
// as the majorTicks object documented above)
this.majorTicks = this._setTicks(this.majorTicks, ticks, true);
postCreate: function(){
dojo.style(this.containerNode, "display", "none");
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'width', '0');
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'height', '0');
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'position', 'absolute');
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'z-index', '100');
dijit.showTooltip('test',this.mouseNode, !this.isLeftToRight());
createSurface: function(){
// summary:
// internal method used by the gauge to create the graphics surface area
this.gaugeContent.style.width = this.width + 'px';
this.gaugeContent.style.height = this.height + 'px';
this.surface = dojox.gfx.createSurface(this.gaugeContent, this.width, this.height);
this._background = this.surface.createRect({x: 0, y: 0, width: this.width, height: this.height });
this._img = this.surface.createImage({width: this.image.width || this.width, height: this.image.height || this.height, src: this.image.url});
if(this.image.x || this.image.y){
this._img.setTransform({dx: this.image.x || 0, dy: this.image.y || 0});
setBackground: function(background){
// summary:
// This method is used to set the background of the gauge after it is created.
// description:
// Sets the background using the given object. Must be the same 'type' of object
// as the original background argument.
// background:
// An object in one of the two forms:
// {'color': 'color-name'}
// OR
// (for a gradient:)
// {'type': 'linear', 'colors': [{offset: 0, color:'#C0C0C0'}, {offset: 1, color: '#E0E0E0'}] }
// If background is null or undefined, this will set the fill to this._backgroundDefault
if(!background){ background = this._backgroundDefault; }
this.background = background.color || background;
addRange: function(/*Object*/range){
// summary:
// This method is used to add a range to the gauge.
// description:
// Creates a range (colored area on the background of the gauge)
// based on the given arguments.
// range:
// A range is either a dojox.widget.gauge.Range object, or a object
// with similar parameters (low, high, hover, etc.).
addRanges: function(/*Array*/ranges){
// summary:
// This method is used to add ranges to the gauge.
// description:
// Creates a range (colored area on the background of the gauge)
// based on the given arguments.
// range:
// A range is either a dojox.widget.gauge.Range object, or a object
// with similar parameters (low, high, hover, etc.).
this._rangeData = [];
var range;
for(var i=0; i<ranges.length; i++){
range = ranges[i];
if((this.min === null) || (range.low < this.min)){this.min = range.low;}
if((this.max === null) || (range.high > this.max)){this.max = range.high;}
var colorIndex = this._rangeData.length % this.defaultColors.length;
if(dojox.gfx.svg && this.useRangeStyles > 0){
colorIndex = (this._rangeData.length % this.useRangeStyles)+1;
range.color = {style: "dojoxGaugeRange"+colorIndex};
colorIndex = this._rangeData.length % this.defaultColors.length;
range.color = this.defaultColors[colorIndex];
this._rangeData[this._rangeData.length] = range;
addIndicator: function(/*Object*/indicator){
// summary:
// This method is used to add an indicator to the bar graph.
// description:
// This method adds an indicator, such as a tick mark or needle,
// to the bar graph.
// indicator:
// A dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator or an object with similar parameters
// (value, color, offset, etc.).
indicator._gauge = this;
if(!indicator.declaredClass){// !== 'dojox.widget.gauge.Indicator'){
// We were passed a plain object, need to make an indicator out of it.
indicator = new this._defaultIndicator(indicator);
if(!this._indicatorData){this._indicatorData = [];}
this._indicatorData[this._indicatorData.length] = indicator;
return indicator;
removeIndicator: function(/*Object*/indicator){
// summary:
// Removes the given indicator from the gauge by calling it's remove function
// and removing it from the local cache.
for(var i=0; i<this._indicatorData.length; i++){
if(this._indicatorData[i] === indicator){
this._indicatorData.splice(i, 1);
moveIndicatorToFront: function(/*Object*/indicator){
// summary:
// This function is used to move an indicator the the front (top)
// of the gauge
// indicator:
// A dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator or an object with similar parameters
// (value, color, offset, etc.).
for(var i=0; i<indicator.shapes.length; i++){
drawText: function(/*String*/txt, /*Number*/x, /*Number*/y, /*String?*/align, /*String?*/vAlign, /*String?*/color, /*Object?*/font){
// summary:
// This function is used draw text onto the gauge. The text object
// is also returned by the function so that may be removed later
// by calling removeText
// txt: String
// The text to be drawn
// x: Number
// The x coordinate at which to place the text
// y: Number
// The y coordinate at which to place the text
// align?: String
// Indicates how to align the text
// Valid value is 'right', otherwise text is left-aligned
// vAlign?: String
// Indicates how to align the text vertically.
