29520 | Enhanced sync_replica.sh to support operation on a 'ham' type replica (HA, Meta...data-only). A 'ham' type replica replicates only metadata, and shares the /hxdepots volume (via NFS) with its target server. In this configuration, the SHAREDDATA=TRUE value is set, and this corresponds to a p4d configuration setting for the replica of lbr.replication=shared. In this configuration, the journalPrefix value of the replica server will differ from that of its target server. For example, the commit server will may have the First Form jour the journalPrefix, while an HA of the commit will have the Second Form. See 'The journalPrefix Standard': https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.html#_the_journalprefix_standard As another example, for an edge server and HA of that edge, both servers will use the Second Form of the journalPrefix, the form which incorporates a shortened form of the ServerID into the journalPrefix value. But since the ServerIDs are different, the actual journalPrefix values will be different, even though both are of the Second Form. The common pattern is that, when configured for NFS sharing, the sync_replica.sh script should use the journalPrefix of its target server when determining where to look for a checkpoint and numbered journal to load into the offline_db. #review @mark_zinthefer @robert_cowham « |
29576 | Enhanced sync_replica.sh to support operation on a 'ham' type replica (HA, Meta...data-only). A 'ham' type replica replicates only metadata, and shares the /hxdepots volume (via NFS) with its target server. In this configuration, the SHAREDDATA=TRUE value is set, and this corresponds to a p4d configuration setting for the replica of lbr.replication=shared. In this configuration, the journalPrefix value of the replica server will differ from that of its target server. For example, the commit server will may have the First Form jour the journalPrefix, while an HA of the commit will have the Second Form. See 'The journalPrefix Standard': https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.html#_the_journalprefix_standard As another example, for an edge server and HA of that edge, both servers will use the Second Form of the journalPrefix, the form which incorporates a shortened form of the ServerID into the journalPrefix value. But since the ServerIDs are different, the actual journalPrefix values will be different, even though both are of the Second Form. The common pattern is that, when configured for NFS sharing, the sync_replica.sh script should use the journalPrefix of its target server when determining where to look for a checkpoint and numbered journal to load into the offline_db. #review @mark_zinthefer @robert_cowham « |
29518 | Enhanced sync_replica.sh to support operation on a 'ham' type replica (HA, Meta...data-only). A 'ham' type replica replicates only metadata, and shares the /hxdepots volume (via NFS) with its target server. In this configuration, the SHAREDDATA=TRUE value is set, and this corresponds to a p4d configuration setting for the replica of lbr.replication=shared. In this configuration, the journalPrefix value of the replica server will differ from that of its target server. For example, the commit server will may have the First Form jour the journalPrefix, while an HA of the commit will have the Second Form. See 'The journalPrefix Standard': https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/doc/SDP_Guide.Unix.html#_the_journalprefix_standard As another example, for an edge server and HA of that edge, both servers will use the Second Form of the journalPrefix, the form which incorporates a shortened form of the ServerID into the journalPrefix value. But since the ServerIDs are different, the actual journalPrefix values will be different, even though both are of the Second Form. The common pattern is that, when configured for NFS sharing, the sync_replica.sh script should use the journalPrefix of its target server when determining where to look for a checkpoint and numbered journal to load into the offline_db. #review-29520 @mark_zinthefer @robert_cowham « |