rem This is a script that expects a lot of files setup by executed on the Salt Master
rem The initial starting directory should be C:\\Builds
echo on
rem rake compile doesn't seem to do much with this
rem set P4RUBY_CROSS_PLATFORM=2.0.0p643:2.1.5p273:2.2.1p85
set P4RUBY_CROSS_PLATFORM=mingw64x64
set RUBY_CC_VERSION=2.0.0:2.1.5:2.2.1
rem Use the lowest available version of Ruby for compilation
call C:\Ruby200-x64\bin\setrbvars.bat
call C:\RubyDevKitx64\devkitvars.bat
rem I hate windows scripting... I have no idea how to make this bash script update this
set p4api_dir=C:\Builds\depot\r15.1\p4-bin\bin.mingw64x64\p4api-2015.1.1046796
set ssl_include_dir=C:\Builds\openssl\mingw64x64\inc.mingw64x64
set ssl_lib_dir=C:\Builds\openssl\mingw64x64\lib.mingw64x64
cd C:\Builds\p4ruby
call bundle install
set P4D_BIN=C:\Builds\depot\r15.1\p4-bin\bin.ntx64\p4d.exe
call rake compile
call rake test
call rake native gem