// Valid value is 'top', otherwise text is bottom-aligned
// color?: String
// Indicates the color of the text
// font?: Object
// A font object, generally of the following format:
// {family: "Helvetica", style: "italic", variant: 'small-caps', weight: 'bold', size: "18pt"}
var t = this.surface.createText({x: x, y: y, text: txt, align: align});
return t;
// summary:
// Removes a text element from the gauge.
// t: String
// The text to remove.
updateTooltip: function(/*String*/txt, /*Event*/ e){
// summary:
// Updates the tooltip for the gauge to display the given text.
// txt: String
// The text to put in the tooltip.
if(this._lastHover != txt){
if(txt !== ''){
dijit.showTooltip(txt,this.mouseNode, !this.isLeftToRight());
this._lastHover = txt;
handleMouseOver: function(/*Object*/event){
// summary:
// This is an internal handler used by the gauge to support
// hover text
// event: Object
// The event object
var hover = event.target.getAttribute('hover');
this._overOverlay = true;
var r = this.getRangeUnderMouse(event);
if(r && r.hover){
hover = r.hover;
if(this.useTooltip && !this._drag){
this.updateTooltip(hover, event);
this.updateTooltip('', event);
handleMouseOut: function(/*Object*/event){
// summary:
// This is an internal handler used by the gauge to support
// hover text
// event: Object
// The event object
this._overOverlay = false;
if(this.useTooltip && this.mouseNode){
handleMouseDown: function(/*Object*/event){
// summary:
// This is an internal handler used by the gauge to support using
// the mouse to drag an indicator to modify it's value
// event: Object
// The event object
// find the indicator being dragged
for(var i=0; i<this._indicatorData.length; i++){
var shapes = this._indicatorData[i].shapes;
for(var s=0; s<shapes.length; s++){
if(shapes[s].getEventSource() == event.target){
this._drag = this._indicatorData[i];
s = shapes.length;
i = this._indicatorData.length;
handleMouseUp: function(/*Object*/event){
// summary:
// This is an internal handler used by the gauge to support using
// the mouse to drag an indicator to modify it's value
// event: Object
// The event object
this._drag = null;
handleMouseMove: function(/*Object*/event){
// summary:
// This is an internal handler used by the gauge to support using
// the mouse to drag an indicator to modify it's value
// event: Object
// The event object
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'left', event.pageX+1+'px');
dojo.style(this.mouseNode, 'top', event.pageY+1+'px');
this._dragIndicator(this, event);
if(this.useTooltip && this._overOverlay){
var r = this.getRangeUnderMouse(event);
if(r && r.hover){
this.updateTooltip(r.hover, event);
this.updateTooltip('', event);
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.gauge.Range",[dijit._Widget, dijit._Contained],{
// summary:
// a range to be used in a _Gauge
// description:
// a range widget, which has given properties. drawn by a _Gauge.
// usage:
// <script type="text/javascript">
// dojo.require("dojox.widget.AnalogGauge");
// dojo.require("dijit.util.parser");
// </script>
// ...
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.AnalogGauge"
// id="testGauge"
// width="300"
// height="200"
// cx=150
// cy=175
// radius=125
// image="gaugeOverlay.png"
// imageOverlay="false"
// imageWidth="280"
// imageHeight="155"
// imageX="12"
// imageY="38">
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.gauge.Range"
// low=5
// high=10
// hover="5 - 10"
// ></div>
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.gauge.Range"
// low=10
// high=20
// hover="10 - 20"
// ></div>
// </div>
// low: Number
// the low value of the range
low: 0,
// high: Numbe
// the high value of the range
high: 0,
// hover: String
// the text to put in the tooltip for the gauge
hover: '',
// color: Object
// the color of the range. This must be an object of one of two forms:
// {'color': 'color-name'}
// OR
// (for a gradient:)
// {'type': 'linear', 'colors': [{offset: 0, color:'#C0C0C0'}, {offset: 1, color: '#E0E0E0'}] }
color: null,
// size: Number
// for a circular gauge (such as an AnalogGauge), this dictates the size of the arc
size: 0,
startup: function(){
this.color = this.color.color || this.color;
dojo.declare("dojox.widget.gauge._Indicator",[dijit._Widget, dijit._Contained, dijit._Templated],{
// summary:
// a indicator to be used in a gauge
// description:
// an indicator widget, which has given properties. drawn by a gauge.
