var assert = require("assert"); var types = require("./types"); var n = types.namedTypes; var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; var linesModule = require("./lines"); var fromString = linesModule.fromString; var Lines = linesModule.Lines; var concat = linesModule.concat; var util = require("./util"); var comparePos = util.comparePos; var childNodesCacheKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey(); // TODO Move a non-caching implementation of this function into ast-types, // and implement a caching wrapper function here. function getSortedChildNodes(node, lines, resultArray) { if (!node) { return; } // The .loc checks below are sensitive to some of the problems that // are fixed by this utility function. Specifically, if it decides to // set node.loc to null, indicating that the node's .loc information // is unreliable, then we don't want to add node to the resultArray. util.fixFaultyLocations(node, lines); if (resultArray) { if (n.Node.check(node) && n.SourceLocation.check(node.loc)) { // This reverse insertion sort almost always takes constant // time because we almost always (maybe always?) append the // nodes in order anyway. for (var i = resultArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (comparePos(resultArray[i].loc.end, node.loc.start) <= 0) { break; } } resultArray.splice(i + 1, 0, node); return; } } else if (node[childNodesCacheKey]) { return node[childNodesCacheKey]; } var names; if (isArray.check(node)) { names = Object.keys(node); } else if (isObject.check(node)) { names = types.getFieldNames(node); } else { return; } if (!resultArray) { Object.defineProperty(node, childNodesCacheKey, { value: resultArray = [], enumerable: false }); } for (var i = 0, nameCount = names.length; i < nameCount; ++i) { getSortedChildNodes(node[names[i]], lines, resultArray); } return resultArray; } // As efficiently as possible, decorate the comment object with // .precedingNode, .enclosingNode, and/or .followingNode properties, at // least one of which is guaranteed to be defined. function decorateComment(node, comment, lines) { var childNodes = getSortedChildNodes(node, lines); // Time to dust off the old binary search robes and wizard hat. var left = 0, right = childNodes.length; while (left < right) { var middle = (left + right) >> 1; var child = childNodes[middle]; if (comparePos(child.loc.start, comment.loc.start) <= 0 && comparePos(comment.loc.end, child.loc.end) <= 0) { // The comment is completely contained by this child node. decorateComment(comment.enclosingNode = child, comment, lines); return; // Abandon the binary search at this level. } if (comparePos(child.loc.end, comment.loc.start) <= 0) { // This child node falls completely before the comment. // Because we will never consider this node or any nodes // before it again, this node must be the closest preceding // node we have encountered so far. var precedingNode = child; left = middle + 1; continue; } if (comparePos(comment.loc.end, child.loc.start) <= 0) { // This child node falls completely after the comment. // Because we will never consider this node or any nodes after // it again, this node must be the closest following node we // have encountered so far. var followingNode = child; right = middle; continue; } throw new Error("Comment location overlaps with node location"); } if (precedingNode) { comment.precedingNode = precedingNode; } if (followingNode) { comment.followingNode = followingNode; } } exports.attach = function(comments, ast, lines) { if (!isArray.check(comments)) { return; } var tiesToBreak = []; comments.forEach(function(comment) { comment.loc.lines = lines; decorateComment(ast, comment, lines); var pn = comment.precedingNode; var en = comment.enclosingNode; var fn = comment.followingNode; if (pn && fn) { var tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount > 0) { var lastTie = tiesToBreak[tieCount - 1]; assert.strictEqual( lastTie.precedingNode === comment.precedingNode, lastTie.followingNode === comment.followingNode ); if (lastTie.followingNode !== comment.followingNode) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); } } tiesToBreak.push(comment); } else if (pn) { // No contest: we have a trailing comment. breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addTrailingComment(pn, comment); } else if (fn) { // No contest: we have a leading comment. breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addLeadingComment(fn, comment); } else if (en) { // The enclosing node has no child nodes at all, so what we // have here is a dangling comment, e.g. [/* crickets */]. breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addDanglingComment(en, comment); } else { throw new Error("AST contains no nodes at all?"); } }); breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); comments.forEach(function(comment) { // These node references were useful for breaking ties, but we // don't need them anymore, and they create cycles in the AST that // may lead to infinite recursion if we don't delete them here. delete comment.precedingNode; delete comment.enclosingNode; delete comment.followingNode; }); }; function breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines) { var tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount === 0) { return; } var