var assert = require("assert"); var sourceMap = require("source-map"); var normalizeOptions = require("./options").normalize; var secretKey = require("private").makeUniqueKey(); var types = require("./types"); var isString = types.builtInTypes.string; var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos; var Mapping = require("./mapping"); // Goals: // 1. Minimize new string creation. // 2. Keep (de)identation O(lines) time. // 3. Permit negative indentations. // 4. Enforce immutability. // 5. No newline characters. function getSecret(lines) { return lines[secretKey]; } function Lines(infos, sourceFileName) { assert.ok(this instanceof Lines); assert.ok(infos.length > 0); if (sourceFileName) { isString.assert(sourceFileName); } else { sourceFileName = null; } Object.defineProperty(this, secretKey, { value: { infos: infos, mappings: [], name: sourceFileName, cachedSourceMap: null } }); if (sourceFileName) { getSecret(this).mappings.push(new Mapping(this, { start: this.firstPos(), end: this.lastPos() })); } } // Exposed for instanceof checks. The fromString function should be used // to create new Lines objects. exports.Lines = Lines; var Lp = Lines.prototype; // These properties used to be assigned to each new object in the Lines // constructor, but we can more efficiently stuff them into the secret and // let these lazy accessors compute their values on-the-fly. Object.defineProperties(Lp, { length: { get: function() { return getSecret(this).infos.length; } }, name: { get: function() { return getSecret(this).name; } } }); function copyLineInfo(info) { return { line: info.line, indent: info.indent, locked: info.locked, sliceStart: info.sliceStart, sliceEnd: info.sliceEnd }; } var fromStringCache = {}; var hasOwn = fromStringCache.hasOwnProperty; var maxCacheKeyLen = 10; function countSpaces(spaces, tabWidth) { var count = 0; var len = spaces.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (spaces.charCodeAt(i)) { case 9: // '\t' assert.strictEqual(typeof tabWidth, "number"); assert.ok(tabWidth > 0); var next = Math.ceil(count / tabWidth) * tabWidth; if (next === count) { count += tabWidth; } else { count = next; } break; case 11: // '\v' case 12: // '\f' case 13: // '\r' case 0xfeff: // zero-width non-breaking space // These characters contribute nothing to indentation. break; case 32: // ' ' default: // Treat all other whitespace like ' '. count += 1; break; } } return count; } exports.countSpaces = countSpaces; var leadingSpaceExp = /^\s*/; // As specified here: var lineTerminatorSeqExp = /\u000D\u000A|\u000D(?!\u000A)|\u000A|\u2028|\u2029/; /** * @param {Object} options - Options object that configures printing. */ function fromString(string, options) { if (string instanceof Lines) return string; string += ""; var tabWidth = options && options.tabWidth; var tabless = string.indexOf("\t") < 0; var locked = !! (options && options.locked); var cacheable = !options && tabless && (string.length <= maxCacheKeyLen); assert.ok(tabWidth || tabless, "No tab width specified but encountered tabs in string\n" + string); if (cacheable &&, string)) return fromStringCache[string]; var lines = new Lines(string.split(lineTerminatorSeqExp).map(function(line) { var spaces = leadingSpaceExp.exec(line)[0]; return { line: line, indent: countSpaces(spaces, tabWidth), // Boolean indicating whether this line can be reindented. locked: locked, sliceStart: spaces.length, sliceEnd: line.length }; }), normalizeOptions(options).sourceFileName); if (cacheable) fromStringCache[string] = lines; return lines; } exports.fromString = fromString; function isOnlyWhitespace(string) { return !/\S/.test(string); } Lp.toString = function(options) { return this.sliceString(this.firstPos(), this.lastPos(), options); }; Lp.getSourceMap = function(sourceMapName, sourceRoot) { if (!sourceMapName) { // Although we could make up a name or generate an anonymous // source map, instead we assume that any consumer who does not // provide a name does not actually want a source map. return null; } var targetLines = this; function updateJSON(json) { json = json || {}; isString.assert(sourceMapName); json.file = sourceMapName; if (sourceRoot) { isString.assert(sourceRoot); json.sourceRoot = sourceRoot; } return json; } var secret = getSecret(targetLines); if (secret.cachedSourceMap) { // Since Lines objects are immutable, we can reuse any source map // that was previously generated. Nevertheless, we return a new // JSON object here to protect the cached source map from outside // modification. return updateJSON(secret.cachedSourceMap.toJSON()); } var smg = new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator(updateJSON()); var sourcesToContents = {}; secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { var sourceCursor = mapping.sourceLines.skipSpaces( mapping.sourceLoc.start ) || mapping.sourceLines.lastPos(); var targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces( mapping.targetLoc.start ) || targetLines.lastPos(); while (comparePos(sourceCursor, mapping.sourceLoc.end) < 0 && comparePos(targetCursor, mapping.targetLoc.end) < 0) { var sourceChar = mapping.sourceLines.charAt(sourceCursor); var targetChar = targetLines.charAt(targetCursor); assert.strictEqual(sourceChar, targetChar); var sourceName =; // Add mappings one character at a time for maximum resolution. smg.addMapping({ source: sourceName, original: { line: sourceCursor.line, column: sourceCursor.column }, generated: { line: targetCursor.line, column: targetCursor.column } }); if (!, sourceName)) { var sourceContent = mapping.sourceLines.toString(); smg.setSourceContent(sourceName, sourceContent); sourcesToContents[sourceName] = sourceContent; } targetLines.nextPos(targetCursor, true); mapping.sourceLines.nextPos(sourceCursor, true); } }); secret.cachedSourceMap = smg; return smg.toJSON(); }; Lp.bootstrapCharAt = function(pos) { assert.strictEqual(typeof pos, "object"); assert.strictEqual(typeof pos.line, "number"); assert.strictEqual(typeof pos.column, "number"); var line = pos.line, column = pos.column, strings = this.toString().split(lineTerminatorSeqExp), string = strings[line - 1]; if (typeof string === "undefined") return ""; if (column === string.length && line < strings.length) return "\n"; if (column >= string.length) return ""; return string.charAt(column); }; Lp.charAt = function(pos) { assert.strictEqual(typeof pos, "object"); assert.strictEqual(typeof pos.line, "number"); assert.strictEqual(typeof pos.column, "number"); var line = pos.line, column = pos.column, secret = getSecret(this), infos = secret.infos, info = infos[line - 1], c = column; if (typeof info === "undefined" || c < 0) return ""; var indent = this.getIndentAt(line); if (c < indent) return " "; c += info.sliceStart - indent; if (c === info.sliceEnd && line < this.length) return "\n"; if (c >= info.sliceEnd) return ""; return info.line.charAt(c); }; Lp.stripMargin = function(width, skipFirstLine) { if (width === 0) return this; assert.ok(width > 0, "negative margin: " + width); if (skipFirstLine && this.length === 1) return this; var secret = getSecret(this); var lines = new Lines(, i) { if (info.line && (i > 0 || !skipFirstLine)) { info = copyLineInfo(info); info.indent = Math.max(0, info.indent - width); } return info; })); if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { var newMappings = getSecret(lines).mappings; assert.strictEqual(newMappings.length, 0); secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(width, skipFirstLine, true)); }); } return lines; }; Lp.indent = function(by) { if (by === 0) return this; var secret = getSecret(this); var lines = new Lines( { if (info.line && ! info.locked) { info = copyLineInfo(info); info.indent += by; } return info })); if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { var newMappings = getSecret(lines).mappings; assert.strictEqual(newMappings.length, 0); secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(by)); }); } return lines; }; Lp.indentTail = function(by) { if (by === 0) return this; if (this.length < 2) return this; var secret = getSecret(this); var lines = new Lines(, i) { if (i > 0 && info.line && ! info.locked) { info = copyLineInfo(info); info.indent += by; } return info; })); if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { var newMappings = getSecret(lines).mappings; assert.strictEqual(newMappings.length, 0); secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(by, true)); }); } return lines; }; Lp.lockIndentTail = function () { if (this.length < 2) { return this; } var infos = getSecret(this).infos; return new Lines( (info, i) { info = copyLineInfo(info); info.locked = i > 0; return info; })); }; Lp.getIndentAt = function(line) { assert.ok(line >= 1, "no line " + line + " (line numbers start from 1)"); var secret = getSecret(this), info = secret.infos[line - 1]; return Math.max(info.indent, 0); }; Lp.guessTabWidth = function() { var secret = getSecret(this); if (, "cachedTabWidth")) { return secret.cachedTabWidth; } var counts = []; // Sparse array. var lastIndent = 0; for (var line = 1, last = this.length; line <= last; ++line) { var info = secret.infos[line - 1]; var sliced = info.line.slice(info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); // Whitespace-only lines don't tell us much about the likely tab // width of this code. if (isOnlyWhitespace(sliced)) { continue; } var diff = Math.abs(info.indent - lastIndent); counts[diff] = ~~counts[diff] + 1; lastIndent = info.indent; } var maxCount = -1; var result = 2; for (var tabWidth = 1; tabWidth < counts.length; tabWidth += 1) { if (, tabWidth) && counts[tabWidth] > maxCount) { maxCount = counts[tabWidth]; result = tabWidth; } } return