Change | User | Description | Committed |
9449 | Sam Stafford | Automatically prepend '//' to path arg of #p4graph (and Special:Perforce/graph page) if n...ot supplied. This is so that it's not required to use a URL with "///" in it, which I am told is distasteful. Since the path arg should ALWAYS be a depot path (right?) this is a safe adjustment to make. « |
11 years ago |
8268 | Sam Stafford | {{#p4diff2:}} parser function. Usage: {{#p4diff2:path1|path2|flags}} Runs a no...rmal diff2 command with the output returned in a wiki-style block, optionally using the -d or -q flags, or just the total number of added/changed lines if the special -A flag is used. « |
12 years ago |
8148 | Sam Stafford | #p4job(s) linking fixes: 1) Default P4Web link now includes fix info. 2) The #p4jobs tab...le doesn't generate a link for the job name if your formatting changed it. « |
13 years ago |
8079 | Sam Stafford | Fix rule-based styling in #p4jobs. The logic that handled "extra" arguments did...n't survive the restructuring I did earlier to fix compatibility problems, but it seems to work now. « |
13 years ago |
8077 | Sam Stafford | Make maxJobs limit for #p4jobs: function 1000 instead of 100. 100 remains the d...efault if you provide an out-of-bounds value. « |
13 years ago |
8072 | Sam Stafford | The variants AJAX now snags errors and reports them. Useful since it's the only that uses P4CLIENT. « |
13 years ago |
8071 | Sam Stafford | Fix p4print parser function. | 13 years ago |
8070 | Sam Stafford |
Rework special pages to work with new Mediawiki version. Ugh. |
13 years ago |
8037 | Sam Stafford | Fix strict warning in #p4chgcats. | 13 years ago |
8036 | Sam Stafford | Disable automatic #p4job linking when using alt port, since the P4Web probably doesn't the alt port. Luckily it's not hard to swap in this functionality with a simple template. « |
13 years ago |
8035 | Sam Stafford | Cheesy altport hook in #p4jobs: pass P4PORT as the second word in the maxJobs field, e.g....: {{#p4jobs:subsystem=foo|Job Description|20 play:1999}} The alternate P4PORT must be set in $wgP4ALTPORTS, e.g.: $wgP4ALTPORTS = array( 'play:1999', '1981' ); « |
13 years ago |
8034 | Sam Stafford | Fix inadvertant rollback. | 13 years ago |
8033 | Sam Stafford | Fixes to work in strict mode. | 13 years ago |
8032 | Sam Stafford | Pull in changes from Marc, get the plugin working in my new environment. | 13 years ago |
7984 | Sam Stafford | Make #p4chgcats function able to handle multiple path arguments, separated by "+". The... incoming changelists aren't sorted, so under each category you first get all the matching changes from the first path, then the second path, etc. Kinda messy if you don't have your paths specified as ordered and non-overlapping change/date ranges. « |
14 years ago |
7824 | Sam Stafford | #p4chgcats: keywords are now case-insensitive. | 14 years ago |
7758 | Sam Stafford | New #p4chgcats parser function to produce lists of changelists according to keyword. ...; Also extended the formatting functionality to split based on paragraph (blank line) and sentence (punctuation). « |
15 years ago |
7668 | Sam Stafford | Add "-1" flag to filelog for #p4graph on 2009.1+ servers so we don't get redundant edges... on moved files (ugh). Added new $wgP4DVER which you can use to indicate your server version if you aren't on something recent; by default we assume 2009.1+. « |
15 years ago |
7667 | Sam Stafford | Fix whitespace. | 15 years ago |
7666 | Sam Stafford | Update #p4graph function to properly handle "p4 move" history. | 15 years ago |
7424 | Sam Stafford |
Add Nlines format option so that (for example) the first line of a job can be snagged. |
15 years ago |
7300 | Sam Stafford | Make sure that mangled sorting parameters don't generate PHP errors. | 16 years ago |
7298 | Sam Stafford | Two minor bug fixes: 1) Greater than/less than signs in job expressions were getting HT...ML-escaped. They're now unescaped so they work properly. 2) Pending changes were being included in changes queries, which is not usually desirable. The query now includes "-s submitted" implicitly. « |
16 years ago |
7266 | Sam Stafford | Add hooks to invoke job functions from Special:Perforce page. | 16 years ago |
7265 | Sam Stafford | Fix bug with specdef data getting into the table during sorting. Solved by it out of the table before that happens. « |
16 years ago |
7264 | Sam Stafford | #p4jobs: Add option to apply attributes or formatting to rows based on job queries. ... Combined with all the stuff you can already do in the formatting rules, this lets you do just about anything to the table while it's being generated. « |
