<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=80 ai si: --> <?xml-model href="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/5.0/rng/docbookxi.rng" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/5.0/rng/docbook.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> <chapter xml:id="chapter.running" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" > <title>Running P4Convert</title> <section xml:id="running.import_mode"> <title>Import Mode</title> <para> Import Mode will pull in file revisions from a Subversion dump file adding them to the Perforce Server specified by the connection details in the configuration options. To use this mode set: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.svn.mode=true </programlisting> <para> Care should be taken when adding data to a pre-existing Perforce Server that the revision actions do not conflict with revisions already in the Perforce Server; typically, this can occur if the Server has been in-use since the previous migration. </para> <para> To avoid such scenarios the import should either be to a unique depot, to avoid conflict, or the Perforce Server should be Read Only during subsequent migrations. After a conversion is complete, it is possible to merge the new data with an existing depot using tools like <application>PerfMerge++</application>. </para> <para> The converter will check that your Perforce Server has no pending changes, and will abort a conversion if any are detected. </para> <section xml:id="running.import_mode.configuration"> <title>Configuration options specific to Import Mode</title> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> Perforce server address and port (escape the '<literal>:</literal>' with '<literal>\:</literal>'): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.p4.port=<replaceable>localhost\:4444</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Default user and client for server connection: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.p4.client=<replaceable>svn-client</replaceable> com.p4convert.p4.user=<replaceable>svn-user</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Client workspace root used to import files into Perforce: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.p4.clientRoot=<replaceable>/Users/bruno/ws/</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> If Security is set to level 1 or greater, then the <replaceable>svn-user</replaceable> must have <emphasis>admin</emphasis> permissions in the Protection table and the password supplied as a string (the default is no string after the '=' sign): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.p4.passwd=<replaceable>PaSSwoRd</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Alternatively if the user is already logged in and there is a valid ticket, then leave the password field unset and set your environment for <envar>P4TICKETS</envar> (don't rely on the <envar>P4TICKETS</envar> unset default as <command>p4-java</command> will not find your ticket file). </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> </section> <section xml:id="running.convert_mode"> <title>Convert Mode</title> <para> Convert Mode is more advanced and requires knowledge of the Perforce Journal replay and Archive file store. This mode can only be used for single shot conversions and cannot be used incrementally. The performance of Convert Mode is significantly better than Import Mode (x100 sometimes!). </para> <para> After a using the Convert Mode the administrator will need to run several commands to rebuild the Perforce server and upgrade the metadata. Please refer to the <xref linkend="running.post_conversion"/> section for step-by-step instructions. </para> <para> To use this mode set: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.svn.mode=false </programlisting> <section xml:id="running.convert_mode.configuration"> <title>Configuration options specific to Conversion Mode</title> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> Perforce server root address (path should end with a slash (<literal>/</literal>)): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.adv.p4root=<replaceable>/full/path/to/p4_root/</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Change list offset (handy for batched conversions): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.adv.offset=<replaceable>0</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Generated journal names (useful to increment the prefix when running batched conversions): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.adv.jnlIndex=<replaceable>0</replaceable> com.p4convert.adv.jnlPrefix=<replaceable>jnl.