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Branches are translated verbatim, individual file revisions are grouped as much as possible into Perforce's notion of atomic changes. </p> <p>Requires Perl 5.6, VSS 5.0 or later and Perforce 97.3 or later. The scripts only run on Windows (read values from Registry). </p> <p>Basic Files required to download are (see <a href="ftp://public.perforce.com/public/perforce/utils/vsstop4/main/README.txt">readme.txt</a> for more info): </p> <ul> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"> <a href="http://www.activestate.com/Products/Download/Register.plex?id=ActivePerl"> ActiveState Perl</a> (5.6 most frequently tested although 5.8 works) </p> </li> <li dir="ltr"> <p dir="ltr"> <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/perforce/utils/vsstop4/main/vsstop4.zip">vsstop4.zip</a> (source files for conversion)</p> </li> <li><a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/tony_smith/perforce/API/Perl/released/p4perl56-setup-3.4804.exe"> P4Perl 3.4804 for Perl 5.6.6</a><b> </b>or <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/tony_smith/perforce/API/Perl/released/p4perl58-setup-3.4804.exe"> P4Perl 3.4804 for Perl 5.8</a> (required interface to P4 from Perl) - newer versions of P4Perl may require updates to the scripts (install after Perl is installed). </li> </ul> <p>These scripts are not fully supported - but feel free to contact Curator below. </p> <p>There are a couple of utilities available at: <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/index.html"> http://public.perforce.com/guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/index.html</a> which will help with reporting on branched and deleted files in VSS, also files with illegal filenames for Perforce (e.g. containing '#' or '@' - although these are no longer illegal with version 2004.2 of the server but do require escaping). </p> </dd> <dt>Curator</dt> <dd> <p>Robert Cowham. Please email <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> <!-- user='robert'; domain='vaccaperna.co.uk'; addr=user + '@' + domain; document.write('<A HREF="mailto:' + addr + '">' + addr + '<\/A>'); --> </SCRIPT> if you have submitted contributions you'd like published, or if you have ideas for enhancement. </p> </dd> </dl> <div class="hr-dotted"></div> <h3>Details</h3> <p>See the <a href="ftp://public.perforce.com/public/perforce/utils/vsstop4/main/README.txt">readme.txt</a> file. All files are downloadable from the Public Depot via FTP (see links above). </p> <div class="hr-dotted"></div> <h3>Updated</h3> <p>See <a href="ftp://public.perforce.com/public/perforce/utils/vsstop4/main/CHANGELOG.txt">changelog.txt</a> file.</p> <div class="hr-dotted"></div> <p class="stored-file">You're browsing a file stored as <code>$Id: //guest/perforce_software/utils/vsstop4/index.html#25 $</code></p> <!-- Content ends here --> </div><!-- id content --> </div><!-- id main-body --> </div><!-- id content --> </div><!-- id main-body --> <!-- Copyright and bottom bar --> <div id="copyright"> Copyright © 1996, 2007 Perforce </div> </div> <!-- id outer --> </body> </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#32 | 16015 | Robert Cowham |
Fixed README.md formatting. Remove README.html/txt |
#31 | 7113 | Sam Stafford |
Make VSStoP4 html page a redirect to the equivalent wiki page. This is mainly to get duplicates out of the website search results, since currently the two pages have basically identical content. |
#30 | 6409 | Robert Cowham | Tidied | ||
#29 | 6406 | Robert Cowham | Clarify links | ||
#28 | 6251 | Robert Cowham | Improve link to older servers | ||
#27 | 6250 | Robert Cowham | Point at older version for pre-2004.2 servers | ||
#26 | 6241 | Robert Cowham |
- Removed unused module Date::Dump - Updated docs to refer to right version of P4Perl |
#25 | 6075 | michael | Fix more bad navbar links. | ||
#24 | 6026 | rlo |
Public depot fixes: * Titles formatted similarly * Navbar changed and shortened * Change review taken out of navbar * Links fixed |
#23 | 6025 | rlo |
Public Depot Redesign goes live * Skin matches KB and latest WWW skin * Rudimentary search mechanism based on google * did this already, but made some big mistakes and it was easier to obliterate and start over * about the above: yikes! |
#22 | 5776 | Robert Cowham | Upgrade to P4Perl 3.5708 | ||
#21 | 5652 | Robert Cowham |
- Add more troubleshooting help to readme.html. - Update to use P4Perl 3.5313 - Added new module utils.pm to detect and fail if wrong P4Perl version used. |
#20 | 5560 | Robert Cowham | Add link to new version | ||
#19 | 5439 | Robert Cowham | Reiterate version of P4Perl to use. | ||
#18 | 5342 | Robert Cowham | Document that VSS 2005 not supported yet - use 6.0 | ||
#17 | 5315 | Robert Cowham |
- Output script version. Changed warning message. - Converted README.txt to README.html |
#16 | 5301 | Robert Cowham | Changed ftp links to http | ||
#15 | 5075 | Robert Cowham |
- Use ->Connect() rather than Init() (version 3.4804 of the released P4Perl). - Add troubleshooting help. |
#14 | 4936 | Robert Cowham | Be specific about version of P4Perl to use | ||
#13 | 4641 | Robert Cowham | Updated to cope with changes to P4Perl - call MergeErrors when setting up. | ||
#12 | 4026 | Robert Cowham |
Make previous change configurable rather than hard-coding and add explanation to config.ini about it. Point Update section on web page to Changelog.txt |
#11 | 4000 | Robert Cowham |
Remove changes for non-P4Perl version. Improved Web page with download links. |
#10 | 3926 | Robert Cowham | P4Perl is now required for the scripts to run. | ||
#9 | 3920 | Robert Cowham | Zip up latest changes. | ||
#8 | 3815 | Robert Cowham | Fixed problem with line of asterisks in change comment. | ||
#7 | 3798 | Robert Cowham | Latest changes | ||
#6 | 3611 | Robert Cowham | Updated .zip file and web | ||
#5 | 3558 | Robert Cowham |
Fixed bug with French date formats. Autoupdate client root and view based on config.ini entries. |
#4 | 3557 | Robert Cowham |
Updated .zip file reference. Also change notes. |
#3 | 2172 | Robert Cowham | Added comment | ||
#2 | 2171 | Robert Cowham |
Correct link. Make into ktext. |
#1 | 2170 | Robert Cowham | First version of web page |