16 years ago |
7255 | Sam Stafford |
Make field references case-insensitive, matching the behavior of job queries. |
16 years ago |
7247 | Sam Stafford | Add ability to limit formatting commands to specific fields, and a formatting command to... apply an arbitrary template to each field value. « |
16 years ago |
7243 | Sam Stafford | Cap #p4jobs hard at 100 jobs (really large lists start hitting limits in PHP), and change... default to 20. « |
16 years ago |
7242 | Sam Stafford | Add formatting capabilities to #p4jobs. Rather than 2 parameters as I'd origina...lly envisioned, formatting for a given field is now a single string of formatting keywords, e.g.: 20words line to limit the output to 20 words and convert linebreaks to spaces so it all goes on one line. This change has also been applied to #p4job, replacing the "chars" and "normalize" parameters with a single "format" parameter that can perform both functions (and a few more). « |
16 years ago |
7241 | Sam Stafford | Work in progress on #p4jobs function. All the important bits are there, but formatting... needs work. « |
16 years ago |
7240 | Sam Stafford | Add #p4job: parser function. Can either generate a P4Web link to a job or extrac...t a particular field from the job and return its value inline, with optional parameters to limit the length of the returned value and/or normalize whitespace so it fits on one line. « |
16 years ago |
6449 | Sam Stafford | Add another esoteric undoc parameter to the #p4graph function. Whatever you pas...s in here gets inserted into the digraph block as-is, so that you can add extra nodes, labels, et cetera in DOT markup. Usage: {{#p4graph:path|constraint|p4port|dotmarkup}} « |
17 years ago |
6339 | Sam Stafford | Add credits entry to Special Pages section. | 17 years ago |
6337 | Sam Stafford | Use proc_open() instead of exec() to read 'p4 integrated'. I THINK that this wi...ll reduce the memory footprint by allowing each line of output to be discarded as it's processed, which might allow this function to handle larger projects without hitting PHP's memory limits. « |
17 years ago |
6334 | Sam Stafford | Add more subpages to Special:Perforce, one per parser function. Rudimentary err...or handling in #p4graph function. « |
17 years ago |
6333 | Sam Stafford | Big changes: 1) #p4graph parser function that generates GraphViz output (need the ... GraphViz plugin to see the graph on the page, or copy and paste the output into a GraphVis renderer) 2) Special:Perforce page (so that you can link to a graph on a separate page rather than embedding it) 3) #p4info parser function (mostly to provide content for Special:Perforce) There should also now be a change number embedded in the credits entry so you can see what version of the plugin you have installed. « |
17 years ago |
6322 | Sam Stafford | Change {{#p4changes}} function to return a <p4changes> tag rather than returning wik...i-formatted output. Wiki syntax in change descriptions doesn't work out well, and this makes things simpler anyway. « |
17 years ago |
6321 | Sam Stafford |
Make main function names consistent with each other. No functional change. |
17 years ago |
6320 | Sam Stafford | New p4print tag/function. {{#p4print:path|raw/text/wiki}} raw (default) : Escape...s all markup and displays in a <pre> block. text : Treats as wiki markup but adds a space to each line. wiki : Treats as wiki markup. <p4print path="//depot/file"/> Same as {{#p4print://depot/file}}. « |
17 years ago |
6270 | Sam Stafford | Pull fixed busy icon from Matt's branch. | 17 years ago |
6268 | Sam Stafford | Escape HTML passed as input to p4change tag. | 17 years ago |
6267 | Sam Stafford | Escape HTML in file paths. | 17 years ago |
6266 | Sam Stafford | Add more consistently named aliases for the tags and a parser function version of p4varian...ts. « | 17 years ago |
6264 | Sam Stafford | Fixed a typo. | 17 years ago |
6262 | Sam Stafford | Escape HTML special chars in long change descriptions. There are other places wher...e HTML tags could potentially mess up our output, but this is the one people are most likely to trip over accidentally. « |
17 years ago |
6260 | Sam Stafford | New <p4variants> tag that dynamically lists branches with outstanding changes. | 17 years ago |
6195 | Sam Stafford | Update credits for Perforce MWiki plugins. | 17 years ago |
6192 | Sam Stafford | A handful of Mediawiki extensions, skins, and whatnot. Not all of these are aut...hored by me, but I want them all in one place and I need to keep track of any tweaks made. « |
17 years ago |