var assert = require("assert"); var types = require("./types"); var isString = types.builtInTypes.string; var isNumber = types.builtInTypes.number; var SourceLocation = types.namedTypes.SourceLocation; var Position = types.namedTypes.Position; var linesModule = require("./lines"); var comparePos = require("./util").comparePos; function Mapping(sourceLines, sourceLoc, targetLoc) { assert.ok(this instanceof Mapping); assert.ok(sourceLines instanceof linesModule.Lines); SourceLocation.assert(sourceLoc); if (targetLoc) { // In certain cases it's possible for targetLoc.{start,end}.column // values to be negative, which technically makes them no longer // valid SourceLocation nodes, so we need to be more forgiving. assert.ok( isNumber.check(targetLoc.start.line) && isNumber.check(targetLoc.start.column) && isNumber.check(targetLoc.end.line) && isNumber.check(targetLoc.end.column) ); } else { // Assume identity mapping if no targetLoc specified. targetLoc = sourceLoc; } Object.defineProperties(this, { sourceLines: { value: sourceLines }, sourceLoc: { value: sourceLoc }, targetLoc: { value: targetLoc } }); } var Mp = Mapping.prototype; module.exports = Mapping; Mp.slice = function(lines, start, end) { assert.ok(lines instanceof linesModule.Lines); Position.assert(start); if (end) { Position.assert(end); } else { end = lines.lastPos(); } var sourceLines = this.sourceLines; var sourceLoc = this.sourceLoc; var targetLoc = this.targetLoc; function skip(name) { var sourceFromPos = sourceLoc[name]; var targetFromPos = targetLoc[name]; var targetToPos = start; if (name === "end") { targetToPos = end; } else { assert.strictEqual(name, "start"); } return skipChars( sourceLines, sourceFromPos, lines, targetFromPos, targetToPos ); } if (comparePos(start, targetLoc.start) <= 0) { if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, end) <= 0) { targetLoc = { start: subtractPos(targetLoc.start, start.line, start.column), end: subtractPos(targetLoc.end, start.line, start.column) }; // The sourceLoc can stay the same because the contents of the // targetLoc have not changed. } else if (comparePos(end, targetLoc.start) <= 0) { return null; } else { sourceLoc = { start: sourceLoc.start, end: skip("end") }; targetLoc = { start: subtractPos(targetLoc.start, start.line, start.column), end: subtractPos(end, start.line, start.column) }; } } else { if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, start) <= 0) { return null; } if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, end) <= 0) { sourceLoc = { start: skip("start"), end: sourceLoc.end }; targetLoc = { // Same as subtractPos(start, start.line, start.column): start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: subtractPos(targetLoc.end, start.line, start.column) }; } else { sourceLoc = { start: skip("start"), end: skip("end") }; targetLoc = { // Same as subtractPos(start, start.line, start.column): start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: subtractPos(end, start.line, start.column) }; } } return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, sourceLoc, targetLoc); }; Mp.add = function(line, column) { return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, { start: addPos(this.targetLoc.start, line, column), end: addPos(this.targetLoc.end, line, column) }); }; function addPos(toPos, line, column) { return { line: toPos.line + line - 1, column: (toPos.line === 1) ? toPos.column + column : toPos.column }; } Mp.subtract = function(line, column) { return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, { start: subtractPos(this.targetLoc.start, line, column), end: subtractPos(this.targetLoc.end, line, column) }); }; function subtractPos(fromPos, line, column) { return { line: fromPos.line - line + 1, column: (fromPos.line === line) ? fromPos.column - column : fromPos.column }; } Mp.indent = function(by, skipFirstLine, noNegativeColumns) { if (by === 0) { return this; } var targetLoc = this.targetLoc; var startLine = targetLoc.start.line; var endLine = targetLoc.end.line; if (skipFirstLine && startLine === 1 && endLine === 1) { return this; } targetLoc = { start: targetLoc.start, end: targetLoc.end }; if (!skipFirstLine || startLine > 1) { var startColumn = targetLoc.start.column + by; targetLoc.start = { line: startLine, column: noNegativeColumns ? Math.max(0, startColumn) : startColumn }; } if (!skipFirstLine || endLine > 1) { var endColumn = targetLoc.end.column + by; targetLoc.end = { line: endLine, column: noNegativeColumns ? Math.max(0, endColumn) : endColumn }; } return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, targetLoc); }; function skipChars( sourceLines, sourceFromPos, targetLines, targetFromPos, targetToPos ) { assert.ok(sourceLines instanceof linesModule.Lines); assert.ok(targetLines instanceof linesModule.Lines); Position.assert(sourceFromPos); Position.assert(targetFromPos); Position.assert(targetToPos); var targetComparison = comparePos(targetFromPos, targetToPos); if (targetComparison === 0) { // Trivial case: no characters to skip. return sourceFromPos; } if (targetComparison < 0) { // Skipping forward. var sourceCursor = sourceLines.skipSpaces(sourceFromPos); var targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces(targetFromPos); var lineDiff = targetToPos.line - targetCursor.line; sourceCursor.line += lineDiff; targetCursor.line += lineDiff; if (lineDiff > 0) { // If jumping to later lines, reset columns to the beginnings // of those lines. sourceCursor.column = 0; targetCursor.column = 0; } else { assert.strictEqual(lineDiff, 0); } while (comparePos(targetCursor, targetToPos) < 0 && targetLines.nextPos(targetCursor, true)) { assert.ok(sourceLines.nextPos(sourceCursor, true)); assert.strictEqual( sourceLines.charAt(sourceCursor), targetLines.charAt(targetCursor) ); } } else { // Skipping backward. var sourceCursor = sourceLines.skipSpaces(sourceFromPos, true); var targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces(targetFromPos, true); var lineDiff = targetToPos.line - targetCursor.line; sourceCursor.line += lineDiff; targetCursor.line += lineDiff; if (lineDiff < 0) { // If jumping to earlier lines, reset columns to the ends of // those lines. sourceCursor.column = sourceLines.getLineLength(sourceCursor.line); targetCursor.column = targetLines.getLineLength(targetCursor.line); } else { assert.strictEqual(lineDiff, 0); } while (comparePos(targetToPos, targetCursor) < 0 && targetLines.prevPos(targetCursor, true)) { assert.ok(sourceLines.prevPos(sourceCursor, true)); assert.strictEqual( sourceLines.charAt(sourceCursor), targetLines.charAt(targetCursor) ); } } return sourceCursor; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 19553 | swellard | Move and rename clients | ||
//guest/perforce_software/helix-web-services/main/source/clients/2016.1.0/javascript/node_modules/recast/lib/mapping.js | |||||
#1 | 19053 | tjuricek |
Rebuild JavaScript Client SDK. The JavaScript client now is a "typed" approach that tends to be similar in approach to the other clients, based on the swagger definition for the platform version. Importantly, client SDK tests are individual scripts (that run under node) that are actually controlled via TestNG. This approach now lets us use a consistent test reporting format so we can at least collect reports from each of the jobs. The documentation is still in progress, that I want to validate as the tests are generated. |