// summary:
// The columnizer contains functions for creating and filling columns from uncolumnized nodes.
// The main external function is columnizer.columnize()
(function() {
var columnizer = {
// main external function for columnizing nodes
columnize: function(sourceNode, targetNode, numberOfColumns, maxHeight, callback) {
// grab a copy of the contents so sourceNode and targetNode can be the same
// can't use nodeList.children here because it skips textNodes
var workingNode = dojo.create('div');
while (sourceNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
dojo.place(sourceNode.childNodes[0], workingNode);
// empty the target (cleanup any dijits first)
dojo.query("[widgetid]", targetNode).forEach(function(node) {
if (dijit.byNode(node)) {
// create and fill the columns
var i;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) {
var col = dojo.create('div', {
'class': 'p4cms-column p4cms-' + numberOfColumns + '-column-layout '
+ 'p4cms-column-' + (i + 1) + (i === 0 ? ' p4cms-column-first' : "")
+ (i === (numberOfColumns - 1) ? ' p4cms-column-last' : "")
}, targetNode);
// fill the columns with content
columnizer._fill(workingNode, col, col, maxHeight);
dojo.create('br', {'class': 'p4cms-column-clear', style: {clear: 'both'}}, targetNode);
// callback with any extra overflow content
if (callback) {
var extra = workingNode.childNodes.length && workingNode;
// fills the specified targetNode with nodes from the sourceNode, until the columnNode is full
// it determines whether the columnNode is full by comparing the height against maxHeight
_fill: function(sourceNode, targetNode, columnNode, maxHeight) {
//while the height of the column is less than the maxHeight, add nodes
while (columnizer._getMarginScrollHeight(columnNode) <= maxHeight && sourceNode.childNodes.length > 0) {
var node = dojo.place(sourceNode.childNodes[0], targetNode);
columnizer._sizeImages(node, maxHeight);
// if none were added, or the nodes were completely added, we're done filling this column
if (targetNode.childNodes.length === 0 || columnizer._getMarginScrollHeight(columnNode) <= maxHeight) {
// remove the node that made the column too tall
var violatingNode = targetNode.childNodes[targetNode.childNodes.length-1];
// recurse through nested nodes
// - nodeType of 1 is an element node (img, table, div, etc)
// - nodeType of 3 is a text node
if (violatingNode.nodeType === 1 && violatingNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'img') {
// duplicate the violating node, so it will appear
// in multiple columns with it's split content
var duplicateNode = dojo.clone(violatingNode);
dojo.place(duplicateNode, targetNode);
// try to fill the column using parts of the violating node
columnizer._fill(violatingNode, duplicateNode, columnNode, maxHeight);
// nothing was added, remove the duplicateNode
if (duplicateNode.childNodes.length <= 0) {
// if everything was added, violatingNode is not needed
if (violatingNode.childNodes.length <= 0) {
violatingNode = null;
} else if (violatingNode.nodeType === 3) {
var sourceText = violatingNode.nodeValue,
clearfix = dojo.create('br', {style:{clear:'both'}}, targetNode),
// add text to column, breaking on spaces
while (columnizer._getMarginScrollHeight(columnNode) <= maxHeight && sourceText.length) {
var spaceIndex = sourceText.search(/\s/);
spaceIndex = spaceIndex === 0 ? 1 : spaceIndex;
var firstWord = (spaceIndex !== -1 ? sourceText.substring(0, spaceIndex) : sourceText);
violatingText = document.createTextNode(firstWord);
sourceText = (spaceIndex !== -1 ? sourceText.substring(spaceIndex) : "");
dojo.place(violatingText, clearfix, 'before');
var remainingText = sourceText;
// back out last text node if too tall
if (columnizer._getMarginScrollHeight(columnNode) > maxHeight && violatingText !== undefined) {
remainingText = violatingText.nodeValue + sourceText;
violatingNode.nodeValue = remainingText;
// if everything was added, violatingNode is not needed
if (remainingText.length === 0) {
violatingNode = null;
// add the old node back
if (violatingNode) {
dojo.place(violatingNode, sourceNode, 'first');
// returns the margin size, including scroll overflow
_getMarginScrollHeight: function(node) {
var marginHeight = node.offsetHeight + dojo._getMarginExtents(node).h,
scrollOverflow = node.scrollHeight - node.clientHeight;
return Math.round(marginHeight+scrollOverflow);
// resize images, keeping their original ratio and calculating
// a new height that better matches their width within the column.
_sizeImages: function(node, maxHeight) {
var imgList = new dojo.NodeList();
if (node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'img') {
} else if (node.nodeType === 1) {
imgList = dojo.query('img', node);
imgList.forEach(function(image) {
// compute height from width.
var ratio = parseInt(dojo.attr(image, 'height'), 10) / parseInt(dojo.attr(image, 'width'), 10);
dojo.style(image, {
'height': (dojo.contentBox(image).w * ratio) + 'px',
'maxHeight': (maxHeight * 0.85) + 'px'
// floated images have to be cleared in order to properly give us size
var align = dojo.attr(image, 'align') || dojo.style(image, 'float'),
parentScroll = dojo.style(image.parentNode, 'overflowY');
if (align && parentScroll.toLowerCase() !== 'auto' && parentScroll.toLowerCase() !== 'scroll') {
dojo.style(image.parentNode, 'overflow', 'hidden');
p4cms.mobile.columnizer = columnizer;