Warnings generated for "CASE-SENSITIVITY ISSUE" are deceptive and should be more informative.
Frequently a warning like this:
23:09:28,729 pool-1-thread-1 WARN com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode
From node is missing from dataset; skipping!
Please check case options and platform types.
com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE
com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false
Actually has to do with a node missing from the dataset, not just a Case Sensitivity issue.
This error can also happen with filtered and/or corrupt subversion repositories.
It would be much better to report the missing path and version. That way the user can diagnose
the issue without requesting Subversion mini-dumps etc...
I would like an error report like this:
23:09:28,729 pool-1-thread-1 WARN com.perforce.svn.process.SvnProcessNode
... From Node Missing From Dataset; Skipping!
... From Path: /path/to/file
... From Version: ####
This could be a CASE-SENSITIVITY issue:
Please check case options and platform types.
com.p4convert.p4.caseMode = NONE
com.p4convert.p4.lowerCase = false