The Documentation for "Filtering Subversion paths" should mention that this whole section
is disabled when turning on labels. I totally missed it.
Is it necessary to re-use the can't we have a different instead.
I don't see labeling and excluding as mutually exclusive.... Are they really?
I personally find this extremely confusing. The implication is that setting labels to true and defining the exclude map will create a label from the items on the exclude map at the point of the branch but this is not what happens. The items are still imported and no label is made. In addition, it prevents you from excluding other portions of the repo during the import. This makes the tool virtually useless for any sufficiently mature and complicated Subversion repository.
As it stands the is from the perspective of excluding SVN paths from being branched in Perforce.
If the label option is true, then the converter will TRY and turn the excluded paths into labels. Unfortunately, if there are edits on the SVN path to be labeled, the label is converted back to a regular branch in order to preserve history. (Perforce cannot store file revision history on a label)
It would be nice to have both SVN paths that are excluded and other SVN paths that are label candidates.
If you like please log this as an enhancement, and if it was the cause of the issue please mark this job as closed.
In label mode the '' is used to identify labels.
See 'Labeling Subversion Paths' step 2.
The Documentation for "Filtering Subversion paths" should mention that this whole section
is disabled when turning on labels. I totally missed it.
Is it necessary to re-use the can't we have a different instead.
I don't see labeling and excluding as mutually exclusive.... Are they really?
I personally find this extremely confusing. The implication is that setting labels to true and defining the exclude map will create a label from the items on the exclude map at the point of the branch but this is not what happens. The items are still imported and no label is made. In addition, it prevents you from excluding other portions of the repo during the import. This makes the tool virtually useless for any sufficiently mature and complicated Subversion repository.
I agree it is confusing and needs some work.
As it stands the is from the perspective of excluding SVN paths from being branched in Perforce.
If the label option is true, then the converter will TRY and turn the excluded paths into labels. Unfortunately, if there are edits on the SVN path to be labeled, the label is converted back to a regular branch in order to preserve history. (Perforce cannot store file revision history on a label)
It would be nice to have both SVN paths that are excluded and other SVN paths that are label candidates.
If you like please log this as an enhancement, and if it was the cause of the issue please mark this job as closed.