Change default sync rev for '...' on a back-in-type sync.
Change the default revision used for a 'p4 sync' when a
back-in-time sync is done, i.e. a sync with a revision
specifier, thus selecting an older version of the
*.cbdsst file (which represents the state of the versioned
stream spec at the old revision).
Currently, when a back-in-time sync is done, the sync
uses the correct specified revisions when they are
specified explicitly in the older version of the *.cbdsst
file, e.g. a Paths: field containing:
import foo/... //foo/main/...@275
However, if no revision is explicilty specified, e.g.:
import foo/... //foo/main/...
the current behvaior is simply to pass the '...' along to
the server, resulting in the head revisions being
selected for a sync to files in //foo/main/...
With this job, the desired new behvaior is to make it
so the implicit default, when no revision is specified,
becomes the point specified changelist number.
and that results in syncing a //ace/main/ace.cbdsst@500,
and in that revision there is a Paths: field containing:
import foo/... //foo/main/...
then desired behavior is to translate that sync to the
equivalent of:
p4 sync //foo/main/...@500
For visual optimization, the @500 could be replaced with
the latest changelist up to @500 that actually affected
files in the path //foo/main..., and so it might
actually get translated to something like:
p4 sync //foo/main/...@275
assuming @275 is the latest changelist up to @500 that
affected files in //foo/main/...
In all cases, 'p4 sync' behavior also applies to 'flush'
and 'update' commands (which is current behavior).