secret.cachedTabWidth = result; }; Lp.isOnlyWhitespace = function() { return isOnlyWhitespace(this.toString()); }; Lp.isPrecededOnlyByWhitespace = function(pos) { var secret = getSecret(this); var info = secret.infos[pos.line - 1]; var indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); var diff = pos.column - indent; if (diff <= 0) { // If pos.column does not exceed the indentation amount, then // there must be only whitespace before it. return true; } var start = info.sliceStart; var end = Math.min(start + diff, info.sliceEnd); var prefix = info.line.slice(start, end); return isOnlyWhitespace(prefix); }; Lp.getLineLength = function(line) { var secret = getSecret(this), info = secret.infos[line - 1]; return this.getIndentAt(line) + info.sliceEnd - info.sliceStart; }; Lp.nextPos = function(pos, skipSpaces) { var l = Math.max(pos.line, 0), c = Math.max(pos.column, 0); if (c < this.getLineLength(l)) { pos.column += 1; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true) : true; } if (l < this.length) { pos.line += 1; pos.column = 0; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true) : true; } return false; }; Lp.prevPos = function(pos, skipSpaces) { var l = pos.line, c = pos.column; if (c < 1) { l -= 1; if (l < 1) return false; c = this.getLineLength(l); } else { c = Math.min(c - 1, this.getLineLength(l)); } pos.line = l; pos.column = c; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, true, true) : true; }; Lp.firstPos = function() { // Trivial, but provided for completeness. return { line: 1, column: 0 }; }; Lp.lastPos = function() { return { line: this.length, column: this.getLineLength(this.length) }; }; Lp.skipSpaces = function(pos, backward, modifyInPlace) { if (pos) { pos = modifyInPlace ? pos : { line: pos.line, column: pos.column }; } else if (backward) { pos = this.lastPos(); } else { pos = this.firstPos(); } if (backward) { while (this.prevPos(pos)) { if (!isOnlyWhitespace(this.charAt(pos)) && this.nextPos(pos)) { return pos; } } return null; } else { while (isOnlyWhitespace(this.charAt(pos))) { if (!this.nextPos(pos)) { return null; } } return pos; } }; Lp.trimLeft = function() { var pos = this.skipSpaces(this.firstPos(), false, true); return pos ? this.slice(pos) : emptyLines; }; Lp.trimRight = function() { var pos = this.skipSpaces(this.lastPos(), true, true); return pos ? this.slice(this.firstPos(), pos) : emptyLines; }; Lp.trim = function() { var start = this.skipSpaces(this.firstPos(), false, true); if (start === null) return emptyLines; var end = this.skipSpaces(this.lastPos(), true, true); assert.notStrictEqual(end, null); return this.slice(start, end); }; Lp.eachPos = function(callback, startPos, skipSpaces) { var pos = this.firstPos(); if (startPos) { pos.line = startPos.line, pos.column = startPos.column } if (skipSpaces && !this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true)) { return; // Encountered nothing but spaces. } do, pos); while (this.nextPos(pos, skipSpaces)); }; Lp.bootstrapSlice = function(start, end) { var strings = this.toString().split( lineTerminatorSeqExp ).slice( start.line - 1, end.line ); strings.push(strings.pop().slice(0, end.column)); strings[0] = strings[0].slice(start.column); return fromString(strings.join("\n")); }; Lp.slice = function(start, end) { if (!end) { if (!start) { // The client seems to want a copy of this Lines object, but // Lines objects are immutable, so it's perfectly adequate to // return the same object. return this; } // Slice to the end if no end position was provided. end = this.lastPos(); } var secret = getSecret(this); var sliced = secret.infos.slice(start.line - 1, end.line); if (start.line === end.line) { sliced[0] = sliceInfo(sliced[0], start.column, end.column); } else { assert.ok(start.line < end.line); sliced[0] = sliceInfo(sliced[0], start.column); sliced.push(sliceInfo(sliced.pop(), 0, end.column)); } var lines = new Lines(sliced); if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { var newMappings = getSecret(lines).mappings; assert.strictEqual(newMappings.length, 0); secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { var sliced = mapping.slice(this, start, end); if (sliced) { newMappings.push(sliced); } }, this); } return lines; }; function sliceInfo(info, startCol, endCol) { var sliceStart = info.sliceStart; var sliceEnd = info.sliceEnd; var indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); var lineLength = indent + sliceEnd - sliceStart; if (typeof endCol === "undefined") { endCol = lineLength; } startCol = Math.max(startCol, 0); endCol = Math.min(endCol, lineLength); endCol = Math.max(endCol, startCol); if (endCol < indent) { indent = endCol; sliceEnd = sliceStart; } else { sliceEnd -= lineLength - endCol; } lineLength = endCol; lineLength -= startCol; if (startCol < indent) { indent -= startCol; } else { startCol -= indent; indent = 0; sliceStart += startCol; } assert.ok(indent >= 0); assert.ok(sliceStart <= sliceEnd); assert.strictEqual(lineLength, indent + sliceEnd - sliceStart); if (info.indent === indent && info.sliceStart === sliceStart && info.sliceEnd === sliceEnd) { return info; } return { line: info.line, indent: indent, // A destructive slice always unlocks indentation. locked: false, sliceStart: sliceStart, sliceEnd: sliceEnd }; } Lp.bootstrapSliceString = function(start, end, options) { return this.slice(start, end).toString(options); }; Lp.sliceString = function(start, end, options) { if (!end) { if (!start) { // The client seems to want a copy of this Lines object, but // Lines objects are immutable, so it's perfectly adequate to // return the same object. return this; } // Slice to the end if no end position was provided. end = this.lastPos(); } options = normalizeOptions(options); var infos = getSecret(this).infos; var parts = []; var tabWidth = options.tabWidth; for (var line = start.line; line <= end.line; ++line) { var info = infos[line - 1]; if (line === start.line) { if (line === end.line) { info = sliceInfo(info, start.column, end.column); } else { info = sliceInfo(info, start.column); } } else if (line === end.line) { info = sliceInfo(info, 0, end.column); } var indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); var before = info.line.slice(0, info.sliceStart); if (options.reuseWhitespace && isOnlyWhitespace(before) && countSpaces(before, options.tabWidth) === indent) { // Reuse original spaces if the indentation is correct. parts.push(info.line.slice(0, info.sliceEnd)); continue; } var tabs = 0; var spaces = indent; if (options.useTabs) { tabs = Math.floor(indent / tabWidth); spaces -= tabs * tabWidth; } var result = ""; if (tabs > 0) { result += new Array(tabs + 1).join("\t"); } if (spaces > 0) { result += new Array(spaces + 1).join(" "); } result += info.line.slice(info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); parts.push(result); } return parts.join(options.lineTerminator); }; Lp.isEmpty = function() { return this.length < 2 && this.getLineLength(1) < 1; }; Lp.join = function(elements) { var separator = this; var separatorSecret = getSecret(separator); var infos = []; var mappings = []; var prevInfo; function appendSecret(secret) { if (secret === null) return; if (prevInfo) { var info = secret.infos[0]; var indent = new Array(info.indent + 1).join(" "); var prevLine = infos.length; var prevColumn = Math.max(prevInfo.indent, 0) + prevInfo.sliceEnd - prevInfo.sliceStart; prevInfo.line = prevInfo.line.slice( 0, prevInfo.sliceEnd) + indent + info.line.slice( info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); // If any part of a line is indentation-locked, the whole line // will be indentation-locked. prevInfo.locked = prevInfo.locked || info.locked; prevInfo.sliceEnd = prevInfo.line.length; if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { secret.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { mappings.push(mapping.add(prevLine, prevColumn)); }); } } else if (secret.mappings.length > 0) { mappings.push.apply(mappings, secret.mappings); } secret.infos.forEach(function(info, i) { if (!prevInfo || i > 0) { prevInfo = copyLineInfo(info); infos.push(prevInfo); } }); } function appendWithSeparator(secret, i) { if (i > 0) appendSecret(separatorSecret); appendSecret(secret); } { var lines = fromString(elem); if (lines.isEmpty()) return null; return getSecret(lines); }).forEach(separator.isEmpty() ? appendSecret : appendWithSeparator); if (infos.length < 1) return emptyLines; var lines = new Lines(infos); getSecret(lines).mappings = mappings; return lines; }; exports.concat = function(elements) { return emptyLines.join(elements); }; Lp.concat = function(other) { var args = arguments, list = [this]; list.push.apply(list, args); assert.strictEqual(list.length, args.length + 1); return emptyLines.join(list); }; // The emptyLines object needs to be created all the way down here so that // Lines.prototype will be fully populated. var emptyLines = fromString("");
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19553 | swellard | Move and rename clients | ||
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/clients/2016.1.0/javascript/node_modules/recast/lib/lines.js | |||||
#1 | 19053 | tjuricek |
Rebuild JavaScript Client SDK. The JavaScript client now is a "typed" approach that tends to be similar in approach to the other clients, based on the swagger definition for the platform version. Importantly, client SDK tests are individual scripts (that run under node) that are actually controlled via TestNG. This approach now lets us use a consistent test reporting format so we can at least collect reports from each of the jobs. The documentation is still in progress, that I want to validate as the tests are generated. |