$Id: //guest/mike_delaney/perforce-commons-mvn/README.txt#1 $
Perforce Commons Maven project
* Overview
This is a simple project that I put together to automate the creation of our
Perforce Commons installations. The Maven project will create standalone
Apache tomcat distirbutions that you can then deploy to your servers.
* Requirements
1.6 or newer, Java JDK (OpenJDK, or OracleJDK)
Apache Maven (tested 3.0.5 but any 2.10/11 or 3.0 variant should work)
* Configure Perforce Commons Properties
This project uses Mavens property filter mechanism to manage port and hostname
configurations throughtout the parts of Perforce Commons.
These properties are stored in the file 'src/main/assembly/filter.properties'.
By changing the properties in that file, you can update your standlone distrubtions
to listen on a different port, or change the Perforce server Commons tries to connect
By default, we'll use the Perforce defaults for ports / hostname
** NOTES **
If you're running these on the same hosts, be sure that the shutdown ports are unique
or you'll get an unexpected behaviro when you go to shutdown any component within
Perforce commons.
* Build the Distributuions
Running 'mvn package', will create three unique distributions:
1) perforce-commons-${version}-commons.tar.gz
2) perforce-p4combine-${version}-p4combine.tar.gz
3) perforce-p4preview-${version}-p4preview.tar.gz
4) perforce-pdfcompare-${version}-p4dcompare.tar.gz
The packages are attached so if you use a Maven repository, you can also use
'mvn deploy' to have each artifact uploaded to your maven reporitory.
This can be useful when you run Configuration Managment (Puppet / CFEngine / Chef)
and have your server managed automatically by pulling new versions from your
Maven repository.