</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Mimic the 2011.1 or greater credit behavior on rollbacks / downgrades (to enable set value to <literal>true</literal>): </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.adv.downgrade=<replaceable>false</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Perforce normalises line-endings when storing the file on the server and restores them based on the client workspace options and platform type. However, in special cases it can be useful to store line-ending in the server and use the 'share' option in the client. To disable normal line-ending support set the following option to <literal>false</literal>: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.adv.lineEnding=<replaceable>true</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem> <para> For non Unicode servers or to simplify storage of hi-ASCII files, setting following option to <literal>false</literal> will store the file as <literal>binary</literal>: </para> <programlisting language="ini"> com.p4convert.p4.unicode=<replaceable>false</replaceable> </programlisting> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> </section> <section xml:id="running.post_conversion"> <title>Post Conversion [Conversion Mode]</title> <para> To finish the conversion you will need to install <command>p4</command> and <command>p4d</command> and run a few Perforce commands. </para> <orderedlist> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step1"> <para> <emphasis role="bold">[Required]</emphasis> Change directory to <envar>P4ROOT</envar>, check there are no <filename>db.*</filename> files present and then replay the journal file(s): </para> <screen> $ cd p4_root $ p4d -r . -jr jnl.0 Perforce db files in '.' will be created if missing... Recovering from jnl.0... Perforce server info: Server version 33 is replaying a version 0 journal/checkpoint. </screen> <note> <para> The Server version is set to <literal>0</literal> to remind the administrator that an upgrade is required, see <link linkend="running.post_conversion.step3">step 3</link>. </para> </note> </listitem> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step2"> <para> or, for multiple journal files: </para> <programlisting> $ p4d -r . -jr jnl.0 jnl.1 .... </programlisting> <para> and with nohup: </para> <programlisting> nohup p4d -r . -jr jnl.0 jnl.1 .... & </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step3"> <para> <emphasis role="bold">[Required]</emphasis> Upgrade the database from 2004.2 schema. For simplicity the conversion generates a database using an old schema, allowing you to upgrade to a Perforce Server version of your choice. From the <envar>P4ROOT</envar> directory run the upgrade command: </para> <screen> $ p4d -r . -xu Perforce db files in '.' will be created if missing... 2001.1: splitting db.integ into db.integed/db.resolve. 2001.1: splitting db.have into db.have and db.label. 2002.1: splitting pending db.change into db.changex. 2002.2: upgrading tempobj filetype in db.rev. 2002.2: upgrading tempobj filetype in db.working. 2003.1: initialize default depot. 2003.2: upgrading db.user. 2005.1: building db.revhx (headrev) table. 2005.1: building db.locks from db.working. 2005.2: building db.revdx (delrev) table. 2005.2: moving spec depot entries into db.revsx. 2007.3: (re)building haveMap from db.have/db.working. 2007.3: (re)building db.archmap (lazy-copy map) table. 2007.3: removing old db.archive. 2008.1: upgrading db.change. 2009.2: moving db.boddate/db.ixdate into db.bodtext/db.ixtext. 2009.2: removing db.boddate/db.ixdate. 2010.2: adding db.config. 2011.1: upgrading tiny.db. ...upgrades done </screen> </listitem> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step4"> <para> [Optional] If the conversion was run in Unicode mode (where <code>com.p4convert.p4.unicode=true</code>) and users are going to continue to add Unicode content then you may wish to set the server to Unicode mode. To enable Unicode run the following command from the P4ROOT directory: </para> <programlisting language="bash"> $ p4d -r . -xi </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step5"> <para> [Alternative] If you are running your Perforce Server on Linux and your user base is predominantly Windows you may wish to force the server to run as case insensitive (only allowing one version of case for paths and files). The conversion option <code>com.p4convert.adv.lowerCase=true</code> will have been used with the case mode set to <code>com.p4convert.adv.caseMode=FIRST</code>. All p4d commands must be include the <parameter>-C1</parameter> flag, this includes the earlier <link linkend="running.post_conversion.step1">step 1</link> and <link linkend="running.post_conversion.step2">step 2</link>. </para> <para> For example: </para> <programlisting language="bash"> $ cd p4_root $ p4d -C1 -r . -jr jnl.0 $ p4d -C1 -r . -xu </programlisting> </listitem> <listitem xml:id="running.post_conversion.step6"> <para> [Recommended] Some archive files may not have MD5 sum digests (typically where Subversion did not store the digest or the digest does not match due to the use of keyword expansion). To fill in the metadata for MD5 sum digests and archive file sizes use the verify command (this might be best split into depots and sub directories for large servers): </para> <programlisting language="bash"> $ p4 verify -u //... </programlisting> </listitem> </orderedlist> </section> </chapter>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 13920 | Paul Allen | copy part 2 (no errors) | ||
#5 | 12487 | Paul Allen | DOC: Added a warning note for granting the conversion user an "Unlimited" login timeout. | ||
#4 | 11823 | Paul Allen |
DOC: Update docs to reflect change to --default flag. com.p4convert.p4.root set to [pwd] + 'p4_root/' com.p4convert.p4.clientRoot set to [pwd] + 'ws/' |
#3 | 10795 | adrian_waters | Clarification re CVS vs SVN / tidy-up / fix typos / | ||
#2 | 10698 | Paul Allen | Updates to the documentation for CVS and SVN configurations. | ||
#1 | 9809 | Paul Allen |
Documentation content. Will need to publish Perforce Documentation _build (Check if Open Source compatible). |