/** * This is the web browser implementation of `debug()`. * * Expose `debug()` as the module. */ exports = module.exports = require('./debug'); exports.log = log; exports.formatArgs = formatArgs; exports.save = save; exports.load = load; exports.useColors = useColors; exports.storage = 'undefined' != typeof chrome && 'undefined' != typeof chrome.storage ? chrome.storage.local : localstorage(); /** * Colors. */ exports.colors = [ 'lightseagreen', 'forestgreen', 'goldenrod', 'dodgerblue', 'darkorchid', 'crimson' ]; /** * Currently only WebKit-based Web Inspectors, Firefox >= v31, * and the Firebug extension (any Firefox version) are known * to support "%c" CSS customizations. * * TODO: add a `localStorage` variable to explicitly enable/disable colors */ function useColors() { // is webkit? http://stackoverflow.com/a/16459606/376773 return ('WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style) || // is firebug? http://stackoverflow.com/a/398120/376773 (window.console && (console.firebug || (console.exception && console.table))) || // is firefox >= v31? // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console#Styling_messages (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/firefox\/(\d+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 31); } /** * Map %j to `JSON.stringify()`, since no Web Inspectors do that by default. */ exports.formatters.j = function(v) { return JSON.stringify(v); }; /** * Colorize log arguments if enabled. * * @api public */ function formatArgs() { var args = arguments; var useColors = this.useColors; args[0] = (useColors ? '%c' : '') + this.namespace + (useColors ? ' %c' : ' ') + args[0] + (useColors ? '%c ' : ' ') + '+' + exports.humanize(this.diff); if (!useColors) return args; var c = 'color: ' + this.color; args = [args[0], c, 'color: inherit'].concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); // the final "%c" is somewhat tricky, because there could be other // arguments passed either before or after the %c, so we need to // figure out the correct index to insert the CSS into var index = 0; var lastC = 0; args[0].replace(/%[a-z%]/g, function(match) { if ('%%' === match) return; index++; if ('%c' === match) { // we only are interested in the *last* %c // (the user may have provided their own) lastC = index; } }); args.splice(lastC, 0, c); return args; } /** * Invokes `console.log()` when available. * No-op when `console.log` is not a "function". * * @api public */ function log() { // this hackery is required for IE8/9, where // the `console.log` function doesn't have 'apply' return 'object' === typeof console && console.log && Function.prototype.apply.call(console.log, console, arguments); } /** * Save `namespaces`. * * @param {String} namespaces * @api private */ function save(namespaces) { try { if (null == namespaces) { exports.storage.removeItem('debug'); } else { exports.storage.debug = namespaces; } } catch(e) {} } /** * Load `namespaces`. * * @return {String} returns the previously persisted debug modes * @api private */ function load() { var r; try { r = exports.storage.debug; } catch(e) {} return r; } /** * Enable namespaces listed in `localStorage.debug` initially. */ exports.enable(load()); /** * Localstorage attempts to return the localstorage. * * This is necessary because safari throws * when a user disables cookies/localstorage * and you attempt to access it. * * @return {LocalStorage} * @api private */ function localstorage(){ try { return window.localStorage; } catch (e) {} }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19553 | swellard | Move and rename clients | ||
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/clients/2016.1.0/javascript/node_modules/debug/browser.js | |||||
#1 | 18810 | tjuricek |
First-pass at JavaScript client SDK. JavaScript requires Node with Gulp to "browserfy" the library. It's the easiest way I found to use the swagger-js project; bundle up a wrapping method. There is no JavaScript reference guide. The swagger-js doesn't really document what they do very well, actually. Overall I'm not particularly impressed by swagger-js, it was hard to even figure out what the right method syntax was. We may want to invest time in doing it better. This required setting CORS response headers, which are currently defaulted to a fairly insecure setting. |