pn = tiesToBreak[0].precedingNode; var fn = tiesToBreak[0].followingNode; var gapEndPos = fn.loc.start; // Iterate backwards through tiesToBreak, examining the gaps // between the tied comments. In order to qualify as leading, a // comment must be separated from fn by an unbroken series of // whitespace-only gaps (or other comments). for (var indexOfFirstLeadingComment = tieCount; indexOfFirstLeadingComment > 0; --indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { var comment = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment - 1]; assert.strictEqual(comment.precedingNode, pn); assert.strictEqual(comment.followingNode, fn); var gap = lines.sliceString(comment.loc.end, gapEndPos); if (/\S/.test(gap)) { // The gap string contained something other than whitespace. break; } gapEndPos = comment.loc.start; } while (indexOfFirstLeadingComment <= tieCount && (comment = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment]) && // If the comment is a //-style comment and indented more // deeply than the node itself, reconsider it as trailing. (comment.type === "Line" || comment.type === "CommentLine") && comment.loc.start.column > fn.loc.start.column) { ++indexOfFirstLeadingComment; } tiesToBreak.forEach(function(comment, i) { if (i < indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { addTrailingComment(pn, comment); } else { addLeadingComment(fn, comment); } }); tiesToBreak.length = 0; } function addCommentHelper(node, comment) { var comments = node.comments || (node.comments = []); comments.push(comment); } function addLeadingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = true; comment.trailing = false; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function addDanglingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = false; comment.trailing = false; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function addTrailingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = false; comment.trailing = true; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function printLeadingComment(commentPath, print) { var comment = commentPath.getValue(); n.Comment.assert(comment); var loc = comment.loc; var lines = loc && loc.lines; var parts = [print(commentPath)]; if (comment.trailing) { // When we print trailing comments as leading comments, we don't // want to bring any trailing spaces along. parts.push("\n"); } else if (lines instanceof Lines) { var trailingSpace = lines.slice( loc.end, lines.skipSpaces(loc.end) ); if (trailingSpace.length === 1) { // If the trailing space contains no newlines, then we want to // preserve it exactly as we found it. parts.push(trailingSpace); } else { // If the trailing space contains newlines, then replace it // with just that many newlines, with all other spaces removed. parts.push(new Array(trailingSpace.length).join("\n")); } } else { parts.push("\n"); } return concat(parts); } function printTrailingComment(commentPath, print) { var comment = commentPath.getValue(commentPath); n.Comment.assert(comment); var loc = comment.loc; var lines = loc && loc.lines; var parts = []; if (lines instanceof Lines) { var fromPos = lines.skipSpaces(loc.start, true) || lines.firstPos(); var leadingSpace = lines.slice(fromPos, loc.start); if (leadingSpace.length === 1) { // If the leading space contains no newlines, then we want to // preserve it exactly as we found it. parts.push(leadingSpace); } else { // If the leading space contains newlines, then replace it // with just that many newlines, sans all other spaces. parts.push(new Array(leadingSpace.length).join("\n")); } } parts.push(print(commentPath)); return concat(parts); } exports.printComments = function(path, print) { var value = path.getValue(); var innerLines = print(path); var comments = n.Node.check(value) && types.getFieldValue(value, "comments"); if (!comments || comments.length === 0) { return innerLines; } var leadingParts = []; var trailingParts = [innerLines]; path.each(function(commentPath) { var comment = commentPath.getValue(); var leading = types.getFieldValue(comment, "leading"); var trailing = types.getFieldValue(comment, "trailing"); if (leading || (trailing && !(n.Statement.check(value) || comment.type === "Block" || comment.type === "CommentBlock"))) { leadingParts.push(printLeadingComment(commentPath, print)); } else if (trailing) { trailingParts.push(printTrailingComment(commentPath, print)); } }, "comments"); leadingParts.push.apply(leadingParts, trailingParts); return concat(leadingParts); };
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19553 | swellard | Move and rename clients | ||
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/clients/2016.1.0/javascript/node_modules/recast/lib/comments.js | |||||
#1 | 19053 | tjuricek |
Rebuild JavaScript Client SDK. The JavaScript client now is a "typed" approach that tends to be similar in approach to the other clients, based on the swagger definition for the platform version. Importantly, client SDK tests are individual scripts (that run under node) that are actually controlled via TestNG. This approach now lets us use a consistent test reporting format so we can at least collect reports from each of the jobs. The documentation is still in progress, that I want to validate as the tests are generated. |