28159 | Made former '-n' preview mode the default behavior. Added new '-y' flag to exec...ute a real upgrade. Added a message in preview mode to clarify that no actual upgrade is performed. Removed the '-n' preview option, as preview mode is now the default behavior. « |
28166 | Added -y to upgrade.sh call in test suite. |
28158 | Made former '-n' preview mode the default behavior. Added new '-y' flag to exec...ute a real upgrade. Added a message in preview mode to clarify that no actual upgrade is performed. Removed the '-n' preview option, as preview mode is now the default behavior. #review-28159 « |
Well, I've made similar arguments, e.g. requesting that 'p4 failover' follow the same model as 'p4 obliterate' for the same reason.
The upgrade.sh does of course have a '-n' preview mode, but this job is requesting that preview be the default, and have a separate flag (probably '-y' to commence the actual upgrade, similar to load_checkpoint.sh).
That's a reasonable ask. If we did that, I'd want to keep the '-n' in there for backward compatibility, even though it would be the default if this is implemented.
Thoughts, @robert_cowham?
+1 for this. I ran upgrade.sh without doing a -n first and ran into an issue because the user running the upgrade didn't have enough access to stop/start the perforce service, so the upgrade script hung and was uncrecoverable.