27687 | SDP Legacy Upgrade Guide doc updates: * Customer feedback incorporated. THANK Y...OU! * Added new 'Upgrade systemd service files' section. * Cleaned up some incomplete text. * Fixed typo 'MAILLOST' -> 'MAILLIST'. * Added notes to crontab handling to deal with change from daily_backup.sh to daily_checkpoint.sh and removal of recreate_db_*.sh scripts. « |
27686 | Updated SDP Legacy Upgrade Doc: * Retitled 'Broker Config Files - Nothing to do...' to drop the 'Nothing to do', since broker config files need to be moved from /p4/N/bin for really old SDP installs. Added doc on what to do with them. * Fixed section numbering/indention level for sections 'Instance P4Review Scripts' and 'Broker Config Files'. « |
27682 | Updated SDP Legacy Upgrade Doc: * Incorporated customer feedback and correction...s. THANK YOU! « |
27681 | Updated SDP Legacy Upgrade Doc: * Incorporated customer feedback and correction...s. THANK YOU! * Added Appendix B on using DFM brokers during the legacy upgrade process. « |
27677 | Updated SDP Legacy Upgrade Doc: * Incorporated customer feedback and correction...s. THANK YOU! * Added section for moving password files from legacy location. * Added section for dealing with configurables. « |
27536 | Legacy Upgrade Guide doc updates: * Added 'Put New SDP in Place' section. * Ad...ded 'Set SDP Counters' section to set SDP_VERSION and SDP_DATE counters. * Covered updating depot spec Map fields. * Covered adding server.id files. * Added missing content on putting new SDP directory in place. SDP_Guide.Unix doc updates: * Added Legacy Upgrade Scripts section w/clear_depot_Map_fields.sh. Updated Makefile with new doc build dependencies. Regenerated docs. « |