// usage:
// <script type="text/javascript">
// dojo.require("dojox.widget.AnalogGauge");
// dojo.require("dijit.util.parser");
// </script>
// ...
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.AnalogGauge"
// id="testGauge"
// width="300"
// height="200"
// cx=150
// cy=175
// radius=125
// image="gaugeOverlay.png"
// imageOverlay="false"
// imageWidth="280"
// imageHeight="155"
// imageX="12"
// imageY="38">
// <div dojoType="dojox.widget.gauge.Indicator"
// value=17
// type="arrow"
// length=135
// width=3
// hover="Value: 17"
// onDragMove="handleDragMove">
// </div>
// </div>
// value: Number
// The value (on the gauge) that this indicator should be placed at
value: 0,
// type: String
// The type of indicator to draw. Varies by gauge type. Some examples include
// "line", "arrow", and "bar"
type: '',
// color: String
// The color of the indicator.
color: 'black',
// label: String
// The text label for the indicator.
label: '',
// font: Object
// Generally in a format similar to:
// {family: "Helvetica", weight: "bold", style: "italic", size: "18pt", rotated: true}
font: {family: "sans-serif", size: "12px"},
// length: Number
// The length of the indicator. In the above example, the radius of the AnalogGauge
// is 125, but the length of the indicator is 135, meaning it would project beyond
// the edge of the AnalogGauge
length: 0,
// width: Number
// The width of the indicator.
width: 0,
// offset: Number
// The offset of the indicator
offset: 0,
// hover: String
// The string to put in the tooltip when this indicator is hovered over.
hover: '',
// front: boolean
// Keep this indicator at the front
front: false,
// onDragMove: String
// The function to call when this indicator is moved by dragging.
//onDragMove: '',
// easing: String|Object
// indicates the easing function to be used when animating the of an indicator.
easing: dojo._defaultEasing,
// duration: Number
// indicates how long an animation of the indicator should take
duration: 1000,
// hideValues: Boolean
// indicates whether the text boxes showing the value of the indicator (as text
// content) should be hidden or shown. Default is not hidden, aka shown.
hideValue: false,
// noChange: Boolean
// indicates whether the indicator's value can be changed. Useful for
// a static target indicator. Default is false (that the value can be changed).
noChange: false,
_gauge: null,
// title: String
// The title of the indicator, to be displayed next to it's input box for the text-representation.
title: "",
templateString: dojo.cache("dojox.widget.gauge", "_Indicator.html", "<div class=\"dojoxGaugeIndicatorDiv\">\n\t<label class=\"dojoxGaugeIndicatorLabel\" for=\"${title}\">${title}:</label>\n\t<input class=\"dojoxGaugeIndicatorInput\" name=\"${title}\" size=\"5\" value=\"${value}\" dojoAttachPoint=\"valueNode\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onchange:_update\"></input>\n</div>\n"),
startup: function(){
this.onDragMove = dojo.hitch(this.onDragMove);
postCreate: function(){
if(this.title === ""){
dojo.style(this.domNode, "display", "none");
this.easing = dojo.getObject(this.easing);
_update: function(event){
// summary:
// A private function, handling the updating of the gauge
var value = this.valueNode.value;
if(value === ''){
this.value = null;
this.value = Number(value);
this.hover = this.title+': '+value;
this.valueNode.value = this.value;
if((this.title == 'Target' || this.front) && this._gauge.moveIndicator){
// if re-drawing value, make sure target is still on top
update: function(value){
// summary:
// Updates the value of the indicator, including moving/re-drawing at it's new location and
// updating the text box
this.valueNode.value = value;
onDragMove: function(){
// summary:
// Handles updating the text box and the hover text while dragging an indicator
this.value = Math.floor(this.value);
this.valueNode.value = this.value;
this.hover = this.title+': '+this.value;
draw: function(/* Boolean? */ dontAnimate){
// summary:
// Performs the initial drawing of the indicator.
// dontAnimate:
// Indicates if the drawing should not be animated (rather than teh default, to animate)
remove: function(){
// summary:
// Removes the indicator's shapes from the gauge surface.
for(var i=0; i<this.shapes.length; i++){